No.27353lDSe/EsntV/D2020 GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY DIRECTORATE OF SCHOOL EDUCATION Puducherry, rhe 5/35.2020 MEMORANDUM Sub: DSE- Esn.lv- Tentative S€niority List ofHeld MaslerCr.ll promoted during the year 20 | 5 - Objections called for - Re& Refr Meno. No.27353/DSE/Esn.tV/D/201 1.drr24.02.2020of rhis Directonre of School Education, Puduchery. The Tentarive Seniority List in resp€cr of Head Master Cr.ll from Senioriry Nos.5281o 628 was issued vide Memomndum cited under reference, Consequent upon issuance of prcmolion orders as per the Departmental Promotion Commitlee meetings held durinS lhe y€ar 2015. the Tenbtive Seniority List from 629 ro 764 h6s been prepared affer making addilions and modifications. The Tentativ€ Seniority List communicated herewilh may be brought to the nolice ofall th€ Head Masler Gr.ll. In case of discrepancies io the seniority list, they may submil lheir objections to lhe concemed insp€cting officers only through online (E-mail). The respecrive Inspecting Ofiicels should forward the same to this Offic€ within 15 days fiom the dare of issue of th is Memomndum. The Objections rec€ived after I 5 days will not be entertained. By Order I u:.P'\tl$,qo- {"'rl+' 1r.e. vrr.aru .revannt//'/I o Encl: Annexur! DY. DIRECTOR(ADMN) to cr- w/ <,|s To The Individual concemed (Through proper channel) Copy to: L The Joint Director, Puducherry. [email protected] 2. nre Dj. Director of Educst ion{ women ). Puducherry. [email protected] l.rlhe Ch ief Educational Ofiicer. Pdy c€oacademicsecrion{asnail.com 4. rThe Ch ie f Educar ional Officer. [email protected] 5. The Ch ief Educational Omc€r, Puducherry [email protected] 6. The Delegate to Dkector of School Educat ion. Yanam. [email protected] 7. The Dy. Director (Secondary Eiucation), Karaikal. [email protected] 8. The Superintendent. Esn-l Secrion, DSE, Puducherry. 9. The Compuler section. 10. Spare copy. .-1 - ' y'r;rctusxe {, Mivrtr \o I /353 lD* | Eblt'"J/91 eW {' 5 \'sozo Whelher Dale of of Paomolee appolnrne Remoak! sl. Senlodty Namo, tlesign.tlgr & D.to Cotegory Or Dlrecl nt a3 H.M. No, Number Pl.ca ot working Birth Tvl. Reciull GR.II 1 VP PMBHA, Promoiee 08.07.2015 629 IKKGHSS., PANDAKKAL, 30.05.1964 Gen MAHE. CIALITHA. Promolee 07 07 2015 63{) KGGHS,, PALLOOR, 25.05.1965 Gen MAHE, 3. A.SHOBHANA, Promotee 09.07.2015 631 USHMAN GHS, 2s.05.1962 Gen CHALAKARA, MAHE, 4. A.CHARLES ALSERT, THEERAR Promolee 08.07.2015 Rellred 632 09.02.1959 Gen SATHIYAMURTHY GHSS, MURUNGAPAKKAM, POY netlred 5. M.PUSHPAVALLY, Promolee 07.o7.2015 633 22.05.1959 Gen JNGHSS., MAHE n.fi.ed 6. K. GOSAKAN, 08 07 2015 634 JEEVANANDAM GHSS., 30.(X.1956 Gen Promolee I KARAMANIKUPPAM, PDY 7. C.LALTTHA, I STNNATHAGGHSS., lzo.os.tsss Gen I Promolee 08.07.2015 635 Rellred MUTHTALPET, I qINIICHFRRY I Rellred 8. S.MALATHI, 08.07.201s 636 GHS, ARIYANKUPPAM, 18.08.1958 Gen Promotee PUDUCHERRY I A.MARIA POULINE, 07 .o7 2015 637 I P.KAMARAJ GBHS, 09.11.1961 G€n Promolee I MUTHIALPET Retked 10. G.APPAVU, KGHS, 07 .o7 2015 638 VADAMARAIKADU, 29101957 Gen Promolee KARAIKAL Rellred 11. N-SAMSWATHI, 't9.101958 08.07.2015 639 MWSGHS, Gen Promolee REDDIARPALAYAM, PDY R.PUNITHA VALLI, 26.06.1961 Gen Promoiee 07.o7.2015 640 ATGGHSS, KARAIKAL tellred 13. P-SHARMITHA. 