MOST COMPLETE PROGRAM LISTINGS PUBLISHED! ESB7 D CT521 TEN CENTS WEEK ENDING JULY 24, 1937 DIZZY DEAN Sports guest.r THE AMAZING STORY OF BALLCASTI NG! • IN THIS ISSUE Week End ing July 24, 1937 M. L. ANNEN BERG Publis her CURTtS MITCHELL, Editor I Smash Features I •• Play Ball Baseball for Tadio's millions! by JAMES H. STREET 3 The Bishop Roared Barbara Luddy's amazing story! by LoRRAINE THOMAS 4 Homemade Recordings Sweep Radio Town OLONEL STOOPNACLE and Budd, uinely inte rested in other people tha n you A n ew game played bU air stars! 20 C it is said, will return for a battle of can in two years by trying to get other wits o n the Ben Bernie program. As people inte rested in you. I Personalities I Walter Winchell would probably crack. "You yourself have probably met the Smilln' Ed McConnell the 01' Maestro could at least be counted greatest winner of friends that the world Secrets of hill boUhood on to put up half a b attle. has known. Who is he} H e is a puppy. by M AIWARET MARY JOSLYN 8 When you meet a puppy coming d own Henry Burr • • • Barn Dance Ballad Singer Broadcasting has brought to its mIcro­ the street, h e wags his tail, and h e is so by MAROt: KCRR 10 phone no m ore expert advisor than Dale g lad to see you that he almost jumps out Irene Rich - Proves she', good sport! 19 Carnegie. whose recent book, "How to of his skin. He doesn't want to borrow a Win Friends and InRuenee People:' h as your coat; and he d oesn' t want to sell News and Comment you a vacuum cleaner. All he wants is I I the privilege of being with you and lov· Plums and Prunes ing )'ou. III it any wonder that everybody by EVANS PLUMMER 1 2 In'lde Stuff 10vdS a dog} by MARTIN LEWIS 13 "So Rule I for wlnmng friends is t o The Radio Week become genuinely interested in other peo­ The Latest Radio New! 14 Music of the Master' ple. And h ere's Rule 2: by CARLt:TON SMITH 15 "00 things for o ther people. Short Waves "For example, the woman who lives by CHARLES A. MORRISON 18 n ext door to me sends m e a mince pie a nd Pictorial Features a pumpkin pie every Thanksgiving Day. I I It doesn't take much effort on her part, The Ph oto Week News from Radio Row! 6 but the thoughtfulness of it remains in Thi, Is ... " Pepper Young's my memory for the entire year. Why Family" not write a le tter to some friend of yours A n all-star cast-in action! 11 God Gave Them Radio that you have been neglecting and give Radio in the lives 0/ the blind! 24 this person a little genuine sincere appre­ You Asked For Them-And ciation. Or if you have a garden, take Here They Are! Ni'tl e big names of tile air! 22 a bouquet of Rowers to som e friend­ and watch the magic work." I I Which reminds m e of the royal enter­ Voice of the Listener 15 tainer we know as Eddie Canlor. Eddie RADIO GUIDC'S X-Word Puzzle 16 never needed to read any book to know Log of American Stations 17 how to win friends; life taught him that Short Wave Programs 18 du-ing the knockabout days of his youth. Contests on the Air 31 Today, he re presents the finest tradition Programs .. of our theater. He has seen fortunes I I crumble and watched them rise again; he Sunday, July 18 27 has lived in attics and in penthouse9-­ Monday, July 19 29 but wherever he has been, he has g iven Tuesday, July 20 32 Wednesday, July 21 34 prodigiously of his lime and talent a nd Thursday, July 22 37 energy. Today, no man in broadcasting Friday, July 23 39 is b etter loved. Or b etter paid. Saturday. July 24 41 • • • Cover Portrait by Charles E. Rl!bino A reader who listens regularly (and sometimes believes what she hears) K ~ " :" 0, ,,,. ( t ...s. )J ... K.. l".,.,... 11.~. 1' ••. " 1lI<e). \',,)" _ \'1. ".In"'< H. "'HI< E n~I", J "l)' !i. writes: "We were told over a recent pro­ un. l'ubll.1><d b, K ....) I',.... I"., I' ...... _b Ih ~IO Ol'lDO. U! !'b ......'b Cou ... l-h!.. ~ •• lU(..,h gram that one of the most important f.,,"" ~ •• .-,I........... , til< I'." " """. '-'hl<... Good Neighbor Eddie Cantor; He learned how to win friend. ,111..,1. , f' . b",.... H. I~J I . ~ ."'« .'et 0( .IJ"Oh I. 18; •. rules for a singer is to avoid throat irrita­ .1 ","""100<1 by 1' ..., .- • ..,.." .....". Olt.u. , ·. n .~ . , •. In the hard_knoeks school of New York', lower East Side! .......d-.l ... '""'or. l·''-''''Ibl. Inr. bJ it... ! 1'.-. ... "" .III . llb" ...on·eo.!. ~;~U"rl.l. , ·(""I.lllN•• , ~( I ~.,IQ'" lion due to smoking. The toughest thing n_. 111 l 'lr-,,'h l ou". nlr.. ~. lUl"", •. II .."." K ....._ . n ... ·.·' ..IJ.n' : ~.... 1o lll'rholi. \' 1... ·1· ...1 <1<»'. for the average radio enterta iner , it seems .:.J ""'1. ('1""'.tI"" " .. "••• ,_ .