Table&S1.&Summary&information,&along&with&the&associated&reference,&for&each&of&the&investigations&from&which&results&were& synthesized.&The&main&categories&of&results&that&were&utilized&were&daytime&feeding&incidence,&the&display&(or&lack&thereof)&of& piscivory,&the&presence/absence&of&displaying&an&ontogenetic&diet&shift,&the&slope&of&the&relationship&of&trophic&niche&breadth& (TNB)&with&larval&size,&and&diet&by&preyCtype&numerical&percentages.&The&results&for&the&first&4&of&these&categories&are& indicated,&while&whether&suitable&diet&data&were&available&and&used&is&indicated&with&a&‘y’.&Dashes&indicate&that&results&for&that& category&were&not&reported&or&unsuitable&for&synthesizing.&Common&names&in&parentheses&indicate&a&general&name,&either&for& taxa&at&levels&higher&than&the&species&level&or&for&species&without&common&names.& & & Size Feeding TNB Lat. Habitat n range incidence Ontogen. with Diet Taxon Common name Location group type inspected (mm) (%) Pisciv. diet shift size data Ref. Ammodytes spp. (sand lances) West High Offshore 348 5–35 85 – – – – 70 Greenland shelf Boreogadus Arctic cod NE Greenland High Cstl. to 700 6–15 76 n n – y 42 saida offshr. Boreogadus Arctic cod Beaufort Sea High Coastal 191 15–32 100 n y – y 78 saida Lepidonotothen painted notie Antarctic High Offshore 262 7–18 85 n – – y 27 larseni Peninsula Reinhardtius Greenland West High Offshore 202 10–35 97 – – – – 70 hippoglossoides halibut Greenland shelf Ammodytes lesser sandeel NE English High- Coastal 925 3–22 51 n y y 35 marinus coast middle Ammodytes sp. sand lance SE Hudson High- Coastal 1425 6–11 11 n – – y 11 Bay, Canada middle Anoplopoma sablefish Bering Sea High- Offshore 127 12–23 100 n y – y 17 fimbria middle Size Feeding TNB Lat. Habitat n range incidence Ontogen. with Diet Taxon Common name Location group type inspected (mm) (%) Pisciv. diet shift size data Ref. Arnoglossus Mediterranean NE English High- Coastal 280 3–14 36 n y y 35 laterna scaldfish coast middle Boreogadus Arctic cod SE Hudson High- Coastal 1095 5–10 22 n – – y 11 saida Bay, Canada middle Buglossidium solenette NE English High- Coastal 205 2–6 51 n y y 35 luteum coast middle Callionymus lyra dragonet NE English High- Coastal 769 2–11 95 n y y 35 coast middle Clupea harengus Atlantic herring Blackwater High- Estuarine 560 7–16 68 n – – – 9 Estuary, middle England Clupea harengus Atlantic herring North Sea High- Coastal 162 6–19 35 n – – y 18 (coastal middle Scotland) Clupea harengus Atlantic herring NE English High- Coastal 346 5–18 38 n – y 35 coast middle Clupea harengus Atlantic herring Conception High- Coastal 30 6–14 – – – ns – 52 Bay, middle Newfoundland Echiichthys lesser weever NE English High- Coastal 234 2–9 94 n y y 35 vipera coast middle Gadus morhua Atlantic cod E of Shetland High- Offshore 193 7–14 – y – – – 7 Islands, UK middle Gadus morhua Atlantic cod Eng. Chan. High- Coastal 150 2–8 65 n y – y 34 and S North middle Sea Size Feeding TNB Lat. Habitat n range incidence Ontogen. with Diet Taxon Common name Location group type inspected (mm) (%) Pisciv. diet shift size data Ref. Gadus morhua Atlantic cod NE English High- Coastal 611 2–15 72 n y y 35 coast middle Gadus morhua Atlantic cod Conception High- Coastal 80 3–14 – – – incr. – 52 Bay, middle Newfoundland Gadus morhua Atlantic cod Baltic Sea High- Coastal 1324 4–11 79 n y ns y 77 (Bornholm middle Basin) Gaidropsarus threebeard NE English High- Coastal 340 2–14 89 n y y 35 vulgaris rockling coast middle Glyptocephalus witch flounder Conception High- Coastal 71 4–14 – – – incr. – 52 cynoglossus Bay, middle Newfoundland Gobius spp. (gobies) NE English High- Coastal 719 2–18 82 n y y 35 coast middle Hippoglossoides American Conception High- Coastal 60 3–14 – – – incr. – 52 platessoides plaice Bay, middle Newfoundland Hyperoplus greater sandeel NE English High- Coastal 348 4–21 55 n y y 35 lanceolatus coast middle Limanda limanda dab Eng. Chan. High- Coastal 1421 2–11 75 n y – y 33 and S North middle Sea Limanda limanda dab NE English High- Coastal 1378 2–14 67 n y y 35 coast middle Liparis liparis striped seasnail NE English High- Coastal 119 3–12 86 n y y 35 coast middle Size Feeding TNB Lat. Habitat n range incidence Ontogen. with Diet Taxon Common name Location group type inspected (mm) (%) Pisciv. diet shift size data Ref. Liparis sp. (snailfish) Conception High- Coastal 48 3–14 – – – ns – 52 Bay, middle Newfoundland Mallotus villosus capelin Conception High- Coastal 38 5–14 – – – incr. – 52 Bay, middle Newfoundland Melanogrammus haddock E of Shetland High- Offshore 1248 7–18 – y – – – 7 aeglefinus Islands, UK middle Merlangius European Eng. Chan. High- Coastal 1158 2–11 82 n y – y 34 merlangus whiting and S