The Expository. Times. Recent

The Expository. Times. Recent

THE EXPOSITORY. TIMES. RECENT THEOLOGICAL LITERATURE. BOOKS. • Agrapha, DONEHOO (Index). BOOKS INDEXED. Akedia, CARROLL 133· · ACTON (Lord, as P1·0/ector), The Cambridge Modern History. Alchemy in Dante, CARROLL 404. Vol. II. The Reformation. , Alogi, DRUMMOND 334· BERNARD (J. H., as Editor), Psalms of Israel. Angel of Jehovah, DRIVER 184 . BRUCE (R., as Editor), Common Hope. Angels in N. T. Apocr., DONEHOO (Index), CAIRD (E.), Evolution of Theology in the Greek Philo- Annunciation, DONEHOO 25. sophers. ·Apocalypses, Jewish, MUIRHEAD 57-95. CARR (A.), Hone Biblicre. · Apocalyptic Literature of N. T., JULICHER 256-291~· CARROLL (J. S. ), Exiles of Eternity. Apostolic Age, Religion, HARNAC.K 155 ff. DAVIDSON (A. B.), Old T~stament Prophecy. Aristotle, Theology, CAIRD i. 260-382, ii. 1-30. DAVIS (N. K. ), The Story of the Nazarene. Asceticism, HARNACK 81 ff. ' DICKIE (W. ), Christian Ethics of Social Life. Ass, associated with Christ, HERFORD 154, 2II: DONEHOO (J. de Q.), Apocryphal and Legendary' Life of. " Worship, HERFORD 154· Christ. · Assyria and Israel, PINCHES 327 ff. DRIVER (S. R. ), Book of Genesis. Astronomy, the New, WALLACE 24-46. DRUMM?ND (J.), Character and Authorship of the Fourth Aton~ment in Christ's Death, HARNACK 159 ff. Gospel. Attention, HASLETT 133 ff. DRURY (T. W.), Confession and Absolution. Attrition, DRURY 103 ff. FITZPATRICK (J.), Characteristics from Faber's Writings. Auricular Confession, DRURY 14 ff. FL)i:W (J.), Studies in Browning. Avarice in Dante, CARROLL 110-125. HAIGH (H.), Some Leading Ideas of Hinduism. ·Babel, Tower, DRIVER I36f. HARNACK (A.), What is Christianity? (3rd Edition). Babylon and the Bible, PINCHES 525 ff. HASLETT (S. B.), Pedagogical Bible School. Babylonia and Israel, PINCHES 395 ff. HERFORD (J. T.), Christianity in Talmud and Midrash. Baptism, DRURY 81 ff. BOLTZMANN (0. ), Life of Jesus. ,, for the Dead, CARR 170-179. INGRAM (J. K.), Practical Morals. · Barratry in Dante, CARROLL 306-'329. JULICHER (A.), Introduction to the New Testament. · Basilides and Fourth Gospel, DRUMMOND 296-331. MUIRHEAD (L. A.), Eschatology of Jesus. Bath Qol, HERFORD 135, 184, 240. PARRY (R. St. J.), Discussion of Ep. of St. James. Belief, Newman's Theory, STEPHEN 168-241. PEABODY (F. G.), Religion of an Educated Man. : Bible School, HASLETT I. PINCHES (T. G.), 0.T. in Light of Historical Records. of " for Education, HASLETT 306-340. 'Assyria and Babylonia. Binding and Loosing, DRURY l ff., l46ff. Ross (D. M.), Teaching ofJesus. Browning, FLEW l. SETON (W. W., as Editor), Christian Apologetics. Cain and Abel, DRIVER 71 ff. SHEPHEARD (H. B.), Parables of Man and of God. Calvin and the Reformed Church, ACTON 342-376 ,(FaiT­ SNOWDEN (J. H.), Scenes and Sayings in the Life of bairn). Christ. ·.Canon, N.T., JULICHER 459-566. STAN'roN (V. H.), Gospels as Historical Documents. · Catechisris in Education, HASLETT 274-282. STEPHEN (L.), An Agnostic's Apology (2nd Edition). Catholic Epistles, JULICHER 201 ff. STONE (D.), The Holy Communion. Catholicism, HARNACK 193 ff. TODD (J. C.), Politics and Religion in Ancient Israel. Chance in the Bible, CARR 33-46. WALLACE (A. R. ), Man's Place in the Universe. Cherubim, DRIVER 6of. WHYTE (A.), Bishop B~tler, an Appreciation. Childhood, INGRAM 14-33; HASLETT 100-136. WIMMER (R.), My Struggle for Light. ,, and Manhood, 'WIMMER 61-90. Children and Church, BRUCE u3-140 (Boyle). " Imagination, HASLETT 105 ff. SUBJECTS. ,, Religion, HASLETT 131 ff. Abgar, DONEHOO 219 ff. Christ and Balaam, TRAVERS 63-77. Abraham, PINCHES 152-241. ,, Founders of Religion, BOLTZMANN 521. Absolution DRURY I. ,, ,, Greek Philosophers, BOLTZMANN 514. Acts, JihtCHER. 