Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 12-10-2008 The BG News December 10, 2008 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News December 10, 2008" (2008). BG News (Student Newspaper). 8011. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/8011 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. ESTABLISHED 1920 A daily independent student press serving THE NEWS the campus and surrounding community Wednesday December 10, 2008 Volume 103. Issue 73 BGSU's business Students use Adderall school recognized to focus A recent study shows By Michelle Bosserman Rodney in an effort to focus, Rogers many college students ' 'he Somethingsnevei i liange.And ■ business turn to the A.D.H.D. lor the University - ( allege ol drug Adderall | Page 5 Business \dministralion the '•ation constant is a good thing. I he ( ollege ol Business n A day to Administration has recent I) an ai i minting major on pai e been recognized b\ Prim eton's tn graduate a semestei earlj call in 'gay' Review as oneol the best busi fell the i ollege ol Business Some people call in ness schools in their 2009 edi \dministration deserved the sick, but today, gays lion Hi the "Best 296 Business award foi all the haul work Schools." It is thi' fifth nine ihey ye put into rile school. and lesbians all over in ,i row the i ollege has ITCH I feel ihis is well deserved the country are call- recognized by the Mew York because everyone in the busi- ing in gay to protest based publii ation. ness i ollege works hard to Proposition 8 (iin goal as .i college is to make sure students are pre A battle between online social networks innovate students .mil provide pared Foi a i areei aftei gradu- | Page 4 them with as mam oppoi ation, Paj ne saul I here are lunitics a- possible," Dean main opportunities lor intern- By Lin Chafetz CampusRuddy offers ol tin- College ol Business ships and a lol ol resdini es for State Rei., ■ many different features Uiministration Rodney Rogers i areei development, iin \ ve distractions compered to other social said "It's great to be recog really given me all the tools I networking sites, such as ni/rd in this review because, need lo sin i eed in the future' Recent accusations Every day at the University. a majority of students spend providing students with unlike other reviews ihis is Mong with being listed surrounding the their day procrastinat- information on the grade inn pen cni student feedback." as one ot the best business governor of Illinois have ing by visiting the popular distribution on campus. Rogers, who has taught in schools, the University also been a minor headache social networking Web site Over 80 million grades I rani e and has been a i on l,inked si\[|l OUl nl III 111 the Facebook. are able to be accessed In sultanl tin Nike, has been with 'greatest opportunity tor for President-elect ' But now, a new site is in department or overall, the University foi two and a minority students' i ategory ol Oban .i | Page 4 town to entertain bored according to the site. hall years now. He said he fell the Princeton Revii 1 (diversity students. freshman Meghan Slates little pressure with keeping the 1 lie reason I came to the Jet fighter Cam pus Buddy, com, said she first heard about outstanding rei ognition ol the University i- bei ause il - so which was launched on CampusBuddy in a mass e- college because the achieve diverse," junioi t raig < libson crashes Nov. W of this year, is a site mail si nt out at the begin- tnents go beyond him as an said In San Diagoan- il designed for students on ,i ning of the year. individual. I In- college .ii tivelj works college campus. "I have a CampusBuddy ' I hese rankings are not a to rei mil rlii.se ol different let fighters engines result ot one individual in a backgrounds, Rogers said failed and crashed program," Rogers said. Then' I loin the College ol Business into a suburban are main stafl and students \dministration.approximatcly who are responsible foi the 100 in scholarship money neighborhood achievements the business is given in students ol all eth | Page 11 college has accomplished nil iiies he said Schools are selected by the Gibson received the Wind energy Princeton Review based on IhsiiiiH ally i Inderrepresented rankings ol at ademii experi Scholarship and is mm in making its mark ence.quality ol services offered accountingmajoi inthet ollege Gov. Ted Strickland and opinions ol students, nt Business