Promoting the Culture of Life and Fighting the Culture of Death since 1987 CATHOLIC • PRO-LIFE • PRO-FAMILY July - August 2011, Vol. 22 No. 4, Circ. 4164 www.defendlife.org • [email protected] Voice Mail: (410) 296-LIVE • Pro-Life Action News: (410) 296-BORN Tour takes the truth to the streets and the President Jack Ames knew something was up when, driving up to the Face the Truth Tour stop on Embassy Row in Washington, D.C., July 26, he saw a couple of Secret Service cars parked on the wrong side of the street. “Then some limousines pulled up in front of the Norwegian Embassy,” recalled the Defend Life director. “I saw the Secret Service men unloading these huge, 6-foot-long Tommy guns. Then here comes the presidential motorcade up Massa- chusetts Avenue: motorcycles, lim- ousines, a van, an ambulance.” The motorcade passed pro-lifers holding graphic signs of aborted ba- bies before turning right onto 34th Photo by Peter Shinn, Pro-Life Unity Street, to the side entrance of the Jack Ames (left) and Maggie Egger wave to the Presidential motorcade Norwegian embassy. as it leaves the Norwegian embassy in Washington, D.C. President Obama had come to deliver a speech in memory of the saw the huge photos of babies killed WFRD in Frederick, Fox 45 in Bal- Norwegians killed in the July 22 ter- by abortion as Defend Life’s eleventh timore, a great article in the Bel Air rorist attack. Annual Face the Truth Tour swept Aegis, and others.” Later, when the President left across Maryland, making 15 stops Motorists throughout the tour the embassy in his motorcade, “We along streets and highways from July responded to pro-lifers’ “Honk for had two ‘Choice’ signs; I was hold- 25-29. Life” signs with incessant beeping – ing one, and [Truth Tour Co-director] “I think this was the best Truth notably more than last year, said core Maggie Egger was holding another,” Tour ever,” said Ames. team member Jonathan Darnel of Ar- said Ames. “We had 33 core team members lington, Va. “He would have to have seen our – the most we have ever had – from Even at the stop in liberal Chevy pictures; we were on both sides of the eight different states: Iowa, Indiana, Chase, where commuters were street,” said Truth Tour Co-director Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, caught in total rush-hour gridlock Andrew Golden. Maryland, Virginia, and South Caro- and a bicyclist had a sign on his head The pro-abortion President and lina. reading “God hates babies,” many his entourage were just a few of “And we had good news cover- honked in support, including a metro many thousands of motorists who age: WHAG-TV in Hagerstown, bus driver. 2 DEFEND LIFE • July - August 2011 Many drivers, waiting at a traffic light at the White Marsh stop, rolled down their car windows to accept pro-life literature offered by Darnel. “Even if they disagree, the man- ner in which we approach them will make an impact,” said the pro-lifer. “Showing love at the same time as we show the truth is the key to it.” But the mayor and city council in Hagerstown were in no mood for love; they disagreed so strongly with the Truth Tour message in past years that this year they set up a huge elec- tronic sign two blocks up the street from the demonstrators. “It read something like ‘Graph- ic photos, protesters ahead: follow alternate route,’ and had an arrow Chris Ciaffa talks to an irate woman who strongly objected to the pointing to the detour,” said Ames. graphic signs at the Charles Street stop in Towson. Government traffic signs ordering motorists to take a route away from Equally unfriendly were person- “They claimed that their lot was protesters exercising their free speech nel at Johns Hopkins at White Marsh, full and we were disturbing patients, rights “is a clear violation of our Con- who called Baltimore County police both of which were patently untrue,” stitutional rights,” he asserted. and had them order Truth Tour par- said Defend Life Communications “I think we may have grounds for ticipants to remove their cars from Director Bill Simpson. a lawsuit.” the Hopkins parking lot. At every stop on the tour, Jim Davis of Columbus, Ohio, drove the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform Truth Truck, with a giant picture of an aborted baby on each side. Police gave Davis a $60 ticket for excessive beeping at the German- town stop, near late-term abortionist Leroy Carhart’s abortion mill. Police also ticketed Ron Brock for impeding traffic flow by going too slow in his pickup truck decorat- ed with anti-abortion signs near the Charles Street stop in Towson. The tickets “are an indication that local law enforcement officials don’t get it – we have the right to do what we’re doing,” said