TRIBUTE The Darkened Cosmos: A Tribute to Carl Sagan ne of the world's strongest and Despite Sagan's fame as popular Omost eloquent voices for science writer and TV personality, his main and reason has been silenced forever. career was in science and academia. Carl Sagan died December 20 in a From 1971 until his death, Sagan was Seattle hospital at the age of sixty-two professor of astronomy and space science after a two-year battle widi the bone and director of the Laboratory for marrow disease myelodisplasia. One of Planetary Studies at Cornell University. the world's great popularizers of science, His main research interests, resulting in Sagan was a preeminent scientist, educa- hundreds of journal articles, were in tor, author, skeptic, and humanist. He planetary atmospheres, the greenhouse was also a founding member and fellow effect on Venus, the origin of life on of die Committee for the Scientific Earth, and the possibilities of extraterres- Investigation of Claims of the trial life and intelligence. Paranormal (CSICOP). Five years ago the American Sagan's award-winning 1980 TV Astronomical Society presented Sagan its series Cosmos and best-selling book by Masursky Award for "his extraordinary the same name turned the ebullient contributions to the development of planetary astronomer into an interna- planetary science. ... As a scientist tional celebrity. The thirteen-part TV trained in both astronomy and biology, series explored scientific understanding up until the end of his life. In his article Dr. Sagan has made seminal contribu- of fifteen billion yean of cosmic evolu- in die March 10, 1996, Parade magazine, tions to the study of planetary atmos- tion from the Big Bang to the origin of titled "In the Valley of die Shadow," he pheres, planetary surfaces, the history of life and human consciousness. spoke movingly of his illness and his atti- the Earth, and exobiology. Many of the most productive planetary scientists Sagan's presentation of his subject was tude toward death as a nontheist and working today are his present and former so fascinating and comprehensible that skeptic: "1 would love to believe diat students and associates." Cosmos attracted an audience of over half when I die I will live again, that some a billion people in sixty countries. The thinking, feeling, remembering part of He contributed to the Mariner, book from the series spent seventy weeks me will continue. But much as I want to Viking, Voyager, and Galileo planetary on the New York Times best-seller list, believe that, and despite the ancient and exploration missions that opened new including fifteen weeks at number one. worldwide cultural traditions that assert planetary worlds to our view and helped Sagan's career as a popularizcr began an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest devise the interstellar messages carried in the early 1970s when he started pub- that it is more than wishful thinking. aboard the Pioneer 10 and 11 and lishing science books aimed at a lay audi- "The worid is so exquisite with so Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft. NASA twice ence and made his first of twenty-five much love and moral depth, that diere is awarded him medals, one for Excep- appearances on NBC's Tonight Show. His no reason to deceive ourselves with tional Scientific Achievement and one for Distinguished Public Service. book The Dragons of Eden: Speculations pretty stories for which there's little good on the Evolution of Human Intelligence evidence. Far better it seems to me, in Said NASA administrator Dan won die Pulitzer Prize for Literature in our vulnerability, is to look death in the Goldin at Sagan's death: "As much as any 1978. eye and to be grateful every day for the scientific figure of our time, Carl He continued his work as a popular- brief but magnificent opportunity that described for an entire generation—the izcr of science and critical thinking right life provides." generation of the space age—the true SKEPTICAL INQUIRER Mjrch/Apnl 1997 5 wonders of the universe around us." about his love of science and die impor- "Sagan understood the need to bring tance of the popularization of science: science into American living rooms, to "Science is still one of my chief joys. The friends and colleagues of Carl show its relevance to our everyday lives, popularization of science that Isaac Sagan and others whose lives and to share die excitement and discov- Asimov did so well—die communica- ery," said Neal Lane, director of the tion not just of die findings but of the he touched to share their National Science Foundation. methods of science—seems to me as nat- thoughts about his life and In 1994, die National Academy of ural as breathing. After all, when you're work with our readers. Here Sciences, the