SPORTS. THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON, D. G„ FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1928. spor rs. 35 Sharkey Picked by De Forest to Win in Tex Rickard’s Elimination Bout Tonight FOR “LOGICAL CONTENDER” JOHNSTON MAY PLAY I [candidate HOW BATTLERS COMPARE STRAIGHT OFF THE TEE Tom Heeney .lack Sharkey HEENEY IS SIDED _—— i ¦ IACK ENTERS RING IN CUP TENNIS AGAIN : 28 Age 25 ’ 199 Weight 195 Country Club give the time to the job. His suc- in. 6 ft. has Inaugurated the first will be appointed by the 5 ft. 10% Height cessor new FRANfTSCO, January 13 <&).— In. move to bring golf clubs up president, who is to succeed Joseph SAN 72 in He ao |, 71 William M. "Little Bill” Johnston, on* • in Ne,-k 17 In. to modern standards of trans- 1L llimes. IN 17 thorough of America's mightiest racketers for A 21-240-1 CHOICE be- SPMNCE portation. In. CONGRESSIONALA 43 . (normal) ..41 in. .flies! ns Work Is now going on at Congres- 13 years. Is reconsidering his previous 47 1n... Chest (expanded). .45 In. liever In the airplane a means of vtsioning day sional to improve and modernize i decision of not playing in Davis Cup , 34 In 34 % In. travel, the when the Expert Looks for Knockdown Waist ships of the air will be used as freely many of the tees by lengthening them tennis competition again. Indications Are for Capacity 15'/j in Iticeps .... 13% in. so the plates may lie placed in several Johnston, who twice held the na* 12 In. as are automobiles today for compara- 13 In Forearm J. It. McCarl, who places to stretch out the holes. The tlonal singles title and for seven year* by Jack, but Regards 25 in Thigh 22% In. tively short hops, Crowd of 15,000 at Top holds down the job of controller gen- fifth tee has been reconstructed and was one of the mainstays of the In Calf 15% in. when he pushed far hack into the woods to American Davis Cup team, has been 15% 9 In. eral of the United States is K. 0. Doubtful. 9% In Ankle not supervising the activities of the give 20 yards more to the hole. Most urgently requested by the California Seat Price of $22. Congressional golf committee, has de- of the tees will be lengthened in simi- Lawn Tennis Association to go East board lar again this year to aid in the zone com- To outward appearances, he was not cides! to recommend to the of manner. governors that Congressional build an petition. n\ JIMMY l>K FORREST, his clash with the be constructed The By Associated Preps. harmed permanently In airplane landing field. This is the first If new course to proposition has been put up to trainer ot fisrhlers. tlio Famous YORK, January 13. —Mak- the Manassa Mauler. time such a move has been con side reel by Congressional in the Spring is to Johnston in this way—help the United January 13.—Jack lie length by many YORK, ing his first ring start since by any of the clubs about Washington, of the desired of States win the zone play. th‘-n let the Have the memliers, a youngsters go Shark eY will beat Tom being by What They Hone. •teveral clubs In the United States have piece of land owned to Kurope, where per- Australian, knocked horizontal by the haps Heeney. the in Jack Dempsey last Summer, Among Sharkey’s accomplishments their own landing fields for airplanes. club across the new River road William Tilden and Francia championship have be Hunter the heavyweight NEWJack Sharkey resumes his 1 are victories over Harry Wills, George McCarl would place the landing field will to used to stretch out will i<- able to carry on. NEWelimination bout in Madison / tonight 600-yard ground one or two of the holes. Plans and At a meeting of the jOiv pursuit stretch of be- association 1 heavyweight title in ! Godfrey and Maloney. in the Square Garden tonight. That’s my bout against Tom Heeney tween the tennis courts and the Brad- blue prints for the new course have Johnston was enthusiastic over the watching the men a 12-round , record Includes two en- been drawn and are ready idea, but gave no definite conclusion after 1 of New Zealand In Madison Square Heeney’s ley boulevard, which runs parallel with for execu- reply. In- training. tion, but have not yet been finally ability to take sufficient Garden. counters with Paulino Uzcudun, one the second hole of the golf course. The time from 1 believe Sharkey's greater speed, area is now partly covered with fruit approved. The course will be of a business is his biggest problem. The ex-garrulous ex-gob from Bos- of which was in the Spaniard's favor length in the more accurate hitting and superior favorite, although many box- draw. Both trees and across it runs a private road neighborhood of 6,700 boxing ability will carry him through ton is a • while the other was a yards. ing followers are cautiously withhold- • decisions were unpopular. Heeney to a house which is on club property. to victory. 