Cnlottta Courier VOL. 43 COLOMA, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1941. NO. 46 State C. E. Union to Camp Madron Will Auto Wreck Fatal to Berrien County Weddings Paul Hull Writes on Michigan's Largest Grows in Van Buren County Miss Victoria Hattie Skorupa, Meet in Benton Harbor Open Next Sunday Mrs. Geo. Sattler daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas America First Move Skorupa of Baroda, and Harry Vin- cent Hackel, Jr., son of Mrs. C. R. Fitzcharles of Benton Harbor, were 1,500 Delegates Expected to Attend Many Improvements Have Been Wife of Former Drain Commission- united in wedlock at St. Agnes' Editor, The Coloma Courier: m With reference to the Chapter of Annual Convention Next Week— Made at Grounds and Record Sea- er Killed in Wyoming—Husband church in Sawyer on June 14, 1941, A wedding dinner was served at the the America First Committee or- All Sessions to be Held at Peace son Is Anticipated. and Daughter Were Both Injured. home of the bride's parents, and a ganized In Coloma, I am for Amer- reception was held later at the ica first, too. Since discussions are Temple. Sunday afternoon, June 22, Camp Mrs. George Sattler, wife of a American Legion hall in Baroda. called for, I believe I can set forth Madron will open its sixteenth sea- former drain commissioner of Ber- my views more briefly and lucidly The 53rd annual convention of son. According to announc»,ffient rien county, was instantly killed in in writing and hope for the privi- the Michigan Christian Endeavor made by Scout Executive Oscar an automobile wreck near Buffaflo, Miss Theresa Menchinger, daugh- lege of having them published In Union will convene in Benton Har- Noll, the attendance records of prg- Wyoming, on Wednesday of last ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. King of the columns of your worthy paper. bor on Wednesday, June 25th. Ses- vious years will be broken during week, and her husband and daugh- Benton Harbor, and Robert Proth- Most Americans want Britain to sions will be held each day througb 1941. The younger boys' camp, ter, Mrs. Carl Whetstone, were tak- ero, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. win. This Is logical for aside from Sunday, June 29th. Advance regis* which is operated under the Upton en to a hospital for injuries which Prothero of Dowagiac, were united being shocked by the ruthlessness of trations indicate that approximatelj Foundation, is filled to capacity and were not at first believed to be in marriage at St. Matthews Luth- the dictators and their lack of honor 1,500 young people from churches many of the Scout periods which serious. Reports state that their eran church in Benton Harbor on and good faith, a Hitler victory all over the state will be in attend- open July 6th are practically filled. car ran off the highway when a rear June 12, 1941, Rev. H. C. Haase of- would unite the now somewhat ance. The complete list of the camp staff tire blew out. ficiating. A wedding reception for separated brigand states like Japan A host of outstanding leadership was announced this week. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sattler were about forty guests was held at the and Germany and take away our will be available to the young Carpenters, painters and electri- well-known residents of Berrien Hotel Whitcomb in St. Joseph. pre-war feeling of security. We people for guidance in Christian cians are rushing the many im- county. Before being elected drain would have to maintain enormous living and help in society activities. provements to completion before the commissioner Mr. Sattler was en- defense forces and still feel unsafe, Some of the exceptional speakers camp opens. A beautiful fireplace gaged in the contracting business, Miss Margaret Sorrels, daughter because dictators can wait and for this occasion are: Mrs. John A. with Heatilator installation in the and since retiring from office has of Mrs. Lorraine Johnson of Benton strike at their own selected moment Dykstra of Grand Rapids; Rev. Vere handicraft building has been com- been engaged in the furniture busi- Harbor, and Joseph Marne Miller, which would be when we were In W. Abbey, general secretary of pleted. Flood-lights in the amphi- ness in Benton Harbor. The couple son of Mr. and Mrs. George N. Mil- some domestic crisis, one which Christian Endeavor in India, Ceylon theater and on the parking grounds celebrated their 50th wedding anni- ler of Royalton Heights, were wed they would even help to prepare and Burma;'Dr. Frederick A. Rob- have also been installed and ar- versary last September. Mrs. Sat- at St. John's Catholic church in and