PROPERTY REAL ESTATE CONTENTS THE LYON URBAN AGGLOMERATION, SustaiNAbLE PERfORmANCE………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.6 PROPERTY REAL ESTATE: ALL iNdicators POiNT to A healthY mARkET……………………………………………………………………………………………… p.8 IMPLANTATION SITES……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.12 A WELL-PLANNED AND REASONABLE REAL estate OffER…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.14 iNvESTiNg iN Lyon : Lyon Part-DIEU connected, activE ANd PROductivE………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.18 Lyon CONfluence CENTRAL, iNNOvativE ANd creativE………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.22 SAfE VALUE Lyon GERLAND iNTELLigENT, accessibLE ANd ALivE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.26 Featuring many advantages, Lyon is holding its ground in the current economic crisis. The leading French metropolis after Paris, the city FOCUS TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE, wORLdwidE CENTER fOR iNfectiOuS diseases………………… p.28 is near the top of Ernst & Young’s classification of the most attractive cities in Europe in terms of economic dynamism. A business real estate Lyon CARRé DE SOIE PLuRAL, fertiLE ANd REgenerated……………………………………………………………………………………… p.30 market with an average investment of more than 650 M€ per year supports and accompanies this growth. Lyon VAISE, ThE uRbAN AREA’S digital CENTER……………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.34 The geographical location and European drive of the city make it a preferred implantation site for companies. Lyon and the surrounding GREENOPOLIS, A NEw buSiNESS park at Lyon VaiSE……………………………………………………………………… p.35 FOCUS urban area include several competiveness and excellence clusters that make it stand out from other large cities. Here, health, biotechnology, WESTERN ECONOMIC CENTER ExCEPTionally high-quALiTY wORk iNfrastructuRES ………………… p.36 clean technology and the creative industries are sectors of excellence in research and innovation. FOCUS LE PUY D’OR, ExCEPTiONAL iNfrastructuRES ANd wORk ENviRONmENT……………………… p.37 The Lyon urban agglomeration is able to obtain these results because Portes DES ALPES, AN ExpandiNg SiTE to ThE east Of Lyon ………………………………………………………… p.38 of a proactive public policy combined with the confidence of private players. In Lyon, investors find a healthy and well-regulated real estate FOCUS PARC Urban’East, A NEw buSiNESS park at Porte dES ALPES……………………………… p.39 market. The goal is to create favorable conditions for the development of companies in a sustainable environment that is oriented toward services and the well-being of employees. LES Gaulnes, A mixEd buSiNESS zONE ………………………………………………………………………………………… p.40 Villeurbanne, PixEL REiNfORCES ThE dEvelopmENT Of gRANdCLémENT………………………… p.41 Porte DE L’ISèRE, A TERRitory fOR iNvestmENT …………………………………………………………… p.42 industrial park PLAiNE dE L’AiN …………………………………………………………………………………… p.43 LYON-SAINT EXUPéRY AIRPORT sets its Sights on real estate ……………………………… p.44 CONTACTS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.46 p.2 p.3 p.4 p.5 ON ThE CuTTiNg EdgE Of iNNOvATiON A FEW COMPANIES AND DECISION-MAKING CENTERS THE LYON URBAN AGGLOMERATION pp 1,500 decision-making centers, including those of Sanofi Pasteur, bioMérieux, Groupe In 2011, Lyon was ranked eighth in Seb, Renault Trucks, EA (world headquarters), Bayer CropScience, JTEkT and Scotts economic innovation out of 100 cities International (European headquarters) SuSTAiNAbLE PERfORmANCE analyzed by 2thinknow Innovation pp well-known international institutions like Interpol, Euronews, the International Center for Cities. This reflects the many efforts Cancer Research, WHO and the P4 biosafely laboratory Inserm Jean Mérieux made during the past ten years to pp encourage innovation in all areas: 5 competitiveness clusters: Techtera, Imaginove, Lyon Urban Trucks & Bus, Lyonbiopôle The Lyon urban agglomeration is one step ahead. its scientific and technological, as well and Axelera attractive economic development, competitive rates as social and organizational. By capitalizing on the important players and the careful attention paid to the sustainable present in the territory – worldwide development of lifestyles and employment enable industrial leaders, cooperative networks, universities and research building a metropolis where it’s great to live and workers – Lyon has been able to create everyone thrives. a technological ecosystem that meets the challenges of key social strategies. EvERYThiNg AT hANd As the capital of one of the most touristic regions of France, the city is only one hour from alpine skiing trails, a half-hour from the Beaujolais region and two hours from the beaches of the Mediterranean. Lyon is located in the heart of Europe, just two hours from Paris. Lyon-Saint Exupéry, the city’s dynamic airport