The Goilby CcliQ - " ' f Vol. XIX Wa terville , Ma ine, February 9, 191 6 No. 15 PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS DURING THE COLLEGE YEAR BY THE STUDENTS OF COLBY COLLEGE ' 1 ' ' ¦ ' • ' ' ¦ - ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ . ' . , ' . : : The College Store : Boys, we appr eciate your business , but whether you want to buy or not we arc alway s glad to see you COME IN, LOOK AROUND AND MAKE —^TMs Store Your Stfore --— THE H. R. DUNHAM CO. 64 Main Street Waterville, Maine ¦ ELEANOR R. GILLETTE PUBLIC STENOGRAPH ER A High Stand ard A Specialty of Note Books, Articles , Themes. Tel; 53-W . Over Kelley's Book Store. of qualit y with prices con- sistent with the same is the aim of this store J D. NEAL <^2Qgj5^ Photogr apher 93 Ma in St., Watervill e , 1 j EME RY-BROW N CO. PENOBSCOT EXCHANGE Departme nt Store . MOON & CRATTY , Proprietors WATERVILLE , - - - .; MAINE BANGOR , - - MAINE H OME OF GOOD VALUE ' — BOY"§ - BOY'S - BOY'S IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK US OVER. The Lar gest Clothing Store in Maine Everything Men and Boys Wear American Clothing Go. 36 & 38 Main St., Cor. Silver Waterville , Maine <S. S. FLOOD & CO. SI. PREBLE Shippers and dealers in all kinds oi , Anthracite and Bituminous Coal 66 Main St., Waterville Me. r Also Wood, Lime , Cement , Hair, fVr lck, College ¦ad Drain Pipe. Coal Yard s end Office , Corner Main and Flaasirat Straats Photo gra pher Down Town Office , S. & WHITCOMB CO, Up Town Office , 'B. I,. GOVE Winslow Office , E. W. AI^EN Plains Offics, ARTHUR DARVIAu, 83 Water St. THE COLL EGE SUPPLY STORE J OHN M. RICHARDSON , '16 ARTHUR M. RIL BY , »16 ¦ ¦ * ¦ ' '. .v , • 1 1 : Text Books Founta in Pens Banners !) w . Scrap Books Stationer y w ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ . i i A GENERAL COLLEGE SUPPLY j " - ' ' '¦ : L—— , ' . ; ¦ .' —— J —i . ,\m, I There can be no question \ \ JI\i% m - ¦ , IMj0'J ir as to the value of a suit or over- • l/l/l w\^XW[ 11/¦ coat tailored - to - individual order A ' rJfC\1 L4WM1] by skilled tailors with the highest ^/\ \ 11AW l$f/ l quality of all-pure woolens. ^^^^^w^b ^ mi^f ~^ AwSto&H& ^r llA* Our unequaled standard of service- ^ i^ ^ 'I —^^^g ^^/)kJ*% J excellence and ' thirty-ei&ht seasons ^'w' —^ c reputation are assurance that s^n/l/v * ° ^\ WM\ ' ¦ clothes we make for you, delivered . J%^ ^\k\ j MM C DA /1l\ I'C > VlsKH | t K V1N 9 ^$gH | are fully worth the price asked, |^iL^te^ \^H^P which is, after all, most reasonable, = = fm&m^^^Bj^M^K^ Stop in after class hours today and i^^^ Btj ^S^^^ S^ leave your measure. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ P ries Buiiaiatf Ckica tfo, U. S. A. y/^ ryY (%/*%%%& ff Vr. ^»JZZ gW_WM__C_M. ./Mf JZ. , _«~_«. ,1 Ml. I ¦I.JI..IIIM.M. .1. ¦» JACK COOMBS'S '06 CHAMPIONS VS. MUSICAL CLUBS ON TRIP TO MAINE 1916 'VARSITY, JUNE 27. COAST. Several features are incorporated in the 1916 The Musical Clubs left, Monday morning, for a baseball schedule recently approved by the faculty. week's trip to the coast. The clubs are unusually Chief of interest is the Coombs game, scheduled for well balanced this year, and only the best results commencement week, when the 1906 championship are looked for. The schedule includes concerts team, with "Colby Jack" Coombs on the slab, will at Camden, Vinalhaven, Rockport, Brooks, and Au- cross bats with the 1916 team (champions, too, we gusta. hope). The annual spring trip will include games Members of clubs : with Harvard, Boston College and Rhode Island Reader—Harold G. D. Scott, '18. State. The three-game system for the champion- Glee Club— W. L. Webb, '17, Leader, W. B. ship series will prevail as previously announced. Marston, '16, R. A. Nye, '17, E. S. Adams, '18, B. F. Greer, '16, J. A. Campbell, '16, L. L. Davis, '17, Manager Arthur F. Bickford expects to fill the C. M. Tracy, '18, R. C. Hughes, '19, E. R. Scribner, • open date, April 26, with either a New England '17, D. E. Putnam, '16, W. G. Hastings, '18, H. L. League team or one of the colleges around Boston. Paikowsky, '18 , J. F. Choate, '19, C. W. Robinson, Following is the complete schedule as approved '18, R. T. Carey. '19, H. L. Newman, '18. by the Orchestra—H. S. Pratt, '17, Leader, N. D. Lattin, faculty : '18, J. G. Sussman, '18, W. C. Lincoln, '16, L. L. April 19—University of Maine at Waterville. Davis, '17, R. T. Carey, '19, G. R. McCarthy, '19, April 26—Open. W. L. Webb, '17, E. Prince, '18. April 27—Harvard at Cambridge. Mandolin Club—J. A. Campbell, '16, Leader, W. April 28—Rhode Island State