08.07.2015 u1 GHS, METTUPALAYAM. 22.071955 Gen Promolee PUDUCHERRY N. RAJ ENDRAN, Rellred 11. 07.04.t958 G€n Promolee 08.07 2015 612 OFFICE OF THE DD (Ele) Rethed 15. SHY 08.07.2015 6213 G.G.M.S. VILLIANUR, 04.05.1959 Gen Promolee (Notional) PUDUCHERRY C.VELUSAMY Re r€d 16. 02.05.1959 Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 644 GMS. KANUVAPET, POY - 3- Arucr, a fo tl eno. No. t'f 35 DJA N I alzoro dl- l' l.r.,o 17. N.OHANARAJ 6it5 GHSS., 05.03.1964 Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 THIRUVANDARKOIL, PDY 18. K.VIJAYARANI 646 THANTHAIPERIYAR 15.05.1965 Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 GGHSS., ARIANKUPPAIV, 19. R.BANUMATHY u7 ANNAI SIVAGAMI GGHS, 07.02.1956 Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 PUDUCHERRY. 20. L.SANTHY SAGAYAMARY, 08.07.201s ua 16.03.'t963 Promotee SINGARAVELAR GHS, Gen VEERAMPATTINAM. PDY 21 R.ASAITHAMBI , 649 THIRU.VI,KA GHS, 25.071961 Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 ARUMPARTHAPURAM, 22. V.BALASUBRAMANIAN , 650 GHS,, DHARI/1APURI 03.02.1959 Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 nefired PUOUCHERRY 23. V,BHUVANESWARI, 651 GHS, KOMPAKKAIV 10.07.1961 Gen Promotee 08.07.2015 PUDUCHERRY 24. P.JANAKIRAMAN, nafired 652 GHS-, GANDHI 15.05.1956 Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 NAGAR,PUDUCHERRY N,SUNDARESAN, Retked voc GHss, 653 07_11.1957 13.07.2015 KOTTUCHERRY, Gen Promotee KARAIKAL 26. N.KALA, Rellred 654 GHS, THENGAITHITTU, 01.05.1959 Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 PUDUCHERRY 27. IV.BHARATHIDASAN, 655 DAKSHINAMURTY GHS. 09.01.1961 Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 VAMPAKEERAPALAYAM, 28. A,MARIMUTHU, 656 GI/lS, KOTHUKULAM, 22.12.1960 Gen Promolee 07.o7.2015 29. A.RAJENOIRAN Rellred NSC BOSE GHS, 17.07.1958 Gen Promolee 08.07.20r5 ORLEANPET, PDY 30. 658 GGHSS . THIRUNALLAR. 22.1t.1957 Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 Rallred KARAIKAL 31 B,RAJENDIRAN Retked 65t P.DURAISAMY GHS, 01.06.1957 Gen Promotee 07.o7.2015 PETTICHETTIPEI, PDY 32. I\4,GOVIN DAN Rellred 20.05.1956 660 GHSS NONANKUPPAI\,|, Gen Promotee 07.07.2015 PUDUCHERRY 33. R.SASIKALA, Rcllred 66',| GHSS, OULGARET, 04.04. t959 Gen Promolee 08.07.20t5 PUDUCHERRY \*1,I 213r.3fDaLf E :4,-o Jl'.1- s- Ann.rrr* fo H.ro. No. 't-,-i'tfof -,o 34. M.RAHEEI\,lA BlVl, Rellred 662 GHSS., P.S. PALAYAM 14.07.1959 Gen Promolee 07.07.2015 PUDUCHERRY 35. S.THILAGAVATH I, 663 GGHSS., KALAPET 07.09.1964 Gen Promotee 08.07.2015 PUDUCHERRY P,DHANAPAUL. 66il SRI NKC GGHSS., 15.01.1964 Gen Promotee 08.07.2015 KURUSUKUPPAM 37. M.IVIANIMEGALAI. ietlred 665 GHSS ARIYUR 15.05.1959 Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 PUDI,jCHERRY 38. G.AZHAGARAJAN. 666 TGHSS., 02.05.1960 Gen Promotee 08.07.2015 AI\4BAGARATHUR, KKI 39. N.RAJEEVAN GHSS, CALVE COLLEGE 12.04.1960 Gen Promotee 09.07.2015 667 MlssroN sT., PUDUCHERRY. 