
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 2021 No. 105 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was institutions in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Alliance of Colorado and other local called to order by the Speaker pro tem- New York, and Illinois. agencies to support his ministry’s Af- pore (Ms. DEAN). CCA recognized her commitment and fordable Housing and Unhoused Resi- f exceptional service when they ap- dents Village Initiatives. pointed her president in December 2013. Dr. Gilbert was an inspiration to his DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO In her time at CCA, Dr. Oudenhoven community and worked to mentor TEMPORE is recognized for advancing the institu- local pastors. To honor his legacy, may The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- tion’s commitment to diversity and in- we strive to build people up and love fore the House the following commu- clusion, prioritizing equity, and sup- them just as they are. nication from the Speaker: porting student success. CONGRATULATING DEPUTY CITY MANAGER NANCY FREED WASHINGTON, DC, During her tenure, CCA also re- June 16, 2021. affirmed its role in the community by Mr. CROW. Madam Speaker, I rise I hereby appoint the Honorable MADELEINE expanding enrollment in high school today to recognize Deputy City Man- DEAN to act as Speaker pro tempore on this equivalency and English as a second ager Nancy Freed and congratulate her day. language programs. on her retirement following 28 years of NANCY PELOSI, Dr. Oudenhoven faithfully served stu- service to the city of Aurora. Speaker of the House of Representatives. dents across the country for 42 years During Nancy’s career, she oversaw f and helped transform CCA over the last nearly every department in the city. decade. Nancy’s impact can be felt across every MORNING-HOUR DEBATE I congratulate Dr. Betsy Oudenhoven part of Aurora, as she was integral in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- on her retirement and thank her for the planning, construction, and oper- ant to the order of the House of Janu- her commitment to our community. ation of many community services ary 4, 2021, the Chair will now recog- RECOGNIZING THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF DR. across the municipality, including li- nize Members from lists submitted by FELIX GILBERT braries and recreation centers. the majority and minority leaders for Mr. CROW. Madam Speaker, it is my Nancy saw Aurora through incredible morning-hour debate. honor today to recognize the life of Dr. challenges, through drought, unprece- The Chair will alternate recognition Felix Gilbert following his passing on dented population growth, and tragedy. between the parties, with time equally April 27 of this year, 2021. She rose to each occasion, creating the allocated between the parties and each Dr. Gilbert was a pastor, an Air Prairie Waters Project, one of the Member other than the majority and Force veteran, a professor, a mentor, a country’s first reuse water projects; minority leaders and the minority father, a brother, and a grandfather. He helping plan Colorado’s light rail sys- whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no built his ministry, Restoration Chris- tem, including bringing the RTD’s R event shall debate continue beyond tian Fellowship, and the community Line to Aurora; and founding the Au- 11:50 a.m. development corporation, Restoration rora Strong Resilience Center and the f Christian Ministries, in Aurora, with 7/20 Memorial Garden project following his wife, Pastor Kotane Gilbert. the 2012 Aurora Theater shooting. HONORING DR. BETSY Through these organizations, Dr. Gil- In 2018, Nancy was named an Unsung OUDENHOVEN bert built collaborative partnerships Hero of Aurora by the Aurora Chamber The SPEAKER pro tempore. The with members of the community to of Commerce. Chair recognizes the gentleman from meet their needs where they live, A powerhouse of knowledge and cre- Colorado (Mr. CROW) for 5 minutes. learn, work, play thrive, and worship. ativity, I thank Nancy for her dedi- Mr. CROW. Madam Speaker, it is my These efforts include establishing cated service and leadership. honor today to recognize the career of Restoration Christian Academy and RECOGNIZING ARAPAHOE RESCUE PATROL Dr. Betsy Oudenhoven, president of the working with the Food Bank of the Mr. CROW. Madam Speaker, it is my Community College of Aurora, and con- Rockies and the city of Aurora to feed honor today to recognize the lifesaving gratulate her on her upcoming retire- hundreds of families per month. work of the Arapahoe Rescue Patrol. ment. During the pandemic, Dr. Gilbert de- Formed in 1957, in Arapahoe County, Dr. Oudenhoven joined CCA in 2011, voted his time to public health and Colorado, the search and rescue oper- as the vice president for student af- housing. He worked with the city of ations by this team are managed by fairs. She possessed an extensive lead- Aurora and UC-Health on testing and local high school students. These stu- ership background, serving students at vaccination efforts, and with Interfaith dents dedicate hundreds of hours to b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2821 ® Pdnted on recycled papfil. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:28 Jun 17, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JN7.000 H16JNPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H2822 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 16, 2021 field search and rescue training, wil- elected by all the people, only by their worthy enough to spend its own funds derness survival, winter operations, distinct constituencies. Representa- on, and that St. Paul pays for but re- aircraft crash rescue, and more. They tives are inherently biased toward ceives no benefit from. live their high school career on call their own districts. That is why Con- We have sung this old song many prepared to save lives. gress is designed to act collectively. times before and it has never ended When a person is lost in the Colorado Only the executive answers to the en- well. mountains, the patrol’s teenage volun- tire Nation and can resist the manifest f teers handle dispatch, patrolling, ac- excesses of a body controlled by 535 de- REPEAL AUTHORIZATION FOR USE tive search and rescue, emergency manding constituencies and their dis- OF MILITARY FORCE AGAINST medical care, and command of the op- trict-focused Representatives. That is IRAQ eration. why appropriating money is a congres- In towns like Littleton, Englewood, sional function, and spending it is an The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and Aurora, they manage block executive one. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from searches and neighborhood canvassing The second argument is that ear- New York (Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY) to find lost children and elderly neigh- marks can grease legislation by buying for 5 minutes. bors. Patrol members are also on scene off the votes of individual Members Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New for disasters like blizzards, floods, whose judgment would otherwise op- York. Madam Speaker, I rise today to chemical spills, and commercial plane pose a measure. Add a few local urge all my colleagues to join me in crashes, providing assistance to local projects for that Member, and suddenly voting for H.R. 256, Congresswoman police, fire, and the sheriff department. a bill he would never vote for on its LEE’s legislation to repeal the 2002 Au- I am proud to take a moment to merits becomes a local imperative thorization for Use of Military Force honor the hundreds of young heroes overriding his sound judgment. against Iraq. who served admirably in the Arapahoe Please explain to me how that is a In 2002, Congress voted to authorize Rescue Patrol over the last 60 years, good thing. the use of force against Iraq based on balancing their high school careers And if earmarks are to be handed out what would later prove to be false, with the commitment to saving lives. as a reward for voting legislation, baseless, and misleading intelligence We owe a debt of gratitude to these Members will prudently keep a list of provided by the Bush administration. A dedicated, service-minded young folks. earmarks handy as the demand for vote year later, Saddam Hussein was over- f for any bill, whether or not they al- thrown; a democratic government was ready plan to vote for it. established; and, finally, in 2011, a for- THE SIREN SONG OF EARMARKS And this is not a theoretical discus- mal declaration of the end of our mis- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The sion. We have learned the hard way sion was announced. Chair recognizes the gentleman from what comes from breaching the Con- But 10 years later, this authorization California (Mr. MCCLINTOCK) for 5 min- stitution’s checks and balances. for the use of force remains on the utes. The first problem is the corrupting books. Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Madam Speaker, nature of earmarks. When we place the We must repeal this 19-year-old au- ever since the Magna Carta, it has been power to appropriate and the power to thorization that has been used and a settled principle of good governance spend in the same hands, we bypass the abused to justify expansive military that the power that appropriates public most important check that we have actions across the globe. If we are seri- funds should not be the same power against corruption. ous about preventing forever wars, we that spends them.
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