Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA § 319.106 § 319.106 ‘‘Country Ham,’’ ‘‘Country or a water activity of not more than Style Ham,’’ ‘‘Dry Cured Ham,’’ 0.92. ‘‘Country Pork Shoulder,’’ ‘‘Country (5) For hams or pork shoulders la- Style Pork Shoulder,’’ and ‘‘Dry beled ‘‘country’’ or ‘‘country style,’’ Cured Pork Shoulder.’’ the combined period for curing and salt (a) ‘‘Country Ham,’’ ‘‘Country Style equalization shall not be less than 45 Ham,’’ or ‘‘Dry Cured Ham,’’ and days for hams, and shall not be less ‘‘Country Pork Shoulder,’’ ‘‘Country than 25 days for pork shoulders; the Style Pork Shoulder,’’ or ‘‘Dry Cured total time for curing salt equalization, Pork Shoulder.’’ are the uncooked, and drying shall not be less than 70 cured, dried, smoked or unsmoked days for hams, and shall not be less meat food products made respectively than 50 days for pork shoulders. During from a single piece of meat conforming the drying and smoking period, the in- to the definition of ‘‘ham,’’ as specified ternal temperature of the product must ° in § 317.8(b)(13) of this subchapter, or not exceed 95 F., provided that such from a single piece of meat from a pork temperature requirement shall not shoulder. They are prepared in accord- apply to product dried or smoked under ance with paragraph (c) of this section natural climatic conditions. (6) For hams or pork shoulders la- by the dry application of salt (NaCl), or beled ‘‘dry cured,’’ the combined period by the dry application of salt (NaCl) for curing and salt equalization shall and one or more of the optional ingre- not be less than 45 days for hams, and dients as specified in paragraph (d) of shall not be less than 25 days for pork this section. They may not be injected shoulders; and the total time for cur- with curing solutions nor placed in cur- ing, salt equalization, and drying shall ing solutions. not be less than 55 days for hams and (b) The product must be treated for shall not be less than 40 days for pork the destruction of possible live shoulders. trichinae in accordance with such (7) The weight of the finished hams methods as may be approved by the Ad- and pork shoulders covered in this sec- ministrator upon request in specific in- tion shall be at least 18 percent less stances and none of the provisions of than the fresh uncured weight of the this standard can be interpreted as dis- article. charging trichinae treatment require- (d) The optional ingredients for prod- ments. ucts covered in this section are: (c)(1) The entire exterior of the ham (1) Nutritive sweeteners, spices, or pork shoulder shall be coated by the seasonings and flavorings. dry application of salt or by the dry ap- (2) Sodium or potassium nitrate and plication of salt combined with other sodium or potassium nitrite if used as ingredients as permitted in paragraph prescribed in this section and in ac- (d) of this section. cordance with a regulation permitting (2) Additional salt, or salt mixed with that use in this subchapter or 9 CFR other permitted ingredients, may be re- Chapter III, Subchapter E, or in 21 CFR applied to the product as necessary to Chapter I, Subchapter A or Subchapter insure complete penetration. B. (3) When sodium or potassium ni- [42 FR 3299, Jan. 18, 1977, as amended at 64 trate, or sodium or potassium nitrite, FR 72174, Dec. 23, 1999] or a combination thereof, is used, the EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 46 FR 1257, Jan. application of salt shall be in sufficient 6, 1981, the Safety and Quality Service, De- quantity to insure that the finished partment of Agriculture, announced that product has an internal salt content of ‘‘the temperature and time period provisions at least 4 percent. of 9 CFR 319.106, paragraphs (c)(5) and (c)(6), (4) When no sodium nitrate, potas- have not been in effect since November 17, sium nitrate, sodium nitrite, potas- 1980, and will not be enforced pending future sium nitrite or a combination thereof Agency action in the matter. However, ham and pork shoulders must continue to be pre- is used, the application of salt shall be pared in compliance with all other provi- in sufficient quantity to insure that sions of 9 CFR 319.106 in order to be labeled the finished product has a brine con- ‘country ham,’ ‘country style ham,’ or ‘dry centration of not less than 10 percent cured ham,’ and ‘country pork shoulder,’ 303 VerDate Mar<15>2010 13:50 Feb 01, 2012 Jkt 226029 PO 00000 Frm 00313 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\09\9V2.