Page 1 of 87 Eastern Oregon University 2011‐12 Courses with Enrollmemnt March 13, 2013 Student level is not displayed for courses with 5 students or less Hours Undergrad Grad Grad Credit ‐ Center Master Other Non / Capacity Enrollment Student Bac admitted admitted ‐ ‐ ‐ Graduate Graduate Non Non Total Term CRN Prefix Number Title Hours Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Post Course Total Instructor Campus 201200 11032 ANTH 101 Cultural Anth*SSC 5 86651 ----26 30 130 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda On‐Line 201201 31491 ANTH 101 Cultural Anth*SSC 5 33 17 9 1 -----60 110 300 Dahl, Kathleen La Grande Campus 201202 62888 ANTH 101 Cultural Anth*SSC 5 7 5 10 7 1 ----30 30 150 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda On‐Line 201202 63459 ANTH 101 Cultural Anth*SSC 5 10794 -----30 30 150 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda On‐Line 201203 92256 ANTH 101 Cultural Anth*SSC 5 63241111 -----109 110 545 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda La Grande Campus 201202 63187 ANTH 130 Ldrshp Strat For Comm Bldg 3 2 3 - 2 ---1 - 82524Ediger, Vernita La Grande Campus 201200 11200 ANTH 220 Physical Anthropology*SSC 5 3552 -----15 15 75 Dahl, Kathleen On‐Line 201201 32418 ANTH 220 Physical Anthropology*SSC 5 3 6 11 4 -----24 25 120 Becker, Rory On‐Line 201201 32819 ANTH 220 Physical Anthropology*SSC 5 3275 -----17 30 85 Dahl, Kathleen On‐Line 201202 62945 ANTH 220 Physical Anthropology*SSC 5 22 13 5 5 -----45 110 225 Dahl, Kathleen La Grande Campus 201203 92933 ANTH 220 Physical Anthropology*SSC 5 4 4 16 1 -----25 25 125 Becker, Rory On‐Line 201203 93117 ANTH 230 Pblc/Non‐Prft Orgnztnl Dynmcs3 2222 ---1 - 92527Ediger, Vernita La Grande Campus 201202 63361 ANTH 310 Historical Archeology 1 to 6 - 387 ---3 - 21 25 105 Becker, Rory On‐Line 201202 63365 ANTH 310 Foraging/Egalitarian Soc 1 to 6 --751 ----13 25 52 Becker, Rory La Grande Campus 201203 93171 ANTH 310 Animals Cult & Society 1 to 6 - 11 4 10 1 ----26 25 130 Dahl, Kathleen La Grande Campus 201203 93274 ANTH 310 Fur Trade Archaeology 1 to 61- 86 ---1 - 16 25 32 Becker, Rory Umatilla Co. Center 201203 93316 ANTH 310 Community Service 1 to 6 - 222 -----62018Turner, Susan On‐Line 201203 93319 ANTH 310 Internet & Society 1 to 61- 43 -----82516Powers, Rosemary Union Co. Center 201201 31981 ANTH 312 Natv Peoples Of N.A. 5 - 4816 ---1 - 29 30 145 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda On‐Line 201202 62622 ANTH 312 Natv Peoples Of N.A. 5 - 899 -----26 25 130 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda La Grande Campus 201201 32187 ANTH 315 Anthropology Thru Film 3 - 81461 --1 - 30 30 90 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda La Grande Campus 201203 93232 ANTH 320 Human Adaptation*SSC 2 --511 -----16 25 32 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda Malheur Co. Center 201202 62659 ANTH 325 Human Ecology 3 - 4910 -----23 25 69 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda On‐Line 201203 93172 ANTH 335 Culture/Health & Illness 4 231771 ----30 30 120 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda La Grande Campus 201201 31987 ANTH 340 Frauds/Myths/Myst*SSC 2 2 6 8 12 -----28 30 56 Dahl, Kathleen Umatilla Co. Center 201200 11037 ANTH 344 Selling The News*SSC 2 --45 -----92518Grigsby, William Union Co. Center 201201 31988 ANTH 344 Selling The News*SSC 2 --45 ---1 - 10 25 