THE WEATHER TODAY ON THE INSIDE Generally fair today and tomorrow with Bankhead Ma'} Pitch Today ........ Page 2 Amateur Photography ............ Page 3 high today around 75. Warmer tomorrow. Low West Tires of Russian Veto (Editorial) .. Page 4 oWGn tonight 52 to 56. Eatabliahed 1868-Vol 79, No. 284-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Tueaday, August 26, 1!J.47-Five Cenls c • Agree on Plan Sky-Streak Boosts Fracture Kills Yugoslavian 'Mob Beheads , Own World Speed 20 Y Old For Defense' Record to 650 M. P. H. - ear- . Catholic Priest After Service TRIESTE (JP)- The Allied mllilary government was informed yes· MUROC, Calif, (JP)-The navy's terday that a slckle-wieldin, mob beheaded a Catholic priest and 01 America jet-propelled Douglas Sky-Streak D. Farrington seriously wounded a prelate from the Vatican during a Sunday con­ boosted It's own world alr speed firmation service In a village near Pislno, SO miles southwest ot' record to 650.6 miles an hour yes­ Police Report Youth Trieste in Yugoslav-occupied Venezia GiuUa. QUIT ANDINHA, Brazil (JP)-A terday. five-nation conference group I"f Swerved Cycle ~eft to An AMG oUicer said Msgr. AntonJo Santin, bishop of Trieste ancr Marine Mal. Marlon Carl of Capodistra, identified the assaUants as Yugoslavs. the inler-American 'conference Hubbard, Ore., and Patuxent Miss Car on ,Burlington The dead priest was the Rev. Mlro Buleslch, and the wounded pre­ nached a tentative five-point River, Md., plloted the tiny, scar­ -------------.late the Ms,r. Giacomo UIonar. .,reement last night on methods let plane four times over the Donald Farrington, 20-year-old The Itallan language new'; for dealing with armed attacks on three-kilometer course at the army Iowa City veteran, W8'§ killed paper La Voce Libera In Trieste shortly after midnight last night an American nation from within air base here, where only last said the mutilated body of a third Wednesday the same plane set a as a result of a motorcycle acci­ France Uses priest who had been missing for or without the western hemi­ mark 01 640.7 miles an hour. dent on Burlington street between a week was found in a woods. H8 .phere. It required several hours to Linn and Dubuque streets. was identified as Father Kristlan, The group, wh1ch has been at calibrate Instruments and arrive The accident occurred at about parish priest of Tolauo in Istria. work constantly since Saturday, at the new record speed. 12:25 a.m. and Farrington died at Veto to Block The body bore marks of "horrible reported it had agreed on these The plane hit its top speed on University hospital at 12:44 a.m. torture," the newspaper saId, points: the first run, which was clocked as a result of a fractured skull, La Voce Libera said Father 1. Every nation in the hemi­ at 652.642 m.p.h. The second run according to County Coroner Buleslch was attacked by men .phere has the ~nherent right of Russian Plan was figured at 649.358 mph. The Frank L. Love. wielding sickles and was "Uter­ Individual or cdUective self-de­ thlrd run came up again sllghtly The accident took place only LAKE SUCCESS (JP)- France ally slaughtered," while Ms,r. tense. with wind, to 652.579. On the final three blocks from where 20-year­ yesterday vetoed a Russian effort Ukmar, thrown down and trampl­ 2. There should be no differ­ run, agalnst the wind, the time old Regina O'Neill was kllled at to set up an ll-natlon truce com­ ed, suffered a skull fracture and. entiation between an armed at­ was 648.730. 11 :45 p.m. June 12 after an auto­ mission to check on the security kidney wounds. • tack instigated by an American Cmdr. l'urner F. Caldwell Jr., mobile-taxi crash at the Inter­ council's violated cease-fire order The attack occurred at Lan­ nation against a sister country and of Arlington, Va .. who last week section of Johnson and Burlington in {he Dutch-Indonesian conflict. ische, near Pisino. an attack by an extra-continental set a new record of 640.7 mlles streets. The council then went ahead The newspaper reported a band power . an hour in the same plane, wit­ It was the second motorcycle and took two alternative steps of men armed with hoes, pick., 3. In case of armed attack, na­ nessed the flight. fatality in Iowa City in a little less aimed at settling the dispute: shovels and sickles attempted to tions of the hemisphere may assist The navy permitted newsmen than four months. Ivan Roth, a 1. The council tendered its good break into the church while a the Invaded nation individually Or to watch yesterday's flight, but 25-year-old army veteran, died bJ . Ollie White, ....a Cit, Police O.portmeDt offices to both sides and stood confirmation ceremony was In collectively on an emergency ba­ you had to look mighty sharp to after a collision with a