VIII WORLD VETERANS' CHAMPIONSHIPS Eugene-Springfield, Oregon, USA l, Eugene ready for big meet. page 38 O Schedule of events. pages 128 & 138 [J Lottery game to benefit intercollegiate sports. page 178 Olympic Hall of Fame inducts Vets' Games participant. page 208 A Supplement to the Oreg<?n Daily Emerald World Veterans' Championship Staff Editor - C..ir1 HPnl,·1 Cop� Editor - l hri,1nph,·r RIJ,r Contributo" - ( ,,I 'lrrt·dondo \\llh,lt'I ll1t•li C.rt•g Hough Produt lion - ,.111<J1 D,!11,·r /1111 F,11, h T t'd ,hq>l,·r Ingrid \\,h11,• -,.. < OH'r ,ft ,1.i.:11 h\ /,lfll('' \l,u.t.., l1hu1ob1 Eh�l1thrmo1n Tom fordan. e,e�ut 'I' directornf the 11'or/d h l'eteran; · Champiom,hip; or(?anizing committee said the ent u ,// bring e, more lhan $10 million to the Eugene-Springfield e;;onomy. Track event to bring competitors, visitors • By Michael Diel, I irn IJi iugl.i,, , 1'\Plutive Emerald Contributor 'u •· p11·s1dt>11I of Eugrne's f h,111ilwr id ( 11111mt·n1• ,,ud the w.i_.., · 1 h,· \\ (lrld \ t·ti-r�nh { ho111- �!(I mill111n ligun• right p1<111... h1J.�.., hi-rdd,·d t)\ !lw 011 - 111 f.1rg,•I tn t1·rms ol 1111me· µnn Tr,H � (·Ju, \IJ�ll'1.., c1 ... • tlw d1alt• t'LOnomu impact ldrg, st tr,ll J... J.nd f1t�Jd 11lt'l'l in Douglas_-; also sdid lht> ,•\·rnt · should historv. \\Ill altrau about · hefµ e:\pdnd Eugene s promincn h.000 parl1t.:1pants from 60 c P Ill the m!i•rnallondl sports anrl lrac countries to the Eugene area s�L.jU�M poop.l-J... world'•-••• _ .,.. ,� the (,dllWS tfJ.Lk J.nd fit·ld t'\"t'llts t\ ol 11lft'rnc1t101ldl commu.n1hafi. (for comparison_ Olvmp,c \\ ill bt• e,pPnrnc 111g thP Eu dr;H\ about 1.21111 comµt'l1tor'-I 11•111• dr1·a f1r..,lhc111d lord.tn said ThP event 1s t"'\JWlted to t•\·t'nl wuuld ht· ··rt>dl good bring 1nconw 111 e-,u•ss of $ I ti tht• for Eugene·, tra< k n•put�t1on million to the Eugene-Spring­ and \'t'f) \"Pf\ gnod for tour- field ar a. a,d Torn Jordan. e,­ ecuu,-e dire tor of thr Orgam,­ ing ommillee for the VIII World Veterans· Charnp1on­ • All you can eat Salad Bar • Kid's Menu sh1ps Turn to Games, Page 17 B with Mexican & Pasta • Great Shakes • Sandwiches • King-Size Sandwiches • Works Burgers • Convenient Drive-Thru • Hot Baked Potato Bar • 15% Senior Discount • Carry Out Salads * E. Broadway & Hilyard(NearUofOcampus) * W. 11th at Fred Meyer * Santa Clara Square * FOLKWAYS brings GLOBAL TRAVELER 42nd & Main St., Springfield to Eugene Our llfW sl!Xt. GLOBAL TRAVELER. at l'1t 5th SI Mam! featurrs MEN'S CLOTHING from otl,er /a""5 ,n colorful. wmfortafk natural ,------------------,------------------� fibres a'11l a uniqUL assorl111tnt of 1ntms/1nJJ al1duseful PRODUCT'S FOR LARGE ROAST BEEF I WORKS BURGER ALL TRAVELERS COMBO .a.1 Our onginal FOLKWAYS store at tlie 5th SI Market has moved across l'1t hall to a bt'aun{ul new spac, We haw almost doubled oor S1ZP to bnnJJ J/00 """ more immen s do<hing !fl4'tinJ a'11l folk art from aroo'11l thi world (Fix99� it the way $1.99�! you want it at Bo<h stores are located in the IWll•nsta,rs reta,l Sl(t1on of the Market Open Stor bu 1 (Includes Regular Fry & Med Soft Drink) I the Works Bar!) 7 daus a •n'k and s,,.• •?1111 s nt'l<· Limit 2 I /@X.! Not valid w,th any FAST FOOD w,th any 8 Not valid FOOD FAST pon other discount or coupon other discount or cou STYLE WITH STYLE s WITH .!!f'!!���------------.J.!:fI •:__!;!'�-------------' I m'ant"t'iames Tuesday. July ?5;1989 Eugene area ready to host track and field meet ·l d 11\n tc 1111•r lr111 t''\fll I lt·d !11r 1h1 I h.-t111p1u11 111.in\ JJµ.in \, t111cl,111an.1 Pl and sighlst·Ping By Gar Henley 1hrl1t1gh, td t!u \\or I p.. f.t, ,Ji1p-. Ii,I � Ilg I f,it.il nl ,tp \1islr111,1 (,n·,tl Bral.Jlrl \:1•\\ \f,·n agp 40-44 comprise Emerald ssociate Editor I' I II h, l llt>fl',t p, pr I Ill It 1\ II 11011 \ ,1!11 , 11 n1 ,. 11.11\ I ,111.1d.1 th,· IJrg,,,1 "nglP cat.. gon of \\ It If It Id I \tI ,, II 1ompt•l1lors f] fill m �ft·l­ r• l· II I ' lI 'f I 'pI Ill1-: I IdI Ht I th, I n t, d SI.Jlt•s , I I 11 IOIIIJl'ltt l'IH- 11 \Jpj hntJr111· Jnr llw l1Ui- gamt•sJ l0\\ 11 ' \ 11 h 1 ,, • ptt It I, I I I I t 1J �I '\l\,I\ ,1(!(1 ' \ I \\t'rll\ l\,o pt'f' ,·nl of the ,1m.1tlw \ 1, I ,l'I t1 I II l H1tpt•f1l11rs If 'UJ"' \\t'ffl alr.... a1h 11 11, ' •m \\ 1111 1 Jiguri 1·\JH ll1d tu r1wn1 .. " ,,, I, I ,1 1.. ( I " , 11m1, ', �ru,, Tl--1s r,·pr, Tl ,,, ,, I Ill I Ii I,• Ill\ " ' I ,·I j)t' t·nl lfH ,Pd e 11! I ,, " 1!1 I I I lr11n 11B I' t, I 1'111 q ,I lit \\l II J lu I u,-:,11t•·."ipr111gl1l'ld JI Ii ti. 1d ln I !1d,JI I HIil 11 I ldnnr,, t 1 t hi1111p111 1 hq,, 11,· 111 r/u r111d I om ,•11!1011 111d \'1s1lor, Hu 11 1 1 J 1 1 1 I 11 11,I, r d 1 �{ fl 1 !, to llJ jll'f 1111 11 , hr 11 �l'I rtd 1 ,·�111J1,i11•" thn,· ,,ill be a ()1 I • "" I ] '11111t ,lilt! <1!'111"! I \\d\ I 11flll1JJ1t dm·, I 1111 0111,, lo th,· Eug,·ru·­ <It• \l.1 t, r 11 'IH ,I d I I ,,, \1, ll10111 lrI I II It 11 th. l· H ll Ip !11)11 I rlw ( li.1111 'iprin�l1,·ld 111rn111unil\ 111 t· • t ( { rt• I I lJI d ilh '" "i" f 11 Sd I ltf f If If 1 •,·11h rn 11111n,h1ps \\ 1th .uld1l111n,d lr.i\ 11•,, nl SJf1 null un �Lilt, .1tti·r 1 , 1 r H1, 1 1m1H 11 <n 1111n \,111- t , n l'!r p1 1 tan ul1t•, 1 I 1 \n� 1,.., "·1 D1l•gn \II<" 1 "·111 Ii• 1• c.nd R., le1gh•l>urh ,urth C ,ire .rn.1 flwn 