ADVENTIST Weekly News and Inspiration for Seventh-day Adventists August 27, 1987 WHO IS TEACHING STANDARDS? Eight Readers Respond : '1 • I I A Aki LETTERS China God for Us 13 flagship hospitals." I say they I would like to clarify a few Re "God of All Our Needs" (July have it backward. Sell the big hos- ambiguities in the published ver- 9). pitals and build more small sanitar- sion of my article "China" (July 23). I am a divorced woman who is iums in rural locations, using hy- While a few individuals may lonely and many times troubled drotherapy, massage therapy, and wish to reestablish a formal church over my circumstances. I have natural remedies and teaching organization in China, the General found that God is truly interested in proper vegetarian diet. Conference of Seventh-day Advent- all aspects of my life. Many times JEFFREY GRIMALDI ists does not have such a plan, since when tempted to give up, I have felt Princeton, Florida such organization is not permitted His wooing and His attempts to by the government. The Adventist draw me close to Him. It is a very Church has no identity, organiza- difficult thing for me to reject His Seein g tion, institutions, or departmental overtures; God knows me well I give thanks for the teachings of work in China, but we do have local enough to reach me in just the right the Master Artist and the host of church leaders. In some places they way. Many times He leads me to preachers who help us see ("Water- have built or rebuilt chapels. something in a book or magazine color Painting," July 16). Would Even before the Cultural Revolu- that speaks to me and is just what I that the unique colors of our Ad- tion in the 1960s and 1970s, need to hear. He makes me feel very ventist ways reflect the Divine Pat- many intellectuals and managerial special. What relationship could be tern purely and clearly so that the workers were sent to the country- better than that! Praise the Lord! He world can see Jesus through us and side to be educated, "to learn from is my best friend. I just can't find the have opportunity to admire the rare the peasants." Young people were right words to say how much God beauty of the gospel too. encouraged by Chairman Mao and means to me. the Gang of Four to leave home to JANET SANFORD ELIZABETH SAGER carry out their revolution every- Columbus, Wisconsin Portland, Tennessee where. In spite of great difficulties, many The school of thought that if God The Bomb of our members are keeping the is our friend He cannot be our Sabbath and are witnessing wher- disciplinarian and judge is to play I am happy we realize that "noth- ever they are. At least two factories one attribute of God against His ing in the Bible teaches that a lim- close down on Sabbath, and soon other attributes and could result in ited nuclear war can't occur" ("The there will be a third one. These being a subtle blow to His Bright Side of the Bomb," June 25), members bear witness to the world, sovereignty. The unspeakable thrill but it's a pity that the only lesson we like Daniel and his friends in the of being a friend of God is not in the draw is "to place [our] hopes and past. fact that He is not our judge and dreams elsewhere than in this car- I invite ADVENTIST REVIEW readers disciplinarian, but that He is! nal, transient world." Maybe our everywhere to join with the leaders church should take a more "pro- of the General Conference in peti- R. W. O'FFILL phetic" and aggressive attitude tioning God to reveal Himself to the Longwood, Florida against nuclear war, denouncing teeming millions of China. those politicians who clearly put their trust only in the strength of SAMUEL YOUNG retaliation. Unless we give up hu- Washington, D. C. AHS Choices man reasoning and accept Jesus' One way the Adventist Health teaching ("Do not resist an evil per- System ("AHS Faces Difficult son. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other Applause Choices," July 2) could reduce their expenses would be for all adminis- also" [Matt. 5:39, NIV]), some day a I applaud "Ellen White Speaks to trators and other personnel to lower nuclear war will break out. a New Generation" (July 16). The their salaries to the same as minis- ROBERTO VACCA author states that Ellen White "con- ters. Firenze, Italy tinually points me to Jesus, the fo- PETER TADEJ cus of my faith." Could it be that Letters should not exceed 250 words Tacoma, Washington and should carry the writer's name, ad- those who question her validity do dress, and telephone number. All will be not wish to live a Christ-centered edited to meet space and literary require- life, as she so well exemplified it? The study done for our health- ments, but the author's meaning will not care system recommended that we be changed. Views expressed in the letters ROGER D. BROWN "sell smaller, rural hospitals" and do not necessarily represent those of the Brooks, Kentucky "increase the system's focus on its editors or denomination. 