Serving Summit Read the Herald For Sixty Years For Local News ond Summit Record Ttfephsat Sanunit C-i3 T SECTION Enttrfd M Second Clan Matter it fti« ftHterflra BAY, mRUAftr 17, ki Summit, N. 1., Itndtr tb» Act of Much }, I8TB. I4AYIAR ICINTS Education Board Lets Bids Rotary Meeting City Projects Million Dollar Monday to Open For High School Alterations Bond Issue for High School The Board of Education Tuesday night approved bids Red Cross Drive Summit's umual Red Cross fund Common Council Tuesday night introduced-an ordi- totaling $1,117,000 for high school expansion and alterations. .nance providing for the raising of SI,000.000 by a bond At the same meeting they indicated they would turn thumbs campaign wiJ! g*t underway next Umdty at the RoUry dub lunch- j issue for additions and improvements to the .Senior and Jun- down on a request by several residents for school rezoning eon meeting *t the TMCA, it wu } ior High Bchools. The total estimated cost of the work will i which would shuttle children living on Mt. Vernon avenue announced this week at the regu- j be $1,335,000 but of this sum, $285,000 balance from the from the Washington School to - •-; ; ~~ lar s_*#tiu« «f the club. Carle ton _______ ___ , _ ((aj^o j Edison Junior' Hihi School--. Franklin.' W. Pieraoa, d-_jrt_.«ji ol this year** will be iised, with $5tyx>o tc> be The school bids awarded were as dxi«*. «ria preside at the meeting raised lat^r. follows: Becker Construction Co. of -tad Red Cram speaker* will be Chamber Dinner . Twenty y»-ar icrin! bonds have Newark, general construction, featured, as well a* a special film. bc<"ii sclcctfd "as best ftdapUd to J-5HI93; Peicson Steel Co. of Bdge- At the meeting this week, Uoyd the rity'a needs. Each of the bonds vool 'steel und iron, $65,995; John Ticket Sales McOorkfc, «a»istant director of shall be known ns "School Bond, Joyce of ISIew.ark. heating and E cluaifteatiaa- and education of the Series B." They shali b*> dated ventilating1, -$137,338; John R. Howe State Depftttssetd of Institutions, April l, 1919 and will mature in Inc. of Irvington, plumbing, $63,- Close Tomorrow addressed the meeting. Mr. Me- principal amount of $50,000- oh 946, and John C. Morris Co. of Jer- Ticket sales; for tWtenth an- Cbrkle mpokt in place of Dr. T. April 1 in'each of th<: years ll>5o" •W City, electrical work, $88,S98, i hual Chamber of Coninicrce <iin- Loveli Bixby, deputy commissioner to 1U9. •'" The rczonlnfr request involved in charge of correction and parole, IMT will c'ose tonvtrrow, February changing the northwest boundary whowautilL 18, Edward C. Holmes, rhoirxiuin <'ouncil K»l>lains of Franklin School. Instead of the of the dinner committee, an* In a prepared statement'council Mr. McOwrkle said that the prob- present boundary of Kent Place nottnied this we«k. The affair will explained that "in the corutruction boulevard, New Providence avenue, lem cat-fronting the administrators take place February 24 at 6:30 of school housing there ore two the proposed change would include are many and varied. He said tfjat p.m. at Canoe Brook Country Club. questions that must be answered ML Vernon avenue and a small in some cases where the individual The dinner will open with an In- section bounded by Mt Vernon, the needs correctional direction after formal cocktail hour and thr meal & breakdown It is necessary to find will be eerved promptly at 7 p.m. 14 or Meeting Passaic River and New Providence An audience of 14 was 'present city line. oat, if pe__tible. wbat caused the Final arrangements have b-een at the Common Council nie«*Ung Charles D. Hartman, of Passaic breakdown and then apply methods made for the entertainment pro- Tuesday night when the $1,000,- .venue, president of the West Sum- that wii! enable Use person to get gram and th« chairman stated 000 bond Issue for building an mit Civic Association, was spokes- aieang vita others. He said that that it Ls expected to be better addition to tlie Senior and Jun- man for the group. the department of institutions and thfln last year. Judge John I* ior High schools was introduced. Raymond F, Bonnetl Hughes will be toaatmaster. Mr. Hartman pointed .out that! agencies had been in operation BUYING TICKETS FOR THE G.OJSHOW-T0 meet This number W«L» in addition to since ISIS and began under the (left) and David Ogdcn (right), also.members of the Tickets for the dinner are avail- there are only five houses on the the ever-increasing demand for ticket* for the annual ticket committee, watch the sale. A cast of more members of the press and city avenue, one child of school age, and leadership of Dwigbt W. Morrow General Organization show at Summit High School, able-front the'following: offlciab. after a surrey by Harry Barnes. than ninety students will present the Gilbert and Arthur Becker. Salem Boorujy, only