Date: THURSDAY 2ND NOVEMBER 2006 North Planning Time: 7 PM Committee Venue: COMMITTEE ROOM 6, CIVIC CENTRE HIGH STREET, UXBRIDGE To Councillors on the Committee: Visiting the Civic Centre: Bruce Baker (Chairman) Members of the Public and Press Michael White (Vice-Chairman) are welcome to attend this David Allam meeting. Free parking is Shirley Harper O’Neill available via the entrance to the Michael Markham Civic Centre in the High Street. Norman Nunn-Price Ian Oakley Bus routes 427, U1, U3, U4 and U7 all stop at the Civic Centre. Conservation Area Advisory Members Uxbridge underground station, Michael Platts / Chris Groom with the Piccadilly and Clive Pigram Metropolitan lines, is a short John Ross / Michael Dent walk away. Please enter from Michael Hirst the Council’s main reception Pamela Jeffreys where you will be directed to the Committee Room. Please switch off your mobile phone when entering the room and note that the Council operates a no-smoking policy in th Publication Date: 25 October 2006 its offices. Contact Officer: Nadia Williams This agenda is available in large print Cabinet Office – Decision Team T.01895 277655 F.01895 277373 [email protected] London Borough of Hillingdon, 3E/05, Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1UW www.hillingdon.gov.uk David Brough – Head of Democratic Services Agenda B 1. Consideration of the reports from the Head of Planning & Transportation, continued Reports - Part 1 – Members, Public and the Press Items are normally marked in the order that they will be considered, though the Chairman may vary this. Reports are split into ‘major’ and ‘non-major’ applications. The name of the local ward area is also given in addition to the address of the premises or land concerned. Major Application With Petition Address Ward Description & Recommendation Page 9 Land rear of 61, Ickenham Erection of a three storey block to 1 Glebe Avenue, provide 12 residential apartments Ickenham with associated car parking and amenity space (involving demolition of existing builders’ yard storage buildings) Recommendation : Refusal Major Applications without Petition Address Ward Description & Recommendation Page 10 RAF Northolt, South Reserved Matters, details of the 21 West End Road, Ruislip design, siting, external appearance Ruislip and landscaping (Phase 1), landscape master plan strategy, access statement, landscape maintenance plan, tree protection, wheelchair parking, site environmental management plan, raising of ground levels, permeable fencing, refuse and open storage, waste recycling facilities, energy efficiency report, emissions monitoring scheme and bat survey, in part compliance with conditions 3,4,9,11,12,15,16,17,20,23,25,36, 37 and 42 of outline “Statement of No Objection” ref. 189/APP/2005/1321 dated 8/3/06 (Redevelopment of RAF Northolt – Project Model) Recommendation : Approval 11 Harefield Academy, Harefield Variation of Conditions 69 Northwood Way, 6,7,9,11,14,15,16,19,20,28,29,30 Harefield and 31 of planning permission ref. 17709/APP/2006/825 dated 16/6/06 ‘Redevelopment of school, involving erection of new buildings to provide a new academy school for 1000 students. Provision of associated sports facilities, hard and soft play areas, ancillary crèche, new access, replacement parking and landscaping. Recommendation : Refuse variation of conditions 28,29, and 30. Vary other conditions as listed in report. PLANNING COMMITTEE – 2 NOVEMBER 2006 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR (NORTH) OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY SERVICES SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDA A Item No. 9 Report of the Director of Planning and Community Services Address: LAND REAR OF 61 GLEBE AVENUE, ICKENHAM Development: ERECTION OF A THREE STOREY BLOCK TO PROVIDE 12 RESIDENTIAL APARTMENTS WITH ASSOCIATED CAR PARKING AND AMENITY SPACE (INVOLVING DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDERS' YARD STORAGE BUILDINGS) LBH Ref Nos: 16248/APP/2006/2382 Drawing Nos: 06013/01, 06013/02, 06013/03, 06013/04, 06013/05, 06013/05, 06013/06, 06013/07, 06013/09, 06013/10, 06013/11, 06013/12, 06013/13, 06013/14, 06013/15, 06013/16, Accommodation Schedule, reports titled ‘Planning, Design & Access Statement’ prepared by BCP dated August 2006, ‘Transport Statement’ prepared by Peter Brett Associates dated August 2006, ‘Site Investigation Report’ prepared by Risk Management’ dated July 2001, all received 14/08/06 Letter from Bell Cornwell dated 17/10/06 received 20/10/06 Report titled ‘Tree Survey’ prepared by Land and Landscape Management Ltd dated October 2006, received by email 25/10/06 Date of receipt: 14/08/2006 Date(s) of Amendment(s): None 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 A 3-storey block of 12 apartments is proposed on land formerly used as a builders yard, located to the rear of residential properties fronting Glebe Avenue, Crosier Road and St Giles Avenue. The currently submission is a resubmission of an earlier proposal which was withdrawn prior to determination. 