2 (962) ADVENTIST REVIEW. AUGUST 27, 1987 ADVENT/5T REVIEW August 27, 1987 General paper of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Editor William G. Johnsson Associate Editor Myron K. Widmer News Editor Carlos Medley Assistant Editors Eugene F. Durand Deborah Anfenson-Vance Kit Watts Elephant, p. 8 Standards, p. 11 Gray hair, p. 14 Administrative Secretary Corinne Russ Editorial Secretaries EDITORIALS LIFESTYLE Jackie Ordelheide Edith Wilkens Art Director 4 The Faces of Grinding 14 Old Age and Gray Hair . Byron Steele Poverty — Part I . and how seniors and younger mem- Designer bers can work together to make the best of Bryan Gray by Myron Widmer Marketing it. by Sara Eaton a Gil Anderson Ad Sales Orval Driskell 5 Supreme Court? Subscriber Services by Eugene F. Durand Larry Burtnett Consulting Editors NEWS Neal C. Wilson, Charles E. Bradford, Wal- lace 0. Coe, D. F. Gilbert, Robert J. THE CHRISTLIKE LIFE Kloosterhuis, Kenneth J. Mittleider, Enoch 6 Newsbreak Oliveira, Calvin B. Rock, G. Ralph Thomp- son 8 The Adventist Elephant 17 Worldview Special Contributors Youth in Indonesian village evangelism. Kenneth H. Wood, Robert H. Pierson, Whether the matter at hand be elephants George W. Brown, Gerald J. Christo, or righteousness, blind people examining Grand opening of restored Sutherland Ottis C. Edwards, Bekele Heye, Edwin Lu- descher, J. J. Nortey, Jan Paulsen, Walter such a large subject are bound to disagree. house. Low cost chapel in Mali. R. L. Scragg, Joao Wolff Africa-Indian Ocean Editions by Ann Cunningham Burke Editor, Inter-American Edition Editor, Adalgiza Archbold South American Editions EDUCATION Editor, R. S. Lessa, Portuguese; editor, Rolando Itin, Spanish DEPARTMENTS How to Subscribe Subscription prices: 11 Standards: Readers' US$27.95 for 40 issues. US$36.20 for 52 issues. Response 2 Letters To place your order, send your name, address, and payment to your local Ad- "Who Is Teaching Standards?" asked a ventist Book Center or Adventist Review 10 Ross Report Subscription Desk, Box 1119, Hagers- thus-titled June 4 REVIEW article. Now 16 Adventist Scrapbook town, Maryland 21741. Single copy, 90 a cents U.S. currency. Prices subject to eight readers express their views on the change without notice. complex issue of SDA lifestyle standards 20 Bulletin Board To Writers We welcome unsolicited manuscripts. Notification of acceptance or and how we should relate to and promote 22 Children's Corner rejection may be expected only if accom- panied by a stamped, self-addressed them. 23 Reflections envelope. Address all editorial corre- spondence to 6840 Eastern Avenue NW., Washington, D.C. 20012. The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161- 1119) is published 40 times a year, each COMING NEXT WEEK Thursday except the first Thursday of the a month. Copyright ©1987 Review and Her- ald Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, Maryland "His Relentless Tender- ■ "The Hispanic Work in 21740. Second-class postage paid at Ha- gerstown, Maryland 21740. Postmaster: ness," by William G. Johnsson. North America," by Elias G. send address changes to Adventist Re- view, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagers- Revelation 5 predicts a Lion, Gomez. A look at the reasons town, MD 21740. Texts credited to TEV are from the Good but shows us a Lamb—Jesus, why the Spanish church is News Bible —Old Testament Copyright © American Bible Society 1976; New Tes- the lion-lamb—pursuing us growing so rapidly in the tament; Copyright American Bible Soci- ety 1966, 1971, 1976. Texts credited to with matchless love. United States. NIV are from the Holy Bible, New Interna- ■ "Watchers and Holy Ones," ■ "NAD Education Looks at It- tional Version. Copyright ©1978 by the In- ternational Bible Society. Used by permis- by Gary Tetz, R. S. Norman, self," by Myron Widmer. Dif- sion of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Texts credited to RSV are from the Revised and Lawrence Todd Kromann. ficulties the Adventist educa- Standard Version of the Bible, copyrighted 1946, 1952 C 1971, 1973. Three writers, one question: tional system is facing and Cover by Meylan Thoresen What do young people see how it is working to find ac- Vol. 164, No. 35 when they look at you? ceptable solutions. ADVENTIST REVIEW, AUGUST 27, 1987 (963) 3 EDITORIALS PART I meal or rent payment is coming from. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and tensions rise— just note the unrest in so many countries.
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