CANADA CENTRE FOR INLAND WATER ANNUAL REPORT 1969 Queen's Printer for Canada Ottawa, 1970 CANADA CENTRE FOR INLAND WATERS ANNUAL REPORT 1969 Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Fisheries Research Board - Department of National Health .and Welfare CONTENTS V. vi Organization Charts 1 Highlights 1969 2 Environmental Quality Coordination Unit (EQCU) Fisheries Research Board Detachment (FRB) Great Lakes Division 4 — Chemical Limnology 8 — Computer and Data Services 9 — Engineering Systems 11 — Physical Limnology 16 —Contracted Research 17 • — Limnogeology 20 —Technical Operations 24 —Administration 24 —Coordinator's Office for International Field Year for Great Lakes (I FYGL) 25 Library 26 Marine Sciences Branch Detachment 26 Department of National Health and Welfare 26 Policy and Planning Branch Detachment 26 Public Relations and Information Services 27 Support Services 28 Water Quality Division Detachment 30 Appendix A — Staff List 33 Appendix B — Committees and Associations 34 Appendix C — Publications and Presentations 37 Appendix D — Committees Membership List 40 Apendix E — Contracts entered into by Great Lakes Division III Inland Waters Bronch (Freshwater Technology) Director Building Program Dr A.T Prince • Co-ordinator E.R.Long Comb Centre for Advisory Committee Inland Waters to CCIW Director (41:11114) ch. Prof.E.G.Pleva JR Bruce Univ. of West. Ont. Environmental r-------- 1 Executive I Functionol Guidance s Quality Co-ordination from Assistant Unit I I I T.S.Hillis Dr.A.R.LeFeuvre L Headquarters_ j -.. 1 --11- CCIW Great Lokes Division Marine Sciences National Health and Fisheries Research ri Water Quality Division Welfare Detachment IWB-EMR Branch Detachment Board Detachment IWB-EMR Administration (Kingston) B.J. Dutka Dr. R.A.Vollenweider T.S. Hillis Chief : ill P. Bruce A. Quirk (Ottawa) Dr. C.P Fisher Engineering Analytical Unit Building Manager Chemical Limnobgy Systems Dr V.K.Chowla D. F. Stewart Dr.M.E.Thompson G.A. Jones Policy and Planning Public Relations Personnel Branch Detachment and Information E M R Miss R. Kelly Services Unit A.R. Kirby Pilot Waste Limnogeology Technical D r. T. E Lee Stores Treatment Plant Dr.P.G.Sly Operations CF. Hicks I H.B.Macdonald A.R.Townshend Geological Survey Purchasing Administration Branch E M R J.L.Horris H.Lowson Dr. C.F. Lewis 1 Physical IFYGL Limnology Co-ordinat or ORGANIZATION OF DEPARTMENTS and AGENCIES Dr. R. K .Lone J. Mac Dowall Canada Centre for Inland Waters Computer and Data Services D.M.Francis DIRECTOR (acting) CCIW J.P.Bruce CCIW Management Committee ch. J. P Bruce Scientific Advisory Committee Ships Scheduling Computer and Data Library Committee ch. R.A.Vollenweider Safety Committee Committee Use Committee .; Mrs.E. Fosdick to Dec. 3Ist.,1969 D.F. Stewart H.B.Macdonald A.R.LeFeuvre eff.Jon.Ist.,1970 D.M.Francis Committee on the Development Working Group Working Group of Computer Programs on on Seminar Committee re .Cruise Data Pesticides Moored Sensors H.S.Weiler ch. ME .Thompson ch. A.R.LeFeuvre ch. H.S.Weiler INTERNAL COMMITTEE STRUCTURE Canada Centre for Inland Waters Dec. 31 st., 1969 SECTION 111 Serial oceanographic data 14 C Apparaius — This is an incubator for nutrient bio-assay involving measurement of photosynthesis rates of phytoplankton. The rates are determined by the amount of Carbon 14 absorbed. The incubator consists" of a counter-balanced light bank and exhaust hood (for cooling) which gives a high intensity light source approaching daylight over a 6-square- foot open tank. The tank is fed to a constant height with raw lake water in which are submersed two rotating bottle racks with capacity for 40 sample bottles. The apparatus was made for the Fisheries Research Board and is now installed on the MVMartin Karlsen. 44.:\ , r-. HIGHLIGHTS 1969 and clean-up of spills in Arctic and coastal waters and will form the basis for negotiations A number of important developments oc- with the provinces in connection with waters of curred at the Canada Centre for Inland Waters in joint jurisdiction, such as the Great Lakes. 1969, the second full year of operation. The re- Initial plans for oil spill clean-up research were ports of the various Sections and Detaclunents developed to help fulfill the Centre's obliga- on the following pages outline the more im- tions under the federal contingency plan. J.P. portant of these and 10 deserve special mention. Bruce served as chairman of the Interdepart- the 1. Report to the IJC — Volume I (Sum- mental Working Group which developed mary) of Report to the International Joint plan. Dr. LeFeuvre was appointed interim Commission on the Pollution of Lake Erie, convener of the Technical Working Group, one Lake Ontario and the International Section of of the two working groups established for the St. Lawrence River was published and implementation of the Plan. F.M. Boyce of the released in October. CCIW prepared the technical section on oil spill Much of the Canadian surrey work for this containment and clean-up methods for