Ann Orol Rhinol Laryngo! 112:2003 SURGICAL ANATOMY OFTHE RECURRENT LARYNGEAL NERVE: IMPLICATIONS FOR LARYNGEAL REINNERVATION EDWARD J. DAMROSE, MD ROBERT Y. HUANG, MD MING YE, MD GERALD S. BERKE, MD JOEL A. SERCARZ, MD Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Functional laryngeal reinnervation depends upon theprecise reinnervation ofthe laryngeal abductor and adductor muscle groups. While simple end-to-end anastomosis of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) main trunk results in synkinesis, functional reinnerva­ tion canbeachieved byselective anastomosis oftheabductor and adductor RLN divisions. Few previous studies have examined the intralaryngeal anatomy of theRLN to ascertain thecharacteristics that may lend themselves to laryngeal reinnervation. Ten human larynges without known laryngeal disorders were obtained from human cadavers forRLN microdissection. The bilateral intralaryngeal RLN branching patterns were determined, and thediameters and lengths oftheabductor and adductor divisions were measured. The mean diameters of the abductor and adductor divisions were 0.8 and 0.7 rnm, while their mean lengths were 5.7 and 6.1 rnm, respectively. The abductor division usually consisted of one branch to the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle; however, in cases in which multiple branches were seen, at least onedominant branch could usually be identified. We conclude that theabductor and adductor divisions of the human RLN can be readily identified by an extralaryngeal approach. Several key landmarks aid in the identification of the branches to individual muscles. These data also indicate thefeasibility of selective laryngeal reinnervation in patients who might becandidates forlaryngeal transplantation after total laryngectomy. KEY WORDS - anatomy, larynx, recurrent laryngeal nerve, reinnervation. INTRODUCTION tive reinnervation of the abductor and adductor divi­ The branching pattern of the superior laryngeal sions has provided normal vocal fold function in the nerve and the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) is transplanted larynx.> The same approach may one complex, I but there are several reliable features. The day be particularly relevant for transplantation of the abductor branch, destined for the posterior cricoary­ human larynx. Functional transplantation will require tenoid (PCA) muscle, is the first motor branch to either pacing of the larynxs? or separate reinnerva­ emerge as the RLN enters the larynx at the cricothy­ tion of the abductor and adductor divisions of the roid articulation. Beyond this first branch, the remain­ recipient RLN. ing fibers of the RLN in turn innervate the adduc­ As interest in and the ability to reinnervate the lar­ tors: the interarytenoid (lA), lateral cricoarytenoid ynx grows, more precise anatomic data regarding the (LCA), and thyroarytenoid (TA) muscles. The nerve intralaryngeal anatomy of the RLN will become in­ segment constituting a branch or branches to the PCA creasingly relevant. In the realm of human laryngeal muscle is referred to as the abductor division. The transplantation, the question of suitability for trans­ nerve segment immediately distal to the abductor di­ plantation can be considered from the point of view vision and destined for the laryngeal adductors con­ not only of tissue typing, but also of reinnervation. stitutes the adductor division. The branching patterns More specifically, the ideal donor larynx would have to the various intrinsic laryngeal muscles are vari­ nerve branches that are easily identified, large enough able and can be divided into different subtypes (Fig to permit reanastomosis, relatively predictable in lo­ 12). cation, and singular. Through advances in microsurgical techniques, the These experiments were undertaken to elucidate abductor and adductor divisions of the RLN can now the anatomic features of the abductor and adductor be individually approached. This ability has allowed divisions of the RLN, particularly with regard to se­ the reinnervation of the larynx for both paralysis and lective reinnervation or denervation. Although many spasmodic dysphonia.v' In the dog, wherein the in­ studies have detailed the variability of the extralaryn­ dividual divisions may be smaller than 0.5 mm, selec- geal branchingpattern of the RLN, relatively few data From the Division ofHead and Neck Surgery, Department ofSurgery, University ofCalifornia-Los Angeles School ofMedicine, Los Angeles, California. Presented at the meeting ofthe Triological Society, Orlando, Florida, May 15-17, 2000. CORRESPONDENCE - Edward J. Damrose, MD, CHS 62-132, Division ofHead and Neck Surgery, Dept ofSurgery, University ofCalifornia­ Los Angeles School ofMedicine, 10833 Le Conte Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90095. 