Ames. “We’re going to fight the tickets.” Perhaps the most satisfying stop Face the Truth Tour members pause for a photo in front of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform Truth Truck. See TOUR, page 4 DEFEND LIFE IS PUBLISHED BI-MONTHLY BY DEFEND LIFE, INC., 136 STEVENSON LANE, BALTIMORE, MD 21212 DEFEND LIFE • July - August 2011 3 Judge rules against troopers in Truth Tour suit A federal judge for the District A motion for summary judgment tion. of Maryland has ruled in favor of a argues that all necessary factual is- On August 1, 2008, the final group of pro-lifers in their lawsuit sues are either settled or so one-sided day of the tour, pro-lifers conducted against Maryland state troopers who that they need not be tried. a stop on a grassy shoulder along arrested them during a 2008 Defend Judge Bennett based his 51-page Route 24, near Route 924 in Harford Life Face the Truth Tour stop in Bel ruling on depositions from both sides County. Air. taken under oath, sworn declarations, Bennett notes that Maryland U.S. District Court Judge Rich- admissions of fact and other discov- state police in their depositions ad- ard Bennett, in a July 12 opinion, de- ery, as well as legal arguments. mitted that that location “is a popular clared that the state troopers violated All nine pro-life plaintiffs were destination for varying types of dem- the Defend Lifers’ First Amendment deposed by an attorney for the Mary- onstrators, political groups and com- free speech rights and their Fourth land State Police. Ames’ deposi- mercial advertisers to express their Amendment rights against unreason- tion, taken last December, lasted five respective messages,” and that “no able seizures. hours. persons or group of persons had ever “The First Amendment to the “I went over everything, includ- been arrested or ordered to disperse United States Constitution guaran- ing how we had had no problems in as a result of their expressive activi- tees the right of free speech – a right ties along Route 24.” that was unquestionably restricted Nevertheless, state police began by the Troopers’ actions on August ‘Thanks be to God, to receive a deluge of complaints 1, 2008,” Judge Bennett wrote. from motorists about the demonstra- “I’m ecstatic!” said Defend Life the First Amendment tors. Director Jack Ames, one of the nine still lives Said Bennett, “While some of pro-life plaintiffs in the lawsuit. in Maryland.’ the recorded calls reference traffic “God bless Judge Bennett. concerns, it is clear that the over- Thanks be to God, the First Amend- whelming sentiment of the callers ment still lives in Maryland; that’s previous Face the Truth tours,” re- relates to their offense or disapproval how we’re going to take back our called Ames. of the content of the Tour’s signs de- country, by exercising our First “I unloaded; I said [to the attor- picting aborted fetuses.” (Emphasis Amendment rights.” ney], ‘Do you realize the consterna- in orginal.) Christopher Ferrera of the Amer- tion that was caused because of the “They got these huge graphic ican Catholic Lawyers Association, arrests – parents trying to reach their pictures of dead babies!” said one re- who served as lead counsel for seven [jailed] child – their cell phone mes- corded caller. of the plaintiffs, called the judge’s sages going unanswered?’” “There’s a bunch of pro-life pro- ruling a “stunningly decisive affir- Judge Bennett frequently cited testers out on Route 24 . they got mation” of the pro-lifers’ rights and depositions by the state troopers pictures of dead babies and that’s just “a great day for the pro-life cause.” themselves as well as documents not cool,” reported another caller. Unless a settlement is reached, submitted by them as evidence that These calls prompted the Mary- the case will proceed to a jury trial they had violated the pro-lifers’ First land State Police into action. for assessment of damages the pro- and Fourth Amendment rights. A demonstrator captured on vid- lifers suffered as a result of the state eo virtually the entirety of the con- troopers’ unconstitutional actions. The 2008 mass arrest of the pro- frontation between the first trooper The case had been scheduled for lifers occurred during Defend Life’s to arrive, Christopher Bradley, and a July 18 jury trial, but Judge Ben- annual Face the Truth Tour, in which the pro-lifers. nett issued his July 12 ruling in re- demonstrators stood along high- Bradley told Tour Director Eliz- sponse to motions and cross-motions ways throughout Maryland, holding abeth Walsh that the tour needed a by both sides for summary judgment graphic posters of aborted babies to permit to demonstrate.
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