86 R. M. C. REVIEW 17. Constitution. Lieut.-Col. W. B. Kingsmill submitted to the meeting a report on the proposed revision of the Constitution. He explained to the meeting that it was fourteen years since the Constitution was re-drawn, and that the time had now come when it should be revised. It was moved by Lieut.-Col. W. B. Kingsmill and seconded by Lieut.­ Col. H. J. Lamb:- "That the amendments submitted be referred to the incoming General Council, and sent to the General Council and Branch Clubs for considera­ tion and their recommendations; and that the completed draft be sub­ mitted to the next Annual Meeting for approval in accordance with Article 22 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Club."-Carried. 18. Deaths. It was moved by Lieut.-Col. C. W. G. Gibson and seconded by Lieut.­ Col. N. 0. Carr:- "That this meeting expresses its sympathy to the relatives of those ex-cadets who have died during the past year."-Carried. 19. Vote of Thanks- Retiring Officers. It was moved by Major L. F. Grant and seconded by Lieut.-Col. H. J. Lamb:- "That a vote of thanks be given to the retiring Officers and members of the General Council."-Carried. 20. Vote of Thanks - Royal Military College. It was moved by Major H. R. Dale-Harris and seconded by R. L. Smyth, Esq.:- "That a vote of thanks be tendered to the Royal Military College for their kindness in allowing the Club to hold the meeting at the Sir Arthur Currie Hall."-Carried. 21. Vote of Thanks- Lieut.-Col. J. C. Stewart, D.S.O., and Officers R.C.H.A. Mess, Kingston. It was moved by Lieut.-Col. C. W. G. Gibson and seconded by Lieut.· Col. W. B. Kingsmill :- "That a vote of thanks be tendered to Lieut.-Col. J. C. Stewart, D.S.0., and Officers R.C.H.A., for extending the privileges of honorary members R.C.H.A. Mess to the members of the Club during their visit to Kingston, May 26th, 27th and 28th."-Carried. LOGoF H.M.S.STONE FRIGATE 22. It was moved by Lieut.-Col. W. B. Kingsmill and seconded by Major D. A. White:- "That the General Council or their Executive Committee be em­ GRADUATION NUMBER powered and authorized to transact all business of the Club until the next JUNE, 1934 Annual or General Meeting of the Club."-Carried. 23. Adjournment. It was moved by R. L. Smyth, Esq., and seconded by Major E. deL. Greenwood:- "That the meeting be now adjourned."-Carried. 2 R. M. C. Review JUNE, 1934 3 l~~~r=~~~= ,.=· -~ ~-~r Royal Military College of Canada Review and Log of H.M.S. Stone Frigate EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chief..... .. ····· ······· ··········· .......... PROFESSOR W. R. P. BRIDGER Assoc. Editor for Ex-Cadet News ..... LT ·-COLONEL ... E · F'· WURTELE Assoc. Editor for Sports News .................. CAPT. T. E. SNOW, The R.C.R. Corresponding Secretary 1 cfor India ............ LT.-COL. H. ST. G. HAMERSLEY• D .S.O., I.A.S.C. st lass Representative ..................... .................. SGT. T. L. BROCK 2nd Class Representative. ........................... .................. G.C. T. B. MARTI 3rd Class Representative........................... ... G.C. L. H. PACKARD 4th Class Representative .......... · ··············· G.C. P. S. OSLER Nei1 .,,, Ch sons Jersey\/\\'" Business Manager and Sports Editor ....... PROF. T. F. GELLEY .1 oco/ate is the 'oec:t't CrJo I co1ate made .. · · · ·332 No. 29, Vol. XV JUNE, 1934 4 R . M. C. Review JUNE, 1934 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Editorial Notes ..... .... ......................... .... ···················· 7 Visit of His Excellency . ............... .............. ······················· 11 General Sir Arthur Currie ... 12 Professor F. H. Day ....... ...................... ····················· 15 Staff Notes ............. 16 "Memorial Arch" ........................................ 18 The Graduating Class ................................ 19 "The Hydraulic Nappe" .. 36 A Tribute to the College .................................... 37 Highlights of a Successful Four Years . 37 Strange Interlude ........................ ........................... 45 "Son.qs of the Soaked" . ................................ ························ 46 Confessions of an R.M.C. Guardsman ...... ······························ ··············· 46 "Do You Remember" . ...... .............. ···························· 47 Ii "Who is It?" ...... ...................... ························· 47 The Library .................... ..................................... 48 The H . Caring-ton Smith Gift .................. 49 The Senior Service at R.M.C ...... 50 The West Point Visit ................................... ...................... ............. .............. ....... 56 The College under the New System of Organization ....... 57 "To the 1\fen Who Have Gone B efore" ............. 58 Petawawa, 1933 .... ........................... 