20 Grigsby, William Marion Co. Center 201202 62853 ANTH 344 Selling The News*SSC 2 1115 -----82516Grigsby, William Union Co. Center 201203 92818 ANTH 344 Selling The News*SSC 2 - 225 -----92518Plesa, Claudia Deschutes County Page 2 of 87 Hours Undergrad Grad Grad Credit ‐ Center Master Other Non / Capacity Enrollment Student Bac admitted admitted ‐ ‐ ‐ Non Total Graduate Graduate Non Term CRN Prefix Number Title Hours Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Post Course Total Instructor Campus 201200 11033 ANTH 345 Media/Politics/Prop*SSC 5 - 195 ---1 - 16 25 80 Grigsby, William On‐Line 201202 63470 ANTH 345 Media/Politics/Prop*SSC 5 - 114 -----62530Grigsby, William On‐Line 201203 93272 ANTH 348 Primate Conserv & Behav 5 - 31110 -----24 30 120 Dahl, Kathleen On‐Line 201202 63067 ANTH 350 Primate Populations*SSC 2 - 21110 -----23 25 46 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda Umatilla Co. Center 201200 11312 ANTH 354 Sci & Pseudosci In Anth 5 - 246 -----12 12 60 Dahl, Kathleen On‐Line 201202 63472 ANTH 354 Sci & Pseudosci In Anth 5 - 1 - 7 -----81240Dahl, Kathleen On‐Line 201200 11313 ANTH 356 Language & Culture 5 - 699 ---1 - 25 25 125 Dahl, Kathleen On‐Line 201201 31982 ANTH 356 Language & Culture 5 - 18181 ----28 30 140 Dahl, Kathleen On‐Line 201202 62430 ANTH 356 Language & Culture 5 - 61061 ----23 25 115 Dahl, Kathleen La Grande Campus 201201 31886 ANTH 360 Intro Arch/Prehist*SSC 5 1697 --1 --24 25 120 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda La Grande Campus 201201 31983 ANTH 360 Intro Arch/Prehist*SSC 5 - 21110 --1 --24 25 120 Becker, Rory On‐Line 201201 32818 ANTH 360 Intro Arch/Prehist*SSC 5 - 1710 -----18 25 90 Becker, Rory On‐Line 201202 63376 ANTH 368 Tourism & Ecotourism 5 --10 17 ---1 - 28 30 140 Dahl, Kathleen On‐Line 201201 31984 ANTH 370 Environment/Society*SSC 5 1139 -----14 15 70 Grigsby, William On‐Line 201203 92616 ANTH 370 Environment/Society*SSC 5 - 1331 ----83040Powers, Rosemary La Grande Campus 201201 32632 ANTH 372 Sex & Gender 5 - 868 -----22 25 110 Dahl, Kathleen La Grande Campus 201200 11314 ANTH 375 Anthro Of Food & Nutrition 5 - 4610 ---1 - 21 30 105 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda On‐Line 201202 62848 ANTH 375 Anthro Of Food & Nutrition 5 --915 -----24 25 120 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda On‐Line 201203 92813 ANTH 380 Native Peoples Oregon 5 - 29111 ----23 25 115 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda On‐Line 201200 11498 ANTH 401 Research 1 to 5 ---------1 13 4 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda La Grande Campus 201201 31492 ANTH 401 Research 1 to 5 ---------1 99 5 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda La Grande Campus 201201 32253 ANTH 401 Research 1 to 5 ---------155Dahl, Kathleen On‐Line 201201 32760 ANTH 401 Research 1 to 5 ---------4 5 12 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda On‐Line 201202 62253 ANTH 401 Research 1 to 5 ---------1 99 4 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda La Grande Campus 201202 62660 ANTH 401 Research 1 to 5 ---------1995Dahl, Kathleen La Grande Campus 201202 63423 ANTH 401 Research 1 to 5 ---------357Reed‐Jerofke, Linda On‐Line 201202 63424 ANTH 401 Research 1 to 5 ---------155Becker, Rory On‐Line 201203 92257 ANTH 401 Research 1 to 5 ---------49913Reed‐Jerofke, Linda La Grande Campus 201203 92618 ANTH 401 Research 1 