NORTHEAST OHIO AREAWIDE COORDINATING AGENCY M E M O R A N D U M TO: Safety and Operations Council Members Joseph Cattell, P.E., P.S., Geauga County Engineer Andrew Conrad, P.E., P.S., County Engineer, Medina County Andrew Cross, P.E., PTOE, Traffic Engineer, City of Cleveland Michael Dever, Director of Public Works, Cuyahoga County Leslie Farley, P.E., District 3, ODOT Derek Feuerstein, Safety Service Director, City of Elyria Kathryn Garvey, President, Safe Routes Chagrin Terry Grice, Sheriff, Medina County Gordon Holmes, Lieutenant, Cleveland Division of Police Jacqueline Jenkins, PhD, P.E., Associate Professor, Washkewicz College of Engineering, CSU Robert C. Klaiber, Jr., P.E., P.S., Deputy Engineer, Lorain County Daniel Knecht, Service Director, City of Euclid Shawn Leininger, Director of Planning & Development, City of Lakewood Allen Pennington, Civil Engineer – Traffic, City of Mentor Michael Schipper, Deputy General Manager, Engineering & Project Management Carmen Stemen, Environmental and Planning Specialist, FHWA William Vajdich, Lieutenant, Solon Police Department Jacob VanSickle, Executive Director, Bike Cleveland Keri Welch, Traffic Planning Engineer, District 12 Eric Zamft, Planning Director, City of Cleveland Heights FROM: Jacqueline Jenkins, Vice Chair DATE: August 13, 2021 RE: Safety and Operations Council Friday, August 20, 2021 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. NOACA Offices 1299 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio I look forward to seeing you on Friday, August 20th, 2021 at NOACA. NOACA Safety & Operations Council Friday, August 20, 2021 – 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. 1299 Superior Ave.; Cleveland, Ohio 44114 AGENDA Page 1. Approval of Minutes of SOC Meetings held on May 21, 2021 1-1 2. Public Comments on Current Agenda Items Oral 3. Chair’s/Executive Director’s Report Oral 4. Action Items 5. Presentation / Discussion Items a. Future Action/Discussion i. Project Planning Reviews (PPRs)/ Intergovernmental Review and Consultation (IGRC); 2nd Quarter State Fiscal Year 2022 5-1 b. Information/Discussion i. Arterial Prioritization for STOP - Update 5-15 ii. NOACA Interactive TIP Tool 5-17 iii. Safety Performance Target Setting for Calendar Year 2022 5-19 iv. Safety Funding Update 5-21 6. Old Business 7. New Business 8. Adjournment NEXT MEETING: Friday, November 19th, 2021 – 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Agenda Item No. 1 MINUTES NOACA Safety & Operations Council Meeting May 21, 2021 Zoom Video Conferencing Present: Please see the attendance record. Captain Michael Warner, Chair of the Safety & Operations Council (SOC), convened the meeting at 1:02 p.m. Meeting Minutes A motion was made by Mr. A.J. Stoll to approve the meeting minutes of February 19, 2021. The motion was seconded by Mr. Allen Pennington. The motion passed by voice vote. Public Comments No public comments were made at this meeting. Chair’s/Executive Director’s Report No report was given at this meeting. Action Items No action items were presented at this meeting. Presentation/Discussion Items Project Planning Reviews (PPRs)/Intergovernmental Review and Consultation (IGRC); 1st Quarter State Fiscal Year 2022 Mr. Ed May provided background on PPR and descriptions of the following projects: • Rehabilitation along Superior Road in East Cleveland and Cleveland Heights o This project is on Superior Road, from Lee Road to the Cleveland Heights WCL. Cleveland Heights is the project sponsor of this roadway rehabilitation project, which is programmed in the TIP with $642,893. o This project is on Superior Road, from Euclid Avenue to Mayfield Road, in East Cleveland and Cleveland Heights. Cuyahoga County Department of Public Works (CCDPW) is the project sponsor of this roadway rehabilitation project that has a total cost of $3.3 million. This project is not programmed in the TIP. The City of Cleveland Heights and CCDPW have agreed to combine their respective projects into a single project to be administered by the CCDPW, which will reduce the cost and minimize disruptions and delays. The change in length, from 0.85 mile to 1.70 miles, and the associated change in cost, from $642,893 to $3.3 million, require that the project be processed through project planning review. The revised project is as 1 1 - 1 follows: This project is on Superior Road, from Euclid Avenue to Lee Road, in East Cleveland and Cleveland Heights. CCDPW is the project sponsor of this rehabilitation project that has a total cost of $3.6 million. The work will include pavement resurfacing with spot curb replacement, base repairs, ADA accessible curb ramps, and drainage structure and manhole adjustments. STBG and Cuyahoga County funds will be used. Mr. May reviewed staff’s comments on the above-referenced project and reviewed the following transit projects: • Transit Vehicle