S2324 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 16, 2012 a year while Bea raised the girls and retary of the Senate, on March 30, 2012, Statistics Act; to the Committee on Health, volunteered with the Jewish War Vet- during the adjournment of the Senate, Education, Labor, and Pensions. erans of the United States. received a message from the House of f After Ray retired in 1955, the Cohens Representatives that the House agrees SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND remained active with the Jewish War to the concurrent resolution (S. Con. SENATE RESOLUTIONS Veterans. To this day, Bea volunteers Res. 38) providing for a conditional ad- at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center journment or recess of the Senate and The following concurrent resolutions in Los Angeles. For her 102nd birthday an adjournment of the House of Rep- and Senate resolutions were read, and party, Bea displayed her lifelong dedi- resentatives, without amendment. referred (or acted upon), as indicated: cation to troops by asking her guests The message also announced that, By Mr. BROWN of Ohio (for himself, to bring socks for veterans rather than pursuant to section 703(c) of the Public Mrs. HUTCHISON, Mr. INOUYE, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. presents for herself. Bea has dedicated Interest Declassification Act of 2000 (50 TESTER, and Mr. BAUCUS): more than 70 years to providing sup- U.S.C. 435 note), the Minority Leader S. Res. 418. A resolution commending the port for American troops and their reappoints the Honorable David E. 80 brave men who became known as the families. She is an enduring reminder Skaggs of Longmont, Colorado, to the ‘‘Doolittle Tokyo Raiders’’ for outstanding of the contributions of this nation’s Public Interest Declassification Board. heroism, valor, skill, and service to the United States during the bombing of Tokyo veterans. f Mr. President, I know all of my col- and 5 other targets on the island of Honshu on April 18, 1942, during the Second World leagues will join me today in honoring MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE ∑ War; to the Committee on Armed Services. Bea Abrams Cohen. At 2:03 p.m., a message from the By Mr. PAUL (for himself, Mr. DEMINT, f House of Representatives, delivered by and Mr. LEE): Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, S. Con. Res. 40. A concurrent resolution REMEMBERING MR. JAMES A. announced that the House has agreed setting forth the congressional budget for BRENNAN, JR. to the following concurrent resolution, the United States Government for fiscal year ∑ Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- in which it requests the concurrence of 2013, revising the appropriate budgetary lev- els for fiscal year 2012, and setting forth the dent, I wish to honor one of Florida’s the Senate: appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years great public servants, Mr. James A. H. Con. Res 112. Concurrent resolution es- 2013 through 2022; placed on the calendar. tablishing the budget for the United States Brennan, Jr. Mr. Brennan passed away f on December 20, 2011. Government for fiscal year 2013 and setting Mr. Brennan was a long-time aide to forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS years 2014 through 2022. Florida Congressman Claude Pepper. S. 17 He worked for Mr. Pepper from 1963 to f At the request of Mr. ISAKSON, his 1989, when Mr. Pepper was in the U.S. MEASURES DISCHARGED name was added as a cosponsor of S. 17, House of Representatives. He was Mr. a bill to repeal the job-killing tax on Pepper’s closest advisor through the The following concurrent resolutions medical devices to ensure continued Congressman’s chairmanships of the were discharged from the Committee access to life-saving medical devices House Aging Committee and House on the Budget, pursuant to section 300 for patients and maintain the standing Rules Committee. of the Congressional Budget Act, and of United States as the world leader in Mr. Brennan was devoted to Florida. placed on the calendar: medical device innovation. One of his biggest priorities was help- S. Con. Res. 40. Concurrent resolution set- At the request of Mr. ALEXANDER, his ing Florida’s seniors, both as Mr. Pep- ting forth the congressional budget for the name was added as a cosponsor of S. 17, United States Government for fiscal year supra. per’s aide and later as a board member 2013, revising the appropriate budgetary lev- and advisor to the Claude Pepper Foun- els for fiscal year 2012, and setting forth the S. 154 dation in Tallahassee. appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years At the request of Mr. KOHL, the name Throughout his years working for 2013 through 2022. of the Senator from Delaware (Mr. Mr. Pepper, Mr. Brennan had the sup- H. Con. Res. 112. Concurrent resolution es- COONS) was added as a cosponsor of S. port of his wife Yolanda. They had 12 tablishing the budget for the United States 154, a bill to authorize the Secretary of children and 28 grandchildren. Government for fiscal year 2013 and setting Education to make grants to support Florida is lucky to have had a public forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal early college high schools and other years 2014 through 2022. servant like Mr. Brennan, and his serv- dual enrollment programs. f ice to the State and the country will S. 219 not be forgotten.∑ MEASURES PLACED ON THE At the request of Mr. TESTER, the f CALENDAR name of the Senator from Massachu- setts (Mr. BROWN) was added as a co- MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT The following bill was read the sec- ond time, and placed on the calendar: sponsor of S. 219, a bill to require Sen- Messages from the President of the ate candidates to file designations, United States were communicated to H.R. 5. An act to improve patient access to health care services and provide improved statements, and reports in electronic the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- medical care by reducing the excessive bur- form. retaries. den the liability system places on the health S. 253 f care delivery system. At the request of Mr. ROCKEFELLER, the name of the Senator from Kansas EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED f (Mr. ROBERTS) was added as a cospon- As in executive session the Presiding INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND sor of S. 253, a bill to establish a com- Officer laid before the Senate messages JOINT RESOLUTIONS mission to ensure a suitable observance from the President of the United The following bills and joint resolu- of the centennial of World War I, and States submitting sundry nominations tions were introduced, read the first to designate memorials to the service which were referred to the appropriate and second times by unanimous con- of men and women of the United States committees. sent, and referred as indicated: in World War I. (The nominations received today are By Mr. BEGICH: S. 274 printed at the end of the Senate pro- S. 2284. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- At the request of Mrs. HAGAN, the ceedings.) enue Code of 1986 to provide expensing for name of the Senator from Mississippi small businesses; to the Committee on Fi- f (Mr. COCHRAN) was added as a cospon- nance. sor of S. 274, a bill to amend title XVIII By Mr. MENENDEZ: MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE of the Social Security Act to expand DURING ADJOURNMENT S. 2285. A bill to increase civil penalties for institutions of higher education that fail to access to medication therapy manage- Under the authority of the order of comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of ment services under the Medicare pre- the Senate of January 5, 2011, the Sec- Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime scription drug program. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:26 Apr 17, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16AP6.002 S16APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE.
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