1.2 A total of 43 local residents have been consulted and 20 letters and one petition with 38 signatures have been received objecting to the proposal. Concerns raised include the over development of the site, impacts on residential amenity, and impacts on the local highway network. North Planning Committee – 2 November 2006 Page 1 PART 1 – MEMBERS, PUBLIC AND PRESS 1.3 Whilst no objection is raised to the principle of redevelopment of the site for housing, the proposal would result in a cramped, overdeveloped site which would be out of keeping with the character of the area and would be detrimental to the residential amenities of surrounding residents. The development would also fail to provide good environmental conditions for future occupants, with inadequate unit size and outlook provided. The applicant has also failed to address a number of issues including disabled access, the provision of units for people with disabilities, and sustainability. 1.4 Accordingly, the proposal is recommended for refusal. 2.0 RECOMMENDATION: REFUSAL, for the following reasons: 1. The proposal represents an over development of the site, resulting in a cramped and inappropriate form of development which, by virtue of its density, siting, and bulk would be out of keeping with the character and appearance of surrounding properties and that of the area generally. This is contrary to Policies BE13, BE19 and H6 of the adopted Unitary Development Plan and the design principles contained within the Council’s adopted ‘Hillingdon Design and Access Statement: Residential Layouts’. 2. The proposed building, by virtue of its siting and bulk would result in an unacceptable loss of residential amenity to adjoining residents, by reason of over-dominance and loss of outlook, contrary to Policies BE21 and H6 of the adopted Unitary Development Plan and the design principles contained within the Council’s adopted ‘Hillingdon Design and Access Statement: Residential Layouts’. 3. The development is considered to provide an inadequate mix of dwellings, with no larger units (3 or more bed) proposed, no evidence of the provision of lifetime homes and no units specifically identified to be wheelchair accessible, contrary to Policies H5 and H9 of the Borough’s adopted Unitary Development Plan, Policy 3A.4 of the London Plan, the Council’s 2005 Housing Needs Survey and the Council’s adopted ‘Hillingdon Design and Access Statement: Residential Layouts’. 4. The development fails to provide a satisfactory residential environment for future residents by reason of small internal floor areas and habitable rooms without external windows. Accordingly, the proposal is contrary to Policies H6, H8 and BE21 of the Borough’s adopted Unitary Development Plan and the and the Council’s adopted ‘Hillingdon Design and Access Statement: Residential Layouts’. 5. The applicant has failed to demonstrate the incorporation of sustainability measures into the development. Accordingly, the proposal is contrary to North Planning Committee – 2 November 2006 Page 2 PART 1 – MEMBERS, PUBLIC AND PRESS Policy 4A.9 of the London Plan. 6. The development is not considered to have made adequate provision, through planning obligations, for contributions in respect of the impact upon education provision and concerning project management and monitoring in accordance with Policy R17 of the Council’s Unitary Development Plan or the Council’s Supplementary Planning Guidance for Planning Obligations (Adopted December 2003). 3.0 CONSIDERATIONS Site and Locality 3.1 The site, which is located to the rear of 53 - 67 Glebe Avenue, 33 – 45 Crosier Road and 1 –11 St Giles Avenue, Ickenham, is currently occupied by a number of single storey detached commercial buildings commensurate with its former use as a builders’ yard. The site is devoid of soft landscaping. 3.2 The site is accessed by a 6.2 metre wide drive which is located between 59 and 61 Glebe Avenue. This access also serves garages located to the rear of 49 Glebe Avenue. The site is relatively level and is surrounded on all sides by residential properties, which mainly comprise 1930’s two storey semi-detached and terraced houses and maisonettes. However, a three storey terrace block immediately abuts the site at 39-45 Crosier Road. 3.3 Local shops are located directly opposite the site access. The Ickenham Underground station is situated approximately 200 metres to the north of the site. Notwithstanding this the site has a Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) of 1 on a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 represents the lowest level of public accessibility. 3.4 The site is located within the ‘developed area’ as defined in the Unitary Development Plan (UDP). Scheme 3.5 Planning permission is sought for the comprehensive redevelopment of the site to accommodate a 3 storey pitched roof residential block comprising 8 two-bed and 4 one bed residential units. Four units will be located on each floor. 3.6 The block, with an overall width of 19.5 metres and depth of 21 metres, would be located on the eastern portion of the site.
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