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 319.107 9 CFR Ch. III (1–1–12 Edition) ‘country style pork shoulder,’ or ‘dry cured may contain no more than 10 percent pork shoulder.’ ’’ of added water in the finished product. Sausage may contain Mechanically § 319.107 Bacon. Separated (Species) used in accordance The weight of cured pork bellies with § 319.6. ready for slicing and labeling as [55 FR 34683, Aug. 24, 1990, as amended at 64 ‘‘Bacon’’ shall not exceed the weight of FR 72175, Dec. 23, 1999; 66 FR 54916, Oct. 31, the fresh uncured pork bellies. 2001] [49 FR 14880, Apr. 13, 1984] § 319.141 Fresh pork sausage. Subpart E—Sausage Generally: ‘‘Fresh Pork Sausage’’ is sausage pre- pared with fresh pork or frozen pork or Fresh Sausage both, but not including pork byprod- § 319.140 Sausage. ucts, and may contain Mechanically Separated (Species) in accordance with Except as otherwise provided in this § 319.6, and may be seasoned with section, or under the Poultry Products condimental substances as permitted Inspection Act with respect to products under part 318 of this subchapter. The consisting partly of poultry, sausage is finished product shall not contain more the coarse or finely comminuted meat than 50 percent fat. To facilitate chop- food product prepared from one or ping or mixing, water or ice may be more kinds of meat or meat and meat used in an amount not to exceed 3 per- byproducts, containing various cent of the total ingredients used. amounts of water as provided for else- where in this part, and usually sea- [35 FR 15597, Oct. 3, 1970, as amended at 43 FR soned with condimented proportions of 26424, June 20, 1978; 47 FR 28257, 28258, June 29, 1982] condimental substances, and fre- quently cured. Certain sausage as pro- § 319.142 Fresh beef sausage. vided for elsewhere in this part may contain binders and extenders as pro- ‘‘Fresh Beef Sausage’’ is sausage pre- vided in a regulation permitting that pared with fresh beef or frozen beef, or use in this subchapter or in 9 CFR both, but not including beef byprod- chapter III, subchapter E, or in 21 CFR ucts, and may contain Mechanically chapter I, subchapter A or subchapter Separated (Species) used in accordance B. In addition to the binders and ex- with § 319.6, and may be seasoned with tenders referred to in the preceding condimental substances as permitted sentence, the following two substances under part 318 of this subchapter. The may also be used as binders in those finished product shall not contain more sausages in which the use of such class than 30 percent fat. To facilitate chop- of substances is permitted: pork col- ping or mixing, water or ice may be lagen at up to 3.5% of the product for- used in an amount not to exceed 3 per- mulation and transglutaminase en- cent of the total ingredients used. zyme at up to 65 ppm of the product [35 FR 15597, Oct. 3, 1970, as amended at 43 FR formulation. Sausage may not contain 26424, June 20, 1978; 47 FR 28257, June 29, 1982] phosphates except that phosphates list- ed in a regulation permitting that use § 319.143 Breakfast sausage. in this subchapter or in 9 CFR chapter ‘‘Breakfast sausage’’ is sausage pre- III, subchapter E, or in 21 CFR chapter pared with fresh and/or frozen meat; or I, subchapter A or subchapter B may be fresh and/or frozen meat and meat by- used in cooked sausage. To facilitate products, and may contain Mechani- chopping or mixing or to dissolve the cally Separated (Species) in accordance usual curing ingredients, water or ice with § 319.6, and may be seasoned with may be used in the preparation of sau- condimental substances as permitted sage which is not cooked in an amount in part 318 of this subchapter. The fin- not to exceed 3 percent of the total in- ished product shall not contain more gredients in the formula. Cooked sau- than 50 percent fat. To facilitate chop- sages such as Polish sausage, cotto sa- ping or mixing, water or ice may be lami, braunschweiger, liver sausage, used in an amount not to exceed 3 per- and similar cooked sausage products cent of the total ingredients used. 304 VerDate Mar<15>2010 13:50 Feb 01, 2012 Jkt 226029 PO 00000 Frm 00314 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\09\9V2.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150.
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