\ » ■< >,'V. .y- THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1959 The Waathcr PACE rOURTEBl Average Dhily Net Prem Run lNaud;fpBt?r 1Et»ttins li^ralh For tho'Week Endod Fereoaot of 9. Westkor Bi Stay XSrC, 1C8C . FMr, not nmrh fibnago hi TTia annual alectiona of Hose 12,925 porat*tr«i tonight. iJtw SIM M , A b o u t T o h h Co. a of thJ »th School and utili­ drdny moaUy mtnmp wad n ties Distnrt Fire Department, Swim1, Pool at MHS Member of tho AmHt hot. High nonr fC. originally scheduled for last night, DRIVER EDUCATION CUSSES ■aroott of CtreolatloM Th» SUt,^ P««t rhlefu'Asjm of j baa been postponed to July IS, Effertlve 6oly 1st. 1C and 11-year-olds need take M hmits IUanche$ter~—A City 41 Villttge Chnrm the Px-thian Suter^will hold II* < Opens on Trial Basis classroom and only six' hoars behind the annual picnic "t, rS'jhian Cen-, plete course for MO^^iay as you go. New. classha start T ui^ No meeting df 'King I>avld tUlnaatned AdvdrtbMag on Png# l>) FIVE CENTS ter. Cheater, ^^Hfiaay at 12:J10 p nV. i Lodge. lOOF, Wirt he held tomor­ 4tey, June SC, 7 to » p,m., and Jnly 7. 7 to * p * . Enrollment VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 23.3 FOURTEEN PAGES—T\^ SECTION MANCHESTER, ^ONNh FRIDAY. JULY .3, 1959 ^Thoee altejHtuijf are asked to' brinu • row night. nex* meeting will The Indoor swimming pool at# ment has enlisted one life |3>ard, for maximum of 80 stadenta only. This c^ rso Includw pa.v- cho-physlcal analysis p^aa many 1C mm. Clma on driver eaa- their di*he.».jnd.T'it'<*0’ ’ he held pnxj'i'ly 10 at the cpUage Mancheater High School will be a woman, for doty at the high an amcle for the kitchen social.: of Rov^jtspinwa.l lii Union, opened to the public Monday on a ! school ppol. Requlremcnu cgll for A/i'twe in need of iransportatlon. trial basis. I a second life 'guard, t mait, and MORTLOOK’S DRIVINC SCHOOL mar call Martha Johnson. | lie. Rev. Ijiwrence F. Almond, R e c r e a t i o n Superintandent { Herdlc has said the opening haa CERTiriRD FOR DRIVER EDl’CATION Castro’s minister ,,pf the South Methodist Jamea F. Herdlc Jr. said today a not yet been filled. Anyone tptef- Ml C-7S08 Zton Evangrelical Lutheran Church, wll; 1 the presoher A ug.. week-long trial will determine the eated should contact Herdlc per­ Church n'm begin its summer 2 at ■ the closing seri’ice of the cost of supervlaion.' maintenance, sonally. Candidates must be certi­ schedule of aervices , Sunday by tooth sevion o.' the WillimanticJ and custodial work. If these coats fied life guards. ' No Cause for Fightj can be worked out, to the satis­ Military ha'-ing a service at Pam. instead Camp Meeting Assn The aummer-K faction of the Board of Education, of 10 a m ' This year. Sunday ssaembly will he held>dn the Camp Towyl Warmpri Used School niU be omitted Jn July as Ground Willimantic, from July 2.S , the Board will give permission to the Necreation Department to run n-ell a* in August. to Aug 2. ; London - Man.’ English bath­ a program of swimming all sum­ Hits Foe rooms employ 'towel warmers aa Mr. a n d ^ rs ! William R. Mc-| mer St the high school. CosU will The JJfflichester tromen Mrs part of the heating aystem. Mot MulletiT 11 Fxlmund St., and fhetr, be pald'by the Rec Department.' | water from the Imller la circulated Oars Oarnga*. 70 Concbrd Rd "Ae pool will be open from 1 to j Havana, July 8 OP)—Wide­ and Mrs Kalhenne Zabrovsky. .SO J daughter Mrs. F^lwln D Foster,; through tnen to w arn towela, Inforlns U.S. 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, | spread troop movements were Bell S t. are attending the sfhoot ! ,tS8 (Woodbridge .St. left this week considered neceseary in the chilly ' from Idlewild Airport for an e x -! aaid Herdlc. ! bathfoorna Of moat English homes. ‘ reported today in Cuba with luncheon n-orfeehop at the Culinary No swimming lessons will b e, OPEN ALL DAY lendert tour Of ■ the Britlah lalea. Inet.ltute of A- 'erica this wlbek i Fidel Ca«tro> government They Will make th'eir headquar-j given at the pool. > ■FIRE DAMAOES IXl'R SAtUROAY In Neiv Ha'-enj >trs. Camgan la The pool la being opened as an < showing concern over mount- dessert cook at Manchester High ters at the home of Mrs.Me-. East Haven, July 2 iJPi—A fire Nixofi, Herter Miillen’a brother, J. McReynoldi, I additional swimming facility to which started in a clothing locker 'ing counter-revolutionary ac­ Safety•/ o/ficials School, and Mrs Zabrovsk; works the present Salter's and l» 1 o b e j ■.X In the Washington School cafe­ Belfast, .Northern