nation's most august group in love, you want to tell the world. The are some of those tributes. More of scientists, presented Sagan its Public idea that scientists shouldn't talk about will appear in our next issue. Welfare Medal, given to "honor extraor- their science to the public seems to me dinary use of science for die public bizarre." good." Said Academy president Bruce Paul Kurtz, chairman of CSICOP, Alberts: "In die public view, Carl Sagan's said, "Carl Sagan was one of die leading name may be associated more with sci- scientific skeptics in die world and a ence than that of any other living U.S. critic of antiscientific and irrational atti- Richard Dawkins scientist. This award clearly honors a tudes, and perhaps the leading propo- In my review for The Times of London of very distinguished individual who has nent of the scientific outlook and die The Demon-Haunted World, I mentioned a played a critical role in promoting the methods of science. His untimely loss is chapter heading of Carl Sagan's Cosmor. understanding of science worldwide." deeply felt by the scientific and academic "Who Speaks for Earth?" I went on that it was "a rhetorical question that expects no One of Sagan's colleagues at Cornell community." particular answer, but I presume to give it University, Yervant Terzian, said Sagan In his last book, The Demon-Haunted one. My candidate for planetary ambas- was "the best teacher of science in the World: Science As a Candle in the Dark, sador, my own nominee to present our world." Sagan wrote: credentials in galactic chancelleries, can be Sagan actively supported the work of I worry that, especially as the none other dian Carl Sagan himself. He is CSICOP and was a great fan of SKEP- Millennium edges nearer, pseudo- wise, humane, polymathic, gentle, witty, TICAL INQUIRER. In 1987 at CSICOP s science and superstition will seem well-read, and incapable of composing a conference in Pasadena, he was given year by year more tempting, the dull sentence." CSICOP s In Praise of Reason Award. siren song of unreason more sonorous and attractive. Where have In the Financial Times diis year, I In 1994 CSICOP created the Isaac we heard it before? Whenever our described him as "a beacon of dear light in Asimov Award in honor of Asimov's ethnic or national prejudices are a dark world of alien abductions and 'real- extraordinary contributions to science aroused, in times of scarcity, during life X-files,' of psychic charlatans and New and humanity. The first recipient of diis challenges to national self-esteem or Age airheads, of fatcat astrologers giggling award was Carl Sagan. It was presented nerve, when we agonize about our all the way to the millennium." I met him at the 1994 CSICOP Conference in diminished cosmic place and pur- only once, so my feeling of desolation and Seattle. The award is in recognition of an pose, or when fanaticism is bub- loss at his death is based entirely on his bling up around us—then, habits of individual who throughout his or her life writings. Carl Sagan was one of the great thought familiar from ages past has shown outstanding commitment literary stylists of our age, and he did it by reach for the controls. and ability in communicating the giving proper weight to the poetry of sci- achievements, methods, and issues of sci- The candle flame gutters. Its lit- ence. It is hard to think of anyone whom tle pool of light trembles. Darkness ence to the public. our planet can so ill afford to lose. gathers. The demons begin to stir. When told that the first Asimov Richard Dawkins is the Charles Simonyi award would be presented to Carl Sagan, Said Kurtz: "I am afraid the world has Professor of the Public Understanding of Janet Asimov said, "There is no one bet- just become a bit darker." Science at Oxford University. His latest book is ter qualified for the CSICOP Isaac Carl Sagan is survived by his wife Climbing Mount Improbable (W. W. Norton, Asimov Award than his good friend and Ann Druyan; two former wives; his sis- New York). colleague Carl Sagan. Isaac was particu- ter, Carl Sagan Greene; five children; and larly fond of Carl. He was also in awe of a grandson. He will be fondly remem- Carl's genius, and proud diat he was so bered and sorely missed. Donations in adept at communicating science to the Carl Sagan's name can be made to: The Arthur C. Clarke public through speaking, writing, and Children's Health Fund of New York I was very sad to hear of Carl's untimely die visual media." (317 East 64th St., New York, NY deadi. Though I was aware of his medical In his keynote address at die Seattle 10021) or The Carl Sagan Memorial problems, recent reports had indicated conference, Sagan spoke to an audience Fund (The Planetary Society, 65 N.
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