Your Friendly daily Newipaper serving an area rich in agriculture, liveetock, poultry, oil and ceramic HOME OF OU) lUP clay manufacturing. TIm worU tamad Horaad Toad wkleb AND WEEKLY CHRONICLE Ufad aftar balnf aotamkad for • ! CHRONICLE ESTABUSHED 1887 CONSOUDATED MAY 16. 1947 TELEGRAM ESTABUSHED 1923 VOLUME TWENTY ONE UNITED PRESS V^RE SERVICE EASTLAND, TEXAS, MONDAY APRIL 21, 1950 NEA FEATURE SERVICE PRICE FIVE CENTS No. 285 Says U. S. Will Balk At Too Much Red Pushing Waiting His Turn Reunion With UNIDENTIFIED OFFICIAL SAYS On Peace-Making Tour Fiancee Brings FORCE WILL BE USED IF NEEDED WASHINGTON, April 21 (UP) — Top United States of­ N ew Confession ficials apparently have decided to u.se force if this nation F LIN T , Mich., April 24 (U P ) FBI To Investigate is pushed too far by Russia’s cold war tactics. — A renuion )>ehind bars with Administration "This was revealed over the week-end by one of the gov­ his fiancee brought a second con­ ernment’s highest officials who declined to be identified. fession from INt. Kenneth Nes­ Building Fire He is of such importance that his word cannot be question­ bitt in the 10-month-old slaying ed. o f a young strawlierry blonde BERKELEY, Calif., April 24 This official said the Russians are eager to “ drive us out theatre ca.shier. (U P ) — The Federal Bureau of Nesbitt, 2.3, who admitted the of the western section” of Berlin and that the United Investigation was expected today states considers the issue a “ crossroads” in the cold war. unsolved murder of 17-year-old to investigate a fire which destroy­ Beatrice Dickerson and then re­ ed the Administration Building of “ It will be a very serious situation if they try to do so,” pudiated his confession, again re­ the University of California’s A- he said. “ This will be resisted by peaceful means, but if counted the grisly details for po­ tomic Project and endangered necessary the very stern resistance of machine gun fire lice yesterday afternoon. giant atom smashers vital to the and other measures will be resorted to.” He said he knocked the girl nation’s research program. He added that the United .States out when the refused his advan­ The fire broke out at 10:25 has no intention “of yielding a ces on a lonely road, and shot her P. .M. PST (12:26 A. M. C ST) I ■ingle inch on the issue.” through the head fearing she yesterday in building 8, a two- Cisco Family Secretao' o f State Dean Ache- would tell on him. The girl’s body story structure used for adminis­ son said meantime that the threat stripped and beaten, was found in o f Russian Communism is so ser­ tration, drafting and engineering. Hurt In Wreck a bug. Building 8 is one o f a dozen in ' ious that it endangers "the ver>- the atomic project area. The other ba.*is of our civilsation and the The airman’s new admission buildings include concrete .struc­ very safety of the free world." followed a tearful meeting with Near Brownwood tures housing the school’s 184- i In a grimly - worded speech, W A F Corp. Patricia Simmons, 21, inch cyclotron, a bevatron and a BROWNWOOD, Tex., April 23 Acheson told the American Society whom he was to wed next month. large atom - smasher still under — James W. Sherrill, 32, superin­ o f Newspaper Editor* meeting Police brought her here from Se­ L'nited Nations Secretary-General Trygve Lie says good­ construction. tendent o f tEe Cisco Hydrocarbon here that the world •truggle be­ lfridge Field, Mich., where both bye to his daughter. Guri, in New York before sailing for Plant, his wife and 5-year-old tween this nation and the Soviet were stationed. Europe on the Queen .Mary. His tour is expected to be R. A. Barton, manager o f the son were seriously injured Sunday Union cannot end until Russia .She embraced Nesbitt fondly, climaxed by a conference with Russian I^emier Josef atomic laboratory, described the aftiemoon when their car plunged quit* its policy o f aggres.sion. and in a dim cell in Genessee Johns Hopkins I ’nivrrsity Prof. Owen Lattimore, waiting fire a* a “ serious loss.’’ "W e don not propo>e to convert Stalin on means of ending the Elast-West cold war. (NEA county jail they talked alone for from a bridge 17 miles North of for a chance to testify in answer to statements of ex-Com- He declined to go into details, the Soviet Union," he .*aid. “ We Telephoto). 15 minutes. here on U. S. Highway 283. munist editor Louis Hudenz that party leaders oftern re­ but it appeared that the burned shall not attempj^ to undermine Afterward, Nesbitt called offi­ The car, enroute to Cisco frxim ferred to Lattimore as a Communist, sits with a copy of building may have contained plans Soviet independenjp. cers. He said he was lying when San Antonio, struck a 14-inch and other data u.