THE CRESCENT HARP THE ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS IN LOUISIANA VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3 MARCH—MAY, 2010 IRISHMAN OF THE YEAR The Louisiana State Board of Federal Narcotics Enforcement the Ancient Order of Hiber- taskforce. Upon his retire- nians, Philip M. Hannan, Car- ment from the Police Depart- dinal Gibbons, Acadian, and ment, he has continued to Republic of West Florida Divi- serve on the board of the Po- sions proudly announce Joseph lice Federal Credit Union. James Cronin Sr. as Irishman Cronin is a member of the of the Year for 2010. A re- Veterans of Foreign Wars Post FOLLOW THE LOUISIANA tired longshoreman and vet- 6640 and American Legion AOH ON-LINE eran of the New Orleans Po- Post 267. He is a parishioner lice Department, Brother Cro- at St. Benilde Church in Met- FACEBOOK nin was born in New Orleans airie where he was recently Louisiana State Board of in 1924, the son of the late honoured as a senior great- the Ancient Order of Hibernians Michael R. Cronin and Alice grandfather. McMullen Cronin. A native of Cronin was married to the UPCOMING EVENTS: the Irish Channel, he attended Navy Seabees from 1943-46. late Hilda Conzonire Cronin Redemptorist School and is a Upon his return from the from 1942 to 1960 and is cur- Irish Channel 1943 graduate of St. Aloysius war, Cronin joined the Clerks rently married to the former St. Patrick’s Day High School where he was Local Longshoreman’s Union Judy Whitney since 1963. He Mass and Parade named second team All-Prep Number 1497 and then gradu- is the father of six children, SATURDAY, MARCH 13 as a member of the football ated from the New Orleans twelve grandchildren, and two 12 noon team. Cronin then went on to Police Academy in 1946 where great-grandchildren. St. Mary’s Assumption serve during the Second World he served both as a patrolman War for the United States and as a special member of the Church _______________________ Solemn Mass for the Feast of St. Patrick YOUR NEW NEWSLETTER WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 sure we know of all events St. Patrick Church Brother Hibernians, serve as an arm of the AOH that involve the Irish. New Orleans After a unanimous vote of in heightening your aware- Last but not least, please 11:30 a.m. the membership of the Or- ness of your Irish Catholic help us underwrite the cost __________________________ der, the State Board of the heritage, but that is in large of this newsletter. Tell all Annual St. Patrick’s Day AOH in Louisiana has part contingent on your par- businesses who serve and Banquet adopted The Crescent Harp as ticipation as well. We need promote the Irish and all WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 its official newsletter for all you help, brothers, in finding things Irish that they should Sheraton Hotel future events, activities, and stories of interest to the Irish be placing their ads in this New Orleans notices. community and to the Broth- newsletter. 6:30 p.m. In addition to being the erhood. Since the last AOH Na- news organ of the AOH in Thus, please feel free to tional Convention in New Louisiana, it is our intention contact your division and Orleans, the Irish in the INSIDE THIS ISSUE: that The Crescent Harp serve as state recording secretaries or South have commanded the a conduit through which the this newsletter directly to attention of the National President’s Message 2 entire Irish community can inform them of whatever Board and the brotherhood Chaplain’s Message 2 learn of news and events news you have. Send us pic- throughout the nation. The throughout this area of the tures of yourself and your Crescent Harp is just one more DIVISION NEWS 3 country. loved ones and your friends step in the continuing Historical Moment 4 We want this newsletter to at all Irish functions. Make growth of our Ancient Or- PAGE 2 THE CRESCENT HARP President’s Message Dennis Quinn, Cardinal Gibbons Division Brother Hibernians, “Do what is beyond your strength even should you fail sometimes.” Chaplain’s Message Fr. Patrick Collum, State Chaplain Charles Stewart Friends in Christ, serve as State Chaplain following Fr. Des. Parnell—1885 The Ancient Order of Hibernians is a tre- In my homilies at Annunciation Church in mendous Catholic organization in the way it Bogalusa, I continually challenge my congrega- serves the Church and the entire community. tion to give more of their time, talent, and The thousands of Irish immigrants that moved treasure in the service of the Lord and one an- to the United States, especially after the Great other. My message is the same for the Hiber- Hunger of 1845-49, were Catholic and looking nians. There are many needs in our commu- for a way to serve or support their community. nity that