AGENDA Council Meeting Monday, November 18, 2019 Council Chambers, Municipal Office 6:00 PM Page 1. CALL TO ORDER Any declarations of pecuniary interest noted at this time, Members should declare same if necessary or during the course of the meeting 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 4. ADDITIONS TO OR DELETIONS FROM THE AGENDA 5. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES - COUNCIL 7. MINUTES - COMMITTEES & BOARDS 8. DELEGATIONS 5 - 15 8.1. Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. - YES Shelter YES Shelter 16 - 31 8.2. Jennifer Clinesmith, ORCA - Kawartha Lakes & Meade Creek Page 1 of 158 Floodplain mapping projects KL & CM FMP - OSM Presentation 18Nov19 32 - 43 8.3. Diana Keay, D.M. Wills - Life @ Woodland - Nirvana Homes Diana Keay - Presentation to Council 9. STAFF REPORTS - RECREATION, PARKS & FACILITIES 10. STAFF REPORTS - PUBLIC WORKS 11. STAFF REPORTS - CAO 12. STAFF REPORTS - CLERK 44 - 49 12.1. Kent Randall, EvoVue Consulting - Report - Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments Report - Cannabis Amendments 13. STAFF REPORTS - BUILDING, PLANNING & PROPERTY 14. STAFF REPORTS - FIRE/EMERGENCY SERVICES 15. STAFF REPORTS - FINANCE 16. BY-LAWS 50 - 81 16.1. 2019-72 Council - Code of Conduct (deferred from Nov 4/19 meeting) Being a By-law to adopt the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan’s Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Local Boards 2019-72 Council - Code of Conduct 2019-72(a) Schedule A - Code of Conduct - 2019 2019-72(b) - Appendix B - Complaint Protocol - Code of Conduct 82 - 83 16.2. 2019-73 Planning - Zoning By-law Amendment - Howson Being a By-law under the provisions of Sections 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, to amend By-law No. 2010-65, as amended, the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan Comprehensive Zoning By-law, with respect to certain lands Page 2 of 158 located in Part of Lot 23, Concession 10, Otonabee Ward, Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan. 2019-73 - Planning - ZBA (Howson) 84 - 85 16.3. 2019-74 Planning - Zoning By-law Amendment - TysonBeing a By-law under the provisions of Sections 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, to amend By-law No. 2010-65, as amended, the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan Comprehensive Zoning By-law, with respect to certain lands located in Part of Lot 18, Concession 9, Otonabee Ward, Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan. 2019-74 - Planning - ZBA (Tyson) 86 - 148 16.4. 2019-75 Planning - OPA No. 6 - Cannabis Being a By-law passed pursuant to the provisions of Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended. 2019-75 Planning - OPA No. 6 - Cannabis 149 - 153 16.5. 2019-76 Planning - Cannabis ZBA Being a By-law under the provisions of Sections 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, to amend By-law No. 2010-65, as amended, being the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan Comprehensive Zoning By-law, with respect to Cannabis Production and Processing 2019-76 Planning - Cannabis ZBA 154 16.6. 2019-77 Planning - Extension of Interim Control By-law Being a By-law under the provisions of Sections 38 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, to extend an Interim Control By-law for the entirety of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan to prohibit the establishment of Cannabis Production and Processing Facilities for a period of six (6) months in order to allow for additional public consultation. 2019-77 Planning - Extension of Interim Control By-law 17. CORRESPONDENCE 155 - 158 17.1. Town of Wasaga - Conservation Authority Levies Town of Wasaga - Conservation Authority Levies 18. INFORMATION 19. OTHER MATTERS 20. CLOSED SESSION Page 3 of 158 21. ADJOURNMENT Page 4 of 158 Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. - YES Shelter - Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. Youth & Rural Homelessness Meagan Hennekam, Executive Director YES Shelter for Youth and Families AGENDA ITEM #8.1. AGENDA Page 5 of 158 Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. - YES Shelter - Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. YES Shelter for Youth and Families • Mission Statement: YES works to reduce and prevent homelessness by providing shelter, education, and transitional supports for youth and families in Peterborough and the Kawarthas. • Vision Statement: All youth and families in our community are supported ITEM #8.1. AGENDA to lead full and positive lives. Page 6 of 158 Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. - YES Shelter - Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. YES Shelter for Youth and Families Services • Youth Homelessness Prevention Program • Emergency Shelter for Youth (15 spaces) and Families (15 spaces) • Carriage House Classroom- High school program for youth experiencing homelessness. • Food and Clothing Cupboard. AGENDA ITEM #8.1. AGENDA • Trustee program for youth- supporting money management and budgeting. • Youth Housing Program- longer term housing with supports to transition to a positive adulthood. Page 7 of 158 Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. - YES Shelter - Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. Rural Homelessness in Canada • United States estimates for every 4 people who are homeless in a city, there is 