434 Damrose et al, Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Anatomy 435 Fig 1. Three major branching patterns of ab­ ductor division of recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN). IA - interarytenoid muscle branch; ICL - inferior cricothyroid ligament; PCA­ posterior cricoarytenoid muscle and branch. (Adapted with permission.I) TVPEIU PCA PCA exist on the intralaryngeal anatomy of the RLN.2 window in the ipsilateral thyroid ala allowed identi­ These data may become particularly relevant to the fication of the LCA and TA branches. laryngeal surgeon as more procedures for selective In all cases, the cricoarytenoid articulation was pre­ reinnervation or denervation of the larynx are devel­ served. In no case was it necessary to resect the infe­ oped. rior cornu to follow the course of the RLN, so the MATERIALS AND METHODS cricothyroid articulation was also preserved. After the dissection, the calibers of the abductor and ad­ Ten fresh human larynges without known laryn­ ductor divisions were measured, as was the distance geal disorders were obtained from cadavers. Both between their lengths. In addition, the branching pat­ sexes were represented, and most subjects were from terns of the abductor and adductor divisions were the geriatric population. Microdissection of the laryn­ geal nerves was carried out under an operating micro­ noted. scope at 4x power magnification. Both hemilarynges RESULTS were dissected to give a total of 20 dissections. The The diameters of the abductor and adductor divi­ main trunk of the RLN and its intralaryngeal branches sions from the 20 dissections are given in the Table. were identified. The abductor division of the RLN Also tabulated is the distance between the abductor was identified as that nerve segment giving a branch division and the first branch from the adductor divi­ or branches to the PCA muscle. The adductor divi­ sion - that to the IA muscle. The values are given sion of the RLN was identified as that segment of in terms of millimeters. The means are also com­ nerve immediately distal to the takeoff of the abduc­ puted along with the corresponding standard devia­ tor division and giving branches to the lA, LCA, and tions. The various branching patterns of the abduc­ TAmuscles. tor division are shown in Fig 1. In this series, 4 varia­ Dissection in the tracheoesophageal groove al­ tions in the abductor division branching pattern were lowed identification of the RLN. Continued supe­ encountered: types la, Ic, Ila, and lIb. The relative rior dissection allowed identification of the PCA and incidences were 70%, 10%, 10%, and 10% for those IA branches. As the RLN coursed superiorly and an­ types, respectively. Figure 2 demonstrates the type teriorly, it could be followed between the thyroid ala la branching pattern, the most common seen in this and the ipsilateral arytenoid cartilage. Creation of a series. The anterior division can be seen coursing 436 Damrose et al, Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Anatomy MEAN DIAMETERS AND LENGTHS OF ABDUCTOR AND ADDUCTOR DIVISIONS OF RECURRENT LARYNGEAL NERVE Abductor Division Adductor Division (mm) (mm) No. Diameter Length Diameter Length Right 0.6 4 0.9 5 Left 0.6 3 0.9 6 2 Right 0.5 8 1.0 5 Left 0.5 8 1.0 5 3 Right 0.5 10 0.5 7 Left 0.5 7 0.7 8 4 Right 0.5 10 0.5 6 Left 0.5 6 0.8 10 5 Right 0.5 5 0.5 6 Left 0.5 5 0.5 8 6 Right 0.3 3 0.5 7 Left 0.5 3 0.8 7 7 Right 0.5 5 0.6 8 Left 0.6 7 1.0 8 8 Right 1.0 6 0.8 5 Left 1.0 5 0.5 4 9 Right 1.0 5 0.8 6 Fig 2. Abductor and adductor divisions of left RLN (A) Left 1.0 5 1.0 3 in typical dissection specimen. Type Ia branching pat­ tern ofabductor division is depicted. B- branch to pos­ 10 Right 1.0 4 1.0 3 terior cricoarytenoid muscle; C - branch to interaryte­ Left 1.0 5 0.8 4 noid muscle; D- branch to lateral cricoarytenoid mus­ Mean 0.7 5.7 0.8 6.1 cle; E - branch to thyroarytenoid muscle; F - inferior cricothyroid ligament; G- posterior cricoarytenoid SD 0.2 2.0 0.2 1.8 muscle and arytenoid cartilage; scale bar - 1 mm. anteriorly and superiorly between the thyroid ala and tion between the abductor and adductor divisions. the ipsilateral arytenoid cartilage with its overlying PCA muscle. Figure 3 demonstrates the type lIb DISCUSSION branching pattern. In Fig 4, the TAand LCA branches of the adductor division can be seen through a win­ In 1989, Nguyen et aF characterized the branch­ dow in the thyroid cartilage. This exposure provides ing patterns of the abductor and adductor divisions adequate visualization of the TA and LCA branches of the RLN. Three innervation patterns have been if selective denervation and reinnervation of the TA described for the PCA muscle. In type I, a single muscle alone is desired. nerve pedicle innervates the PCA muscle, but may subdivide into 2 or 3 smaller branches. In types II In the 3 specimens in which the type Ie, IIa, and and III, 2 and 3 pedicles innervate the PCA muscle, lIb branching patterns were seen, both IIa and lIb respectively. These may also subdivide into smaller had a branch that was at least 0.5 mm in diameter. In branches. The different branching patterns are dis­ the type Ie specimen, wherein 3 branches to the PCA played in Fig 1.
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