430-456. ,,' Ascension, HERFORD 76, 271; DONEHOO 438-448; Adam in Apocrypha, DONEHOO (Index). SNOWDEN 359-j66. Adolescence, INGRAM 34'-68. Baptism, HOLTZMANN 127·-139; SNOWDEN 58-61, ,, Period, HASLETT 137-203. ,, Birth, DONEHOO 48-62 ; SNOWDEN 23-28. Agnosticism, SHEPHEARD 57-70. ,, Browning on; FLEW 9-38. Agnostic's Apology, STEPHEN 1-41. ,, Burial, DONEHOO 363-374. 30 THE EXPOSITORY TIMES. Christ, Childhood, DONEHOO 109 ff. ; SNOWDEN 37-43. Civilization, HARNACK 120 ff. Crucifixion, HERFORD 83 ;' DONEHOO 348-362. Clan-god, TODD. 36 ff. " Disciples, HERFORD 90. Clement (Ep.) and Ep. of James, PARRY 73. Eschatology, MUIRHEAD i . Cocytus in Dante, CARROLL 420-480. ., Galilean Ministry, DAVIS 133-218. Colossians (Ep. ), JliLICHER, 127 ff. ,, Grandparents, DONEH00·1-11. Commemoration, INGRAM 146-148, " History, HARNACK 33 ff. Confession, DRURY I. ,, Incarnation, DAVIS 27-36. Contrition, DRURY 103 ff. in Talmud and Midrash, TRAVERS 35-96. Convictions, BRUCE 45-60 (Magee). Judrean Ministry, DAVIS 105-132, 239-264. Corinthians (Epistles), JliLICHER 78-102. ,, Life, HOLTZMANN I. Cosmogony of Genesis, DRIVER 19-33. " Apocryphal, DONEHOO I. Creation, PINCHES r-68. ,, and Chronology, DAVIS 417-426. Criticism and Pastoral Work, WIMMER 114-160.. " Sources, HOLTZMANN 7-61. Culpa et Poena, DRURY 182 ff. " ,, Turning Points, HOLTZMANN 62-80. Cyrus the Lord's Anointed, CARR 1-27. " Message, HARNACK 50 ff. Dante's Conversion, CARROLL 481-493. to Scholars, PEABODY 31-60. " Inferno, CARROLL I. " Miracles, DONEHOO 207 ff. ,, Life, ,CARROLL i.-lxi. Passion, DAVIS 327-388. Mysticism, CARROLL xvii. ,, Perean Ministry, DAVIS 265-288. Darwinism, SETON I-24 (Henslow). Preparation, DAVIS 55-104. Dead Sea and Vale of Siddim, DRIVER 168 ff. " Resurrection, HoLTZMANN 492-529; DONEHOO 396- Death, INGRAM 138-145. 409; HARNACK 163 ff.; DAVIS 388-416. ,, Browning on, FLEW 205-220. ,, Resurrection, Evidence for, SETON u5-124 (Wilson). Decalogue, TODD 188 ff. " Return, HARN ACK I 70 ff, Deluge, Historkal Character, DRIVER 99 ff. ,, Revelation and Example, CARR 157-169. Demons in Dante, CARROLL 272, 308, 455. " Teaching, DONEHOO 242 ff.; HARNACK.37 ff.; Ross I. Deportation, TODD 116f. abotit Himself, Ross 162-166. Docetre, DRUMMOND 343· " Attitude to 0. T., Ross 168-176. Dreams and Realities, STEPHEN 86-126. " Form, Ross 46-59. Eden, PINCHES 69; " Mo~al Ideals, Ross 100-123. Education, Religion as, PEABODY 1-29. '" on Fatherhood, Ross 68-80. Egypt, Famines, DRIVER 347. " ,, Filial Tempers, Ross 82-88. Land Tenure, DRIVER 374. " " ,, Kingdom of God, Ross 124-146. Enoch, DRIVER 78 f. " " Origin, Ross 60-66. Environment, DICKIE 151-157. " " Outlook on Future, Ross I78-197. ,, Christ's Indifference, DICKIE 161-167. " ,, Sources of Information, Ross 26-45. Ephesians (Ep.), JULICHER, I27 ff. " ,, Worth, of Man, Ross 90-98. Eschatology of Jesus, MUIRHEAD I: " Temptation, HOLTZMANN 140-154; SNOWDEN 62-68. Ethical (Pagan) Words in N.T., CARR 126-141. Testimony to Himself, HARNACK 127 ff. Ethics, Stoic, CAIRD ii. 130-161. Transfiguration, SNOWDEN 195-201. Eucharist, STONE I. Trial, HERFORD 78. and Human Life, STONE 1-9. Christianity and Greek Philosophy, CAIRD ii. 347-372. in Theology and Life, STONE 280. ,, in Talmud and Midrash, HERFORD I. ~ Matter, STONE 201-221. Judaistic, CARR 203-218. " Medireval Doctrine, STONE 71-116. Christian and H11manity, DICKIE 267-277. " Mixed Chalice, STONE 207. Evidences, Nature and Scope, SETON xiii.