^W*.203 Idaho S ^ b H lato ricarS o o . • - -r-.' PftylB t>r. Mil tinesot^ 14 BYU21 L I Michigan M Missouri 40: M iil State 10 T O '; Wyoming 12^^^^^K “ “ - Iowa6 -lo^a'State 13 Arizona 17 HCllA 13 Colorado St. 31 Mississippi 38 Aliburhlfi u se 16 ‘Aiab^a*42^ Arkansas 28 utaium ]Qre^n:l(E Oeorgia 3 Washington 7 Miami 6 ' S M u f e " ~ Sunday Ediiioii More News ^ - Mom Spbris tmily Co Magic Valleys Home Newspaper Feaime'Section VOL; 66, NO. 197 TWIN'FALLS, IDAHO, SUNDAY, NOVEiyiBER 16. 1969 TW ENTY. CENTS e a r G a s During M ass Peace WASHINGTON (UPI) — Ex­ tremists of the pc"ace mpve ment waged a wild, paint throwing demonstration nt the Justice Dunartmcnt . Saturday a licl’ we re’TnrTve n"‘5rr‘'by“ 'p6irce' using a tear and pepper gas. Apollo 12 Takes Aim Oh The violence which saw at least two American flags tom down at government buildings HARRISON LOESCH GOV. SAMUELSON DR. JAMES KRAUS DeVON JENSEN erupted after ■ an estimated crowd of 250,000 conducted Tiny Moon Landing Site p,............. e a c e................ f u 1 mammotli......... .p___ ^ E R r—Heuaton marCTi and rally in the irattorr'r ffcHH)—Apollo 12's space pilots, capital. givfng up a key guarantee Federal, State O fficials After police swung Into against being stranded in retaliatdry action at the paints space, look precise aim Satur­ Hit Israelis ■apattefotl^ J uiilica rifpnrtmpnt. day on a landing spot on the the demonstrators retreated moon no lonjJlSi' Ihan Tr 'fodtball To A ttend Resource m—the—Constitution Avenue- ^iaWr- Mall. ‘ The* key maneuver took place ■ • ■■•ght of By O. A. (Gus) KELKER discu.ssion during the sessions,islon Monday at noon'w ill be Enroute, they look down the about 31 hours into the fligl Charles . "Pete” Conrad, 39, Hmes-Nows“ Edltor ■ expected to attract several hun-{Gordon K. Zimmerman, exccu- U.S. flag at the nearby Internal dred interested individuals. All tive secretary. National Assocf- Revenue Service building. An- Alan I.. Bean. 37, and Richard Navy Israel’s Nahal Golan setUeinent Gftvernment officials from mcetlngs will be at the HollMav atinn nf Snit=Con*»Fvsti<wi--&tS- ■et4wr--ha<^^m)n^kCfW-ffiiwn:-a.t ■P: uordon, Saturday In territories ifapturcd commonders. in the o<:cupicd Golan Helghtj, W ashington, D __C^^fc~-wgH—a» Innr— tricts, Washington, D. C. Tues the Justice Department earlier. in the 1967 War, firing mortar wounding four soldiers in the day's- luncheon speaker will be Their mission bas_ gone like Idaho’s Governor and-in any Among highlights will be an As some of the throng headed shells from Syria into the Golan paramilitary frontier establish' clockwork since the first Heights, and hurling grenades stare and' regional leaders will address by Harrison Locsch, Gayemor Don Samuelson- _ into the dpwntown shopping ment. area “aT:'ro"rsr~PtmnsylvaT>l«^Imrrowing ___minutes of the. aL-Jsraeil-.troops in the Gaza -be ^luring -jyi.r,- I npsrh— will__ acSLoK. the third annual Governor’s Con (Additional Pictures On Pg. T i) "Kvcnue, - rfire»-fl«re<Mn-s«w»«il. launch' wh(m their spacecraft Strip and on the west bank of Use and Con.servation of Our lost its blectrical power supply anJnrHlIt ^iint fhntat lasted one ference on Natural Resources Natural Resources I'or All Peo­ trash baskets and windows the Jordan. At lea.st 32 pCf which gets underway in Twin Washington, D. C., assistant sec- while climbing through a were reported Wounded. hour and" forty minutes, the ple." Mr. Zimmerman's subject were heard breaking. Spokesman said. Israeli soldiers Falls with registration this af-jretary for public lands. United Gas fumes filtered up as high rainstorm. An Israeli military spokes­ Depurtment of ’the in- Por Engineers believe the power returned the fire until the Arab ternoon and continues through a States Proper Use and Planning of Our as the fifth floor of the Justice man said mortar shells, ap- 'Tuesday luncheon session. tenor. He will speak at the ban­ loss was caused by a buildup of mortars fell silent. Two of the Natural Resources.” Governor Department where Attorney iQur. jwaundcd^ lsi:aells_waa.; Many phases of jd#ho r*- quet Monday evening at 7 p.m. General Tohn . N. Mitchell static eloctrlGity-of ih&climbing GORDON ZIMMERMAN 'source pattern will come up for Featured at the luncheon ses- Seo FED ERA L, Pago IS Col. 6 rocket. ' - --- reported in serious condition. watched the wild confrontation Tsraeil sources ’SilH from his offloe suite. There was Initial fear the sources Said the power loss niay have damaged Nixon, Aides attack was the first daylight some of Apollo jZ’s delicate shelling of the' settlement, electrical sytilems. But_«fter a. althout^ Hi i^as been a freqnut B PA H osts thorough chet:k of the