. ..: ........."" . @. .. .... , 'BIGGEST LOSER' PAGE 9 DREAMS LOST: APA STUDENTS IN LIMBO AFTER DREAM ACT DIES. PAGE 6 2 NOV. 19-0EC. 16,2010 LETTERS/COMMENTARY PACIFIC iii CITIZEN ~ .. It It .. .. It « .... " « .... "! .. " .... '" .. It « 0' .. " " . .. ~ " ... " " ... It ., .. " fI .... ". « ....~ . ... " « ...... « .. '0 ,. " ..... '" .. " « .. .. It « ... " " .. .. " ...... " " .. " .. PACIFIC 51 CmZEN -:FjgJ LETT RS TO THE EDITOR HOW TO REACH US . E-mail: [email protected] too innovative since native : of the JACL to compare Online: www.pacificcitizen.org Keep JACL Acronym or indigenous Americans have : "Muslim extremists" to "JA • Tel: (213) 620-1767 Fax: (213) 620-1768 used American Indian for many ~ No-No Boys", particularly on • My opinion is that we must keep Mail: 250E.FirstStreet.Suite 301 years. the heels of the lACL's Power • Los Angeles, CA 90012 -the name JACL. I agree with Helen These acronym changes may ~ of Words initiative to stop the • Kawagoe, past national JACr., STAFF attract a divers~ membership to : distorted narrative about the JA Executive Editor president, that we just keep the JACL ;md assist our younger ~ WWIl experience. Caroline Y. Aoyagi-Stom initials J.A.C.L. and everyone can generation. Surely, JACL in 1929 . Such a comparison is a • Assistant Editor Lynda lin still join JACL. sounded awkward and all name : damaging invective that changes are initially difficult, but : has historically divided Reporter NaleaJ. Ko Dr, Frank Sakamoto being difficult does not make it : our community and caused JACL Nat'11000 Club Chair impossible. irreparable harm to people who • Business Manager Vacant had the courage to stand up for • Roy M. Takeuchi their constitutional rights by Circulation Eva Lau-Ting JACL Name Ch~nge : Acronym Changes Stockton Chapter saying "No" to the injustice of The Pacific Citizen newspaper their incarceration. (ISSN: OQ30-8579) is published This letter is in regards to ; I concur with national director Demonizing the protestor semi-monthly (excepi once in De­ the recent letter to the editor ~ Floyd Mori in his column "Time has been a tragic long­ cember and January) by th'e Japa­ written by Helen Kawagoe, ~ for Changes" that appeared in nese American Citizens League, A Misquote? term consequence of the Pacific Citizen, former national JACL president, ~ the Oct 1-14 issue of the Pacific trauma perpetrated upon our • 250 E. 1st Street, Suite 301, Los • who wrote in response to the ~ Citizen. Mr. Mori points to an : people. Please tell me that this is Angeles, CA 90012 ~ Please tell me that the following Periodical postage paid at L.A., CA possibility of a name change for example that recent .European not the stance of the leadership POSTMASTER: send address the Japanese American Citizens ~ immigrants are more prone to be statement ("Parallels Between of the JACL. changes to National JACL, 176~ League or JACL. ~ looked upon as more American Ground Zero Mosque Controversy, Sutter St., San Francisco, CA 94115 Satsuki Ina NAACP and OCA no longer ~ than a Japanese American. Herein JA Internment," Pacific Citizen, JACL President: David Kawamoto JACL member since 1962 use their full names. Often when ~ lies a problem. Although we Oct. 1-14 issue) is a misquote, : National Director: Floyd Mori people hear the words for which ~ cannot change our appearance, typographical error, and not a ': P.C. EDITORIAL BOARD the JACL letters stand, they ~ we can discontinue referring dangerously uninformed president Judith Aono, chairperson; Paul WRITE TO US Niwa, EDC; Lisa Hanasono, MDC; assume it is an organization only : to ourselves as hyphenated of the New York JACL: Bobbi Hanada, CCDC; vacant, NC­ Send signed letters with your for Japanese Americans. A name : Americans. Mr. Mori concludes "Previously incarcerated WNPDC; Hugh Burleson, PNWDC; contact information and JACL Jeff Itami, IDC; Cindi Harbottle, change is not necessary, but we : on page 14, " ... we are, after all, in Granada (' Amache') War chapter affiliation to: PSWDC; Sonya Kuki, Youth could do a better job of inviting : Americans first and foremost". Relocation Center in Colorado, [email protected] SUBSCRIBE people and making everyone feel : What if we place American Yamaguchi is additionally no Get a one-year subscription of the or welcome to join the JACL. The : before all Japanese acronyms stranger to discrimination. She Pacific Citizen newspaper at: Letters www.pacificcitizen.org or call JACL definitely needs to work on ~ such as AJ (American Japanese) equates the Muslim extremists Pacific Citizen (800) 966-61 57 ways to increase membership. ~ or AJCL (American Japanese \vith the JA 'No-No Boys' in the 250 E. 1st. St. ADVERTISE : Citizen League). What if fact that neither faction represents To advertise in the Pacific Citizen, Suite # 301 Floyd Mori ~ we assume Asian Americ<¥1 the entire, diverse group." call (800) 966-6157 or e-mail: Los Angeles, CA, 90012 [email protected] JACL Nat'l Director : (AA) to mean American Asian A disturbing and shocking . Letters will be subject to editing. : (AA) as an inclusive term. Not statement if made by the leadership. : LEGAL No part of this publication may be .............. <1 ••• "' •••••••••••••••••••••• .., ••• .., ............ .., ........................ lO •••••••••••• ..,.· reproduced without the express permission of the Pacific Citizen. ,NATIONAL DIRECTOR'S REPORT subsistence wages. necessity to become more diverse. Editorials, news and the opinions While I found that there Their global thrust amplified their expressed by columnists other than the national JACL president or were holes in their presentation need to become more culturally national director do not necessar­ The Transformation regarding the Asian American sensitive. There are many familiar ily ceflect JACL policy. Events and and Pacific Islander (AAPI) retail names that have fallen by products advertised in the Pacific Citizen do not carry the implicit their critics and doing business as community, I would say that there the wayside because they have not endorsement of the JACL or this they only knew how to do. They is genuine intent in addressing been able to adjust to changing publication. We reserve the right to have discovered that in dealing in the overall issue of giving markets, names like Woolworth, edit articles. a national arid global marketplace more balanced ' marketing and Kress, and Montgomery Ward. Periodicals paid at Los Angeles, there are more considerations than employment effort towards a I mention this because the JACL Calif and mailing office. having to deal with a homogenous more diverse company. AAPls can be a Walmart but could also rural marketplace. were lacking in employment be a Woolworth. While we can As Walmart has moved into more numbers and few could be found retain some core values, we have urban and suburban communities, in higher levels of management to look at the diversity within the diversity and cultural sensitivity in the company. The, fact that community which we serve. We have become more of an issue . many urban and suburban areas have to reorganize, retool, and If you've moved, By Floyd Mori While they have been criticized have an increasing proportion of retrofit the old in order to survive please send new in the past for low wages and few AAPI populations seems to have in this new millennium. information to: Recently I had the opportunity to benefits, the grQwth of their labor not been addressed. Marketing We have begun the process National JACL attend a conference in Bentonville, force, which numbers some 1.4 materials lacked AAPI faces but of bringing in new ideas and 1765 Sutter St. Arkansas that was presented by million associates' in the United did display African American and strategies. We need a Stakeholders Walmart for participants from the States alone, has motivated Hispanic people. Summit that builds upon what we various minority communities. the company to become more' Now, why do I even mention have that is good, but eliminates It was titled a's the "Stakeholder competitive in workers benefits. this monumental change in that which has been holding us Summit." I have to admit that I Today, they indicate that their business strategy by this company back. Our vision has to be forward learned a great deal and concluded employees have an average wage with obvious rural roots? While and we need to bring in leaders that Walmart is in a genuine above the minimum and in many some of the initial values of the who are not afraid to implement process of looking outward cases higher than union )Vages. We rural farming culture have been. what may seem to be radical new towards the customers and the were also informed that all of their maintained, they have discovered ideas. We have a lot in our heritage communities in which they reside. employees, both full-time and new opportunities to expand of which we can be proud, but This is a marked change from the part-time, have health benefits. their influence into the urban and success is in how we handle the attitude of turning their backs on The rumor mill has them paying suburban culture. This means a shift into the future . • PACIFIC II CITIZEN NATIONAL NEWS NOV. 19-DEC. 16,2010 3 'Tag Project' Exhi~it Connects Generations with WWlllnternment History Inspired by her own family history, artist coffee, and dried with some old-fashioned San Diego Wendy Maruyama sought to recreate all sunshine to achieve the aged look. The tags are then of the identification tags used during the bundled into groups of 48 and weaved into strands. forced evacuation. The sheer numbers of - Because the camps are so large, Maruyama can tags has been shocking to some. only work on one camp at a time. Thus far, the tags for all of those interned in Gila River, Poston, Manzanar, Rohwer, Minidoka, and Tule Lake have By Christine McFadden been completed; currently, Maruyama is working on Correspondent Heart Mountain and Amache.
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