59 The College History ............................................ 63 The P.G.E. Railway . ···················· 64 Soldier and Sailor Too ····················· 65 The Advisory Board . 66 Architecture of Quebec 67 Canada's Present Air Activities .... 68 The D.S.O. 70 FRE EDOM FROM WORRY Hockey: Exhibition 71 An adequate Savings Account means Junior O.H.A. 72 Intermediate O.H.A . ..................... 75 more than money; it means security, Intermediate Intercollegiate ... 76 independence, ability to enjoy life. Regu­ Inter-Company .................. .............. 77 lar deposits in a Savings Account lead Review of the Hockey Season ............ 78 Dundonald Cup Competition ......... 81 to the great objective for which all men Mounted Sports, 1934 ....................... 82 strive-a mind at ease and free from worry. Tennis Notes ........................................... 83 Lafferty Cup Competition ....... 83 THE Boxing .......................................... 84 R.M.C. Club of Canada: Officers, 1934-35 ............. ........ ...................................... 88 Annual Meeting .......................... 89 R 0 YA L BAN K Births, Marriages .......... .................. 90 Deaths ............. ... .............. 91 0 F C A N A D A Random Notes on Ex-Cadets ..................... ......................................... 96 Ex-Cadets at Cambridge University .......................... 105 Ex-Cadets at McGill ................. ...... .... ...................... 106 Ex-Cadet Dinner at Port Arthur .. ...................... .......................................... 106 Class Roll of 1924 ............... ..................... ................................. 107 Bread and Butter Letters ....... ............................ ..................................... ........ 109 6 R. M. C. REVIEW R.M.C. REVIEW L 0 G 0 F H. M. S. S T 0 N E F RI G A T E O::\'E D OLLAR VOL XV JUNE, 1934 POST FREE LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page TheHis Excellency,Square at Night Staff and Gentlemen. Cadets ·· ................. Frontispiece 9 Fou!ldations of the New Buildi~g. '. ... : ········ LGaymg F<?undation Stone ....................... ····················· 9 enera1 Sn- A. W. Currie ································ ························· 10 ~h~fG~~d;:ti~· Dc~~s...... .... ::::. ..............::::::::::.............. ~~ Fourth Cl~s. 193s0~34' ... ............ ··············· ··· 19 Third Class, 1930-34 ······· · · · · · · · ·····-················· 39 Second Class 1930-34······· 40 First Class, i930-34 .. ···················· 43 ~~~~f~e: t T~~~;,C19·3· 4 ::: : ···· ····················: ::::::::::::::::.................. ............. :::::: SO to gg Rifle Team, 1934 ................. ···················· ...................... ·· ·· ················ 61 First Hockey Team ·· 62 EDITORIAL Second Hockey Team·········· ·································· · · ·· ····· · ········· ·············· 73 First Basketball Team·········· ............................... 74 Second Basketball Tea~ ····· ····· ······· ................... · 79 HE last six months of the College year started out in their usual Lt.-Col. C. W. G. Gibson ·· · ······ ············· 80 uneventful way, but, as the term drew on, and as we now look back Ma.ior-General W. B. Lind~~y :'. ·· . .. : :·· ······················ 86 Ton it, it seems as if momentous events crowded in on us with great Wti~~r~~efue:·al ec; ~o!D};1~~~~n -~ · · · · · ::::::::::::·::·:·:·::··· ~~ rapidity. Construction Work at Tacoma . .. :::::::::::········ ··· ·· ·············· 95 ······· 104 First of all we are proud to chronicle the third official visit of the present Governor-General to the College, at the beginning of May, when he honoured us with his presence for approximately a day and a half and showed once again what a genuine interest he has in all that concerns the Royal Military College of Canada. In April occurred the death of Professor Frank H. Day, who died, as he would have wished, in harness, after nearly twenty years' faithful ser­ vice at the College and very shortly after he had been appointed Senior Professor. A short appreciation and a photograph of him appear in this number. Soon after the visit of His Excellency and after a long period singu­ larly free from epidemics of any kind, we were slightly put out by the outbreak of two contagious diseases, which, however, by stringent mea­ sures, were confined to their original cases. They did, indeed, have the effect of postponing several very important events and of upsetting the examination time-table to a certain extent, but matters were soon recti­ fied. The Advisory Board held their meetings and dinner in town, the Annual Meeting of the Royal Military College Club had to be postponed 8 R. M. C. REVIEW and certain changes had to be made in the dates of the Boxing
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