Administration. Rogers said I he University I he si holarship makes i lasses announced yesterday has been chosen all five years less stressful for him tx iergy is iin Princeton Review has he doesn't have lo uon j making a killing in the published the "Best Business Schools edition. BUSINESS energy market in Ohio ,LJSrRAIION BY 61AISE IEBRANOVAAND CHBIS WEST lunior Kristopher Payne | Page 10 Falcons look to start a uto industry bailout nears voting stage comeback By Julio Hirschfeld Davis loans in I w not Detroit's Big I line cies fighting lo steady the reeling After finishing 14-0 auto makers I unl \lnlin ( o. financial industry. against Notre Dame has said il doesn't need an inline \ filial deal hinged on only WASHINGTON Congressand diaie cash transfusion and a couple nl outstanding issues, the past few years, the the U bile House leached tin a create a presidentially named lieid. Ii Nev..said Falcons hope to grab a final deal yesterday, lospeedaSI5 "cai i zar." I he federal overseei "We would hope thai wei ould win this week billion loan package to the snug would supervise a broad indus- complete work on ihis Detroit |Page 8 gling U.S. .linn industry, hoping try, restructuring and would be situation tonight or tomorrow," for votes as earl) asdaj send. empowered to yank the money he said on the Senate floor. Senate Majority I eadcr Harry back ii the carmakers weren't Still, the lew differences lieid said he imped loi a vote doing enough to ensure Iheii remaining were signifii ant, I he yesterday as congressional nun sun ival. W hue House and congressional llemiii lalsandWhilel louseoffi I he fasi paced developments Republicans were demanding cials iiaded legislative proposals come amid an environment nl toughci consequences foi cat behind the scenes, haggling over general economic instability, the makers thai couldn'l prove to the final details, ((ingiessand the presidency both the government they were viable, roupe hopes to keep African I hi' core ot the bill and ils in transition, a ricocheting Wall includinga requirement rathei aim was not in dispute, lion Street and the Federal Reserve than an option for ihein in be ever. Ii would provide emergency Board, freasurj ,im\ other agen cm oil from Federal aid, culture alive through dance Republicans also were demanding thai Democrats snap a requirement thai cai By India Hunter "Dancing is a way ol life for companies gelling loans drop me it's iiisi a pan oi me," their lawsuits against states thai Reynolds said Would you consider impose tougher emissions stan- \liii a may be thousands of Reynolds has been dancing leaving Facebook dards than the federal rules. miles away, hui a group al the sini e she \y.is i. years old and for another social sen Mitch McConnell, R- University is dedicated in keep hopes to open hei own dance ing the culture ol the continent studio in the future. networking site? Ky„ said he was concerned thai Democrats were proposing a closertoBoyvlingGrccn specifi- \shley Watson, treasurei and package dial "fails lo require the cally through dance. i horeographei ol the troupe kind ol serious reform thai will The Mm ana Dance luiiipe also dances foi similai lea ensure long-term viability, tor was formed in 1997 In a small si Ills snuggling automobile compa- group nl professors hum vari "I jusi inye to dance," Watson nies." mis departments on campus. said. "V\ lien I was given file SUSAN WAISH With theii approach, "We open said Sheila liiown. one ot rhc opportunity tojointhe \fricana CONGRESS AND A BAILOUT: founders Dance I roupe I joined because BAILOUT JAHMAL GARRETT Mine then, the group has I wanted in be iinolyed in iin i ■ I' seen main members come and organization thai involved go throughout the years, Inn dancing ot am kind and I knew rs my life." dancing to keep Miican cul- Mm an was something I want- | Page 4 Cell phone trends tend to outshine functionality ture alive is one factoi that is ed in learn more of." kepi the same, Brown said. I he group has many objec- I wanted to have some tives aside from dancing. One By Kelly Metz I oniinunic alions. says sonic personalization." thing spei ial. and p.iiiu ularly important aspet i is keeping the limes they do. Hui despite the concepts ol iii dance, thai could gel stu- dance style oi Mm an culture Dye said since ringtones are using a phone lo sel an image, dents Ingelliei and also involve genuine.
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