-xxii. , Necessity, STONE 188. (M'Laren). " Patristic Doctrine, STONE 36-70. Name, CARR 47-57. " Post-Reformation Doctrine, STONE 181-187, Christology, HARNACK 127 ff. " Reformation Doctrine, STONE 117-180. Church and Children, BRUCE 113-140 (Boyle). " Reservation, STONE 250. ,, ,, Individual, DICKIE I I7-123. Scripture Doctrine, STONE 10-35. ,, Society, DICKIE 127-I35. ,, Titles, STONE 278. ,, State, DICKIE 139-147. ,, Vestments, STONE 27 I. ,, ,, Temperance, 'BRUCE 87-112 (Freeman). Exodus, PINCHES 268-309. ,, Army Methods, BRUCE 185-190 (Davey). Experience, Witness of, SETON 77-:99 (Welsh). ,, Nature and Functions, DICKIE 103-113. Eye-witness of John's Gospel, DRUMMOND 375, 386. ,, Testimony, BRUCE 3-44 (Whateley). Faith, Browning on, FLEW 99-112. Circumcision, DRIVER 189 ff. ,, in Ep. of James, PARRY 43-52. Cities of the Plain, DRIVER 168 ff., 202 f. Family as School of Morals, DICKIE 75-8,s. City-state, '):'ODD 15 ff., 182ft: ,, Religious Significance, DICKIE 61-71. THE EXPOSITORY TIMES.· Family, Social Significance, DICKIE 49-57. · Isaiah, Problem, DAVIDSON 242-272; Flood, PINCHES 85-II7; Ishmaelites, DRIVER 243 f. Food, Burning, HERFORD 57, I87, Israel, Religion and Politics, TODD r. Fraud in Dante's Inferno, CARROLL 251-419. Jacob, PINCHES 242. Galatians (Ep.), JtiLICHER 68-78. ,, at Penuel, DRIVER 296 f, Gehazi in Talmud, HERFORD 97. " " Shechem, DRIVER 306 ff. Genesis, DRIVER l ; SETON 27-41 (Wace). James (Ep.), JULICHER, 215-229; PARRY r. ,, Chronology, DRIVER ·xxi, xxv ff. John, Asiatic Tradition, $TANTON I62-z43. ,, Cosmogony, DRIVER 19-33. Epistles, JilLICHER 241-255. ,, Histcnical Value, DRIVER xxxi ff. the Baptist, BOLTZMANN 108-I26; HARNACK 39 ff. ,, Religious Value, DRIVER lxi ffi ,, ,, Preaching, CARR 69-73. Gfory, PARRY 36. " " Presbyter, DRUMMOND, I94-254. Gluttony in Dante's Infern9, CARROLL lod-109. John's Gospel, JULICHER 383-429. Gnostitism, CAIRD ii. 317-346. " and I John, DRUMMOND 163-179. God and Nature, WIMMER 22-6o. " " " Synoptics; DRUMMOND 7-20. ,, Browning ·on, FLEW r-8. " " Authenticity, DRUMMOND 39-66 •. " Fllitheioh<o0d, HARNACK 65 ff. " " Authorship, DRUMMOND I. ,, Names in Genesis, DRIVER 402-410. " " Character,. DRUMMOND I. ,, Plat0nic Idea, CAIRD 198-220. " " Historicity, DRUMMOND, 28-66. ,, Unity in Talmud and Midrash, HERFORD 29r. " " Purpose, DRUMMOND 21-27. Good Platonic Idea, CAIRD i. 140-172. Joseph, PINCHES 242. ;, Stoic Idea, CAIRD ii. 103-129. ,, Character, DRIVER 4oof, Gospel, HARNACK raff. " Date, DRIVER 347· " and Doctrine, HARNACK 149 ff. Jude (Ep.), JULICHER 229-232. " ·,, Law, HARNACK 105 ff. Justin Martyr and the Gospels, STANTON 76-I36. " " the Poot, HARNACK 9off. ,, ,, on Fourth Gospel, DRUMMOND 84-I62. ,, Work, HARNACK 120 ff. Keys, DRURY r. " ,, the World, HARNACK 81 ff. Kinah, TODD 10, 69, 130, 259. Gospels, JvLICHER 292 ff. Kingdom of God, HOLTZMANN 155-180; HARNACK 54 ff,.· i,, Historical Documents, STANTON l, Knowledge and Service, PEABODY 63-89. ;, Apocryphal, DONEHOO I. " Religioil as, PEABODY r-29. L0st, DGNEHOO Ii ff. Laban, DRIVER 290. Synoptic, JtiL!CHER 296-383. Language, Influence of Christianity, CARR I42-156.

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