111 llt·\ ,·mllt'r 111 lllH- 111 \h•lhnurn, \u,tr.tl .t Eu).!1' it Spnn�hl'ld ,,,I', 1 h11,1·n I', th1 '-lit'llf the \ Ill \\ orld \'1·tn,111, l:hdmp1un ...h1p, DOMINO'S Trdd Jnd tu•ld J!hlt•lt'S ja�e 15 dnd o, t'r fur ,, onwn .lgP 40 PIZZA DELIVERS® FAST U of 0 CAMPUS FRIENDLY AREA 1856 E. 13th Ave. next to 7-11 10 Minute Carry-Out What °0 Jogged-Out s2 off Jocks Say About any Large Pizza Onsen with 2 or more toppings. One coupon per Pizza. Expires 8-30-89 Our drivers carry less than $20 Limited Delivery Area @)�•�o�t! C.ll l•S-9048 for r�lervatlons L-----------------------------------------------� 1883 Gorden Ave . Eugene World Vctera11 'Game , ..... :IB Oregon Daily Emera.Id Supplement olo " ar , en Les Montagnes des "Cascades ... Casoadengebirge. lontaiias de la Ca,cada­ The tour of the Cascades is ooe_of man_,, being offered to visitorsof the lo no matter what language you 're speaking. the Oregon asc:alle are;, �ght World {'elerans' Championships. t',lllrSIOTlS to pidU-'S including At Jpc1st \I'\. of the tour busses Internationaltlw Ort•gnnvisitors U)ast ( r,llt•r Lc1kt>to samplefdlt•d b,· Cerman ,·1s1tors By Greg Hough the (:ctsc.ic!P" and tlw 1.m,t'r dnd di led,! anollwr four b1 EmeraldA huge> 111flu'\Contributor ul lon�1�n ,·1�1- \lt"-Pnzw R1\'Pr tourists,, di lrom lc1pdn. �tc..Clwsne\ sightstors will dt>s(t>nd uponof Eu�l'llf' Eugene-Springfield, \\'p hctve room tor .ibout sd1d Sevrrdl otherstate bw,loc1ds this ,,et'� for tht· \\'orld \ 1•t1•r .! 2.tlll spnh on up to llO bus­ "di hP filled with people from an� Chamµ1unsh1p� . .ind a siz­ �Ps. • t\-lc('hpsnrv �J1cl 'The Ital, and from Scandinavian able numht'r ol lhem ,, ill ln\'f"'�­ thing th.it scares me 1s a last­ countries. she added t1galf' 111·.trll\ ..,tl'Jrn ,1tlrart1nno:; minute rush SomP of thr \·1si­ The busses are being con­ durmg tours 11rgct1112l-'d b, tht> l11rs U'>lldlh W,111 ,111d St-'t· If tra< led through Pc1c1fic Run Ch.,mp1011',h1p.., ofln P 1he, ·n� 1-to1ng l1,..1 t,lrup ,in 1'\'Pnt (:o,1chc'- Jnd Crr\'11ound Bus Tour... organizn D1.uw or "ometh111R bdore tht·,· <.;Onl­ LinPS. I (h,.sne\ ,aid m1t to d tour met !umh •s '"II bt' pro\lded \le(' h,�s,w, ,,h11 nwn.., ,111 Gour­ en•nt p\.rnn1ng bus11w-,s in Eu­ \lcChe,ne1 bv the gf'nt> scud mnn• th,rn bO tour percent of ui nt r>sl Visitors of the Cbampiooships will also have the opportunity Oreg n El ln<- Sta!Jon have bc,•n tilled. and list consists of ,a,den!nl aboutcompeti� 9'1 do some wbitewater rafting on one Oregon's most scenic uranl she add d taJ..r ,·1s1tors on tors their famditour enrollm rivers.
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