CONSEIL INTERNATIONAL POUR L'EXPLORATION DE LA MER Zooplankton CIRRIPEDIA Sheet 83 Thoracica, Family: Lepadidae (By Hjalmar Broch) 1959 https://doi.org/10.17895/ices.pub.5008 Comprises the region north of 40" N Lat. -2- -I -I I 4 P 111 2d 5c Ill - IV V 5a 5b 7 5d 1, Lepas anatifera. 2, L. hillil. :;, L. unteriferu. 4, L. pectinata. 5, L. fascicularis. 6, Conchodermu auritum. 7, C. virgatuna. a, side view; b, dorsal view; c, ventral view of the basi-scutal region; d, side view of the body showing filamentary appendages (I-V). (Fig. 3 redrawn after P i 1 s b r y, the other figures from B r o c h) Capitulum at most with 5 plates. Peduncle naked. Filamentary appendages at the hase of the cirri. Margin of the maxilla with step-formed edge . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. LEPADIDAE - 3 - Family LEPADIDAE Genus LEPAS Mn. Capitulum with 5 well developed plates separated by narrow interspaces. Apical part of carina between the terga. Subgenus Anatifa (Bruguiere): Carina basally ending in a fork at the sides of umbo embedded in the membrane just below the basal margin of the scuta. Subgenus Dosima (Gray): Carina with a great, almost rectangularly inflected disc below umbo, not embedded in the membrane below capitulum. Capitulum plates Species Peduncle Filamentary Capitulum appendages length Remarks Carina Scutum Tergum 1. Lepas Dark purplish Generally Smooth, seldom A little convex, 2, seldom 1, upto (Anati f a) brown, especially smooth, seldom with feeble obliquely on each side about anatifera dark just below barbed stripes radiating quadrangular 5 cm (Lin.) capitulum from the basi- (trapezoid) ventral umbo. Right scutum with an inner umbonal tooth 2. L. (A.) hillii Dark purplish Generally Smooth, secon- Flat, almost 3 on each up to (Leach) brown, with a narrow and dary area before triangular, side 3 cm pale or orange separated from the umbo-apical with convex Fixed on ships’ coloured belt scuturn by com- ridge rather dorsal margin bottoms, weed, just below paratively broad obvious. drift-wood, and capitulum interspaces No inner tooth other floating in right scutum objects, mostly 3. L. (A.) anseri- Orange, Rather broad Radially rrapezoid, some- 5 (6) on Up to in temperate f era Lin. generally as long almost adjoining furrowed, what convex, each side 4 cm and warmer seas. as capitulum both scutum umbonal area generally more Entering the (Shown and tergum more smooth. strongly striated Norwegian Sea contracted Secondary veht- than scutum from the Atlantic in Fig. 3) ral area broad. through the Umbonal tooth Faroe Channel on right scutum, in summer and varying on left autumn scutum 4. L. (A.) pecti- Narrow, Upper part Almost Almost G.2 on Ab. 1.5 cm nata shorter than rather broad, triangular, with triangular, each side Spengler capitulum, narrow just a narrow radially brownish above the fork, iecondary ventra furrowed, often strongly area before the often with barbed. umbo-apical strong spines ilmost adjoining ridge. tergum and Radially ridged, scutum without often with in terspaces strong spines 5. L. (Dosima) Yellowish to jmooth and thin, Smooth and thin Smooth and thin. 5 (4) on Ab. 3.5 cm Generally several fascicularis light blueish or basally almost triangular or Threecornered, each side specimens fixed Ellis & purplish brown, rectangularly more rather flat in a potato- Solander narrow and bent at umbo. quadrangular, shaped ball of shorter than The part below adjacent to or delicate foam- capitulum the umbo is not well separated like structure, embedded in from the other seldom on the tissues plates. Umbonal ships’ bottoms tooth in both scuta, varying in development -4- Genus CONCHODERMA Olfera: 5 to 2 small, vestigial plates on the mostly naked capitulum, filaments beneath the first pair of cirri, and on the peduncles of the 4 or 5 others. 6. Conchoderma alrritum (Lin.). Capitulum with two large tubular “ears” rising behind the place of the terga. Scuta bilobed, terga and carina rudimentary, in adults generally lacking. 