\.,,. .. 10,,.. um_. H. I'Ilth .I"",,e. " ... I orI!.~ , I'.: )1 111< KI"",, 8.., ~',.o<b..,. sold hundreds of thousands of copies. His to me, is to avoid throat irritation due to rom .: w.... '" " ... In, Ill"",, .......' n,."'. c'our .• aM 13 1 I'l.-.,h coon. ('h'<OIO, 1I 1l ....., l ·n•• I1." ....... t ,.· ""p" ,lIQUid bo _';onl.... b~ " ...~etI ...II -odd",... ..! recent talk on the Columbia Broadcast­ outshouting a studio audience." ""''- 1., l~u.n. 'r ,,, <on" ...,. _1 In 'h. ,-,"ltOd Stau.. SubK.l",lon •• '" 'r 11 .. 1I. ~ , ."d .......... 1.'" ing System is worth repeating. Which is positively the final word about "nd "",",.1.. of , ... 1'."-.1 ,.. ,1.·, .. I'""tol l.in' ... , ,I. """,,'ho. U .U; .... n.t. H .••. ~ubo<.' p ' I "" n'.. 'n "You can make more friends in two audien ce noises that you will hear from f_!~ n ....mlr.H' .II ",,"m •. n.": .... 1•••. II.", 11<"," ", _,.) """". ~'''''. up, ... _<1 _. or ti>«t; d .." " ......<1<. '" K 'D") OUUE. ot •• ~. months," he said . "by becoming gen- us-for at least twenty·four hours. «,Itot... ",k. t:", ......, .. "' 2 R"dlo G"lde • Week En din g J .ly 24, 1937 PL·AY BALL s I WRITE til is, mort' than !lve million persons-the greatest common meeting ground in politics, A audience on earth-have Ult'ir traditions or customs, and the only ears keyed to the pitch of radios, thing they do have in common is their listening_no! not to symphonie~, loyalty to ballcasting. comedies or coronations, but to the And unless you've livc-d in a humlet grcate~t show on earth-baseball! like Hot Coffee, or Greasy Corners, There they are, 5,000,000 of them! Ark., SkagwilY, Maine, or some two­ That's morc pel'sons than lived in this bit town in the far Northwest where nation when we won our indepen_ the truins don't cven whistle when dence! There is radio'~ standing-army, - . they thunder through, you'll never all voluntc('rs-the old guard, standing THE "CRACKER BOX LEAGUE" BOYS know what radio really means to the as>;cmbly every day awaiting the crack mun with the hoc, who combs his liv_ or bats, the boom of a fast ball into a ing from the dirt and has no entertain­ mitt, the blare of Ihe bands. There HAVE NEVER SEEN A REAL GAME­ ment except that brought him through they are-french-Canadians in the the air. Then you should remember l\.1ainc woods, desert rats on the burn­ BUT THEY KNOW THEIR BASEBALL! that beciluse morc millions of Ameri­ ing sands, Florida Crackers along the cans usc the hoe than any other in_ Keys, Indinn fishermen on the Colum_ strument and because more millions bia alld the catfish clan of Hot Coffee, of Amcrieans are intel'ested in base­ Miss. The clansmen talk and dream ball than in any othel' torm of enter­ baseball, quote batting averages like every afternoon-without exception drone of June-bugs and the umpire's tainment, ballcasting really is the a brokel' docs prices, fuss and fight There are only about twenty men summons to the Cracker Box League, greatest routine Ceat ot radio, and the over figures and know more about the and boys in the catfish clan, only 20 which convenes in the dank shadows most popular. game than the average sports writcr, of 5,OOO,000-1)IUS whose daily routine of Hot Coffee's crossroads store, The yet few, it any, ever have been nearer is a session with the radio, They are catfish clansmen gather from the forks IFYOU want to get into trouble, just a ball park than the loudspeaker of irked when ballcasting programs are of the creeks. Most of them never have drop into Hot Coffee during ballcast­ the wheezing, old-fashioned radio in interrupted tor such trilling bits or scen even a game of organized base­ ing hours and h'y to sell a bill of goods, the general store at Hot Coffee, news as rumors ot wars, coronations, ball, much less a major league game. If you wilnt a first-class feud on your strikes, They want baseball! The clansmen probably never have hands, just tamper with the radio. It F ROM all the American scene, I picked Hot CotTee is a speck of a community stopped to think that their countrymen may be only a box of wood and a Hot CoRee becnu~e it seems to in Sullivan's Hollow, But it's well to approximately 2,000 miles away in bunch ot wires to you, but it's a living typify a hamlet where radio is the remember that America is made of Maine also are grouped around radios thing to the catfish clansmen-it's a only medium that brings information the Hot Coffees and not the New hearing the same broadcast.
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