the report was carried. out by the staff of the report to the IJC, Potential Oil Pollution agencies associated with CCIW, who collabo- Incidents from Oil and Gas Well Activities in rated with their colleagues of the Ontario Water Lake Erie, their Prevention and Control Resources Commission, other federal agencies 3. Socio-economic Unit — A socio- and United States representatives. economic research unit was established in No- The following staff members prepared sec- vember by Policy and Planning Branch of tions of Volumes I, II and III: H.H. Dobson, Energy, Mines and Resources. Research pro- P.F. Hamblin, Dr. R.K. Lane, Dr. C.F.M. Lewis, grams in economics, sociology and geography M.T. Shiomi, A.J. Stanley-Jones, Dr. H.S. complementary to existing natural sciences Weiler, Dr. R.R. Weiler. programs are being developed under the direc- Dr. A.R. LeFeuvre edited Volume III on tion of Dr. Terry Lee by the four staff members Lake Ontario with assistance from Hit of the Unit. Dobson, Dr. V.K. Chawla and Dr. A. Lerman, 4. Public Information — A Public Rela- under the general direction of the IJC Editorial tions and Information Services Unit was estab- Committee. Major contributions to the scien- lished by A.R. Kirby. In addition to organizing tific basis of the recommendations concerning the Centre's response to requests for speakers, nutrient control were made by Dr. R.A. radio, TV and press interviews, articles, and Vollenweider. J.P. Bruce served on the Editorial visits to the Centre, the Unit developed an Committee. initial plan for a longer-range information pro- The report contains 19 recommendations gram. for control of pollution on the lakes based on 5. Environment Quality Coordination present knowledge, but identifies a number of Unit — Thé Environmental Quality Coordina- problems for which fully satisfactory scientific tion Unit was established in June with the answers were not available. Research programs appointment of the unit head Dr. A.R. are under way or are being developed at CCIW LeFeuvre. This Unit is responsible for coordi- to fill many of the identified gaps in our nating the results of research from the various knowledge. disciplhiary groups of the Centre and for 2. Federal Contingency Plan for Oil converting these results into reports directed to Spills — At year's end the federal govern- pollution abatement programs and policies. The ment's contingency plan for dealing with major Unit has concentrated on completion of the spills of oil and toxic material in all waters of Centre's share of the IJC pollution reference federal jurisdiction was submitted to the Inter- report on the organization of the federal departmental Committee on Water for ap- contingency plan and on development of an proval. It makes provision for cooperative interdepartmental program of pesticide re- federal department response for contairunent search. e , 6. Construction — Construction of the 10. Canadian Coordinator — As a contri- first of the permanent buildings of the Centre bution to the International Field Year for the began in October. Occupancy of the first-phase Great Lakes, the office of Canadian Coordi- buildings, the workshop-warehouse, research nator was established in the Great Lakes Divi- and development building and central heating sion at the Centre. Mr. J. MacDowall took up plant is scheduled for summer, 1970. A deci- his duties in this capacity in February. sion was made to advance the construction Some of the activities planned for CCIW schedule for the water quality pilot plant for during 1970 are: testing promising new industrial and municipal The central region of the Canadian Hydro- waste treatment methods. It will now be built graphic Service, Marine Sciences Branch, will during 1970. Mr. A. Townshend joined the staff move to the Centre from Ottawa to carry out of the Water Quality Division to coordinate its function of charting waterways from Father scientific plans for this development. Point to the Alberta border. 7. Scientific Papers — Scientific staff Interdisciplinary, inter-agency task forces members produced many significant papers will be established to carry out well coordi- during the year. At the annual Great Lakes nated studies of lake eutrophication (chairman planning committee, Conference of the International Association for — Dr. R.A. Vollenweider) and Great Lakes Research in Ann Arbor, Mich., the and of oil spill detection, containinent 17 papers presented by CCIW staff were the clean-up (chairman — planning committee, Dr. largest number from any one research centre in LeFeuvre). of the permanent buildings will be North America. A total of 47 papers were The first published by staff members during the year occupied. building and the pilot (Appendix C). The main laboratory sewage treatment plant will be started. The 8. Advisory Committee to CCIW — The former is scheduled for completion in 1972 and Advisory Conunittee to the Canada Centre the latter in early 1971.
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