still need our attention, and we are Thus, our Ancient Order came into being. called by the Lord to serve those needs. To be Today, many Catholics of Irish descent, both true disciples, to continually strive to serve men and women, serve in the AOH and the others, and not be self-serving is the call to LAOH. The structure is fairly similar to an- discipleship given to us by our Lord. The AOH other great Catholic organization, the Knights gives us that opportunity to do our part in the of Columbus. ministry of the Lord. I became a Chaplain to the Order back in I encourage the Hibernians to keep up the March 2002, and I have been impressed with good work in their unique ministry to the com- the good work of the Order. I am grateful for munity, to continually address the growing and the service they have given and continue to give varying needs of the Church, and to continually our community. strive to be the true disciples that the Lord calls The passing of Fr. Desmond Crotty in the us to be. Spring of 2007 was a sad and somber event for Again, I feel very blessed to be a part of this our local divisions and for the Order in general. ancient order and the great work and ministry Des had served as State Chaplain for many it does in the service of the Lord and one an- years, and we continue to miss him. I am other. grateful and honored to have been asked to VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3 PAGE 3 DIVISION NEWS HANNAN AND GIBBONS Hibernian brotherhood and faith. you who know of interested men DIVISIONS After Mass, the AOH gathered in in the Baton Rouge Area are en- ———————————— the Siena Room for coffee, dough- couraged to let them know and/or The Archbishop Hannan and Car- nuts, and juice to meet and greet have them contact Mike Schroe- dinal Gibbons Divisions installed interested parishioners and answer der at 225-555-1212 or their division officers at their joint questions about Hibernianism. [email protected]. meeting on October 15, 2009. Of- The Cardinal Gibbons Division ficers installed will serve until the will host the next AOH Mass and 2011 State Convention. Breakfast will be in the Spring with a date and parish to be announced. HANNAN DIVISION ———————————— John D. Fitzmorris Jr. - President ACADIAN DIVISION Lance C. Uhde IV - Vice-President The Acadian Division of the AOH Hon. Mark Shea - Financial Sec’y will host its Annual Crawfish Boil John T. Browne - Treasurer on Saturday, March 27, 2010, at Michael Boyle - Recording Sec’y Our Lady of Fatima Knights of Co- Very Rev. Neal McDermott, O.P. lumbus Hall in Lafayette. Tickets - Chaplain are available through AOH Acadian Division President Mark Foley. GIBBONS DIVISION ———————————— Dennis Quinn - President Gary P. McCarthy - Vice-President POSSIBLE NEW DIVISION Thomas O’Brien - Financial Sec’y FOR BATON ROUGE Steve Murphy - Treasurer A contingent of AOH members Sean Burke - Recording Sec’y will travel to Baton Rouge on Rev. William O’Riordan - Chap- Thursday, November 10 to discuss lain with members of the Baton Rouge ———————————— Community about starting an The Archbishop Hannan Division AOH Division for the State Capi- of the AOH hosted the first AOH tal. The meeting will be held at Mass and Breakfast on Sunday, Oc- Our Lady of Mercy Parish Activity tober 18, 2009 at St. Dominic Center, 222 Government Street, Church and Siena Room. More starting at 7:00 p.m. There will be than thirty Hibernians and their a brief presentation by members of families braved the elements and the State Board followed by a ques- put on an impressive show of tion and answer session. Those of GOT NEWS ABOUT THE IRISH IN LOUISIANA??? PUT IT HERE IN THE AOH NEWSLETTER! US POSTAGE PAID THE ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS IN LOUISIANA BULK RATE P.O. Box 19569 New Orleans, LA 70179-0569 Phone: 504-952-9925 E-mail: [email protected] Richard F. Burke Jr. - PRESIDENT john c. Kilburn - VICE-PRESIDENT hon. dennis Waldron - FINANCIAL SECRETARY b.j. Eckholdt - TREASURER john p. mcmenamin - RECORDING SECRETARY AOH UNVEILS DIVISION BANNERS To present an even better image to the commu- but significant Republic of West Florida with nity, the State Board of the AOH commissioned the “Bonnie Blue Flag” that flew over the Flor- a banner representing each division in the state ida Parishes briefly in 1810 prior to American of Louisiana. The banners, officially called annexation. “gonfalons,” represent the city and/or region Last but not least, the Acadian Division encompassed by each division. banner hearkens back to the unique relationship The Archbishop Hannan Division, the first of the Acadians and the Irish as people often division of the newly reconstituted AOH in oppressed and forced into exile.
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