TheUCS n Diego / Volume 48, Number 4 / Thursday, January 13, 1983 The ~I fi" It :::> i " c Golden ~ 1\ ;z g; fi D : 0 Il Triangle II 11 II 11 ~ II \1 ~ il 11 Ie 11 U P il 1\ ~, ~ H" il ~ ~ ]1 ii ]l' \\ h 11 Ii 11 b 11 il 11 "\\ ~ U 11 if 11 ~~ P 11 Ii 11 11 II n "~ J/ it 1\ \\ Local developers send a message to UCSD By EILEEN MO RRIS and STEVE STOY ANOW Staff Writers "There's nothing on a UCSD. are not in the best and High way 52 on the south. - Lake at La Jolla Village. question the traffic \'olume railroad track here," Jim Hare interest of the university. He Developers have" named the 120 acres of residential units intenSl\-e de\"elopment would told six new members of the stresses that the realiza tion of area "the Golden Triangle," surrounding a 9 acre lake at bring (for example, La Jolla U n ivers it y Communit y these developments w ill because of its money-making Nobel and TO\\ ne Center Village Dr. currentl} handles Planning Group Tuesday constitute a betrayal by the potential, a potential. they Drive around 32,000 cars per day night. Hare, a community city of San Diego of an claim, that commercial and - Plaza at La Jolla Village. a With dewlopmem. the \"Illume planner for the city of an agreement entered into with industrial development would commercial residential pro­ would Increase to around Diego , was referring to the the university in 1959, to the serve better than exclusivelv ject at the northeast corner of 65.000 per day). The) also University Community Plan. effect that the area around residential development. - La Jolla Village Dr. and qUt'"tion whether or nDt the soon to come before the San UCSD would become a Projects proposed by various Genesee Interests of FCSD would he Diego City Council, and the "coll ege tow n;" the majority of developers include: - Uni\'ersitv Center, a serwd s ubject of much debate in the the land was originally to have - a Sheraton Hotel on La commercial resident lal pro­ Residences around [(SO - local community. The plan been used to create affordable Joll a Village Drive directly ject located at La Jolla Village apartments and rondomin proposes rezoning much of the residential hou sing for the across frGln the l lni versitv Dr. and Interstate 3. lum<.; - are already pnLed out land surrounding UCSD from campus community. Towne Center " diagonally opposite the of the range of man} ::-tudent an Rl ·5 (residential) zone, to a One board member expres" - Brittany Village, a Veterans Hospital budgets. Rents in the proposed CA (commercial) which allows sed co ncern at Tuesday's combination commercial/ - La Jolla Colon). a commercia! reSIdent lal zone, for intensive commercial and meeting that " this trend residential project located at residential project near Nobel would be e\en higher. as office use. (commercial development) is the intersection of La 10lla Dri\e commerCial zones 1I1Y3nabh Roger Re velle, one of not one coming from within Village Dr. and Genesee Ave. - The Eastgate Technol­ raIse property \-alue. and t! I~ UCSD's founders. di sagrees the community. This is a trend co mpri sed of a hotel, ogy Park near the Eastgate likeh that much of the ne\\ with Hare's analysis of the that is b~in~ thrust upon the condominiums. and shops 1\.1 all and Genesee intersection houslI1gwould not bea\'atlable situation. Revelle believes that communIty. - La Jolla Int ernational The deSirability of such on a rental baSIS the proposed developments, The area in question is Towers, south of UTC. would massive growth has been a \Vah student enrollment \ovhich includes five hotels. roughly 9,000 acres of land havetwohighris ~of30and;32 major concern of mern bers of nsmg an an'rage of --l'H'1l four offi e parks and a number bordered by Interslate 5 on the stories as well as iOO the llCSD commun1t\ and of sky scrapers to the east of west, Highv,'ay 805 on the east. residential unit ~ residents of La Jolla Critics pka ... c turn to pa~e 6 Soviet Union airs views on nuclear weapons. Page 5. A few football predictions. Page 7. Men's volleyball gets set for 1983 season. Page 7. Thursday,January 13,1983 The UCSD Guardian 2 The UCSD Guardian Thursday, January 13,1983 The_U<;SD Guardian Oliphant There's a trickle born every minute "Don't worry," Mrs. Fred That will really bring our bills bonds?" American lit lien." 1.