Campaign Date Amount One Richmond 1/11/2017 $5,000 John Bel Edwards Campaign LLC 1/20/2016 $2,500 GA Assoc of Man Legislative Reception 1/27/2016 $220 Towels Sen Norment Golf Tournament 4/29/2016 $514 Friends of Tommy Norment 5/7/2016 $2,000 Byron for Delegate 5/11/2016 $1,000 Dance for Senate 5/11/2016 $1,000 Daniel Marshall Election Committee 5/11/2016 $1,250 Friends of Chris Peace 5/11/2016 $500 Friends of Kirk Cox 5/11/2016 $1,000 Friends of Lee Ware 5/11/2016 $500 Hanger Campaign Fund 5/11/2016 $1,000 Howell for Delegate 5/11/2016 $1,500 Ingram for Delegate 5/11/2016 $1,000 McDougle for Virginia 5/11/2016 $1,000 Beach for Senate Inc. 5/17/2016 $350 Chandler for House 5/17/2016 $350 Committee to Re-Elect Michele Henson 5/17/2016 $350 Friends & Neighbors of Curt Thompson 5/17/2016 $350 Friends of Tim Echols 5/17/2016 $500 Friends of Frank Ginn 5/17/2016 $500 Friends of John Wilkinson 5/17/2016 $350 Friends of Scott Holcomb, Inc. 5/17/2016 $350 Georgia House Republican Trust, Inc. 5/17/2016 $500 Millar for State Senate 5/17/2016 $500 Republican Legislative Delegation 5/17/2016 $600 Pulp & Paperworkers' Resource Council 5/18/2016 $100 Friends of Keith Hodges 5/26/2016 $1,000 Campaign Account of Keith Perry for Florida State Senate 6/23/2016 $500 Campaign to Elect Doug Broxson 6/23/2016 $500 Dana D. Young Campaign 6/23/2016 $500 Kathleen Peters Campaign 6/23/2016 $500 Ross Spano Campaign 6/23/2016 $500 Jayer Williamson Campaign 6/24/2016 $500 Committee to Elect Jake Fey 8/15/2016 $1,000 Friends of Steve O'Ban 8/15/2016 $1,000 Senate Committee for Mark Schoesler 8/15/2016 $1,000 Stanley for Senate 9/6/2016 $1,000 Deeds for State Senate 9/6/2016 $1,000 Ruff for Senate 9/6/2016 $1,000 Friends for Jennifer McClellan 9/6/2016 $500 O'Bannon for House 9/6/2016 $500 Terry Austin for House of Delegates 9/6/2016 $1,000 Friends of Lamont Bagby 9/9/2016 $500 Aird for Delegate 9/9/2016 $500 Stuart for Senate 9/9/2016 $1,000 Friends of Michael Madigan 9/26/2016 $1,000 Citizens for DeFrancisco 9/26/2016 $1,000 Schmitt for Missouri 9/27/2016 $1,000 Mike Walsworth Campaign 9/28/2016 $200 Georgia Forestry Association PAC 9/28/2016 $900 Campaign Account of Brad Drake 9/28/2016 $500 Cord Byrd Campaign 9/28/2016 $500 Frank White Campaign 9/28/2016 $500 Committee to Elect Carey Hamilton 9/28/2016 $500 Vote for Gwinnett's Future 9/28/2016 $1,000 Total $45,884 Campaign Date Amount One Richmond 1/11/2017 $5,000 Virginia Senate Republican Caucus, Inc. 1/13/2017 $1,000 Wilton Simpson Campaign 2/2/2017 $1,000 Hatchett for House 4/25/2017 $500 Georgia House Republican Trust, Inc. 4/25/2017 $500 Jay Powell for Representative 4/25/2017 $500 Committee to Elect Jeff Mullis GA State Senator 4/25/2017 $500 Larry Walker for State Senate 5/20/2017 $500 Jose Felix Diaz Campaign 5/25/2017 $1,000 Friends of Lamont Bagby 6/7/2017 $500 Aird for Delegate 6/7/2017 $500 Friends for Jennifer McClellan 6/7/2017 $500 Committee to Elect Meredith Neal 6/27/2017 $1,000 Elect Brian Arnold for City Council 6/27/2017 $1,000 Woodards for Mayor 6/27/2017 $1,000 Elaine Beech Campaign 7/6/2017 $500 Gilbert for Delegate 7/12/2017 $1,000 Louisiana Economic Development 7/17/2017 $500 Louisiana Democratic Party (True Blue