at Kingston, R. I. G. Hastings, '18, J. G. Sussman, '18, H. L. Paikow- April 29—Boston College at Boston. sky, '18, B. F. Greer, '16, C. M. Tracy, '18, R. C. May 3—University of Maine at Waterville. Hughes, '19, W. L. Webb, '17, H. E. Lewin, '19, E. May 6—Bowdoin at Brunswick. S. Adams, '18, D. E. Putnam, '16, C. W. Robinson, May 10—Bowdoin at Waterville. '18, N. D. Lattin, '18 , H. S. Pratt , '17 , W. C. Lin- May 17—B ates at Waterville. coln, 16, E. Prince, '18. May 20—University of Maine at Waterville. May 24—Bowdoin at Brunswick. May 27—Bates at Lewiston. STUDENTS. June 3—Bates at Waterville. COLBY HAS 440 June 7—University of Maine at Orono. June 10—Bates at Gardiner. Colby has a student enrollment of 440, nine less June 27—Coombs Game, ' Waterville. than last year's number, according to the 1915-16 catalogue, which Was received from the press this COLBY PLAYS, TWO NEW YORK TEAMS week. Of the 267 men, more than 56 per cent, IN FOOTBALL, NEXT FALL. reside in this state, while almost 24 per cent, of the out-of-state students come from Massachusetts. Colby will play Fordham and New York Univers- Nearly all of the women are residents in Maine. ity for, the first time next fall, according to the Twelve states and two foreign countries are repre- '^proved 1916 football schedule which has been sented in the student body : issued by Graduate Manager Robert L. Ervin. The Men—Maine, 151 ; Massachusetts, 63; New York, season will open, as it did last year, with a contest ,17; New Hampshire, 16; Connecticut, 6; New Jersey, ngainst Harvard, September 23. Alumni Field will ' 5; Maryland, 1; Pennsylvania, 1; Rhode Island, 1; be the scene of ( two games of the championship Tennessee, 1 ; Vermont, 1; Washington, 1; District series. r of Columbia, 1; England, 1; India, 1. The schedule: 18; New Women—Maine, 146; Massachusetts, ¦ Sept, 28—Harvard at Cambridge, Hampshire, 10; New York, 8; Connecticut, 1. Sept. 80—Fordham at New York, N. Y. The registration is thus divided among the classes : Oct. 7—New Hampshire State at Waterville. 34 women, Oct. 14—Fort McKinley at Waterville. Graduate students, 1; seniors, 56 men, Oct, 21—Bowdoin at Brunswick, ' total, 89; juniors, 41 men, 39 women, total, 00; Oct, 28—University of Maine at Waterville. sophomores, 67 men, 46 women, total, 113 ; fresh- Nov, 4—Bates College at Waterville. , 8 46 women total, 180; special and un- Nov, men 4 men, * 11—New York University at New York, classified , 9 men, 8 women, total, 17. Totals, 267 men, 173 women. Grand Total , 440 students, "While I am ' pro-German in my sympathies in the Present European War, I am, above all else, pro- "Let me endeavor so to live that even the under- American."—Professor Marquardt. taker will be sorry when I die."—Mark Twain, FRED LAKE TO COACH COLBY BASE- ZETES STRENGTHEN POSITION . BALL TEAM. Won. Lost P.C. Much joy and enthusiasm has been generally Zeta Psi 37 11 .771 Commons Club 31 17 .644 evinced at the announcement by Graduate Manager Delta Upsilon ; 27 21 .563 Robert L. Ervin that Fred Lake has signed a con- Alpha Tau Omega 21 23 .455 tract to coach the Colby baseball team,»this spring. Delta Kappa Epsilon 11 33 .250 The new coach, a former big league catcher, was Phi Delta Theta 11 37 .229 one of the high lights in baseball circles a few years Summaries: ago. He first played professional baseball with the JANUARY 26. New England League and from there went to the Commons Club, (3). Western League. During his career Lake has been Newman 75 88 89— 252 a successful player, manager, and scjout. He was King 99 97' 85— 281 manager of the Boston Nationals one year and of Whittemore 88 94 96— 278 Fieldbrave . -79 75 81— 235 the Boston Red Sox two years. In the> latter Goodrich .88 90 88— 266 capacity, he uncovered several of the stars mak- ing up the championship Boston Americans of last 429 444 439—1312 Alpha Tau Omega, (!•). year. Hussey 82 96 76— 254 Fred Lake knows his game from "A to Z," is an Stanwood 90 79 77— 246 excellent judge of players, and, with his wide ex- Smith .86 86 91— 263 perience should make a splendid coach. Although Howes . 89 92 86— 267 this is his first attempt at college coaching, his lack Higgins 89 86 81— 256 of actual experience in this particular line should be 436 439 411—1286 more than made up by his knowledge of players and of inside baseball, and by his long, career in profes- FEBRUARY 7. sional circles. Mr. Lake will certainly have the Zeta Psi, (4). ¦' Barker 94 93 83— 270 confidence and backing of the student body.
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