*ed in super-sec­ “ .And we are just as determin­ Budenz’ recently published hook in his hands. Pictured he denied a confession he dictated concrete banister and then dropp­ with the Far fiastern affairs expert is his attorney, Abe ret work for the Atomic Energy ed that Communism shall not by LABOR OUTLOOK DARK AS Saturday nigig and that he would ed 12 feet to the dry bed o f Commission. hook or crook or trickery under­ Portas. (NFiA Telephoto). sign it. Gra-sy Creek. The Sherrills main­ Nearly 110 fireman were called mine our country or any other tain a home in San .Antonio. Miss Simmons, weeping as she to fight the blaze and keep it from free country that desire* to main­ returned to Selfridge, pointed to Sirs. Sherrill, 27, who wa.s driv- STRIKE DEADLINES NEAR spreading to nearby building* and tain its freedom.” Nesbitt’s class ring on her finger a hydrogen “bank” only 50 feet ing, told officers at the There al.*o was speculation that CHICACO. April 24 I P — men -eheduled for 6 a. m. Wed­ EVIDENCOOUNTS THAT and told reporters: here that she apparently dozed away. Damage would have been Pre.-^ident Truman’s week-end ap­ Thv nation'- labor -ittiation en­ nesday. The New York Central “ I love, I love him. I ’ll wait for o ff at the wheel. much greater had the hydrogen pearance at the Georgia - Florida tered a crucial stage today at Railroad was expected to decluare him— and I know it will be a long exploded. Mrs. Sherrill suffered a frac­ ws* games might have been design­ the deadline approached for a embargoes today. time.” Origin o f the fire was net REDS SHOT DOWN P U N E tured bone on her face and se­ ed to wav* big stick at Russia. nationwide telephone strike and xt. ri^ieoii offtatais a f Chry­ Detectives toM her that Ne.«bi4t known. There wa* no one in the Howrver, the TYesidanl's close.st vere facial cuts and body bruises. fo r a fireman’s walkout against sler Corp. were studying the CIO Ttjr J. J. Merhan cd on the bottom and puncture<f already is married. His second wife building when it broke out. Fire advisers denied that his trip was She made her way back to the -even important railroads. United Auto Workers’ latest o f­ Vnitfd I'rnc Staff ('orre»pomlont by holes that could have been lives at San Antonio, Texa.s, they precautions on the atomic project a saber - rattling gesture. highway after the accident and fer, made yesterday, for settling LONDON-, April 24 ( f t ’ ) Am­ made by bullets. said. are rigid. Eleven t » ’U*and telephone m- -\ second raft flown to North flagged down Dr. Homer C. Bow­ -tallation worker- walked off thier a 90-day-old strike Shat has idled erican auUioritiea added a fifth “ I f that’s the case,’’ she said The Feoeral Bureau o f Investi­ den o f Byrds. Dr. Bowden ad-1 89,0"" employee. clue today to the jrrowlng list of ■\frica for study by I ’ . S. Navy “ W e’ll have to wait until that's gation sent scores o f agents to the jo; - today and it was almost mlnistrred first aid and accom­ evidence luppnrtinii; their claim experts la.-t week has been defini­ cleared up. We have plenty of scene and they were expected to Concert Band To , rtain that 19.5.0O0 other memb­ The ‘phone in.staIlation workers that Kuseian fighters !<hot down tely identified as a type issued to time.” begin a thorough investigation to panied the three to the hospital in ers of the CIO Communication struck at 6 a. m. in each time an unarmed American privateer the s<|uadron to which the missing an ambulance. Worker* of .America would join zone due to a grievance Involv­ determine the cau.ie o f the fire. Play At Denton patrol plane over the Baltic .Sea plane was a.ssigned. Scores of FHl agents were in Sherrill receivod a broken leg • them on strike tomorrow mid­ ing m o men at South Bend, Ind., .''Wedish fishermen over the with ID men aboard. Sponsors, Teams the area to prevent anyone, inclu­ and body cuts and brui.ses and | night. who claimed they were "locked weekend also found in the Baltic Swedish Naval Authorities at ding reporters and photographers, the chiM, Bob, who had been Friday, April 28 The Santa Fe and Southern ouV after they refu.*ed to walk a small liook, identified by Ameri­ Karlskrona Naval Ba*e announced Selected Tonight from entering the gate in the 10- asleep in the hack o f the car, Railroaiit put freight embargoes half a mile across a muddy field can A ir Force authorities a* pro­ Even though the Eastland High that a metal container and 12 aig- foot high fence surrounding the suffered a broken arm and face into effect in preparation for a to where they were mstallmg a bably a radio facilities chart issued School Band will not get to partic­ nal flare* “ believed'’ similiar to At Softball Meet atomic project.
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