Canada Land Survey Records ‐ New Brunswick ‐ Field books / Archive d'arpentage des terres du Canada ‐ Nouveau‐Brunswick ‐ Carnets de notes 88‐27 Date Surveyed / Field book / Surveyors / RG R Vol. Title / Titre Canada Lands / Terres du Canada Date de Carnet de notes Arpenteurs l'arpentage RG88 R214 3361 FB413 CLSR NB Block "F" , 822 Acres Tobique Indian Reserve No. 20 (06025) Hoyt, W.B. 1907‐02‐05 Field Notes of Resurvey Papineau Indian Reserve ‐ County of RG88 R214 3373 FB494 CLSR NB Pabineau Indian Reserve No. 11 (06018) Malone, E.W. 1909‐02‐24 Gloucester ‐ Province of New Brunswick Field Notes of Poksmochs Indian Reserve ‐ Poksmochs River ‐ RG88 R214 3378 FB542 CLSR NB Pokemouche Indian Reserve No. 13 (06007) Malone, E.W. 1910‐03‐08 Gloucester County ‐ New Brunswick RG88 R214 3383 FB582 CLSR NB Resurvey of A Portion of Blocks A & B Tobique Indian Reserve No. 20 (06025) Hoyt, W.B. 1911‐06‐28 RG88 R214 3396 FB716 CLSR NB Retrace of Blocks A and B Tobique Indian Reserve No. 20 (06025) Hoyt, W.B. 1918‐09‐06 Field Notes of Resurvey of Tabusintac Indian Reserve ‐ RG88 R214 3402 FB758 CLSR NB Tabusintac Indian Reserve No. 9 (06008) Fish, W.E. 1919‐10‐14 Northumberland County ‐ New Brunswick RG88 R214 3403 FB785 CLSR NB Burn Church Indian Reserve No.14 ‐ New Brunswick Esgenoôpetitj Indian Reserve No. 14 (06006) Archer, W. 1923‐01‐01 RG88 R214 3420 FB955 CLSR NB Bdy Surveys and Traverse, Book 1 of 2 Kingsclear Indian Reserve No. 6 (06016) Hanson, H.R. 1947‐09‐02 Bdy Surveys and Traverse of CNR and Main Highway, Book 2 of RG88 R214 3420 FB956 CLSR NB Kingsclear Indian Reserve No. 6 (06016) Hanson, H.R. 1947‐09‐25 2 Field Notes of Parcel of Land Fronting on Richibucto River and RG88 R214 3422 FB971 CLSR NB Gaspereau Creek in the Parish of Richibucto ‐ County of Kent ‐ Indian Island Indian Reserve No. 28 (06015) Roberts, W.F. 1949‐08‐26 Province of New Brunswick RG88 R214 3427 FB1024 CLSR NB Resurvey of Woodstock I.R. No. 23 Woodstock Indian Reserve No. 23 (06026) Artemis, W.V. 1952‐01‐01 Surveyor RG88 R214 3435 FB1089 CLSR NB Maritimes St‐Basil Big Hole Stadia Level Book St. Basile Indian Reserve No. 10 (06009) 1940‐01‐01 General Land between 314' Contour & Shoreline for N.B.E.P.C., Portions Brown, R.G. RG88 R214 3438 FB1110 CLSR NB Tobique Indian Reserve No. 20 (06025) 1953‐12‐01 required for Flooding and Road and Railway Diversions (Eroc) Land between 314' Contour & Shoreline for N.B.E.P.C., Portions Brown, R.G. RG88 R214 3438 FB1110 CLSR NB Tobique Indian Reserve No. 20 (06025) 1953‐12‐01 required for Flooding and Road and Railway Diversions (Eroc) Richibucto I.R. New Brunswick ‐ Large Format Plans and Sketches: F4096A No.14, F4096L No.15, F4096K No.16, Surveyor RG88 R214 3438 FB1111 CLSR NB Richibucto Indian Reserve No. 15 (06004) 1954‐01‐01 Richibucto IR No.17, F4097 No.18, Bass River No.19, Richibucto General IR No.20 2017‐04‐19 K:\GRB\Processing\RG88\2b. Process\CLSR\FA prep\PDFS\Excel versions\88‐27_NB_Fieldbooks 1 of 35 Canada Land