Happy Good Summer News Vacation Tonight VOL. XIX. No. 23—TEN PAGES PROVIDENCE COLLEGE. PROVIDENCE. R.I., MAY 15, 19.57 10 CENTS A COPY Congratulations To The 1957 Senior Class Pyramid Players Present Class Prophecy Oi 1957 By John Hannon owners of the Slenderella Corp They "GOOD NEWS Production I was wondering about the Class were in Paris to see King Saud's son of 1957 the other day. trying to about the tent-making industry in figure out what its members would America By Dick DeNoii I Set design, depicting in various be doing about twenty years from Leaving the hotel we met a very II "Good News," the final Pyramid i scenes the Tail College campus, now Instead of going to see a swami distinguished colonel in the United Ipiayers production of (he season, locker room dormitory room, etc. or pull a Rip Van Winkle act, 1 went Stales Army who turned out to be ••pens tonight in H ark ins Hall audi- has been completed under the super over to Albertus Magnus Hall and none other than John (RED) Calla• toniim Curtain-time for the musical vision of Gerald Maillet. '57. while entered the door labeled The Future han He immediately suggested that • comedy will be 830 p m. tonight the remaining production problems I sat down in a metallic chair of some i we join him for dinner with three sort before a huge instrument panel more of the Army's finest who were Seeing no one around I pushed a Colonels Jim Kelly. Joe Falvey and lever which had the numerals 1977 inscribed on it. There was a strange rocking motion which put me to sleep and I felt some sort of whizzing sen yer in Connecticut and his cohort, Dick McCarthy, had just received his third Oscar in Hollywood for his excellent When I woke up 1 found myself directing of the movie. "THE LIFE walking down New York's Fifth Ave OF ARISTOTLE." Joe Carcasole was nue in the jear of 1977. Walking now recording songs for RCA. in the along I ran into Mike Fitzgerald and revival of an old craze that had swept Raymond McElroy who were now co- the country 20 years before "ROCK chairmen of the Selective Service Of• & ROLL." Rich Desrochers was now fices in New York State They had the understudy for Elvis Presley who just finished a 20-year term in the had taken over the female population Army. It seems that Mike and Ray after Clark Gable left. Bob Gill. Emile had just had lunch with three famed Letendre and Bub Milligan were now criminal lawyers: Tony Santilli, Dave joint owners of a string of niçht clubs Tammelleo, and Frank De Leo Tony in Miami The comedy team of Volpe. had informed Ray about his old friend Papineau and Mancini had hit the big Brian Wynne who was now the man• time and had just been presented an ager of a large hotel in Bermuda As award for the best comedians of the Dick La France Jim told me some we were talking another good friend year on the "Vin Sullivan Show." good news about an old friend of ours approached us. It was Bob of mine Jerry Kunnsky It Paul Goulding, who had married a Members of the Pyramid Players latest production. "Good News" Arrigan who had recently returned I seems that some of Fr. Reid's daughter of B. A. Dano. was now strut their stuff. from an Embassy Post in Paris to I philosophy had worn off on Jerry a steward at Lincoln Downs, his old attend his oldest daughter's wedding through Friday evening Rehearsals, are under the direction of C Judson i and he was now a Dominican Mis• hangout. His buddies Buss Tenet and He invited us over to his hotel to under the direction of Leonard F Hamlin. '58. and Bill Anthony. '60. 1 sionary in the Far East. Among his Harold Sumner were now leading talk over old times over a couple of Gamache. have been completed with Co-producers; Miss Claudette Du- i fellow missionaries were Fr Wm. B. j financiers on Wall Street, u a result drinks In his travels Bob had met the final dress rehearsal Tuesday tresne. Associate Producer, and their < I Sweeney. O.P., Fr Jim Coates. S.J , of some hot investment tips given to Charles Burke, now a teacher at the evening. Cast members have corre- assistants. Business Manager is Wil- ( I and Roger Assad. OP., As we spoke I them earlier by the KINGFISH. Sorbonne in Paris; Bob Di Palma, lated speaking parts with the musi- liam Doorley. '58. while Peter Essex. ! I a waiter brought a message to me Mickey Doyle was now the President who was now Public Relations Di cal score and the choreography. '60. is serving as Ticket chairman. , from a man across the hall I turned of