MARCH, 1919 20 CENTS HT THE BIRTH CONTROL REVIEW Reconstruction is in the air. One of the first principles of reconstruction is the freedom of \vomen through birth control. 'fhe Birth Control Movement is dedicated to the cause of voluntary motherhood. The Birth Control Revieqf) is the voice of this movement, 'which George Benlard Shaw has termed "the most revolutionary doctrine of the 19th Century." Birth Control will abolish child labor; it will wipe out 95 % of infant mortality; it "rill do away with the increasing crime of the 20thCentu ry-abortion; it will relieve unemployment; it will free society from perpetuating the great drain of supporting institutions for the feeble­ minded and the insane. No League of Nations, nor Government no matter how ideal, can maintain peace until it recog­ nizes the danger of over-population and advocates the practice of birth control as a funda­ mental principle. The February NUlDber Special Eugenics and Havelock Ellis Issue I.-Birth Control and Racial Betterment, by 3.-The Cry for Deliverance, by Margaret Sanger Mothers of the Unfit 2.-Birth Control and Eugenics, by Other articles by: Jessie Ashley, W. F. Stella Browne, Havelock Ellis C. V. Drysdale, D.Se., and Genevieve Grandeourt $1.50 a year 15 cents a copy Published monthly by The' New York Women's Publishing Co., Inc. 104 Fifth Avenue, New York City Margaret Sanger, Editor RAND SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE 7 East 15th Street Near 5th Avenue New York City Correspondence Courses New Afternoon Department Your Vacation I. An opportunity for women, for teachers, for Study Socialism and See New York During night workers. the Summer SCOTT NEARING I THE PLAN: .. The Human Element in Economics" "DYNAMIC SOCIOLOGY" SCOTT NEARING Terms of 2, 4, or 6 weekS, from July 7 to 3 months' course, exams., text, fee, $3.00 Sociology after the school of Lester Ward. August 16. Fridays at 5 p. m. Begins Feb . .'28. A thorough study of modern industrial con­ II THE TEACHERS: {litions. A fearless analysis of the workings Scott Nearing, Max Eastman, Algernon Lee, of the capitalist system. "REVOLUTIONARY EPOCHS" BENJAMIN C. GLASSBERG Prof. H. W. L. Dana, Louis P. Lochner, Lud­ Mondays at 4 p. m. Begins Feb. 24. wig Lore, A.rturo Giovannitti, etc., etc., etc.- II. III THE COURSES: DAVID P. BERENBERG "APPRECIATION OF MODERN Revolutions in Europe, The Soviet Govern­ LITERATURE" "Fundamentals of Socialism" ment, Economics of Reconstruction, Social­ DAVID P. BERENBERG ism, Labor Problems, Art, Drama, Poetry,etc. Tuesdays at 4 p. m. Begins Feb. 2;J. 3 months' course, text books, exams., fee, $4.00 Other courses in Social History, Economics, IV RECREATION: Labor Problems, etc., by Anna Maley, Alger­ "FUNDAMENTALS OF SOCIALISM" Mornings for study, afternoons and evenings non Lee, Morris Hillquit and others. BENJAMIN C. GLASSBERG free for recreation in "America's Ideal Va- Wednesdays at 4 p. m. Begins Feb. 26. cation Land." Sample leaflet of each course together with Hillquit's "Socialism Summed Up" for 25c. V 'rours, trips and excursions under competent in stamps or coin. "ELEMENTS OF POLITICAL SCIENCE" guides. Dances, concerts, theatre parties, BENJAMIN C. GLASSBERG comra,deship. For description of any of the above courses Thursdays at 4 p. m. Begins Feb . .'27. Each of the above runs 3 months (12 ses­ Write for further information and free write for free folder No. 100. sions). Fee, $2.50. folder 110 Register and get information in. Room 401, Rand School, 7 East 15th St. Rand School Correspondence Dept. "Rand School News," describing all courses, Summer School Department, Rand School 7 East 15th Street New York City free upon request. 7 East 15th Street New York City .. March, 1919 "THE HOUR OF· THE PEOPLE HAS COME" ROLETARIANS! Men and Women of labor! ment,' 'rights of small nations,' 'self-determination of the P Comrades! peoples,' it is merely using the customary. lying phrases of "The revolution has made its entry into Germany. The the rulers for the purpose of lulling to sleep the watchful­ masses of the soldiers who for four years were driven to the ness of the proletariat. slaughterhouse for the sake of capitalistic profits; the ma&ses " .Proletarians of all countries! This must be the last of workers, who for four years were exploited, crushed, and war! We owe that to the 12,000,000 murdered victims, we starved, have revolted. That fearful tool of oppression­ owe that to o'ur children, we owe -that to humanity. Prussian militarism, that scourge of humanity-lies broken "Europe has been ruined through the infamous interna­ on the ground. Its most noticeable representatives, and tional murder. Twelve million bodies cover the grewsome therewith the most noticeable of those guilty of this war, scenes of the imperialistic crime. The flower of youth and the Kaiser and the