Research An Asian Journal of Soil Science Paper Vol. 5 No. 2 (December, 2010) : 375-378 Received : October, 2010; Accepted : November, 2010 Studies on chemical properties and sulphur status of rice growing soils of Kalaghatagi Taluk in Dharwad district G. SHAILENDRA KUMAR , S.K .GALI AND S. RAVI ABSTRACT An Experiment was conducted at khalaghatagi Taluk of Dharwad district, during the year 2001-2002, involving chemical properties and sulphur status of rice growing soils, the rice soils of kalaghatagi taluk were found to be acidic in soil reaction, because of high rainfall, the electrical conductivity of these soils were very low in salt content (0.12-1.0 dSm -1 ).Lower soil pH and EC of soils indicated that these soils have undergone higher leaching as the area falls under hill zone, receiving average annual rainfall of 1000 mm. The organic carbon in general was medium in status, which is probably due to more vegetation and slow rate of decommission than in dry region. The available sulphur content of these soils is higher. Kumar, G., Shailendra, Gali, S.K., Ravi, S. (2010). Studies on chemical properties and sulphur status of rice growing soils of Kalaghatagi Taluk in Dharwad district. Asian J. Soil Sci. , 5 (2): 375-378 Key words : Sulphur, Rice, pH, EC, Organic carbon INTRODUCTION quality. It also improves the quality of cereals for milling Sulphur (S) is one of the essential plant nutrients and baking. It increases oil content of oilseeds. Sulphur and its contribution to increase in crop yield is well improves the quality, colour and uniformity of vegetable documented. It is being recognized as the fourth major crops. plant nutrient after nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and Sulphur is present in soils in both inorganic and potassium (K). It is well known for its role in the synthesis organic forms- But, the properties of inorganic and organic of the three essential S containing amino acids viz. , forms vary widely depending upon the nature of soil and cystine, cysteine and methionine. It is required for the its depth and management practices to which the soil is formation of chlorophyll, vitamins, glycosides, ferrodoxins subjected. It is reported that most of the sulphur, atleast and certain disulphide linkages besides activation of in surface soils, is present in soil organic matter and thus proteolytic enzymes and ATP- Sulphurylase enzyme. its distribution in soil is very much associated with organic Sulphur is also associated with the metabolism of carbon and nitrogen. carbohydrates and oils and in the formation of flavour The available sulphur is often not uniformly distributed and crop management through its favourable effect on down the profile. While sulphur in surface layers supply drought tolerance, winter hardiness, control of pests and the needs during seedling establishment, sulphur in deeper diseases and decomposition of crop residues. Apart from layers can be of considerable importance during later increasing the crude protein content of fodder, sulphur stages of crop growth and will be utilised to different reduces nitrate levels in forages and thus improves their degree depending on the rooting pattern of plant species. Correspondence to : G. SHAILENDRA KUMAR , Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, DHARWAD (KARNATAKA) INDIA Email: [email protected] Authors’ affiliations: S.K .GALI, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, DHARWAD (KARNATAKA) INDIA S. RAVI , Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Janawada, BIDAR (KARNATAKA) INDIA •HIND AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING INSTITUTE • G. SHAILENDRA KUMAR , S.K .GALI AND S. RAVI MATERIALS AND METHODS Kalaghatagi Taluk in Dharwad district. Treatments A field experiment was conducted in the farmers’ consisted of four levels of sulphur (single superphosphate field, at Dummavada village, Kalghatgi taluk, during the as S source) and were replicated five times. The Kharif season of 2000-2001 to Study on chemical experiment was laid out in randomized block design. It is properties and sulphur status of rice growing soils of bounded by Dharwad and Karwar taluk- this village is Table 1 : pH and EC value of rice soils of Kalghatgi taluk pH EC(dSm -1) Name of Village Upiand Midland Lowland Upland Midland