FewBic<igSkyi^c'ospects fc^orNFLdIraft toda]?y; USFL. jDoints fajrfallplav ' R - C i i z : k Teaichers: GemiTec on D o wV skids ^ To hhone theeir skillIs - Bl b o g k gaiilin - DI I i UT i t m i gl— ^ . 25" ' 8080th year. No. 126 Tw lnF allsHs. Idaho • Tuesday,T April 30.1985, IReajgan si»ays 9 cem<etery? visit m B |1 i I ‘moirally right’r By TICRRNCEHUNT The Associated Press EEditorial d — A 4 WASHINGTON.. -— *• Pre.sldenl ■ i S l — ni£iagaii.:on:uic:evc Ofrdepartingfor:a. d .7 ^ ^ 10-day E uropean trip, dlilociarcd lirm ly ext ■buncioy”allTie Kolmeshohe Monday he will visil aiGorwmicemo- ( “ miilory,fry at Bitburg. near the Lux- rg border. Among the nearly tery w here Nazi SS:S soldiers .ire ombourg 1 raves are those of 49 soldiers buried, saying 11 wwa.s ■■morally 2,000 eravi frorri. thehe W affen SS, the elite Nazi rig h t.” t u’hlch ran M lM Hc also said the up:jproar over the ‘corps Ado}f controversial slop willill not ruin his H lH .erswi concentration i camps, sh leaders and American ■ i;- summit meeting withI sSI. other world ^ i - M l 1 groups have condemned . I leaders, i's planned appearance at the I Vice P resid en t GcorecG Bush. Ronean'si try. A resolution signed by 82 I meanwhile, called on„ 11,0 nation ti cemctory. rs urged Reagan to reassess L _support Rengnn.lnlwhaaal ho said ''has ________ erary. and'257 m em bers of the * I been a very difflciIciilt tim e lor of R epresentatives w rote Kohl I everyone and especialUHJsotortho lloiisoofn urging him to w llhdraw the invitation I president,” / Igan lo Bitburg. I Reagan sits out tpnitIle h to n a a o v e r- <or R eagat f t tig a cerem ony in Ihe Rose I nighl nignWk^BopA. WWest Germany, 1, Reagan confirmed that I for the annuar^mmllnit or. the seven G arden President Richard Nixon had I major Industrializeda democracies, former Pn I w here he hopes to nail1 tdown a d ate lor urged himhim privately not to abandon netery visit. I the start of a. new rouound o( Interna. d if IJie controversy would ruin I tional tra d e la lk s.--------_________;________ A skedif fconomlc summit, Reagan I The Journey also IncludesI state ecpii I. “ No.” I visits tn West Germailany. Spain and ^ he still go lo Bitburg? "Yes," ■ Portugal and a speech;h In Strasbourg. ^ Will h e i 1 replied firm ly. He m ade no France, on the 40th ianniversary ot ^ 6 ^ rc ' comment as he walked back GermanyJs surrenderir In World.War. tyrUier CO Em ulatining M ary’s farim b % . lothe Oval)val Oftlce. • ' i An apparentlytly education-conscious goatlal fled from South P a rkc tolo BIckel Elementary Schooool school’s flagpole lo ggraze r and watch passersby e entire trip Is ^mer,r, hhowever, in a television in- he owners to give her a lift^ Overshadowing the her quarters':s 'a t Rita Rodriguez’s hous)use in Monday momlng.;g. T he curious'goat did nowl while waiting for the R eagan’s planned ap]ippearance with' ‘ervlewV ■ wilh“ foreign 'Journalists. ■ ite back home. Twin Falls and followed a group of chllihlldren m ake It into th e clajclassroom , but was tied to thi ___ West German Chamincellor Helmut • Se<See REAGAN on P a^A 2 At terrorism serem inar “ w a isJ F argo) robbe^YS s e iz i;e $ 8 mlillion i rg o H e ist ByftlCKHAMFSON pulled off the h e isst t-- about 15 m lnules— 'aiso0 isug- W ells Fargc The Assoc'liitcil Press gested they w ere iioliiot am ateurs, osets _ _______ '11ifee>f (he menien.wbre.ski.masks.and a.foifourth.,. l:oo,.m.. ., 1 :2 0 . riterup Wfds cmptoyets Wr 3-over 0<cakn NEW Y O R K -F o uur r m asked, arm ed men brok'•oke had the collar o t a Iturllcneck Shirt pulled up« iiirtvo. aiHi .YO &c*ic<J through Hie clnderbloilock wall of. a Wells Fargiirgo his face, polleesald.Ud. Ail four w ere w hile m ales,;s. bul by b.vid.is depot Monday, ambibushed and '.disarm ed fou[our police said they hadlad no furlher descriptions, I newi)s conference e g u a rd s and drove offf Vwilh Sli milllon,.possllily Ih'lhe_ The four, carrylnying handguns, surprised an „ . Inrgc.sl cash robbet^-1y in U.S. hl.story, authoritieties" guards at the cbmpinpany’s flve-story brick garaj ■ \___ • ByQUANKKENYOy o n - ------------- - -.-A d a CCounty c Com m issioner Mika.- - ~.......... ijOwerManhattannin near-the Hudson Rlver,.aLal.ab o u t-...............- on, ■w ho-carllcr-this-m onthJ-;. ••Vsald: ' - ... ■ TheAssocIalcilTn's>n'ss............I-------- Johnson, f An additional $12i million was left behindiiKi. 