one eligible for kindergarten this year the ticket committee established a booth Democrats Enter Free Fmm Politic* Sullivan operetta, "Pirates of Pcnzance," tomorrow Sidney Cole, Thomas Colemnn, within the next two years. The Saturday at the corner of Springfield avenue and and Saturday nights at 8:15 p. m. at the school. The satisfactorily: Are the schools change in boundaries, he said, The, department, he said, was W, Rae Crane, Edwia DeAeref, neceaaary to meet proper stand- Beechwood road for the convenience of shoppers. production is" coached by Dan Ktuitzman and Gerald Harry Doyle, Emil Fittprer. ^fr. would not «r.usc a great shifting to Candidate in relatively free from political pres- Above, Jean Melxell and James Ransom sell a pair Crona. (Photo by Joy). ard* and rcqulr<*mfn&? Cnn they Franklin School. He declared, Holrnci, ' Edward McElgunn, toe built within the city's capacity sure acid t»d made considerable of tickets to a housewife tut Edward Goomrlgian Cirorjfe McNeil, Thomas Miller, meanwhile,.-that the change would strides forward because of that to pay? be psychologically beneficial for Council Contest Robert Petera&n, John Rillo, fact Also the department was in Adolph %ont, William Savage, Question onp haa been certified any children of Mt. Vernon ave- Raymond P. Bonnell, Purple the hands of public .spirited citi- by thr- Board of Education as fol- ; ime because they could then attend Heart veteran of the European zens wiiicfa made for better re- lows-: •-*-•-'• •"^---•• -•--"-- •;•..•--••••--•-•-• —- Mrs. Walsh and Kept Busy Nabbing Felons and the Cha.mber of (ice ,360 Spring- .-.school—.with- -their- -neighborhood "It Ls the'iinarilnirtUA .cpnsidexed field ~ avenue* "Tlayrnates; He cited the mothers ["dpi'rifMi of the Bonrd of Education .candidate for the .Democratic Mr, VlcOr3*> said that in what- Laat ytftr the event wtm attt-nded problems of teking their children Mrs. Diefendorf And Doing Odd Jobs for Citizens that the central high school pro- ever phase of delinquency the in- by 210 persons and -it i Back and forth front Washington nomination for *06min*6n'"Council The- uniformed "boys in blue** and W3 vflcant hoiwns were ject li thg moat critical part of th« dividual ns found it was neces- that the number will b School- wlt.'rtaa If they attended from the Kir.it Ward. This was «nd their "plain clothes brothers" checked. The department's four school housing program; the plant sary to find th« cause of that de- Again Head YWCA this yrar. Franklin they could join the neigh- announced yesterday by John E. linquency before much could be had a busy year in sleuthing and patrol «nrs twv<Hed 173,09(1 miles. and ipeciflctttlons- p-r«<Mt<>d • rep- borhood parents' car pools. Neville, chairman* ol the Summit! done. In %-oealIonaI training:, which Mr*. Thomas 43. Wateh trf Vai* patrnltnn dtirlng 1918 when they Park ing meter rpvenup beat rev- re*ent thp minimum requirement*, Walter KiinelYlter of Webster ley View avenue, and MM*. R. R. 13 stolen. ..automobile*. from the e^VieMlohftT"«tari(lpoint; Democratic Committee. is becoming a standard^ coutse, • the ST ct, president of Washington emphasis must be on work habits. Dtefettaorf " of Ussex roaC were out of 13 reported and responded Parking meters netted $29,010,12 Lackawanna Will unlf.ts this project In »rcom- Hi". Bonnell, a veteran of re-elected YWCA presidcit and pll«h«d promptly, it may J*opnrd«" PTA, opposed the idea expressing Group Therapy Tried •• 1.8*7 calls for "Send me a po- SJS compflrcd to liquor llnonsw of fthr opinion thai, there is "too much and-a-half years' «ervf»e, a native vice president respective^ a*»< $14,850. Pool table licences brought Issue Tickets, f>m] distinction- in th? city." ,Be- of Summit and art active member Group ibe&HV it now being tried fJiiwer meeting hf'd Moid?% ntgru According to Chief rd K. In « fow4i$. fduc.tional funds; b'jcfyse of tha i itisr- nf ihhi, lt»; «*ai(l. persons have in ?*ew Jersey which gives the at Y headquarters. Mrs. W. $. ) annual report released Dogs wore morr* lucrative. tJi«n lack of proper Humtiona! fari|l« of thV American Legion, Summit group an opportunity to informally & un-'r-n-y tc favof on© school Kimber of Wildwood Lane WM in } yesterday 11 of thr ear« were bieyele« with dog llcensx's tipping To Hoboken Mar. 1 tiw, ajid m*y further jmp»rdi_# Poat, 138, is New Jersey repre- d-seaa_ aiiitedes toward life- New chargf of the dinner which hon- \ stolen In the city with a aum val- iwro than others when actually all sentative for McNeil Pharmaceu- the city exchrinirr by $2,603,75 «iul Delaware, Lscksw«nna andl our standing iu an accredited schools have the same quality of Jer»ey, he Mid, v*» the first to try ored the newly-elected and out-' uatlon of $8,800.
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