both the Pinkerton Detective rector for the Coca Cola Corp. in Choreography is under the direction Richard DeNoia, '59. is in charge of ¡ to see who it was and recognized Bill Agency and the Hathaway Shift Co. France and also John (Red) Crawford Of the Joan Ann McGee Dance Stu- Publicity and Miss Barbara Tomei | Laurie, now the Attorney General in Jack Cawley. Frank Cinelti and Walt and Dave (PIED) Piper who were co- dio of Providence. will head the Make-up committee R. I , who was in New York to attend a Chomak were Professors of English at various American universities. The show has in the leading roles Miss Florence Gasparino is in charge judicial conference headed by Bobby They must have absorbed something of Constance Lane and Tom Mar- of Wardrobe, and Lighting will once DeCosta. a hard working statesman from Fr. Reilly s English Novel Course lowe. Miss Clare Gaudreau and Ger- again be by J. F. Meiggs and Sons | Bill told us that his interest in law Cowl Senior Of The Year after all. Ed Fay. a pickled egg and ard Corrado. '58, respectively The Moderator for the Pyramid Players of a judiciary nature stemmed from cast is as follows: is the Reverend Brendan Larnen. ,Selecte d By The Editors the impression which he had received i beer specialist, was holding down the George David Harrington, '58 O.P. upon hearing his first lecture on 1 job of purchasing agent for a well Windy Frederick Nelson, "58 The producers of "Good News" re- "Sovereignty'' by Fr Mahoney who I known chemical corporation. Jack Slats Edmund Nolan. '60 ccntly made the following announce was now a Superior General in the Dempsey, Bill Darcey, George Scan- Millie Miss Alice Corsair ment: "It will be bad news for any- Dominican Order. Bill had recently Ion and Howie Lipsey were now Flo Miss Eunice Varieur one who is planning to see 'Good learned that Jack McCann was now wealthy oil tycoons on the West Coast. Babe O'Day Miss Patricia Keough News' if he waits until the last min the owner of a famous dude ranch out Ed McCormack was now president of Becf Saunders Vincent Farrell. '60 utc to secure tickets. There will be West—known as the LOOPY Q Bill i a brewery which had recently sold Kearney "Pooch" Edward LeBeau, '59 only three hundred tickets on sale had quite a bit of information about the one billionth bottle of Mc Bill Johnson Ralph D'Amico, '59 for each of the three evening per- several of our P. C. classmates who Cormack's Lager. His staff included Patricia Bingham Miss Rita Gillooly formances had graduated with us. Our mutual such well known brew experts as Sylvester John Welsh, '58 The final Pyramid Players pro- friend, Joe, alias Harry. Fingliss, a ! Charlie Grimes, Pete Harrington, Neil Bobby Randall Arthur Boucher. '59 duct.on of the season is calculated successful economist, had turned Collins and Mike Towey Back in Fall Charles Kenyon William Anthony. '60 to provide an evening of pleasant from the business world to the base• River. Mass., Jerry Luongo had been The singing ensemble will be com- entertainment A few of the high- ball field. He was now a well known elected to his third term as mayor. posed of Miss Elizabeth August. Miss lights will be the dance routines ar- umpire at Fenway Park and very The Cannon brothers, BOOM & Elena Criscione. and Miss Eileen Mc- ranged by the Joan Ann McGee famed for his "TIME OUT" signals BOOM, were both in charge of a de• fense plant in Virginia. Tommy Du• Nanna: Thomas McCauley, '60. John Dance Studios, and the Business Bob Garrity was now the owner of an pont was now running a men's store Donovan. '58, Vincent Smith, '57, and ¡ Manager of Good News.' William exclusive lady's store in New York on Broadway called "Jolly Jowls 50 Gerald Cassidy. '59. Musical accom- Doorley. has agreed to disassemble called THE DEBUTANTE'S DREAM. and Up.'' It catered especially to the paniment will he by Vincent Fer- his 1919 Ford convertible so that il ^ Frank Putney. Joe Tocco. Ed Rooney raioli. '58, bass; Richard Cavanaugh, can be used in one of the scenes of men who have attained a middle age and Gerry Maillet were all top ad- spread. The entire MARINE CORPS '60, piano; and Frank Murphy, piano. ! the production Tickets are now on 1 { visers to the State Dept. Frank Brcn- Special assistant to the director is ' sale at the Bookstore. Come and Anthony De Berardino nan was now a very successful law• I (Continued on Page 6) David Harrington.
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