North middle Sea Merlangius European NE English High- Coastal 478 2–17 85 n y y 35 merlangus whiting coast middle Micromesistius blue whiting Porcupine High- Offshore 1640 2–8 94 n n – – 20 poutassou Bank, W of middle Ireland Microstomus kitt lemon sole NE English High- Coastal 506 3–14 81 n y y 35 coast middle Pholis gunnellus rock gunnel NE English High- Coastal 50 9–25 – n n y 35 coast middle Platichthys flesus European Eng. Chan. High- Coastal 1492 2–10 64 n y – y 33 flounder and S North middle Sea Pleuronectes winter flounder Conception High- Coastal 33 2–7 – – – incr. – 52 americanus Bay, middle Newfoundland Pleuronectes yellowtail Conception High- Coastal 66 2–14 – – – ns – 52 ferrugineus flounder Bay, middle Newfoundland Size Feeding TNB Lat. Habitat n range incidence Ontogen. with Diet Taxon Common name Location group type inspected (mm) (%) Pisciv. diet shift size data Ref. Pleuronectes plaice Eng. Chan. High- Coastal 1308 4–12 60 n n – y 33 platessa and S North middle Sea Pleuronectes plaice NE English High- Coastal 927 3–16 55 n y y 35 platessa coast middle Pollachius virens saithe E of Shetland High- Offshore 791 7–22 – y – – – 7 Islands, UK middle Sardina sardine North Sea High- Coastal 451 4–19 32 n y ns y 76 pilchardus middle Scomber Atlantic NE Atlantic High- Offshore 456 3–9 91 y y – – 5 scombrus mackerel (SW of British middle Isles) Scomber Atlantic Celtic Sea, NE High- Offshore 1177 3–10 73 y y – – 21 scombrus mackerel Atlantic middle Scomber Atlantic NE English High- Coastal 279 3–11 59 n y y 35 scombrus mackerel coast middle Scomber Atlantic Gulf of St. High- Coastal 556 3– >10 – y y – y 55 scombrus mackerel Lawence middle Solea solea sole Eng. Chan. High- Coastal 691 2–7 62 n y – y 33 and S North middle Sea Sprattus sprattus European sprat NE English High- Coastal 780 4–23 35 n y y 35 coast middle Sprattus sprattus sprat North Sea High- Coastal 270 4–19 36 n y – y 76 middle Size Feeding TNB Lat. Habitat n range incidence Ontogen. with Diet Taxon Common name Location group type inspected (mm) (%) Pisciv. diet shift size data Ref. Sprattus sprattus European sprat Baltic Sea High- Coastal 3647 5–21 58 n y ns y 77 (Bornholm middle Basin) Stichaeus Arctic shanny Conception High- Coastal 44 6–14 – – – ns – 52 punctatus Bay, middle Newfoundland Tautogolabrus cunner Conception High- Coastal 48 2–9 – – – ns – 52 adspersus Bay, middle Newfoundland Theragra walleye pollock Bering Sea High- Offshore 330 4–7 57 n – – – 19 chalcogramma middle Theragra walleye pollock Shelikof Strait, High- Offshore 795 6–15 – n y – y 28 chalcogramma Gulf of Alaska middle Trachurus European horse NE English High- Coastal 109 2–16 – n y y 35 trachurus mackerel coast middle Trisopterus Norway pout E of Shetland High- Offshore 2653 7–18 – y – – – 7 esmarkii Islands, UK middle Trisopterus pouting Eng. Chan. High- Coastal 610 2–11 71 n y – y 34 luscus and S North middle Sea Ulvaria radiated shanny Conception High- Coastal 46 6–14 – – – ns – 52 subbifurcata Bay, middle Newfoundland Acanthopagrus black porgy Wakasa Bay, Middle Coastal 58 4–8 59 n y – – 31 schlegelii Japan Sea schlegelii Ammodytes American sand Long Island Middle Coastal 165 5–30 94 n y – – 45 americanus lance Sound Size Feeding TNB Lat. Habitat n range incidence Ontogen. with Diet Taxon Common name Location group type inspected (mm) (%) Pisciv. diet shift size data Ref. Ammodytes Pacific Ise Bay, Japan Middle Coastal 206 3–11 96 n y – – 48 personatus sandlance Ammotretis longsnout Port Phillip Middle Coastal 126 2–8 99 n y – y 24 rostratus flounder Bay (S Australia) Arnoglossus Mediterranean NW Middle Cstl. to 460 3–15 28 n n – y 61 laterna scaldfish Mediterranean offshr. Auxis rochei bullet tuna NW Middle Offshore 207 2–7 88 y n dome- y 46 Mediterranean shaped Sea Benthosema glacier W Middle Offshore 542 2–10 24 n – – – 57 glaciale lanternfish Mediterranean Benthosema glacier W Middle Offshore 48 3–10 – – – ns – 58 glaciale lanternfish Mediterranean Boops boops bogue NW Middle Cstl. to 631 2–9 54 n – – y 63 Mediterranean offshr. (Catalan Sea) Callionymus sp. (dragonet) NW Middle Cstl. to 334 2–7 90 n n – y 61 Mediterranean offshr. Ceratoscopelus Madeira W Middle Offshore 65 3–8 – – – ns – 58 maderensis lanternfish Mediterranean Congrinae (conger eels) Kyoshu, Japan Middle Coastal 123 72– 42 n n – 44 128 Cynoscion weakfish Delaware Bay Middle Estuarine 354 3–8 74 n – – – 13 regalis Size Feeding TNB Lat. Habitat n range incidence Ontogen. with Diet Taxon Common name Location group type inspected (mm) (%) Pisciv. diet shift size data Ref. Diaphus garmani Garman's W North Middle Offshore 165 4–11 71 n y ns y 64 lanternfish Pacific trans.
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