40. C.MANNACATTY Rellred 668 GGHSS., KADIRKAMAM, 26.02.1956 Gen Promotee 08.07.2015 PUDUCHERRY 41. LIZZY FERNANDEZ 66? DSCL GGHS.. 22.03.1966 Gen Promotee 13.07.2015 PUDUCHERRY 42. K.P.HAREENDRAN c.GHS(FS), MISSION 470 04.05.1965 Gen Promoiee 09.07.2015 STREET, PUDUCHERRY. 43. R,INDIRA 671 GHS, THIRUAUVANAI, 15.06.1963 Gen Promolee 07.o7.2015 PUOUCHERRY 44. P.VAITHIAMTHAN R.ll.ed 26.03.1957 672 VALLALAR GGHSS., Gen Promotee 08.07.2015 LAWSPET 45. P.KANNAN R.tked 673 M.A.G, GHS, 19.0't.1959 Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 KARAIKAL 46 G.EZHILARASI 674 GHSS.. INDIRA NAGAR. 06.08.1960 Gen Promolee 07.o7.2015 PUDUCHERRY 47. A.MURALIDAMN 675 28.05.1961 Gen Promotee 08.07.2015 NEDUNCHEZ IAN GHSS., LAWSPET, PDY 48. J.METILDA 67t GHS. MANGALAM. 27.08.1960 Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 PUOUCHERRY 49. S. KALAMALIN I Rellred 677 T.PERIYAR GBHS, 15.04.1958 Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 KOVILPATHU 50. N-DJODY a78 GHS, AI.ANKUPPAM, 24.04.1965 Gen Promolee 07.o7.2015 PUDUCHERRY rtnnaule fo }leno. x.. zlasafuefe^+.v /af o.,o d]-'l- '5 "n-. 51. C.BASKAM RASSOU 619 VEERAMAMUNIVAR 06.08.1965 Gen Promotee 08.07.2015 GBHS, PUOUCHERRY V,RATHINASAAAPATHY Refred 08.07.2015 680 GHSS,, 10.05.1957 Gen Promolee THAVATAKUPPAM, POY R.BHUVANESWARI 6El SRSGHS. SAMM, 02.01.1961 Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 PUDUCHERRY 54 V,IVOUROUGAPPANE @ Retlred COUMARESSANE 642 i6.09.1959 Promolee 07.07.2015 SEKIZHAR GHS. Gen THATTANCHAVADY 55. S, MDJALATCHOUMY 08.07.2015 683 GMS. PILLAICHAVADY, 23.04.1965 Gen Promolee PUDUCHERRY 56_ G.SUMATHI Reti.ed 6E4 voc GBHss., MrssroN 20.07.'t958 Gen Promolee 07.07.2015 57. M SETHUMI\4AN Rell.ed 6E5 GGHS. T,R, PAITINAM, 15.02.1959 Gen Promotee 08.07 2015 KARAIKAL 58. KALE SAINATH 6E6 MAHATMA GANDH' 19.05.1961 Gen Promolee 07.07.2015 GBHS-.YANAM 59. P.KANMANI 587 GHSS. THALATHERU, 10.04.1967 Gen Promolee 07.07.2015 KARAIKAL 60. N,NAGALAKSHMI Relired 688 GGHS, KOTTUCHERRY, 08.12.1958 Gen Promolee 07.o7.2015 61. S.ARUNACHALAM 68? THILLIYAOI VALLIAIVIIT,IAI 10.11.1963 Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 GHS KADIRKAMAI\,I 62. V.SELVARASOU SUBRAMANIA 6t0 19.02.1963 Gen Promotee 08.07.2015 EHARATHIAR GGHSS-, PUOUCHERRY. 63_ 08.07.2015 6t't KAMARAJ GMS, 15.10.1968 Gen Promolee DAVIDPET. &t. s.KALr00ss ANNAIS,O.GHS 572 06.03.1960 Gen Promotee 08.07.2015 VADANUR, PUDUCHERRY R.KALYANASUNDARAM 06.11.1965 693 GHSS,, KOODAPAKKAM, Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 PUDUCHERRY 66. A.VELANGANNY VIRACOUMAR 694 24.05.1967 Gen Promotee 07.07.2015 GMS, POORANAN. KUPPAM, PUDUCHERRY -6- flemr' No'2fii|piEf tr-;rl'nf of u:n Annocure lo Y, .20,2.O PAMPANA LAKSHMANA 695 PRAVEEN, GHS., 08.0s 1968 Gen Promolee 08.07 2015 METTACUR, YANAM 68. SUSY ITATHEWS 696 GHSS,, 23.10.1942 Gen Promolee 10.07.2015 THONDAMANATHAM 69. D, PRAGALAOAN 2015 697 GIIIS KIZHAGRAGARAIII, 07.08.1970 Gen Promotee 00.07 PUDUCHERRY 70. N,ARUMUGAM Rellred 698 IVA GHSS., El\,tBALAM, 11.09.1955 Gen Promolee 08.07 2015 PUDUCHERRY 71. S.KUMARASAMY Rellred KAMBAN GHSS-, 699 20.01.1956 Gen Promolee 08.07.2015 NETTAPAKKAM.

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