
City of l\finen1! \Velis P 0 Box 460, 1\tinenil \Velis, Texas 76068 Telephone: 940.328.7700 Fa.\: 940,328.7704 NOTICE OF MEETING The Mineral Wells City Council will hold a regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 in the City Council Chambers at the City Hall Annex, 115 S.W. JS' Street, Mineral Wells, Texas to consider the following agenda: Call to Order Invocation-Reverend Brian Nierman of First Christian Church of Mineral Wells Pledges of Allegiance to U.S. and Texas Flags CITIZEN COMMENT Citizells must provide informotioll required Oil Speake1· Card. The Speaker Card must be given to lite City Clerk before tlte meetillg starts. Tlte Council requests tltat commellls be limited to tltree (3) minutes. Tlte Texas Opell Meetings Act provides the fol/owillg: (a) If, 111 tt meeting oftt governmentttl bot{J" a member ofthe public or ofthe governmelllttl body inquiries about a subject for wlliclz notice /tas not been given as required by this subcltapter, the notice provisions oft/tis subcltapter tlo llOI ttpply to: (I) tt statement ofspecific factual informatioll given in respollse to the inquiry; or (2) a recitation ofexisting policy in response to tile inquiry. (b) Any delibemtion of or decision about the subject of the inquiry sltal/ be limited to a proposal to pl11ce the subject 011 tlte agenda for a subsequent 111eeti11g. CONSENT AGENPA ( 4) I. Consider approval of minutes of meeting held April 16, 2019. ( 1 O) 2. Consider approval of budgeted expenditures over $500. ( 11 ) 3. Consider and take action on pay request from Parker, Smith & Cooper, Inc. (formerly Schrickel, Rollins and Associates, Inc.) in the amount of$34,400.00 for professional engineering services on the 2018 Street and Utilities Improvement Bond Projects. ITEMS FOR INPIVIPUAL CONSIDERATION ( 15 ) 4. Conduct a Public Hearing, consider and take any necessary action regarding a Final Plat of 3705 Hwy 180 East, being a 0.861 acres, Abstract 701, Tract 10, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Survey #13, to Lot 1, Block A, Panda Express Addition, Mineral Wells, Palo Pinto County, Texas. ( 19) 5. Receive a presentation, and discussion, on an Economic Development Plan. ( 9 2 ) 6. Consider and take action on a resolution establishing a Library Fine Free Pilot Program. Mineral Wells City Council Agenda Page I of3 ( 97) 7. Receive update by Mayor Perricone related to his appointment on the North Central Texas Emergency Communications 9-1-1 District Board. ( 9 8 ) 8. Consider and take action for Award of Bid in the amount of $192, 125.00 to Peachtree Construction, LTD. for the Holiday East Paving Project (Bond Program). ( 101) 9. Consider and take action on approval of plans and specifications and authorization to advertise and receive bids for the 2019 Paving Improvements. ( 106 ) 10. Consider and take action approving a resolution to execute a Consortium Agreement for sponsoring a Paramedic program with PERCOMOnline Inc. and authorize the Mayor to execute same. (115) 11. Consider and take action on a resolution establishing signatories on all City of Mineral Wells bank accounts. (118) 12. Consider and take action authorizing staff to accept a grant from the U.S. Department of Agricnlture. (142) 13. Consider and take action on reimbursements of Councilmembers interested in attending the TML Small Town Conference. 14. Future agenda items/requests by Councilmembers to be on next agenda-Councifmembers sha/l 11ot comment upon, deliberate, or discuss any item that is not on the agenda. Councifmembers shall 11ot make routine inquiries about operations or project status 011 an item that is not posted. Any Councilmember may, however, state an issue and a request that this issue be placed on a future agenda. 15. Executive Session: In accordance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapter D, the City Council will recess into Executive Session (closed meeting) to discuss the following: a) § 551.071: Consultation with Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter regarding: (i) Complaint from Director of Finance; (ii) Texas Commission on Fire Protection Compliance Inspection Guidelines for 2019, Mineral Wells Fire Department and Mineral Wells Volunteer Fire Department; (iii) Amendment to Funding Agreement with Texas UASWERX; (iv) TxDOT Rights-of-way Acquisition; (v) Southwire Company, LLC conveyance, and (vi) Lease agreement with Holiday Hills Country Club, Inc., Assignment of Recreational Use Agreement to Holiday Hills Golf Course, LP, and a tract of land being 6.548 acres, more or less, out of the T&P RR Co. Survey, Abstract Nos. 701 and 1633, as described in a Quit Claim Deed from the United States of America to the City of Mineral Wells, as filed in Vol 614, Page 86, Palo Pinto County, Texas. b) § 551.072: To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property regarding: (i) TxDOT Rights-of-way Acquisition, (ii) Lease agreement with Holiday Hills Mineral Wells City Council Agenda Page 2 of3 Country Club, Inc., Assignment of Recreational Use Agreement to Holiday Hills Golf Course, LP, and a tract ofland being 6.548 acres, more or less, out of the T &P RR Co. Survey, Abstract Nos. 701and1633, as described in a Quit Claim Deed from the United States of America to the City of Mineral Wells, as filed in Vol 614, Page 86, Palo Pinto County, Texas; and (iii) conveyances to Southwire Company, LLC. c) § 551.074: Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee: Complaint from Director of Finance. 