()?Xn~c?c~ ¥j~c~~~n~~atc said cheerfully, "we can down." Fred lo ld him hethdn't own "Then you're out of lutk." Fred was sit ting around the always sell the furniture ," " Don 't be such a worry any of those thmgs. the man said. "Weonlv tnckle· house going through the bills wart," said Mrs. Fred. "You "What I S your mone\ down 10 fort·igner ... hi.'re 1 ry when he noticed he had a "We sold the furniture last know darn well our trickle· invested in'" the man asked· Defense. The~ haH' tons of problem. month," Fred grumped. "Well , we can always sell down check Will arrive any day " Rill s," ..,aid Fred. "I ha\'e money Opinion "Honey," he shouted to his now." . the car," Mrs. Frerl said . one of the most exten"'l\e The gu~ al [)den~e wa ... wife, "the dent ist says if we Fred had almost forgotten port folios on t he block." \ cry "ympathetic. don't pay him by the first of "We sold the car to buy the about the trickle-down . Fred was told to tn the ''I'm not really suppf)~ed to next month, he's going to take furniture," Fred yelled. "Why , ['lIslglled edilorials represelll Ihe OpilliulI' uf Ih .. edilor;lI/ board II} Ih e I 'csn The President of the t rnlted Health and Human Sei-nees do t hh," ht· \\'hi"pered Lr, fred, Guardiall The edilorial board is composed of Sl'Oli 't'Ollllg, LislI Lupill, Tum the kids' teeth back." don't we just sell the kids? Rill/kill a lid Caly Tillkle_ All olher a rlides ill Ih is seclioll (Ire solely Ih('opillioll oflhe States had promised it to hlln Department. "bul \'our ston· ha.., (JUChl'Cl wriler a lid du nOln ecessarily represellilhe I'iell's of Ihe GUllrdi() II. iI, ('dllllrllli bOil rd. at the last c1ection_ " I came for n1\ trickle· m\' ht;arl. Wellt-here .. ils (ldl'erlisers or Ih e Negellis o/Ihe l 'lIil'fTsily uf ClIlifumi(l_ Ju<.;t let the rich keep all their dcm n," Fred ... a Id t h-ere. -'I he gU\ came bal k \\ II h a The day of the money instead of paying taxes "Are you trul~ needy)" the huge box· and e\'eryhod~ will b<>nefit, the woman a~ked. " Here," he ... ,wl. ''(' ... e II In President had "aid. If YOU let ''I'm not sure." Fred "aid. glJod health. ' The UCSD crisis political penguin the rich hang onto- their "Havt' \OU catt'n In tht· la ... t 'I ... mv tfllkle-dl/\\'n mlJnev money, they \"ill go out and three wepks? Do mu ()\\ n \ our in t hl'n'~ • Fred a ... kt·d - By MARK P. lJIAMOND heard abou t the penguin?" huy thing.., and build things own underwear? Ha\l" YOU "Oh, hie ... " me no, 'the: man overcrowding and At dawn on a seemingly "joe, joe who?" Atkinson and hire people tu do thing .... laughed in the la"t \ ear:''' . chuckled. "That'" tht ;\lark·;) average clay at UCSD, a replied. " And the mo ney will "Well, gel', I brue,~ "'0," Fred [)mgbat :'\11" ... 1Ie It'.., b"('r­ maintenance employee was "You know - Joe WATSON actuallv tnckle dow n to me'" conceded. guided, he:lht'ekmg and can lack of space walking across Ihe campus. - the Vice Chancellor," Like scotch (J\er rocks, hIS "Surn'." "aid Ihe woman. hit a nl!J~quit(J at "jIJO yards." On his way past the gym, he Watson answered. President as,-u'red him. "Then vou 'rt' not need \'." "But what can I d,) With a noticed something quite ·'Oh yes, of course, ah which But here it was more than "Rut-what If I \\ert needy?" mi. 'i1le?" Fred wailed As we are all hanging in there in this, the last strange - waddling around on of our Penguins are you asking two years later and Fred's Fred asked. "Would I get in} 'I he gU) ... cralched hi'" head. week of free ads and drops, waiting patiently in top of the hump was a penguin. about''' Atkinson inquired. t ri ckie-down check had still tnckle-duwn then?" "Kill m(Nlult(le~.,J" he "ald. positions far: down on the class waiting list for The maintenance employee " We on ly hav one, and not arrived. "No." the woman :-ald. "But Fred ustd hi" last , :i to take wa ' s hocked. Hi s union right now it's by the student ··Golly, it must be del ayed In \\ e ha \ I' ... ome verv nice a cah to the \\'hlle HlJu"e. He the possiblity of an opening, it becomes apparent contract did not mention center. We had better get a the mail ," Mrs. Fred said . chee"e." . \\a" "ho\\n to a ha"ement that we are in the middle of a campus crisis. anything about caring for handle on the situation. If the "Honey," said Fred. ''I'm The woman suggested he office where a man in a three­ UCSD has a housing shortage.
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