1 think what Sharkey has „A- Sharkey Risko As many of the memliers of the club ————— • HEENEY PEEVES SCOTT. these departments will more than BnPfrf ing opinions. is expected to ' has a victory over Johnny to in he the choice by 2Vse to 1 when he his credit, however, and Risko con- are in the non-resident and life classes LONDON. January 13 CJh.—Phil offset the aggressiveness and dogged, many steps into the arena at 10 o'clock for ' quered Paulino. and live in cities miles from KOZELUH, CZECH TENNIS Scott, peeved by what he has inter- relentless attack of his opponent. Washington, preted disparaging r' ' *- I the prospect of punching his way into ' Sharkey was matched tA fight Hee- McCarl holds that the ah as remarks about \\ hile I don't look espoe.ally for a - t¦> ( l plane knockdown, a championship affair with Gene Tun- ney several weeks ago. hut the bout will be used more and more for PRO, GOING TO ENGLAND British heavyweights made in ?h<- knockout. I do expect a ¦ his fast transportation to the club. It now United States by Tom probably the tight. And I ney. was postponed due to an injury to LONDON, January j Heenev. the early in Rickard hopes • training. That seems certain that Congressional, 13 13 (JP>. —Karl New Zealand heavyweight, has Sharkey will be the fellow to m Tex to match the left hand received in i an believe I winner against Tunney, hut ho has injury now has mended nicely, how- miles from the center of the city, will Kozeluh, Czechoslovakian professional j nounced that he was eager to light Poore I'll go even further: 1 ex- i it. that his decision will de- ever, according to all reports, and will blaze the trail for airport facilities for tennis player, is coming England Heeney for £I,OOO a side, either here to see Sharkey drop his man announced to to I or pect pend on the showing of the battlers. not trouble the Bostonian tonight. its members. coach promising young players i in New York. with a left hook to the jaw. Now, and to Dempsey's reputation for "ruining'’’ 10-round semi-final Joe Sekyra, attempt improve then, that's my tip-off to Heeney. In a to the play of the ¦ ¦ his opponents has created doubt as to Indianapolis lightweight, meets Yale The resignation of McCarl as chair- English DavLs Cup contestants. Let him make the best of it. i golf grounds • what showing may he expected from i Okun of New York. In another bout man of the and com- He has been engaged by the all- OUTFIELDER MEEKS SOLD. Sharkey. The terrific body punches Joe Wil- mittee at Congressional is to be England club Heeney Victory Unlikely. i of the same distance, Sunny which, according to re- WILKESRARRE, Pa.. Januuary 13 I like the which the Bostonian absorbed from liams of California will stack up handed to the board of governors at ports in sporting circles, is paying —Eddie Meeks Heeney. and of Kv . I like Tom Dempsey continue in the discussion. Lou Bogash of Bridgeport, the annual meeting, January 20. Mc- him a large fe". The Louisville. men handling him. I'd like to see against player is a \ an outfielder of the Wilson. N. C.! think it s on Physicians said that Sharkey was in i With a top price of $22 per ticket, Carl has served as chairman of the brother of J. Kozeluh, who represent- team of the Virginia League. has him win. But I don't condition, better than committee for the past he*n are those who flno even when i indications were for a capacity crowd two years ed Czechoslovakia in the Davis Cup purchased by the team the cards. There faced Jim Maloney and Dempsey. and now feels that he longer Wiikesbarre think Heeney's great heart, coupled he of 15,000. cannot contests. of the New York-Pennsyivanla League. with his ability to “take it,’ will win for him. 1 doubt it. Rememlter. Sharkey can take as much punishment as Heeney. And he can give a whole lot more. Sharkey is the harder, surer hitter. He is the faster man. faster hitter and the 9HHI§¦ ¦HK When it comes to strength, perhaps 1,,.. they are equal. Their measurements show them to be almost the same weight. There's only a slight advan- tage in Heeney’s favor.
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