Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 458 Proceedings of the International Conference On Social Studies, Globalisation And Technology (ICSSGT 2019) Fiqih Ibadah Competence Model Developments Through Jurisprudential Inquiry Model Based on Local Wisdom in Students’ Learning 1st Eri Sakti 2nd Fuady Anwar Dep. of Ilmu Agama Islam, Dep. of Politics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Science, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia Indonesia, 3rd Akmal Dep. of Politics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia, [email protected] Abstract—The purpose of this study are: procedure used design and development (1) to find out the results of the problem research. It is hoped that this research can analysis of the implementation of lecture produce an effective and appropriate learning competency learning in Fiqh in the subject of model in improving the competence of the the Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Islamic field expertise fiqh, so that students as future Studies Program-Ilmi Agama Islam (IAI) in leaders of the nation and state have an Social Science Faculty-Fakultas IlmuSosial awareness of Islamic Jurisprudence. Students (FIS) as a basis for increasing Islamic legal are hoped to be able to think cross-sectoral competence for students, for effective and and to love their religion, nation and country. appropriate learning models to improve the As intellectuals who think conceptually, be quality of learning with Jurisprudential able to show the identity of Islam and the Inquiry (Legal Review); (2) developing Juris nation in social relations. This research is also prudential Inquiry learning model in the IAI expected to produce teaching materials that field; (3) producing islamic science learning can be used in accordance with IAI and teaching materials that are in accordance curriculum standards. The findings in this with the applicable curriculum, and for study are: 1) learning competence Fiqh research purposes (4) is analyzing the validity Ibadah can be improved through under and affordability Ibadah Jurisprudence standing based on local culture; 2) for the competency learning models and teaching learning method through jurisprudential materials as the model development result, as inquiry, students' understanding can be well as a quality learning model involving all increased through completing cases using a undergraduate students of IAI FIS UNP. This variety of learning about islamiclaw. research uses the R&D (research and Keywords—Local Wisdom, Fiqih Ibadah, development) approach. The research Jurisprudential Inquiry I. INTRODUCTION legal insights, integral comprehensive thinking, a sense of obedience, understanding The fundamental problem of islamic religious symbols especially aqeedah, shari’ah, religious sciences students of FIS UNP is the and morality, a sense of nationality, love and understanding of learning of Fiqh ibadah in good communication skills. [1] states that the the IAI FIS UNP course, such as lack of Islamic demands of graduates from all starata are and Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL. This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. 411 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 458 will continue to face challenges in an The results of problem analysis mapping: increasingly tight and complex workforce (1) the implementation of Fiqh Ibadah competition. The world of work will learning, as a basis for increasing competence, objectively demand professional human for effective and appropriate learning models resources, and not be uprooted from the roots improve the quality of learning with of their own people. Jurisprodential Inquiry; (2) developing a model for learning Jurisprudential Inquiry in the field Azra [2] said that the goal of learning of Fiqh Ibadah; (3) producing teaching Islamic law, morality as in the IAI Study materials of Fiqh Ibadah in accordance with Program that had not been achieved in the the applicable curriculum; and (4) testing the curriculum was to become a human being that validity and rigor of the models and teaching could carry out the life of the nation and state. materials for competence in Fiqh Ibadah Especially in Islamic civil law. For this reason, results model development at the IAI FIS the fundamental problem of students is the Study Program. learning method error, which is using the Jurisprudential Inquiry method to build The reality in the field shows that the students' Islamic legal awareness abilities. The students’ results have not fulfilled expectations application of this method in the learning such as: (1) lacking the principle of obedience, process of Fiqh of ibadah is very important to inconsistency in uncovering or solving improve the ability of students in good problems that arise in society and nation, (2) education and comprehensive/ cross-sectoral often prejudice, without being supported by thinking in making decisions as a constructive the argument and the data taking the decision learning [3]. of Fiqh Ibadah. Tabel 1. Students’ Fiqh Ibadah Awareness Reality No Students’ Group Students’ Competence Degree Knowledge Skills Attitude 1 Batch I 20 Students 46% 39% 51% 2 Batch II 19 Students 37% 49% 45% 3 Batch III 16 Students 55% 53% 58% Source: Data IAI FIS UNP, 2018 The formulation of the problem in this whole in a regulation of the life of a Muslim. research consist of three: (1) how is the The main aim of learning the Fiqh Ibadah is to competence of Fiqh Ibadah of IAI FIS UNP provide knowledge about the concepts of students in learning in IAI FIS UNP Study Islamic law, theories of Islamic civilization, and Program?; (2) how is the effectiveness of the the implementation of theories in the national Jurisprudential Inquiry learning model in civil law in Indonesia. learning Fiqh Ibadah at IAI FIS UNP Study The history of the nation of Indonesia Program?, (3) Research Objectives, Outputs, shows that the application of fiqh Ibadah in the and Contributions ?.in detail, the research form of Islamic civil law has occurred through objectives are: (1) to analyze the competence of various legislation, such as pilgrimage, waqf, Fiqh Ibadah of IAI FIS UNP students in zakat, religious court for marriage, economic learning at IAI Study Program FIS UNP; (2) to activity. The Fiqh Ibadah is directed at how to find the Jurisprudential Inquiry learning model prepare citizens who are: able to develop their in learning Fiqh Ibadah at the IAI Study potential to have spiritual power, self-control Program FIS UNP. of personality, intelligence, moral character, Learning Islamic Fiqh as its main and the skills needed by themselves, society, competence demands the ability of students to nation and state (mandated by Law No. 20 of comprehend aqeedah, sharia, and morality as a 2003). According to Azra [2] that in an effort to 412 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 458 develop the curriculum of the Fiqh Ibadah in the arguments to support the position the curriculum there are a number of things (attitude) that has been taken, (5) clarifying that need to be reviewed including: and strengthen position (attitude), and (6) test assumptions about facts, definitions and 1) the extent to which the topics in the consequences. curriculum are relevant to the Islamic spirit, take advantage of the momentum of Improving learning is done by reform. implementing a learning model based on 2) studying which material can be issued, Jurisprodential Inquiry (Legal Study) with the combined and streamlined and which is approach to the Piqih Ibadah case. In this case absolutely essential for the subject of learning is designed by finding solutions using students. legal-based arguments, theories, concepts that 3) the methodology for delivery is changed are believed to be the proof. Why do they from doctrinaire toward democratic. stand firm in the opinions or stand of students after considering a variety of arguments and The hard task facing the teaching of Fiqh strong arguments. The application of the Ibadah is to change the character of the Jurisprodential Inquires method in the process nation's generation of citizens towards of learning Fiqh Ibadah is very important to consistent and consistent principles in carrying improve the ability of cognition and change out Islamic law. According to thinker Moore student affection into principles, build self- [4]there are 5 patterns of community response reliance, think logically. As a constructive to the success of building the nation's character learning environment, Jurisprodential Inquiry going forward: (1) conformity (acceptance) provides learning in real situations based on which is accepting; (2) innovation (innovative) cases that occur for students so that they can which is accepting and practicing in attitudes produce permanent knowledge [5]. and actions to achieve it; (3) ritualism (rhythmic), i.e. rejecting cultural goals but The Jurisprodential Inquiry Procedure adhering to ways that have been developed by [6] that in general the main key institutionalized in Islam; (4) retreats (turning), to the success of this model is through the i.e. rejecting or leaving both good deviant and Socratic dialogue method (confrontational heretical teachings reaching it; and (5) debate). Steps that must be taken include: (1) rebellion, namely rejecting goals
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