16. Reconvene into open session: In accordance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, and the City Council will reconvene into Regular Session to consider action, if any, on matters discussed in Executive Session. ( 14 7 ) 17. Consider and take action on a resolution approving an assignment of a Recreational Use Agreement to Holiday Hills Golf Course, LP. ( 18 3 ) 18. Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute conveyance documents to Southwire Company, LLC for 3800 S.E. Industrial Parkway, Mineral Wells, Texas 76067 and 501 Tradeway, Mineral Wells, Texas 76067. 19. Appreciation presentation. 20. Adjourn. Notes: Disabled persons requiring special assistance are requested to notify tlte City ofMineral Wells 24 /tours in adva11ce oftlte meeting by calling the City Clerk's office at 940.328.7702. Tlte City Council reserves tlte rig/it to meet in Executive Session closed to the public at any time i11 the course ofthis meeting to discuss matters listed 011 the age11da, as authorized by tlte Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Govemment Cotle Chapter 551, including §551.071, (private consultation witlt the attorney for tlte City); §551.072 (purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property); §551.074 (personnel or to hear complaints against personnel); §551.076 (deployment, or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices); and §551.087 (economic tlevelopment 11egotiatio11s). Any decision lteltl 011 such matters will be taken or comluctetl in Open Session following tlte co11cl11sio11 of the Executive Session. State of Texas § City of Mineral Wells § I hereby certify that notice of this meeting of the Mineral Wells City Council was posted by 6:00 o'clock pm on the 3'd day of May, 2019. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this 3" day of May, 2019. Page 3 of3 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING MINERAL WELLS CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL ANNEX April 16, 2019 - 6:00 pm Audio recordings of the City Council meetings are available on the City's website at mineralwellstx.gov City Councilmembers present were Mayor Christopher M. Perricone, Mayor Pro-Tern Tammy Underwood, Councilmembers Brian Shoemaker, Regan Johnson, Jerrel Tomlin, Beth Watson and Doyle Light. A quorum of City Councilmembers was present. Staff members present were Interim City Manager Margie Rose, Finance Director John Moran, Police Chief Dean Sullivan, Fire Chief Mike Pool, Public Works Director Bob Neal, City Clerk Peggy Clifton, and City Attorney's Andy Messer and Will Trevino. Mayor Perricone called the meeting to order. Councilmember/Reverend Jerrel Tomlin led the invocation, and the Pledges of Allegiance to the U.S. and Texas flags were recited. CITIZEN COMMENT Three people had signed to speak and Mayor Perricone recognized each in turn. Jeff Longspaugh of 7617 Skylake Drive, Fort Worth just wanted to introduce himself. Gary McConnell of 1717 S. Keller Road had signed to speak but was not present when called. Robert Avants of 201 NE 27th Street spoke regarding the youth of Mineral Wells. Following a motion made by Ms. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Light, the following CONSENT AGENDA was approved by a vote of 6-0-1 with Mayor Perricone abstaining: 1. Consider approval of minutes of meetings held April 2, 2019. 2. Consider approval of budgeted expenditures over $500. 3. Consider approval of Financial Report for the month ended January 2019. 4. Consider approval of Bond Report for the month ended March 2019. ITEM # I 05/07/2019 11 •· -4- 5. Consider approval of Change Order No. 2 and Pay Application No. 7 to B&L Construction Co. in the amount of $114,985.26 for the 16-inch Water J,ine Installation Project (Phase I) on US Hwy. 180 West. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 6. Mayor Perricone opened a Public Hearing at 6:09 to consider and take any necessary action regarding a re-plat of 315 Pasadena Blvd, being 0.551 acres, Lots 11-13, Block 1, of the Pasadena Heights Addition, Mineral Wells, Palo Pinto County, Texas to Lots 11R and 13R, Block 1, of the Pasadena Heights Addition, Mineral Wells, Palo Pinto County, Texas.
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