Ireland. | destroyed a building yesterday at tivity. ' i Hpllow pools. Us use was recom­ the Colony Beach Club, causing, Secret police aeired an arms Ready War on Both Sav Red teria. mended to the town this spring by j damages estimated at 110.000. No' 4ihotJVLt •=" cache in » iHavana auburb yeater-l •/ * Miss Carolyn M. Mann. 27 .I,en- a special subcommitlefe of the: one was Injured' at the private day. They arrested eight men In a I sen St,. Is one of OP gifted high Board of ^Directors which probed, (AND AS USUAL ON SUNDAY) school- instructors selected for a club on Long Island Sound, al­ case they described aa having "the j Friendlv, Firm the' town's outdoor swimming' 'Traffic Deaths summer institute in mathematics though 500 members were present most' Important counter revolu-i needs in a series of winter meet­ when the fire broke mil. Eighty FEATURING A COMPLETE LINE OP:— Hovt Your Doctor which began this week st Bow- tlonary implication.*.’’ | ings. I csbtn lockers and their, contents Troop reinforcement* are re-, By THE .AHHtMT.^TKD PRESB W«.ahins:toh, Jul.y 3 (A*)— Coll In Your Proscription doln College. Brunawtek. Maine, were destroyed. • and w-ill' continue through Aug. 7. So far the Recreation Depart­ ^ Nativt Fresh Fruits and Yacstablas portedly moving into eastern I Traffic safety officials Soviet nppiity Premier Frol Dolivtrod. Within Tho She leaches mathemaliea at Cuba, where 41 person* have been across the nation mustered R,. Kozlov left today for k RHAM High .School. • Frssh Dairy Products _ arrested for acta of aabotage. and' ail their strength and inge­ ■siKhtseeing tour of the United Hour' Into western Cuba where gner-' nuity today to keep motorists • Bread, Coid Cuts, Soft Drinks^ rilla band* are operating in the States with the remark that * Advertisement— PRESCRIPTIONS L T. WOOD CO. mountains. u from killing themselves and ‘.‘there is nothing at all for Us . OAT OR NIUHT ICE PLANT Much of the unrest atem* from other persons over the Fourtl>-[ to fight about." PINE PHARMACY Visit Ashford Lake this week­ BY EXPERTS 61 BIS8ELL ST. n 276 OAKLANd ST. ■ the government's agrarian reform; of July holiday weekend. / | Knsinv. his diplomatic mlMtdn 6M CEXTER ST. end—26 miles east of Manchester g MANCHESTER pro.;ram breaking up big ealatea. | The National Safety CounclTpre- r to Washington completed "ith no —off Route 44. Tel MT 3-.S440. ARTHUR DRUB Mben‘Cru$hed-Blockn Among the eight men seized in I diclKi that .3.50 peiaors will die | easing of the I^st-VIfeat deadlock the Havana raid . were six police in traffic accidents dmipg the 54- over Berlin., took off at 7:32 a.m. described aa ''foimer military hour holiday period ^riun 6 p.in. In a chartered commercial alr^* men.’,’ T.he Implication wa.*' they local lime tonight to.rhidnighl .Sun- liner on a nonstop flight to Sacra- 1 9 5 7 served In the force* under former da v. nento. Calif. Starting a 10-day ^ B E S T B U V dictator Fulgenclo Batiita. The traffic dyilth toll for the 3- awing through a half-dozon cltiw, IN USED CARSI O L D S " 8 8 " Behind ' the plot, police aaid, President Eisenhower lakes a.close look at the 49-star flag which \Vill be ralaed over Philadelphia’s day .Itilv 4tl> weekend last year ] he planned to lunch with -Gaflfor* were ex-Sen. Rolando Maaferrer. .. Independence Hall July 4 and then taken to the state capitol in Alaska. The group at the W hite^ was 370. / .. ;.fiia'a Goy. Edmtind O. (Pat) Goo^hilds Married 45 Years the CONVERTIBLE now in kliami, Fla., arid Joae Ped- House Inspection yesterday, from left, Maj. Gen. A. T. .McNamara, qiiarternmster general; Without excepti^,' stale patrols , Brown. T)ien it waa on to San Mr. and Mrs.' William E. Good-.t t raza, a former general .who now Preaident:-Secretary of Interior P'red Seaton and Sen. Hugh Scojt. (RrPa). The Chief Executive mar.shaled all their manpower and.] F'l-anclsco for more sightseeing altd Radio, heater hydramat- child, .50 Olpolt Dr., were honored oat St, They are managing agents share* Batiata'a exile In' the Do­ presented the flag to Scott for the Philadelphia ceremony. tAP Photofax). ev er/ le.source st their command meeting* with local rttlxenry. ic, powef steering., power : today on >fie m'ca.sion of their 45th! for the Manchester GaVden Apart­ minican Republic. lo/keep an anticipated crushing ! Even as hr was waiting to board The upaurge of anti-Caatro ac­ _,\'^)luniP of traffic moving safely I the plane at National Airport, brakes.
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