pick-up ready. if asked, to assist in a prol1'ess, but was repulsed by .. Ils. I see anything. The plane flashed truck at 6:45 p.m. May 10 at the ,., lUOTORCYCLE A CIDENT resulted In the dulh of Donald Farrlnlton (Insert), 20, 1823 C. Itreet. settlement through a council com- crowd guarding the door. After such assistance has beell at terrific speed across the 1.86 corner of Dubuq~e and Market shortly after mldnl, ht last nhrht. Farrln,ton's body was pinned btl neath the CyCle. The accIdent occur- mlttee of three members accept­ After 250 children had recelve)J given, inter-American consulta­ mile ~urse, trailing a long plume streets. red, accord In, l.o police rellort , when Farrlnrton, rldlnr east on BurLinrton, Iwerved to avoid .. car able to the disputants. the sacrament, Msgr. Ukmar, ra­ Ilons may be held to determine of black smoke. Roth's death was the first Iowa travelllnr In the arne dlrectlon, owned by Martin O'NeUl, Bettendorf. 2. The delegates called on car- ther Buleslch, and another priest what measures already have been The plane seemed absolutely City traffic fa talJty in nearly three eer consuls in Batavia to report withdrew to the sacristy, where taken and what additional assis­ silent as it passed the observers, years. Last nights death was the directly to them on what has hap. the attack occurred, the account tance is required by the nation at­ located midway on the course. The third traffic death In Iowa City pened since the cease .fire order said. tacked. sound trailed the ship by several this year. was Issued here Aug. I. The newspaper said another 4. A cease fire order will be hundred yards, and it was far Police reports indicate that the Urges Sophoulis to l Ex-Premier Sutan Sjahrir, re­ confirmation ceremony was dis­ employed in cases of aggression accident happened when Farring­ Happy to Return to 61 (how away before its thundering ex­ presenUni the Indonesian repub- rupted Saturday at Pinguente by and will be issued by a "consulta­ haust could be heard. ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo W. SEOUL, Korea (IP)-Three teen­ and promised that Lln American Join Coalition and lic, said "certainly" the Republic a mob shouting In support bt tive organism" of the Inter-Amer­ Major Carl made two of his Farrington, 1823 C street, came age American soldiers, freed after olficer would COrne for them that would accept the ofter or good Marshal THo, The mob hurled. Ican system, such as the Pan­ four passes under 50 feet and the from behind and to the left to 12 days In Russian cUilody, saJd evenin,. otflces. tomatoes at two priests, Father ,American union. other two only slightly higher. avoid hitting a car travelling east yesterday th y wero weH !reated At that moment, however, a Expedite U. Sa Aid Dutch Ambassador Eelco N. Van Steganlc and Father Silvani, forc­ 5. The establishment of a hem­ To compute the speed, the times on Burlinaton. Four persons were but were kept under tommyguJ\ Korean brought in a cheap cam- ATHENS (JP)-Dwight P. Grls- Kletten!l said he would ask his In, them to abandon the church.. ' Isphere "security region" for de­ on each of the four passes are riding in the car, owned by Martin guard and got such unappetizing era which Pugsley had dropped. government for instructions. There was no Immediate com~ fense of the hemisphere. averaged. On one of Its passes O'Neill, Bettendorf. meals that "we'll never gripe This apparently caused the Rus- wold, administrator of .the United Alexandre Parodi, ot France, ment lrom the Vatlcan. The "security region," orignally last week, the ship was clocked O'Neill repol·ted hearing the about GI chow again." sians to change their minds, COf I S tates aid program. VISited The­ told newsmen he vetoed the Rus­ In another aspect ot the general contained in the 1939 Declara tion at 653 .4 miles an hour. Since then, "brakes of the motorcycle squeak the Americans were taken north mistokles Sophoulls at his subur­ sian proposal because it was a subject of .religlous liberty in 01 Panama, will be epanded to In­ engineers disclosed, minor adjust­ about three tlme5" behind him be­ Their release followed two stilf protests from Lt. Gen. John R. by train and car a distance they ban home in Kiphlssia last night question of "competence." The Yugoslavia, L'Osservatore Rom­ clude Canada. Under the tenta­ ments have been made and they fore he saw the motorcycle swerve estimated to be about 100 miles: and stressed the need for polItical councll stili has to decide finally ano, the Vatican newspaper, d~ tive agreement, the hemisphere believed yesterday It was capable to the left, shoot across the side­ Hodge, commandant of the Amer­ ican zone of soutllern Korea.
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