to 5 ---------1995Dahl, Kathleen La Grande Campus 201203 93380 ANTH 401 Research 1 to 5 ---------4 5 15 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda On‐Line 201203 93403 ANTH 401 Research 1 to 5 ---------2510Dahl, Kathleen On‐Line 201200 11101 ANTH 405 Reading & Conference 1 to 5 ---------3 5 14 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda On‐Line 201200 11445 ANTH 405 Reading & Conference 1 to 5 ---------2510Dahl, Kathleen On‐Line 201201 31664 ANTH 405 Reading & Conference 1 to 5 ---------2 99 8 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda La Grande Campus 201202 62399 ANTH 405 Reading & Conference 1 to 5 ---------49914Reed‐Jerofke, Linda La Grande Campus 201202 63431 ANTH 405 Reading & Conference 1 to 5 ---------4 5 10 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda On‐Line 201202 63567 ANTH 405 Reading & Conference 1 to 5 ---------155Reed‐Jerofke, Linda On‐Line Page 3 of 87 Hours Undergrad Grad Grad Credit ‐ Center Master Other Non / Capacity Enrollment Student Bac admitted admitted ‐ ‐ ‐ Non Total Graduate Graduate Non Term CRN Prefix Number Title Hours Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Post Course Total Instructor Campus 201203 92402 ANTH 405 Reading & Conference 1 to 5 ---------2 99 8 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda La Grande Campus 201203 93362 ANTH 405 Reading & Conference 1 to 5 ---------257Reed‐Jerofke, Linda On‐Line 201200 11316 ANTH 407 Seminar: Ishi 1 to 151235 -----11 30 22 Dahl, Kathleen Union Co. Center 201202 63290 ANTH 407 Sem: Darwin's Origin 1 to 151598 -----23 30 23 Dahl, Kathleen Union Co. Center 201200 11089 ANTH 409 Practicum 1 to 10 ---------155Reed‐Jerofke, Linda On‐Line 201200 11446 ANTH 409 Prac:Gld Mining Estrn Or 1 to 10 ---------155Reed‐Jerofke, Linda On‐Line 201201 31887 ANTH 409 Practicum 1 to 1022311 ----99913Reed‐Jerofke, Linda La Grande Campus 201203 93273 ANTH 410 Human Variation & Race 1 to 6 --9151 ----25 30 125 Becker, Rory On‐Line 201202 63287 ANTH 420 Encountering The Other 2 - 257 ---1 - 15 30 30 Dahl, Kathleen Union Co. Center 201203 93235 ANTH 424 Sacagawea:Truth&Legend 2 - 18131 ----23 30 46 Dahl, Kathleen Portland Center 201201 32366 ANTH 430 Medical Anthropology 2 - 349 -----16 30 32 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda Portland Center 201202 63362 ANTH 440 Arch & Sustainability 5 --38 -----11 20 55 Becker, Rory On‐Line 201201 32784 ANTH 445 Inequality & Diversity 5 ---------33015Powers, Rosemary La Grande Campus 201202 62851 ANTH 454 Anthropological Hst/Thry 5 --413 -----17 25 85 Dahl, Kathleen On‐Line 201203 93123 ANTH 454 Anthropological Hst/Thry 5 --79 -----16 25 80 Dahl, Kathleen On‐Line 201203 92816 ANTH 460 Women In Poor Cntries 5 --110 -----11 25 55 Plesa, Claudia On‐Line 201203 93173 ANTH 460 Women In Poor Cntries 5 - 135 -----92545Reed‐Jerofke, Linda La Grande Campus 201201 32708 ANTH 499 Senior Seminar 1 ---------5 99 5 Reed‐Jerofke, Linda La Grande Campus 201203 92817 ANTH 499 Senior Seminar 1 ---13 -----13 30 13 Dahl, Kathleen On‐Line 201200 10987 APEL 390 Portfolio Devel 4 ---------42016Koza, Mary On‐Line 201201 32204 APEL 390 Portfolio Devel 4 1672 - 1 ---17 20 68 Walters, Terry On‐Line 201201 32205 APEL 390 Portfolio Devel 4 ---------33012Koza, Mary On‐Line 201202 62799 APEL 390 Portfolio Devel 4 2178 -----18 20 72 Walters, Terry Marion Co.
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