-•, Women can sway Searchers zero in on kidnapper vote NOW chief Detectives received more than 1.000 By LISA MAHONEY runn1n1 mate. Gcr1.ld1ne terraro. - ---- Of .. ...,,.. ..... phone calls about abducted HB $Ir! With thlkl na I\ SQ, Women can determine the ou1- "Femro is crca1in1 a d1fli rent 8y ITEVE MARBU: comc of the prts1dcn1i1l race. EJlje lntcrtst level from womeo in this o. ....., ........ S.meal, former ptttident of the NI· cl~lion. It wouldn't be a blllpme For tht first umc llntt li11Je Laura uonal Orpni2.11ion of Women, 1ay1. wnhout her 1n it, .. he aid. Bradbury vani hed ftom her f'amily"t Speaking before I aroup or •bout Smeal, 4S, drew on raearch she deRt't campsite 1 week 110. 17S tludent1 and NOW supponcrs at collected for her book .. Why and How au1.horit1es cxpreaed Opllmiun tl\lt UC Irvine Wednesday night, Smeal Women Will .Elect the Next Presi­ ~ arep1n1nssround on a man they said the much-discus~ Gellder Gap dent." for her lecture. Women, who bc:hevc abducted the Huntus1i.on -d1ffertnm in the way women and make ul? Sl perctnt of the American Beach11rl. men vote on issues - could upset population, are voting in areatcr four w11neilt$ lold authoritJt'5 President ~ei&an's re-election bid. numbe~ than men: Smeal &aid. And they art convinced they ..-w the S~~I . 1n ~er talk and durina an 12 percent fewer women than men blond·ha1ml 11rt with a bald.to,. &raY· ear her 1nterv1ew, SA.id 1he believes the s1.1pPol1 President Reapn's pohcin, haired man in his SO.. acconhn' to race between Reagan and Democ;:ratie she aaid. San Bernardino County Shmf'rs challenger Walter Mondale will be a That gender gap in political at­ spokesm1n Jim Bry11n1. close one. And she credits Mondale's (Pl-- WOION/A21 NOW'altllle8m•I "Tllcy'no all sood .......... by , Forecaata on A2 ClllT lllTIDll ltiURSOAV OCTOBER 25, 1984 (),lANr,f ( ()LJNTY , Ai lf()t1NtA " ' r f•~· · Frien·ds continue hunt for boaters Steven Bai~. 2S, and Norm that they'll be fouod," said Linda posii.ivesi&n." took to the sky Wcdnesdly u the Sagon•, 22. hive been1missing since Brannon of Balboa's Catalina Pl$5Clt· Brannon said lhe 12·foot motor voluntcereffort&Ot underway, Bran. Saturday afternoon when they left aer Service, the island ferry service skiff the two lei\ eataJina in has a red non said. Today, five pbnce resumed for Newport men missing off Catalina Catalina Island in a 12.foot mo1or that employs Bailey and Safona. bot10m, while sides and a arecn the - which has bmt belpcd by skiff bound for Newport. Bailey serves as a captain on the topdcck. The fibcrsLass bol.l con­ Navy hclicojMers ~ I.lie area By ROBERT HYNDMAN ,, while others collect donations t.o pay The pair, both experienced sailon, Catalina Holiday ferry while Sagona tained blue scat cushions with white around the Channel 1slands. a.t1111...,,...1t.11t fortheeffon. ran into rough 5eaS about 12 miles is ems;>loycd as a deck hand. sides, two orange life jackets, a duJI An 0ttan map is ~ u9ed 10 Friends and co-workers of the two Nearly $5,000 has already been east or Avalon liarbor. Tbe Coast "R11ht now, ··we're ask:ina yellow ammo boa containina flares. coordinate die ICarch Wltb pik>ts Ncwpon Beach men lost at sea have raised to help pay for the fuel that the. Guard searched ror the two men beachgoen·to keep an eye out for any and two dear, watertJaht uash COO· roUowinc ·a lrid pettero that takes picked uf, the search where the Coast aircraft are using each day in their through Tuesday cvcninJ without signs or debris that may have come tainers with tbe men's backpacks them 60 miles out to xa, Brannon Guard efl off, with volunteers a:earch rrom Santa Rosa Island so1:1th success. rrom the boat,.. Brannon said. ••The inside, said. In lddition. the fury ICt'Vice:'s searchina in planes and helicopters to the Mexican border. ''Everyone has a positive attitude fact 'that they've found nothin& is a Nine planes and three hclicopcers ~ -P1USllDll/A2) Model tells of ·ki11 plot Was offercil money to aid 'snuff film.' ..............,woman __ testifies A woman who posed nude for a 5> year-old .... cbarp1 Mth the 1912 sJ1yiqs of two Anaheim 1ce...,..ers 1e1tilied Wednesday that Fred Bemo CoasttrlowlnsU.S. Yacht Dou&W: One¢ ditck>sod bis pbins for lwina hitchhikers into lhe dclc:r1 and Racing Union national killllt& the~ durina the_@wiaa of a team tltle./C1 -snuff moVJC. .. !Uthy Pltillips, a 2S-year-old fur. mer Huntington Beach rcsKlent. on-­ Coast clime heroin addict and ex.