Gala) 7/19/2017 $500 Friends of John Corbett 7/19/2017 $500 William I. Whorton 7/27/2017 $500 Ruff for Senate 8/30/2017 $500 Stanley for Senate 8/30/2017 $500 Terry L Austin For House of Delegates 8/30/2017 $1,000 Stuart for Senate 8/30/2017 $1,000 Ingram for Delegate 8/30/2017 $1,000 Friends of Keith Hodges 8/30/2017 $1,000 Deeds for State Senate 8/30/2017 $1,000 Dance for Senate 8/30/2017 $500 Virginia Forever - Bridgebuilder Dinner 9/11/2017 $2,500 Committee to Elect Catherine Ushka 9/12/2017 $500 Citizens for Robert Thoms 9/12/2017 $500 Elect Brian Arnold for City Council 9/12/2017 $1,000 Elect Lilian Hunter 9/12/2017 $500 Woodards for Mayor 9/12/2017 $1,000 Jose Felix Diaz Campaign 9/18/2017 $1,000 Jay Trumbull Campaign 9/18/2017 $1,000 Cord Byrd Campaign 9/18/2017 $1,000 Obannon for House 9/27/2017 $500 McDougle for Virginia 9/27/2017 $1,000 Friends of Tommy Norment 9/27/2017 $2,500 Friends of Lee Ware 9/27/2017 $500 Friends of Kirk Cox 9/27/2017 $1,500 Friends of Kathy Byron 9/27/2017 $1,000 Friends of Chris Peace 9/27/2017 $500 Danny Marshall Election Committee 9/27/2017 $1,250 Hanger Campaign Fund 9/27/2017 $1,000 Total $43,750 Campaign Date Amount Converse A Chellis IV 3/23/2018 $250 Republican Legislative Delegation Elephant Stom 5/2/2018 $600 South Carolina Manufacturers Dinner 5/2/2018 $325 Friends Of Frank Ginn 5/17/2018 $500 George H Bailey 5/17/2018 $250 Friends Of Don Parsons 5/21/2018 $500 Jack McFarland Campaign Fund 5/21/2018 $500 Kay Ivey for Governor 5/30/2018 $5,000 Vance Smith for State House 6/4/2018 $500 Jack McFarland Campaign Fund 6/6/2018 $500 Louisiana Host Committee for CSG/SLC 6/14/2018 $2,500 Friends Of Don Parsons 6/22/2018 $500 Livingston for Senate 6/29/2018 $1,000 Friends Of Chris Gildon 7/18/2018 $500 Friends Of Kelly Chamber 7/18/2018 $500 Friends Of Marty Mcclendon 7/18/2018 $1,000 Miloscia Committee 7/18/2018 $1,000 Rodney Tom for State Senate 7/26/2018 $1,000 Campaign Account of Keith Perry 8/1/2018 $1,000 Committee to Elect Jake Fey 8/1/2018 $1,000 Aaron Bean Campaign 8/17/2018 $1,000 Committee to Elect Scott Hilto 8/17/2018 $1,000 Friends Of Bert Reeves 8/17/2018 $500 George B Bainer Campaign Fund 8/17/2018 $1,000 Jimmy T Patronis Jr Campaign 8/17/2018 $3,000 Friends Of Donna Sheldon 8/23/2018 $500 Georgia Republican Senatorial Fundraiser 8/31/2018 $500 Jay Trumbull Campaign 9/10/2018 $1,000 Wilton Simpson Campaign 9/11/2018 $1,000 Friends Of Corey Parent 9/14/2018 $1,000 Phil Scott for Vermont 9/14/2018 $1,500 Miloscia Committee 9/24/2018 $1,000 Rodney Tom for State Senate 9/24/2018 $1,000 Brock for Senate 9/28/2018 $1,000 Butler for Labor 10/5/2018 $500 Friends of Meagan Hanson 10/5/2018 $1,000 Kemp for Governor 10/5/2018 $1,000 Tyler Harper for Georgia 10/5/2018 $500 Tyler Harper for Georgia 10/11/2018 $500 Friends Of Meagan Hanson 10/15/2018 $1,000 Kemp for Governor Inc 10/15/2018 $1,000 Aird for Delegate 10/26/2018 $750 Deeds for State Senate 10/26/2018 $1,000 Friends of Chris Peace 10/26/2018 $500 Friends of Jennifer McClellan 10/26/2018 $750 Friends of Kirk Cox 10/26/2018 $1,500 Friends of Lamont Bafby 10/26/2018 $750 Friends of Lee Ware 10/26/2018 $750 Friends of Tommy Norment 10/26/2018 $1,500 Frindse of