Yankee MuUPoHcy target of Arab guerrilla'. art(Ui* M arine G ttrm ersiKill 39 It^ds Nixon Praised Clipper command ship and the ry at nl^t. Iniippid lunar lander, the In Ramallah, bn the occupleil Seminar On astronauts rcporfi'tTtlielr "spacc On Viet War west bank of IHSTdrdah RlV«i', NEW YORK (UPI)—With ships were ‘’lidy" and in work­ * As Planes BembardnJungles thuu.sands of New 'V’ork ing order. WASHINGTON (UPI) - As City's antiwar citizens Dispatching thp'’ *" square, SAIGON (UPI) -T U S. Marine Green Beret complex where flew nearly 20 bomb runs marching in Washington, sands - rallied near the Whjte mounding one Israeli soldier Saturday In support of ground supporters of President Nix­ bU R L E Y — The Bonneville artillery crews Saturday.^port- sporadic fighting erupted. House, Presidertt Nixon con­ and 17 Arabs in the square, an Power Administration hosted a ed killmg 39 Communist troops Elsewhere, battle commu­ troops engaged in- sporadic on’s policies held stage cen­ Viets To Try ferred Saturday with his high combat with North Vietnamese Israeli spokesman said. He said power operations and dispatch­ on the move along South niques reported scattered ac­ ter in demonstrations in the advisers on the Vietnam War. the-truck was full of soldieri, ing semmar Friday at Ponder- V i e t n a m ’s ■ northern coast. tion late Friday and Saturday regulars. U. S. Air Forcc B52 City Saturday. Meeting with Nixon In his osa lnl;l for all BPA utility cus­ American , and South Vietna- In whic^i 300 North Vietnamese Stratofortresses flew two mis The New 'V'ork County 43 On Charge office were Defense Secretary tomers if! Ca.'isia and Minidoka me.so pilots blasted jungles and Viet Cong were killed. U.S. sions before dawn Saturday American Legion rode what Melvin R.. Laird, Secreta'ry oT Counties, Idaho Power Co., and around the Bu Prang-Duc Lap losses were listed as eight three and four miles cast of Bu it called "Unity Trains" on State William P. Rogers, C alifornia .Bureau of Reclamation. killed and 51 wounded. Prang, drbpping at least 180 the IRT subway, handing Of Treason Attorneu General John N, tons -of bombs .on .-suspeclfid Conducting-the—seminar was ■ U.*; headquarters^ said North - out—leaflol.'t supportlng -tKe MitchelI^and-:the_Presldent^s Vietnamese and Viet XOng Nor^VietnamesejjOQi -f+ixon administratjgn^j Viet-- chtct^farelgn. policy idvisclvU r. Dale Brooks, Idaho Falls, Bon­ tralions. ment announced’ Saturday that neville Power Administration Trooper Fails gunners shelled 28. target.s nam policie.s. A group called Heniy A.'J£isslngerr:_ •; /-y: ‘ “ during the 24-hour period ended the "peace With Honor Com­ 43 persons, including a former area Operations'and Mainten­ - f - adviser to President Nguyen ance Supervisor. at 8 a.m, Saturday, killing two mittee” held a rally in Man­ 4 5 ,0 0 0 In Attempt To Americans and wounding 23. Senator Church hattan, a motorcade in Van Thieu, will be tried Nov. 28 Sen. Jordan P u rp ose 61 tH8 gL'fnlnaf was 1-ield rcDort.q siiia -and a ‘ '‘InvRltv’’ - on treason charges carrying the SAN FRANCISCO (UPI)- tu'' exttrimiie^ Klgas^ aiiil tll.scuss prirade Tn~ the Bronx. death penalty 4n what couta - Tttfng -- the operations of power systems On Long Island, the iScte- ‘ oD6wOf»=South-Vietnam's.biggcjjl estimated 45,000 demonstVatori In the area to give the best SteaPCoDter' ■Sr^.^S°"-S“ ‘“S®ases Stand-On spjs eases. WfflOjppbse^inarched p 6awftiHy Satnrdsjrtri y northwest of An Hoa and 17! vllle Centre American Le­ possible scrvice to the customer. The most prominent defen­ a rally in Golden g a te Parltln CHU Vietnam (U P J)^A more. seven miles southeast of O p p O S l t i O n gion post picketed th« homes Topic of discussion were com­ l J i \ , of Reps. Allard Lowenstein dant Is Huynh Van Trong, the November Moratoriiim’i U.S. paratroocHJr tried to h ijack . vt . u former special assistant to munications by radio, micro­ an Army helicopter and force it! 'JPI correspondent Nat Gib- and -Ujster Wolff, both D- Haynsworth main Western protest to tlie reporting from the B u ^ POCATEU.O (UPI) - Sen ■Thieu for-politlcal affairs. He Vietnam War. wave, carrier, bell, terminology to fly to Saifion bui^.ne_oLthe reporting from the Bu N. y., and Nassau County WASHINGTON (UPlJ — Sen. and identifications; reporting, Prang-Duc U p area 11.5 miles FrWik C h ^^h, D - W“ho to d Executive Eiigene Nickerson was arrested more than three Led by two dozen "Veteram ’copter pilots shot and wounded northeast of Ligon near the "^arly 1, ^ persons " months ago and accused of Len Jordan, R-Idaho, has -an- •Internal and external, (trouble the gunman, a military spokes- u.
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