-<lOnvict, 10ld an Oranae County Superior Irvine establishes animal Court jury that Dou&lu outlined his euthanasia policy, re­ plans for the ..snutT flick" lcillinp durina • ion& car ride in October instates $25 animal 1979: shelter fee.IA3 Deputy DistriCI Attorney Tony Ractauctw a11ep 0ouaw fina11y followed through on bis puesome California murder plan in Auaust of 1982 - on Friday the I 31h - when be lum:I L9- What's normal sex? No­ year-old Beth Jones and 16-year-old body seems to know./CS Marpm Kniegor to their deaths in the desert undef the prete-that they ~-=~:;:;.,.;.:;:;~s::sm.o;s:;: too would be l>OOiOJ foe nude photo- Nation pa~ a former Costa Mcsan Huntington's Ky accused who ran a Qm:dco 0ro¥t fumiturt refinisbina business, is cbar'Fd with of being a top crime Elated Elvira two counb of tirst-dqru: murder in gangs boss.I Al Sharon Sorkin, center, ellpRHea deU,ht on hearl.Df ahe'a plcltecl ap $260 ~ and dlDDer for two for looll:tn1 the the airl>' deaths. If coovicled. the the winner of the ltlYlra look allll:e conteet Wedn-.7 m-like the hoeom7 ·-ofthe Dark.' S-nd place prosecution wilt ask the j ury 10 :;~;:;:>:;:;:;r-:;s:;:;:;s:;:;:;:~:=§::S:;:;:;:;::~ nJaht at the Cl'UJ'hone reataarant ID Banta Ana. Sharon winner wu -da Caponen, Hantlncton-1" (Pl--llOOEL/A2) World The top Grenada general says the Invasion a year ago turned out better Leap onto Nestande seeks dismissal than he expected.IC& freeway . ~ Sportll ofex-supervisor's libel suit Golden west water polo kills man 10 to protracted tnal it will inhibit Supervisor claims his campaign statements election campaign.ins to an extent not coach Tom Hermstad has A man apparently Jumped to his heretofore permitted or - COO· built a powerhouse team death rrom a frttwa.y overpass in were 'protected pollth::al expression· _ tc:mplaled in om free society," 1,he that Is undefeated.181 Westminster carty today and was petition fikcl byNestande"sanomcy. i struck by several passi111 an travel· By JEFF ADI.Ell ConleSted su.tcmcnts are ""protected political expression .. under the First Paul Selvin, states. ing the busy San Oieao F~way, °' .............. The libel triaj is 1ebcduled 10 bcain police reponcd. Orange Coun1y Supervisor Brott Amendment to the U .S. Constitu· t0mctime next year u.nleu the Su. Buslneu UOD, The man. identificd<>nly asa while Ncstlnde has riJed a petition wilh the ~me Court erect 10 heat the case. Little relief In slghtfor _ man in his late 60s. was pulled rrom sllte Supreme Coun utin& thlt it An earlier State Apptals Coun traffic by scvtral motonsts who throw out the libel suit lod&ed apinst n.ali~ htkS that the sCiteittenu in Milkr sued Ne>tande charsin& 11111 those who suffer from Stopocd at the IC(RC or the incident II him by former Vietl\lm prisoner of qucsbon were factual and. lberefote. he was defamed i.D a 1980 Ncstandc rising doctor bllls./C3 the Westminster Avenue ovCJ'p&». war and ca..Suprrvisor Edison Miller. were issues tha1 could be tried in campoian llier t aotUSed Milkr of ~~~"$!&:%::::x~ The man was pronounttd dead at The appeal, filed Monday in San court. coopcratiq with his North Vid­ the scene. FranciK'O, 15lr.s the hi&b ~n to "'If thi1 cue between well·known namae cap1on whi\c1 pnsoner. Tbe INDEX (P1-Meieelll.A1'/A2} 1.,at:lwr8aa1111•3eo.. di1miss the libel action because the palilicaf ldYcnarica tt permitted to (Phue-lmllt'-/A2) C1·2 _.._............................... ._._._ ........ ._ .......... - • ._._._._._.... ._._ .. ._ ...... Booting---~ ._._._._al! Bndgo A10 Btlllotln Board A3 C3 COl"orni.- AA 'New water' tastier Clualtled--­ C7·1 TONY Cornlea A10 CrOll-d 01 but not for fish DoalhNOl­ G5 Sum>RA II may taste: bc:lter Ind be C~1'n". lroaocolly, the ,_ IOr puUJng Hor- cs C2 but tht tap wsitcr that 'ftlll toon be Utt chloram.ine iAto lbe water suppty Ann Land«• it llto the ttMOe thlt cutorr1m are Mutu11Fund1 now1~to tome 13 milhon .peopk throu out Southern C.ahfom11 bClllll edvmd IO &her It from Wiier Natlonol- ~ CO\!ld <Ja.nttrout to kidney cha.l)'Toit oled in dial)'lio macht- and filh nlOll ··--Al A3 J)lt1cnt1 ind pct fish. tanh. PollOOloO Bc11nn1n1 Nov. 1, 1he Me•ro-• Ttm Skova. a ~n h Publlo NOl- cs-a 814 polit.ln Water Ot1trkt Wiii dittnfttt MWO ...plmnedtho1-.mtno .. a 8Port• 11s water with chloram1ne - a stable that Stodt Marlcoto C4 com~nd "°"~ blak C2 mil1ure orchlonnc and ammonia - down 11 qu1tkly u chtonno. 114 instead of just chlorine. To ftdt1111t environmenW Qfficials., n-1-T­ The Metropolitan Diilrict 111pptin that means the compound 11 teu A2 .., .... much of the ............ by on ... likely to mix Wlt.h the.
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