hub, connects with over 120 national and international destinations. Located in the city center, the two TGV high- speed train stations are connected to an extensive network of public transportation, including metro lines, bike and car sharing, tramways and a beautifully developed riverside area. With less that 50% of urban travel made by personal car, Lyon prefers the sustainable development of its neighborhoods. ThE ADVANTAgES Of A LARgE EuROPEAN ON A humAN SCALE LESS THAN 50% OF URBAN TRAVEL BY PERSONAL CAR mETROPOLiS AT A REASONAbLE COST The human aspect of the agglomeration is an important Classed as the 19th most attractive European city (2011 4 metro lines, including an automatic one 340 vélo’v stations, france’s leading advantage because of the quality Cushman and Wakefield barometer), Lyon features of life it offers local residents. Lyon and an extension network of self-service bikes, the best offer in France outside Paris for company combines the best features of a large investments or implantations. With real estate costs that 4,000 self-service bikes city – dynamic, innovative and active – 4 tramway lines are 30% lower than those of the Paris area and excellent with the warmth and creativity of a city 34 Autolib’ stations infrastructures, Lyon is a competitive city that each year 2 cable car lines made for everyday living on the level of attracts an increasing number of companies and talents. 1 direct tramway line from the city center local neighborhoods and their festivals. 120 bus and trolleybus lines A rich historical heritage, gastronomy Open to the world and offering reasonable rental rates, to Lyon-Saint Exupéry Airport and large urban parks exist side Lyon includes a number of decision-making centers. by side with universities, research 250 car2gos As the leading regional business park, the city counts laboratories, cutting-edge industries nearly five million square meters of offices and extensive and company world headquarters. possibilities for industrial and logistics activities. p.6 p.7 property REAL ESTATE: 2011 KEY FIGURES + 18.3% in placed demand 259,445 m² net surface area ALL iNDICATORS POiNT TO A hEALThY mARkET Lyon Part-dieu: nearly 22% of total park net surface area, with a prime rental rate of €250 (tax and charges The business real estate market is flourishing in Lyon. excluded) / m² / year in spite of an unfavorable economic climate during + 6.9% for the building cost index 2011, placed demand was clearly up in most sectors of activity, with a preference for new real estate available by rental. To accompany this progression, the hotel offer will add thirteen new sites in 2012. RENTALS: 82% Of TRANSACTiONS In 2011, the rental market pulled ahead of the property-purchasing approach that had prevailed in 2010 and 2009: A STABLE mARkET, 82% of demand concerned rentals. In the Lyon Part-Dieu business district, wiTh AN AvERAgE YiELd Of 6%, 95% of transactions were requests for leases, which signifies a very ANd STRONg PROJECT dYNAmiCS fluid rental market. In contrast, to the northwest of the agglomeration, 32% of real estate was placed as a purchase, reflecting a traditional approach in this territory known for its quality of life. OffiCE REAL ESTATE: ThE mOST SOughT-AfTER + 18.3% Of PLACEd dEmANd NEighbORhOOdS As in previous years, the Lyon The year 2011 was the second best in Part- Dieu business district was the ten years. With an increase of 18.3% leader in real estate transactions, in placed demand (the equivalent of with 56,133 m² placed in 2011. This 260,000 m² of office space), Lyon moves performance compares to that of 2010. ahead of large European cities like PROPERTY MAIN TRANSACTIONS The northwest part of Lyon took a big Barcelona (215,000 m²) or Amsterdam step forward with 54,966 m² placed, (185,000 m²). From 462 in 2010, the Lyon Part-dieu: Edf, ARS in particular because of a number number of transactions grew to 482 in Lyon Confluence: Euronews of important rental operations. The 2011. However, this relatively stable Lyon gerland : banque Postale business park areas of Gerland, the figure hides some very important southeast and the Carré de Soie also movements that explain the growth in Northwest: Sopra, groupe Seb, manitowoc, CCi made some outstanding acquisitions. placed demand, including a number Carré de Soie: Technip of movements above 1,000 m² and three above 10,000 m². In a somewhat shaky business context, these good results confirm the ability of the Lyon agglomeration to reassure investors with its numerous advantages. As a consequence of this attractiveness, NEw buiLdiNgS: + 50% Of TRANSACTiONS the offer of available offices, which INVESTMENT UP BY 75% IN 2011! had been growing since 2007, has In 2011, 128,000 m² were placed in new real estate, which represents an In 2011, the
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