Crown Prince, have fled from the coun­ the best man power of the peoples have been mowed down. try. Workers and Soldiers' Councils have been formed Uncounted productive forces have been annihilated. Hu­ everywhere. manity is almost ready to bleed to death from the unex­ "Proletarians of all countries, we do not say that in ampled blood-letting of history. Victors and vanquished Germany all the power has really been lodged in the hands stand at the edge of the abyss. Humanity is threatened with of the working people, that the complete triumph of the the most dreadful famine, a stoppag~ of the entire mechan­ proletarian revolution has already been attained. There ism of production, plagues, and degeneration. still sit in the Government all those Socialists who in "The great criminals of this fearful anarchy, of this August, 1914, abandoned our most precious possession, the chaos let loose-the ruling classes-are not able to control International, who for four years betrayed the German their own creation. The beast of capital that conjured up working class and at the same time the International. the hell of the world war is not capable of banishing it "But, proletarians of all countries, now the German again, of restoring real order, of insuring bread and work, proletarian himself is speaking to you. We believe we have peace and civilization, justice and liberty, to tortured the right to appear before your forum in his name. From humanity. the first day of this war we endeavored to do our interna­ "What is bei!1g prepared by the ruling classes as peace tional duty by fighting that criminal Government with all and justice is only a new work of brutal force from which our power and branding it as the one really guilty of the the hydra of oppression, hatred and fresh bloody wars raises war. its thousand heads. " Now at this moment we are justified before history, be­ "Socialism alone is in a position to complete the great fore the International 'and before the German proletariat. work of permanent peace, to heal the thousand wound~ from The masses agree with us enthusiastically, constantly widen­ which humanity is bleeding, to transform the plains of ing circles of the proletariat share the knowledge that the Europe, trampled down by the passage of the apocryphal hour has struck for a settlement with capitalist class rule. horseman of war, into blooming gardens, to cQnjure up ten " But this great task cannot be a~complished by the Ger­ productive forces for every one destroyed, to awaken all the man proletariat alone; it can only fight and triumph by physical and moral energies of humanity, and to replace appealing to the solidarity of the proletarians of the whole hatred and dissension with fraternal solidarity, harmony, world. and respect for every human being. " Comrades of the belligerent countries, we are aware of " And therefore we call to you: 'Arise fer the struggle! your situation. We know very well that your Govern­ Arise for action! The time for empty manifestos, platonic ments, now since they have won the victory, are dazzling resolutions, and high-sounding words has gone by! The the eyes of many strata of the people with -the external hour of action has struck for the International! ' We ask brilliancy of the triumph. We know that they thus succeed you to elect Workers' and Soldiers' Councils everywher~ through the success of the murdering in making its causes that will seize political power and, together with us, will and aims forgotten. restore peace. " But we also know something else. We know that also " Not Lloyd-George and Poincare, not Sonnino, Wilson, in your countries the proletariat made the most fearful and Erzberger or Scheidemann, must be allowed to make sacrifices of flesh and blood, that it is weary of the dreadful peace. Peace is to be concluded under the waving banner butchery, that the proletarian is now returning to his home, of the socialist world revolution. and is finding want and misery there, while fortunes amount­ " KLARA ZETKIN, ing to billions are heaped up in the hands of a few capitalist~. "'ROSA LUXEMBURG, " The imperialism of all countries knows no ' understand­ "KARL LIEBKNECHT, ing,' it knows only one right-capital's profits; it know~ " FRANZ MEHRING." only one language--;-the sword; it knows only one method­ violence. And if it is now talking in all countries, in yours • Manifesto issued by the Spartacans a few weeks befor~ Lieb­ knecht and Rosa Luxemburg were killed. Reprinted from the N. Y. as well as ours, about the' League of Nations,' 'disarma- Times. Drawn by Art Young ~~ for US~ Bill. .,. THE LIBER"ATOR Vol. 1, No. 13 March, 1919 in relation to the Bolshevik Government. Previously I had EDITORIALS talked with him casually during my stay of nine months in Russia.
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