Replacements o CUY GCRTA 2020 DERG BUSES: PID No. 112317 - The project sponsor is GCRTA. This project will replace six (6) model year 2005 diesel powered transit buses with six (6) new CNG powered transit buses. The cost of this project is $3.2 million. CMAQ and GCRTA funds will be used for this project. o LAK LAKETRAN 2020 DERG BUS: PID No. 114555 - The project sponsor is Laketran. This project will replace nine (9) model year 2015 diesel powered transit buses with nine (9) new propane powered transit buses. The cost of this project is $1.2 million. CMAQ and Laketran funds will be used for this project. o LOR LCT 2020 BUS: PID No. 113356 - The project sponsor is Lorain County Transit. This project will replace four (4) 25’ buses. The total cost of this project is $300,000. Section 5339 and Transit Development Credit (TDC) will be used for this project. Mr. May stated that staff will forward this council’s comments to the respective project sponsor and coordinate accordingly. Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP): eNEO2050 - Draft Plan Dr. Ali Makarachi encouraged members to go to eNEO2050.com and provide comments on the Long Range Plan. Dr. Makarachi covered the following items in his presentation: • LRTP Process Flow Chart • Timeline & Objectives o Moving Cars & Trucks to Moving People & Goods (1990-2050) o Goal Pyramid o Scenario Planning - 2020-2050 . Present Trend . Present Trend & Risk Analysis . Scenario Planning • Scenario Development - Scenarios 1-4 • Performance Measure Summary - Scenarios 1-4 • Project Category Cost Comparison • MOE & Cost Comparison • eNEO2050 Scenario o Scenario Development . Scenario Projects: Roadway 2 1 - 2 . Scenario Projects: Transit . Scenario Projects: Workforce Accessibility & Mobility . Scenario Projects: Non-Motorized Facility . Scenario Projects: Emerging Technology in Transportation o Scenario Costs • Performance Measures o Performance Measure Categories o Performance Measure - 2020 Base, Scenario 1, eNEO2050 Scenario • Measure of Effectiveness & Cost o MOE & Cost Comparison • eNEO2050 Projects o Roadway Category - Interchanges . Influence Area, NOACA Region, Seven-County Region . Analysis Area/Influence Area - VMT & Delay, Estimated Daily Costs • Granger Road Interchange . Transportation Planning Criteria Evaluation - Cost/Benefit Analysis • Granger Road, Miller Road, Jackson Road, Harper Road, Boston Road, White Road, SR 57 (or 162) . Roadway Category - Congestion Management Plan . Roadway Category - Ramp Metering . Roadway Category - Principal Arterial Network • STOP Priority Corridor • Transit Priority Corridors . Roadway Category - Freight Routes o Safety o Roadway Category - Pavement Preservation . Pavement Performance Curves . Network Performance (Average PCR- Lane Length Weighted) NOACA Region - Maintain PCR = 75 o Roadway Category - Bridge Rehabilitation . Current Bridge Statistics . Bridge Prioritization Methodology . Required Budget o Transit Category o Non-Motorized Facility Category . The usage of Non-Motorized Modes of Travel o Non-Motorized Category . Bike Facility Projects . Pedestrian Projects o Emerging Technology Category . Possible Extra EV Charging Locations o Fiscally Unconstrained Projects Dr. Makarachi stated that staff will present the eNEO2050 Plan to other committees and gather all the feedback prior to presenting the plan to the NOACA Board in June. Dr. Makarachi encouraged SOC members to provide feedback that will help staff improve the plan. ODOT Safety Updates Ms. Kathryn Wade, ODOT District 3, presented updates on the following safety items: 3 1 - 3 • Medina and Wayne County S.R. 301 Buggy Lane o Location o Purpose - District 3 High Priority Routes . MED-301 (Wayne Co line to US 224) - Score 7.20 . WAY-301 (US 42 to Medina Co line) - Score 7.10 o Project Summary . Buggy Lane project proposed from West Salem Road to US 224 3.5-mile section with 2 high priority segments o Existing 11’ lanes with 1’ paved shoulder Highest buggy volume along the SR 301 corridor County line produce auction is located within the project limits o Crash Summary . 12 crashes (2017- 2019) 5 crashes involving buggies; 4 resulted in injury (80%) and all buggies were struck by vehicles traveling 50-60 mph . Recommendation - 8’ paved shoulder/buggy lane o Scoring - Total score was 19 o Funding and Schedule . PE-environmental in 2023, PE-detailed design - 2024, right of way / utilities - 2025, and construction - 2026 • Distracted Driving Bill o Proposed Legislation - House Bill 283 will be introduced in the Ohio House to make Ohio a hands-free state. The law would make using any handheld device while driving a primary offense, with the exception of emergency calls. • Proposed Formal Safety Application Criteria & Scoring Revisions (Projects over $500,000) o Crash / Severity Threshold o Scoring
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