Lowland Dummavada 5.92 6.45 6.3 0.55 0.81 0.49 Hirevanahajli 6,70 6.81 7.02 0.30 0.52 0.92 Bisalahalli 7.15 6.75 6.25 0.89 0.60 0.87 Begur 6-03 5.90 5.87 0.77 0.79 0.85 Hulaginakatti 6.71 6.42 6.13 1,10 0.92 0.86 Madakihanahalii 5.27 6.12 6.51 0-69 0.43 0.48 Sangadevarkoppa 6.60 7.02 6.20 0.36 0.28 0.49 Hirajinnur 6.29 6.82 6.35 0.19 0.23 0,32 Hindasgeri 5.70 5.73 6.27 0.18 0.20 0.23 Mallakinakoppa 7.02 5.85 6.10 0.62 0.63 0.71 Tarakondanahalli 5.21 5.96 6.34 0.17 0.23 0,32 Ganjigatti 5.27 6.50 5.72 0.18 0.13 0.16 Bogenagarkoppa 6.30 6.42 6.10 0.24 0.32 0.17 Harogeri 6.07 5.82 5.37 0.73 0.73 0.62 Ramanal 5-41 5.66 5.92 0.58 0.50 0.73 Dastikoppa 6.12 6.45 6.21 0.28 0.18 0.33 Belavantar 6.29 6.55 6.48 0.29 0,30 0.32 Aladakatti 6.50 6.40 6.50 0.13 0.17 0.13 Tavargere 6.50 5.80 5.20 0.70 0.61 0.59 Aralihonda 6.30 5-80 5.50 0.66 0.70 0.49 Bomigatti 6.44 6.32 6.15 0.19 0.31 0.28 Shivanapur 5.50 5.80 5.20 0.17 0,18 0.27 Galaginakatti 6.32 6.50 6.71 0,18 0.14 0.23 Devinakoppa 6.34 6.10 5.79 0.41 0.60 0.52 Junjanbail 6.30 6.20 6.10 0.68 0.70 0.18 Tambar 6.70 6.60 7.00 0.36 0.32 0.29 Sidhanabhavi 6.89 7.03 6.71 0.67 0.70 0.54 Kalghatgi 6.33 6.42 6.20 0.77 0.88 0.60 Kalakundi 6.55 6,65 6.43 0.43 0,36 0.46 Atakinahal 6-91 6.66 6:35 0,91 0.62 0.70 Jodahalli 7.10 7.30 6.20 0-80 0.66 0.47 G.Basavanakoppa 5,60 5.91 5,50 0.38 0.29 0,40 Kalasinakoppa 7.30 6.88 6,49 0.12 0.17 0.19 K. Narayanakoppa 6.35 6.34 6.01 0.29 0.39 0.28 Neersagar 6.40 6.68 7.01 0.30 0.29 0.22 Gambyapur 6.39 6.28 6.48 0.35 0.31 0.41 Yemmeti 5.21 5.72 5.65 0.39 0,68 0.37 Muttagi 6.40 6.64 6.87 0.44 0.51 0,56 Hulaginakatti 6.77 6.92 7,50 0.34 0.35 0-35 Tamarikoppa 6.18 5.93 5.72 0.72 0.63 0.75 Vallabhi 6.61 5.97 5.32 0:24 0.37 0.33 Dullikoppa 6.80 6.75 6.72 0.12 0.19 0.27 Hesavambi 7.06 6.63 5.80 0.48 0.70 0.70 Shigatti 6,19 5.97 5.75 0,69 .o.69 0.75 Mean 6.36 6.31 6.16 0.46 0.46 0.48 •HIND AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING INSTITUTE • [ 376 ] [Asian J. Soil Sci., 5 (2); (Dec., 2010)] STUDIES ON CHEMICAL PROPERTIES & SULPHUR STATUS OF RICE GROWING SOILS Table 2: Organic carbon and available sulphur status of rice soils of kalghatgi taluk Name of Village OC (g Kg-1) Available S (ppm) Upland Midland Lowland Upland Midland Lowland Dummavada 4.20 6.30 5.04 5.82 7.33 14.55 HirevanahaIN 3.90 3.90 3,30 5.40 8.00 19.25 Bisalahalli 7.10 2,70 7.60 11.69 5.80 59.80 Begur 4.60 7.30 7.20 9.58 32.02 49.40 Hulaginakatti 7.70 8.40 7.30 36.96 50.95 49.98 Madakihanahalli 3.00 2.90 6-20 4,60 6.11 28.99 Sangadevarkoppa 4.80 3.00 6.90 7,38 5.77 9.55 Hirajinnur 9.00 9.00 7.30 44.30 47.27 56,20 Hindasgeri 1.80 5.70 2.40 4.60 8.17 11.33 Mallakinakoppa 4.70 6.40 6.60 4.75 7.48 17,95 Tarakondanahalli 7.80 7.70 6.00 41.88 39.95 5.78 Ganjigatti 2.90 7.10 5.90 4.60 27.33 56.56 Bogenagarkoppa 3.90 6.10 5.60 3.72 5,42 7.49 Harogeri 6.90 7.50 7.30 4.17 31.0 70,00 Ramanat 8-20 8.10 4.20 42.17 36.38 29.80 Dastikoppa 3.30 7.20 3.30 7.10 15.10 10.35 Belavantar 7.10 7.30 6,90 10.12 37.48 47.70 Aladkatti 7.80 7.20 7,50 56.20 53.57 69.35 Tavargere 7.00 3.20 5.80 10.36 10.67 23.77 Aralihonda 6.90 7,60 8.10 42.11 52.45 56.98 Bomigatti 5.90 6.00 6.20 28.25 27.91 16.99 Shivanapur 4.80 4.70 4.80 6,55 4.60 19.85 Galaginakatti 6-60 6.20 6.60 7.93 16.06 58,62 Devinakoppa 7.10 6.00 6.10 11.09 29.40 28.21 Junjanbail 9.20 9.80 8.90 61.63 81.89 99.36 Tambar 3.90 6.00 5.90 5.21 7.77 20.27 Sidhanabhavi 2-80 6.00 6.70 4.30 6.05 8.21 Kalghatgi 6.80 8.80 8.70 32.93 32.80 50.40 Kalakundi 4.70 6.10 6.80 5.65 8.13 26.61 Atakinahat 5.70 6,00 5.20 10.40 5.17 7.34 Jodahalli 4.20 6.20 3.20 5.15 7.70 8.38 G.Basavanakoppa 5.20 5.20 5.10 6.50 10-50 10.40 Kalasinakoppa 6.00 4.20 5,10 10.00 7.50 18.26 K.Narayanakoppa 7.40 6.70 5.50 26.25 36,54 71,98 Neersagar 6.80 7,20 6.20 32.75 53,25 51.75 Gambyapur 6.40 6.20 7.20 30,62 37.07 62.50 Yemmeti 2.90 7.90 6.90 34.50 53.75 53,75 Muttagi 2-40 4.80 3.60 7.33 17.71 26.00 Hulaginakatti 5,80 5.90 5.60 24.37 31.21 56.87 Tamarikoppa 3-00 2.90 4.20 4.75 6.50 11.75 Vallabhi 5.40 6.30 4.80 7.37 10.50 21.75 Dullikoppa 9.30 8.20 7.10 50.25 72.57 47.21 Hesavambi 4.90 5.50 5.30 7.12 10.37 50.25 Shigatti 6.20 6.00 5.20 5.75 10.35 9.75 Mean 6.60 6.20 7.10 17.86 24.39 34.80 situated in the northern part of the hilli zone of Karnataka, content (0.57%).
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