7 long filaments on each side, none at the basis of cirrus VI. Colours varying. Capitdum length (without “ears”) about 3cm. In northern waters mostly on Corondu on great whales, in temperate and warmer seas also under ships and buoys. 7. Conchodenna uirgatum (Spengler). Capitulum with all 5 plates, always remote and embedded in the membrane. Scutum trilobed, terga and carina narrow, linear, in adults smaller than scuta. 5-6 short filaments, none at the basis of cirrus II. Grayish with a tinge of blue and with some few longitudinal black bands. Capitulum length up to 3.5 cm. Rare in Northern Waters; on ships’ bottoms, floating sea- weeds, turtles, fiea Further Information on Identification I Distribution Species (8pecieo in brackets occur 1. L. anatifera: D a r w i n, 1851, p. 73, P1. I, Fig. 1, P1. X, Figs. 5, 6, 18, 26, 28B; only ornoionally) Pilsbry, 1907, p.79, P1.M. Figs.3, 4, 5; Gruvel, 1905, p.108, Figs.120, Gulf of Bothnia ............... - 121; Hoek, 1909, p.276, Fig.4;Broch, 1924, p.46, Fig15; Henry, 1940, Gulf of Finland ............... - p.37, P1.4, Fig.7; Tarasov & Zevina, 1957, p.104, Figs.24, 26. Baltic proper .................. (5) 2. L. hillii: D a r w in, 1851, p. 77, P1. I, Fig. 2; G r U v e 1, 1905, p. 110, Figs. 124, Belt Sea ......................... (l),(5) 125; Pi1 s b ry. 1907, p. 80, P1. VIII, Figs. 2, 7; Hoek, 1909, p. 276, Fig. 5; Kattegat ........................ (11, (5) B roc h, 1924, p. 49, Fig. 16; Tara so v & Z ev i n a, 1957, p. 106, Figs. 7A, 25c. Skagerak ....................... (1),5 3. L. anserifera: D a r w i n, 1851, p. 81, P1. I, Fig. 4; P i Is b r y, 1907, p. 80, P1. Northern North Sea ......... 1, (2). (3),5 VIII.Figs.1, 3; Gruvel, 1905, p.105, Fig.117; Hoek, 1909, p.276, Fig.6; Southern North Sea ......... 1, (2), 5, (6). (7) Tarasov & Zevina, 1957, p.110, Fig.25d. English Channel .............. 1, (2), (3). (41.5, (6). (7) 4. L. pectinata: Darwin, 1851, p. 85, P1. I, Fig. 3; G r U ve 1, 1905, p. 106, 107, South and West Ireland Figs. 118,119; P i 1 s b r y, 1907, p. 81, P1. VIII, Figs. 4,6,8; H o e k, 1909, p. 276, and Atlantic .............,. 1, (21, (3). (4). 5, (6), 7 Fig.7; Broch, 1924, p.50, Fig.17; Tarasov & Zevina, 1957, p.107, Figs. Faroe-Iceland Area ....... 1.5, (61, (7) 25A, B, 26,27,28B. Norwegian Sea ................ 1, (5). (61, (7) 5. L. fasciccclaris: D a r w in, 1851, p. 92, P1. I, Fig. 6; G r U v e 1, 1905, p. 105, Fig. Irminger Sea .................. 1,5 116; P i 1 s b r y, 1907, p. 81, P1. M,Fig. 6; H o e k, 1909, p. 276, Fig. 8; B r o c h, Davk Strait .................... (l),6 1924, p. 51, Fig. 18; T a r aso v & Z e v i n a, 1957, p. 110, Figs. 15,28A, 29. 6. C. auritum: D a r w i n, 1851, p. 141, P1. 111, Fig. 4; G r U v e 1, 1905, p. 144, Fig. 167; Hoek, 1909, p.276, Fig.9; Broch. 1924, p.55, Fig.19; Tarasov & Z e v i n a, 1957, p. 115, Figs. 30.31. 7. C. mrgatwn: D a r w i n, 1851, p. 146, 153, P1.111, Figs. 2, 3, P1. IX, Fig. 4; G r u- vel, 1905, p. 144, Fig. 168; Hoek, 1909, p.278, Fig. 10; Broc h, 1924, p.58, Fig. 20; T a r a so v & Z e v i n a, 1957, p. 114, Figs. 16b, 17. References Annandale, N.. 1909-10. Mem. Indian Mu., 2: 61- Hoek, P. P. C., 1909. Nord. Plankt., 11 (8): 26-331. 137. K r ii g e r, P., 1927. Tierw. N.- U. Ostsee, 10 (8) : 1-40. Broch, H j., 1924. Skr. Vidensk. Selak., Christ., 1 (17): Krii ger, P., 1940. Bronn’s Klassen, 5 (11, Abt., Teil 111, 1-121. 1-560. D a r w i n, C., 1851. A monograph on the sub-class Cirripe- N i 1 s s o n - C a n t e 11, C. A., 1921. Zool. Bidr. Uppsala, 7: dia, 1. Ray Soc., Lond 400 pp. 75-395. Far r an, G. P., 1905. Sci. Invest. Fish. Br. Ire. 1902 and P il s b r y, H. A., 1907. Bull. U. S. nat. Mua, 60: 1-122. 1903,Z: 2-10. Steph ense n, K., 1933. Danmarke Fauna, Nr. 38: 57- C r U v e 1, A., 1905. Monographie des Cirrhip5des ou ThC 158. costrack. Paris, 472 pp. Tarasov, N. I., Q Zevina,G. B., 1957. Fauna S.S.S.R, H e n r y, D. P., 1940. Univ. Wash. PubL Oceanogr., 4: 14. 6 (1).268 PP. .
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