Survey Records ‐ New Brunswick ‐ Field books / Archive d'arpentage des terres du Canada ‐ Nouveau‐Brunswick ‐ Carnets de notes 88‐27 Date Surveyed / Field book / Surveyors / RG R Vol. Title / Titre Canada Lands / Terres du Canada Date de Carnet de notes Arpenteurs l'arpentage Richibucto I.R. New Brunswick ‐ Large Format Plans and Sketches: F4096A No.14, F4096L No.15, F4096K No.16, Surveyor RG88 R214 3438 FB1111 CLSR NB Richibucto Indian Reserve No. 15 (06004) 1954‐01‐01 Richibucto IR No.17, F4097 No.18, Bass River No.19, Richibucto General IR No.20 RG88 R214 3446 FB1170 CLSR NB St. Basil I.R.10. New Brunswick St. Basile Indian Reserve No. 10 (06009) Rinfret, C. 1940‐09‐24 RG88 R214 3470 FB5987 CLSR NB *Triangulation Station N.B. ‐ U.S.A. International Bdy. (40002) Mclatchie, J. 1894‐01‐01 RG88 R214 3470 FB5988 CLSR NB *Triangulation Station N.B. ‐ U.S.A. International Bdy. (40002) Mclatchie, J. 1894‐01‐01 RG88 R214 3532 FB18994 CLSR NB Daily Journal of W. Christie New Brunswick Diaries (90031) Christie, W. 1923‐01‐01 St. John Ordnance Land (31028). Ordnance RG88 R214 3544 FB21636 CLSR NB Fort Howe, St. John Perry, A.M. 1900‐01‐01 Lands (General) N.B. (31042) Grand Falls, in the Vicinity of Broadway St. and the River St. RG88 R214 3564 FB22284 CLSR NB Grand Falls Ordnance Land (31029) Bartley, T.H. 1926‐07‐22 John, Victoria Co. RG88 R214 3565 FB22300 CLSR NB Part of Lot B, Fredericton Fredericton Ordnance Land (31031) Browne, E.F. 1928‐01‐01 RG88 R214 3572 FB22402 CLSR NB *Lands Near Fairville, N.B. St. John Ordnance Land (31028) Russell, J. 1945‐01‐01 RG88 R214 3598 FB23131 CLSR NB Block 1, A, B & C Parish of Alma, Albert County Fundy National Park of Canada (Fund) Russell, J. 1950‐09‐14 RG88 R214 3600 FB23180 CLSR NB Survey of Grand Harbour, Grand Manan I. Gran Manan Bird Sanctuary (31076) Sheehan, J.B. 1951‐09‐28 RG88 R214 3652 FB31079 CLSR NB Ties between I.R. 12 & N.B. 5248 St. Basile Indian Reserve No. 10 (06009) Mclellan, W.D. 1968‐01‐01 RG88 R214 3654 FB31288 CLSR NB Field Notes, Photo Control Survey, Supports Plan 56643 Esgenoôpetitj Indian Reserve No. 14 (06006) Mclellan, W.D. 1970‐07‐25 RG88 R214 3655 FB31117 CLSR NB Parcel A & Road, I.R. 10 St. Basile Indian Reserve No. 10 (06009) Mclellan, W.D. 1968‐01‐01 RG88 R214 3659 FB31353 CLSR NB Field Notes, Supports Plan 56572 Fort Gaspereau Nat. His. Site (31058) Mclellan, W.D. 1968‐09‐10 RG88 R214 3697 FB30280 CLSR NB Plans, Letters Supports Location of Reserve Fort Folly I.R. 27 (Old Reserve) (21013) Mclellan, W.D. 1961‐08‐30 RG88 R214 3706 FB30464 CLSR NB Lots 38 to 46 Tobique Indian Reserve No. 20 (06025) Beckwith, C.E. 1861‐01‐01 2017‐04‐19 K:\GRB\Processing\RG88\2b. Process\CLSR\FA prep\PDFS\Excel versions\88‐27_NB_Fieldbooks 2 of 35 Canada Land Survey Records ‐ New Brunswick ‐ Field books / Archive d'arpentage des terres du Canada ‐ Nouveau‐Brunswick ‐ Carnets de notes 88‐27 Date Surveyed / Field book / Surveyors / RG R Vol. Title / Titre Canada Lands / Terres du Canada