Keith Hodges 10/26/2018 $1,000 Gilbert for Delegate 10/26/2018 $1,000 Hanger Campaing Fund 10/26/2018 $750 McDougle for Virginia 10/26/2018 $1,000 Peake for Senate 10/26/2018 $750 Ruff for Senate 10/26/2018 $750 Stanley for Senate 10/26/2018 $1,000 Terry Austin 10/26/2018 $1,000 Charles Carrico 11/1/2018 $750 Danny Marshall Election Committee 11/1/2018 $1,000 Friends of Barry Knight 11/1/2018 $500 Friends of David Bulova 11/1/2018 $500 Friends of David Yancy 11/1/2018 $500 Friends of James Emunds 11/1/2018 $500 Friends of Jeffrrey Fourne 11/1/2018 $500 Frineds of Mark Obenshain 11/1/2018 $500 Mark Sickles for Delegate 11/1/2018 $500 Orrock for House Committee 11/1/2018 $500 Ransone for Delegate 11/1/2018 $500 Toscano for Delegate 11/1/2018 $500 Wagner for Senate 11/1/2018 $750 Dance for Senate 11/6/2018 $750 Deeds for State Senate 11/6/2018 $1,000 Elect Bloxum 11/15/2018 $500 Friedns of Scott Garrett 11/15/2018 $500 Friends of Matt Farriss 11/15/2018 $500 Keam for Delegate 11/15/2018 $500 Michael Weber for Delegate 11/15/2018 $500 Brenda Pogge for Delegate 11/25/2018 $500 Frineds of Luke Torian 11/25/2018 $750 Rip Sullivan forDelegate 11/25/2018 $500 Wilt for Delegate 11/25/2018 $500 Ken Edge Invoice 11/26/2018 $7,000 Elect Blolom for Delegate 11/30/2018 $500 Michael Webert for Delegate 11/30/2018 $500 Ransone for Delegate 11/30/2018 $500 Friends For Jennifer Mcclellan 12/3/2018 $750 Charles W Carrico 12/11/2018 $750 Friends Of Barry Knight 12/11/2018 $500 Friends Of Chris Peace 12/11/2018 $500 Friends Of James Edmunds 12/11/2018 $500 Friends Of Kathy Byron 12/11/2018 $1,000 Friends Of Keith Hodges 12/11/2018 $1,000 Friends Of Kirk Cox 12/11/2018 $1,500 Friends Of Lee Ware 12/11/2018 $750 Friends Of Mark Obenshain 12/11/2018 $500 Friends Of Matt Farriss 12/11/2018 $500 Friends Of Scott Garrett 12/11/2018 $500 Friends Of Tommy Norment 12/11/2018 $1,500 Hanger Campaign Fund 12/11/2018 $750 Keam for Delegate 12/11/2018 $500 Mark Sickles for Delegate 12/11/2018 $500 Ruff for Senate 12/11/2018 $750 Stanley for Senate 12/11/2018 $1,000 Terry L Austin for House 12/11/2018 $1,000 Toscano for Delegate 12/11/2018 $500 Wagner for Senate 12/11/2018 $750 Gilbert for Delegate 12/14/2018 $1,000 Brenda Pogge for Delegate 12/17/2018 $500 Friends Of Luke Torian 12/17/2018 $750 Rip Sullivan for Delegate 12/17/2018 $500 Wilt for Delegate 12/17/2018 $500 McDougle for Virginia 12/18/2018 $1,000 Aird for Delegate 12/21/2018 $750 Danny Marshall Election Committee 12/21/2018 $1,000 Friends Of David Bulova 12/21/2018 $500 Friends Of David Yancy 12/21/2018 $500 Friends Of Jeffrey Bourne 12/21/2018 $500 Friends Of Lamont Bagby 12/21/2018 $750 Orrock for House Committee 12/21/2018 $500 Peake for Senate 12/21/2018 $750 Friends Of Jeffrey Bourne 12/27/2018 $500 Orrock for House Committee 12/27/2018 $500 Ivey Inaugural Committee 12/30/2018 $5,000 Total $108,175 Campaign Date Amount Ivey Inaugural Committee 1/14/2019 $5,000 Alabama Sentate Republican Conference 1/24/2019 $2,500 Friends of Tom Whatley 1/24/2019 $1,000 Friends of Will Ainsworth 1/24/2019 $1,000 Brad Drake Campaign 2/20/2019 $1,000 Leatherman Campaign 2/20/2019 $1,000 Go Gwinnett
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