1 in the rural areas- Canada is likely different. • Research has been done on remote areas, but we have less information on communities like the County communities of Peterborough. • Rural homelessness tends to be hidden- couch surfing, structures that are unsafe for AGENDA ITEM #8.1. AGENDA human habitation. Transportation limits people from accessing day time supports. • People who experience rural homelessness are often removed from their community- damaging, particularly for youth. Page 8 of 158 Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. - YES Shelter - Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. Homelessness in Peterborough City & County • Average number sheltered per night in 2017: 68.7 • Average number sheltered per night in 2018: 103.3 • Peterborough has the highest percentage in Canada of tenants paying unaffordable rental rates. • Peterborough’s By Name List on November 4th: • 419 individuals on the list, 124 are chronic. AGENDA ITEM #8.1. AGENDA • 79 youth. • 12 families. • 58% of people who experienced homelessness in Peterborough had their first experience when they were under 25. Page 9 of 158 Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. - YES Shelter - Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. Past Approach in Peterborough & Across Canada- Shelter Focus • YES has been providing emergency shelter for over 15 years in Peterborough. • YES’ Emergency Shelter sees on average 165-184 unique youth/year AGENDA ITEM #8.1. AGENDA • Housing Options: Abbott House (7 spaces), private market rent. Page 10 of 158 Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. - YES Shelter - Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. Current YES Approach: Prevention & Housing Focus • Focus on solving youth homelessness, versus managing it. • 211 Youth Homelessness prevention protocol. • Tripling our Youth Housing program ITEM #8.1. AGENDA by spring of 2020. Including 5 spaces of 24/7 supportive housing for youth with complex needs. Page 11 of 158 Page 11 Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. - YES Shelter - Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. Future Youth Homelessness System 1. Youth Homelessness Prevention • Duty to Assist Prevention Practice – Host Homes – 211 Prevention Protocol 2. Small and Reliable Emergency Shelter AGENDA ITEM #8.1. AGENDA 3. Housing Supports • Supportive Housing- Transitional Housing- Private Market Housing Page 12 of 158 Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. - YES Shelter - Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. What can you do? • Prevent youth homelessness wherever possible- use 211 diversion protocol, find housing before current housing breaks down, find natural supports youth can stay with. • Expand the 211 Protocol to include families with children. • Ensure the youth housing program continues to be a reliable asset. • Support the development of a Host Homes program for youth in the ITEM #8.1. AGENDA County of Peterborough- keeping youth in their home communities. • City of Peterborough currently funds 85% YES’ Emergency Shelter costs. Page 13 of 158 Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. - YES Shelter - Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. • The only predictor of homelessness, is a prior incident of homelessness. AGENDA ITEM #8.1. AGENDA Page 14 of 158 Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. - YES Shelter - Meagan Hennekam, Exec. Dir. It gave me the opportunity to be an adult, but I didn’t get “thrown into it in a harsh way. There have been people to help me going through it and learn about living on my own. I have had a newfound freedom after maintaining a job and working hard… The last year I have lived at the YES Shelter and ” Abbott House has changed me completely for the better. -754 Water Transitional Housing Participant ITEM #8.1. AGENDA Page 15 of 158 Jennifer Clinesmith, ORCA - Kawartha Lakes & Meade Creek Floodplain mapp... Jennifer Clinesmith, ORCA Kawartha Lakes, Curtis Creek, and Meade Creek Floodplain Mapping Projects November 18, 2019 Jennifer Clinesmith, Manager ITEM #8.2. AGENDA Plan Review and Permitting Services Otonabee Region Conservation Authority Page 16 of 158 1 Jennifer Clinesmith, ORCA - Kawartha Lakes & Meade Creek Floodplain mapp... Jennifer Clinesmith, ORCA Agenda • Project Study Areas • Project Background and Update • Communications Plan/Public Awareness and Education • Next Steps AGENDA ITEM #8.2. AGENDA Page 17 of 158 2 AGENDA ITEM #8.2. Map of Project Areas 3 Jennifer Clinesmith, ORCA - Kawartha Lakes & Meade Creek Floodplain mapp... Page 18 of 158 Jennifer Clinesmith, ORCA - Kawartha Lakes & Meade Creek Floodplain mapp... Jennifer Clinesmith, ORCA How Floodplain Maps are made About Floodplain Maps • Floodplain maps are technical documents that predict the path of floodwaters—the area known as the floodplain • Floodplain maps are based on site-specific data and technical models • The area of the floodplain is affected by many factors, including land elevation, jams of ice and debris, and built development features AGENDA ITEM #8.2. AGENDA • Effective floodplain management is a key goal of Otonabee Conservation, and floodplain mapping is an important tool that enables us to do that Page 19 of 158 4 Jennifer Clinesmith, ORCA - Kawartha Lakes & Meade Creek Floodplain mapp..
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