precipitate. lee, pastor of the First Presbyterian rangements have been made for out- tler, before her marriage, was Nel- Bentcn Harbor on June 14, 1941, Some of us America Firsters want church of Bay City; Rev. Lawrence door movies for the visitors' nights. lie Harner, a member of a promin- Rev. Fr. Witteman officiating. Fol- to share to the limit with Britain in A. Bash of the Christian church in Many improvements have been made ent Hinchman family of pioneers. lowing the ceremony, a reception defeating this menace. Others want Auburn, Nebr., and others. Other in the administration building to Besides her husband and daugh- and wedding breakfast were enjoy- a cheap victory. They want it to nationally famous leaders who will handle the ever-increasing number ter, Mrs. Sattler is survived by four ed at the home of the groom's par- be so cheap that they are willing to be present to guide discussion of campers. Additional state-ap- sisters—Mrs. I-innie Moyer of Ber- ents. risk the preponderance we now groups are Dr. Harold A. Carr, proved toilet and sewage system rien Springs, Mrs. June Caldwell of have over the axis powers in oil, Flint; Rev. Dewey R. Eder, Naper- has been installed; additional sailing Benton Harbor, Mrs. Grace Stemm Miss Ruth Cripe, daughter of Mr. iron, shipbuilding and coming plane ville. 111.; Rev. Albert J. Anthony; equipment has been purchased for of Hinchman, and Mrs. W. H. Cam- and Mrs. Clarence Cripe of Bu- and tank production, and allow it to Rev. J. F. Hatton; Dr. Bernard J. sailing canoes, and much new lield; also by a brother, Joshua chanan, and Howard O. Whamond, go by default to the Axis as it Mulder: Rev. Wendell C. Bassett; equipment has been added for tfie Harner of Hinchman. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Wham- would as soon as Britain was forced and Rev. George D. Jeffrey. George athletic contests. ond of Milwaukee, were united in to "collaborate" with it. R. Campbell of Cincinnati will serve The camp staff will assemble on marriage at the First Presbyterian So long as we were neutral there as director of music for the conven- Saturday for instructions and as- Notes of the Courts church at Buchanan on June 14, was some reason in such a course. tion and Miss Louise Filarski of signments and will be in readiness 1941, Rev. W. H. Brunelle officiat- But by vote of a large majority of Kalamazoo will be the pianist. for the campers on Sunday at 2:00 ing. About 100 guests attended a our representatives in congress we The convention will officially p. m. The camp will be open to reception at the home of the bride's are committing acts of war In our open at 9:00 Wednesday morning the public Sunday from 2:00 to 6:00 John Gray of Eau Claire was parents. The couple will reside in government promoting production with registration. The afternoon p. m. Visitors are welcome at any landed in the county jail on a charge Milwaukee. of and paying for war goods for LOMA THEATRE OFFERS will be spent in recreational activi- time during these hours. of contempt of court. He had been Britain. It is too late to argue that GIANT ELM STANDS ON VERY FINE PICTURES ties and tours of the twin cities. ordered into court some time ago congress made a mistake because Conferences on Bible study and for failing to pay alimony for the At the New Buffalo Catholic rec- we did this against a man who acted program building and activity will support of his children and the case tory on Saturday, June 14, 1941, Miss as judge, jury and executioner In a FARM NEAR LAWRENCE be held during the sessions of each was continued to a later date. Donna Mae Flndel became the bride purge of his own friends, a man who "Road to Zanzibar" and "That Night day. These sessions are restricted Coloma H. S. Graduates Glen Ringewold, a 17-year-old of Joseph Sekulski. The bride is a sent his bombers, not to aid in vic- to convention delegates. The eve- Holland youth, pleaded guilty in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James tory but to punish, over Amsterdam Pictured above is a giant elm tree in Rio" to be Shown During Com- Flndel of Baroda, and the groom is and Belgrade, inhabited by people ning programs are open to the gen- the dircuit court to a charge of rob- which stands on the Myrta Smith ing Week. eral public and will begin at 7:30 Are Highly Praised bery armed. He admitted holding a son of Mrs. Stanley Sekulski of who had not been unneutral. farm two miles west and one mile each night Denominational confer- up W. S. Wilkinson, operator of a Blue Island, 111. The couple will I would like to see published by north of Lawrence.
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