Date de Carnet de notes Arpenteurs l'arpentage RG88 R214 3707 FB30472 CLSR NB Copies of Six Old Plans & Sketches, Supports Plan 52301 CLSR. Renous Indian Reserve No. 12 (06012) Mclellan, W.D. 1964‐07‐04 Tabusintac Indian Reserve No. 9 (06008). Big Hole Tract Indian Reserve No. 8 (North Half) RG88 R214 3709 FB30525 CLSR NB Unsettled Lands (06019). Red Bank Indian Reserve No. 4 Mclellan, W.D. 1965‐01‐01 (06021). Red Bank Indian Reserve No. 7 (06022) RG88 R214 3710 FB30544 CLSR NB Plans, Co‐Ordinates, Supports Exterior Bdys. Carleton Martello Tower N.H. Park (31066) Mclellan, W.D. 1965‐01‐01 RG88 R214 3710 FB30547 CLSR NB Report, Co‐Ordinates, Supports Limits of R/W. Kingsclear Indian Reserve No. 6 (06016) Boldon, J.B. 1965‐09‐30 RG88 R214 3716 FB30676 CLSR NB Field Notes, Plans, Grants, Supports Exterior Bdys. St. Andrews Blockhouse N. His. Site (31057) Mclellan, W.D. 1966‐06‐26 RG88 R214 3719 FB30760 CLSR NB Saint John & Quebec Railway Woodstock Indian Reserve No. 23 (06026) Unknown n.d. RG88 R214 3719 FB30761 CLSR NB Key Plan & Sht. 67, C.N.R. Woodstock Indian Reserve No. 23 (06026) C.N.R. 1936‐01‐01 RG88 R214 3721 FB30791 CLSR NB *Listings & Descriptions St. Basile Indian Reserve No. 10 (06009) Mclellan, W.D. 1965‐01‐01 P & F.N.'s of Resurv. and Subd. Lots FB (1,2,3,4,5,6) & Lots Cc (1,2,3,4) F.N. 1‐Desc. Stn."Fort" & "Wind" 2‐Geographic Pos. of RG88 R214 3723 FB30838 CLSR NB Fort Beausejour Nat. His. Park (31053) Mclellan, W.D. n.d. "Fort" & "Wind" 3‐Conversion from Geographic Coor. to Stereographic Coor. (Lots FB7 and FB8) RG88 R214 3727 FB30904 CLSR NB Additional Field Notes Lacoupe Drydock Nat. His. Site (31055) Mclellan, W.D. 1967‐06‐08 RG88 R214 3731 FB30987 CLSR NB Fowler Property Fort Beausejour Nat. His. Park (31053) Mclellan, W.D. 1968‐08‐22 RG88 R214 3732 FB31012 CLSR NB Lot M.T.4 (Mackellar Property) Carleton Martello Tower N.H. Park (31066) Mclellan, W.D. 1968‐08‐07 Field Notes of Subdivision of Maliceet Village ‐ Tobique Indian RG88 R214 3735 FB31260 CLSR NB Tobique Indian Reserve No. 20 (06025) Mclellan, W.D. 1968‐08‐02 Reserve No.20 ‐ Perth Parish, Victoria County ‐ New Brunswick 2017‐04‐19 K:\GRB\Processing\RG88\2b. Process\CLSR\FA prep\PDFS\Excel versions\88‐27_NB_Fieldbooks 3 of 35 Canada Land Survey Records ‐ New Brunswick ‐ Field books / Archive d'arpentage des terres du Canada ‐ Nouveau‐Brunswick ‐ Carnets de notes 88‐27 Date Surveyed / Field book / Surveyors / RG R Vol. Title / Titre Canada Lands / Terres du Canada Date de Carnet de notes Arpenteurs l'arpentage RG88 R214 3736 FB31416 CLSR NB Plan and Fieldnotes of Knockwood Property Unknown Mclellan, W.D. n.d. Red Bank Indian Reserve No. 4 (06021). Red RG88 R214 3736 FB31417 CLSR NB F.Notes of Photo Control IR's 4 & 7 Mclellan, W.D. 1970‐01‐01 Bank Indian Reserve No. 7 (06022) RG88 R214 3737 FB31430 CLSR NB F.N.'s of Parcel 2, IR #15 (Additional F.N.'s for CLSR Plan 56616) Richibucto Indian Reserve No.
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