1:20 a.m ,. police said.sail decidedid ito pick up sponsorship of „ authorltle-ssakl, The men dlsarmemed the guards, ordered Ihuiluin al anti-terrorism ' conference ; . BOISE - The Clindirector of an an-.. the_ ani AUIioiigh$.ll miiilotiin disappeared from the Sen5cn- gunpoint to open a ^vault, Ihen handcuffed theiiem to ; ti-lerrorlsm traininining session for a fte r itt w as cancelled by the state, jrlcrC o, in N ew Y ork in l'JI!2<JH2. a hand truck and'!d 'loaded cash into the van;-li .said - himself acting as a bouncer try Arm ored C ar Courl ; law enforcem entL ofofficers tried to found hir invc.stlg;itors say onlyly'a fraction of lhal.amoun)iint Robert Johnston,. policepo chief of operations. ivis’ new s conference, hold a news confcreercnce here Mon- for Davis JJ m ay have been takenI bby robbers, T he em pty v an1 ww; as found .several iiours lateiter on ^ ^ ison said Davis wanted to ,--------- ;—clay.. n f 1 cm o o n -ioUusUfx_Uie_CQO;.j Ji ___ f- .Early reports estim:nilted thejiniount taken Moiilon- the o ther side of MjManhattan on a streei underler t h ^ I----------------------— - W n illoonly n legitim ate m em bers o r - ference. d a y a t between $25 millillllon and $50 miilTon. Chier/lof o Brooklyn Bridge,sa,salUSi't:Ed1^Schack‘. ....... ilo a fiasco when a Ihe new£5WS media lo hls news con- But It turned inlo I Nlcastro later said alwutI SSfl No one w as InJiInjured, The robbers "loldM h ' ^ AflOf roalrnnino flua..Quardv :e. The commissitJner adm il-[ Detectives Richard N freelance writer,,,, didenied entry lo ferencc. m illion had been stolenen, guards)they weretre there lo rob the place” andid that boxsis k»d w oua Fa»ooFai x)ul a dozen reporters, but irated, UocKandloavo Uie new s confercnrence, stuck her ted abou • Investigators "havtive som e very encouragln^Ing "they weren't golnyling to be hurt” if they cooperr r acceM to Boise resident foot In the door to a motel room denied i - leads that came outiolof the crimc seenc search,;h,” Johnston.said. tie R oss, who said she was a . and spent the entlentire nows con- Jeanette said Kcnnctli Walton,I. ideputy director of the FBI'Bl's Officials said salisaid the robbers left moro*m(money ' )sltlon. freelanccncer for a Cheyenne, Wyo., ference in-thal positi ' ____:Ne\0'.ork ofllce, "Khfhfiik we'lt have a.break In thithis in the vault - $12'il2 million — than ^ e y tookk with ppeared-tobcttic—puhllcatlatlohr-— — Country— ------------------The-incident-appc relatively soon,” ihem, the money■y tthey took incfiTded bills "o first clash causedd b.by the fact that News." . "There Is no indlcatlutlon It was an Inside job."’’ hhe different denominalinations. nol traceable.” Wt couldn’t provide credentials law enforcementIt tagencies w ere She coi e the work of profession;onal said, as denied acce^, but refasedJ said. "It looks like . holding an antl-terrerrorlsm training and wasi b u rg lars----- Tliey hacad d ne their iioihework. The‘hey Ix!c I.,aster. headiad of the FBI’s New York :::of ive. She stood in the door,^ session in onc p a,rt rte of a convention lo move ’• . knew, apparently, wli.viiere the alarm s w ere, anand said he Irellevedd Ibut was not positive that ng access by a Boise center here, andid next door an blocking m ore linport‘antiy„whchore the alarms weren’t." money was Insurecired. A woman who answeret I \ PnJ oborxJonod liocJ* ;er for United Press Intema- ----- U “ undoi DiOOklyTi tSudQU ^ unrelated confcreerence Included reporter Policc said the appajarent age of the four robbert)crs telephone at Weilsils :Fargo said the company wwould I________ \ | | _____ , B ruce Botka. A/litl't CotKapion members of organ:>anlzatlons u n d e r ' lional.D i — between 10 and 45,- and the tim e In which theihev have no im m ediate:itecomment. discussion by the(le antl-lerrorlsm “ Pleascase act like a human be- conference. Ing,” sai.said Johnson, asking her to Jam es Davls, El Cajon, Calif., leave. FFinally, Botka was admlt- president of DanCmCor Industries, , led,'theile new s cbhfereiic'e w as held ' t g o e s a w r y sented nearly 300 and Ms.s. 1Ross listened outside. AlsoI Sm oo3 t h l i f tcD ff, t h em i f l i g h i suld hc has presen 1 access w as K erry Cooke, a me.ssage relay satellite; 11 hahad a t two colleges In UtahUU and onc In New Mexico training sessions; on terrorism and denied ai J liyllAimYI'-.ltOSKN'NTHAL global loworoitiitg me 0 14,000 law en- spokesmsman for the anll'nuclear been intended lo be)c iused by the N avy to relailay w ilh m aterials andI memoney provided by aerospace related topics to 1 II The AssocliUetl Prc!&;• forcemenl officers,ers.
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