A novel method for unambiguous ion identification in mixed ion beams extracted from an EBIT W. Meissl1, M. C. Simon1, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia2, H. Tawara2, J. Ullrich2, HP. Winter1, and F. Aumayr1* 1 Institut für Allgemeine Physik, Technische Universität Wien, A-1040 Wien, Austria 2 EBIT group, Max-Planck Institut für Kernphysik, D-69029 Heidelberg, Germany Abstract A novel technique to identify small fluxes of mixed highly charged ion beams extracted from an Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) is presented and practically demonstrated. The method exploits projectile charge state dependent potential emission of electrons as induced by ion impact on a metal surface to separate ions with identical or very similar mass-to-charge ratio. * corresponding author e-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +43 1 58801 13430, Fax: +43 1 58801 13499 postal address: Institut f. Allgemeine Physik, TU Wien, Wiedner Haupstr. 8-10/E134, A-1040 Vienna, Austria 2 1. INTRODUCTION An Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT [1]) is a device to breed, store, investigate and also to extract highly charged ions (HCIs) [2-6]. In an EBIT, the ions of interest are produced by bombardment with a mono-energetic electron beam. Their motion is radially and axially confined by the electron beam space charge and potentials applied to a set of drift tube electrodes, respectively. During their confinement in the trap, the ions are brought consecutively to higher charge states by collisions with beam electrons (see e.g. [6-9] and refs. therein). EBITs are used to investigate a wide variety of processes related to the physics of highly charged ions. Of fundamental importance are spectroscopic measurements of line radiation emitted from excited HCIs in order to test relativistic quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics (QED), electron correlation and nuclear physics (for recent work see e.g. [10-12]). More recently, ion beams extracted from an EBIT are utilized in a wide range of applications, from those associated with fusion plasma physics to those associated with nano- scale device fabrication [6-8]) Most EBITs utilize superconducting magnets which not only provide the necessary compression of the electron beam but also allow for cryopumping of the trap region. The base pressure in an EBIT is therefore quite low (≤ 10-10 mbar). However, cryopumping also conserves a memory on previously used other working gases. Extracted ion beams therefore usually do not only contain ions of the desired working gas in different charge states but also a mixture of different ion species with comparable mass-to-charge ratios. Mass scans of ion beams extracted from an EBIT usually performed with an analyzing sector magnet can thus be quite complex, with the ions of interest not identifiable in a straight-forward manner. We have devised a new method for characterizing extracted highly charged ion beams by means of the potential emission of electrons as induced by ion impact on a metal surface. In the following this method will be explained and demonstrated in a practical case. 3 2. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD The details of the Heidelberg EBIT can be found elsewhere [9]. In its continuous mode of operation, also referred to as leaky or dc mode, ions that have enough thermal energy escape the trap by overcoming the electrostatic barrier at the confining drift tube held at constant potential. Extracted ions are replaced continuously by injected gas atoms. The extracted ion beam contains different ion species with various charge states. The ion beam is focused by an Einzel-lens and transported to the experimental chamber via a 90° analyzing magnet which is used to separate ions with desired mass-to-charge. For the present study the central drift tube of the EBIT is biased to +6.4 kV, with the trap potential set to +210 V. 360mA emission current from the electron gun leads to a space charge potential of -250 V. That determines the ion extraction energy of 6.35 kV. The electron gun itself was biased to -7.5 kV, which together with a cathode bias of another -1.5 kV yields an electron beam energy of 15.1 kV, sufficient to produce bare Ar18+, He-like Xe52+ or Ne-like W64+. A typical mass over charge scan showing the number of transported ions versus the field of the analyzing magnet (already converted into a mass-to-charge ratio) for continuously extracted ions is shown in fig. 1. For this scan 129Xe has been used as working gas, but the ion beam is apparently strongly contaminated and even dominated by residual gas ions (mainly oxygen and carbon) as well as by still present ions from 40Ar (used as working gas shortly before). There is no possibility to distinguish between ions with identical mass over charge ratio with a scan like this. In our simple EBIT diagnostic device the ion beam enters a differentially pumped UHV chamber before hitting a clean metal surface under close to 30° angle of incidence (fig. 2). In our case we use a sputter-cleaned, single crystalline Au(111) target, but any other clean (polycrystalline) metal surface would do as well. To detect the number of emitted electrons we apply a slightly modified version of the electron detection scheme described by Lemell et al. [13]. Electrons emitted from the ion-surface interaction region are extracted by a weak electric field through a highly transparent grid and accelerated onto a surface barrier type detector (Canberra PD 100-12-300 AM) biased at +25 kV. Ray-trace calculations performed for this geometry with the program SIMION showed 4 that a field of about 100 V/cm is sufficient to collect all electrons with energies below 50 eV emitted into the half solid angle. Electron emission induced by a single projectile ion will be finished in a time much shorter than the time resolution of the applied detector electronics. Thus, n electrons emitted due to a particular ion impact will be registered like one electron of n.25 keV rather than n individual 25 keV electrons. The number of electrons emitted in a particular ion-impact event can therefore be deduced from the detectors pulse height distribution. More details on this electron number detection method and its appropriate evaluation can be found elsewhere ([13, 14] and refs. therein). In general, if slow (impact velocity << 1a.u., corresponding to 25 keV/amu) HCIs collide with a metal surface, the majority of electrons is emitted by a process called potential emission (PE), where the potential energy of the ion (i.e. the sum of all ionization potentials) rather then it’s kinetic energy (giving rise to the so-called kinetic emission – KE) dominates the total electron emission process [15, 16]. PE from metal surfaces has been found to strongly increase with the ion potential energy and hence it’s charge state [5, 16]. It is the information on the precise number of the emitted electrons which allows us to separate ions with identical or very similar mass-to-charge ratio (see chap. 3). To this purpose the analyzing magnet is continuously scanned while for each individual ion impact event the number of emitted electrons is recorded in coincidence with the actual value of the magnetic field (fig. 3). For this technique typical projectile fluxes at the target must not exceed a few ten-thousand ions per second in order to avoid pulse pile-up, but may be as low as a few ions per second, which in fact makes the present method ideally suited for use with an EBIT ion source. 5 3. RESULTS In fig. 4 the number of emitted electrons has been added as a second dimension to the mass over q scan shown in fig. 1. Each ion impact event is now characterized not only by the respective nominal charge to mass ratio (x-axis) but also by the amount of emitted electrons (y-axis). A series of distinct peaks are visible in this 2D-spectrum. While residual gas ions (Oq+, Cq+, etc.) are most prominent in intensity, their charge state (and potential energy) is comparably low, resulting in an electron emission yield of typically less than 10 e-/ion. They can thus easily be discriminated from higher charged ions like the full series of Xeq+ ions (q = 13 - 51). The series of HCIs from 40Ar is still visible and clearly separated from the Xeq+ HCIs in the 2D-scan of fig. 4. While the most prominent ions species could have been identified in a careful magnetic mass scan alone, the 2D scan in addition allows to identify trace ion species in the spectrum as well. Ions ejecting more than 150 electrons per impact event carry a higher charge than all Xe projectiles used. These ions were identified as Wq+ (60≤q≤64) HCIs from the cathode material of the EBITs electron gun, successively trapped and ionized in the EBIT itself. As three isotopes of tungsten are present (m=182, 184 and 186), the individual charge states cannot be separated anymore. Small peaks between the Xeq+ peaks in the region 19≤q≤21 point to ions with similar mass but slightly higher charge state than Xe (because of the slightly higher electron emission yield). They are identified as Baq+ (20≤q≤25) ions (also orginating from the e-gun). Cuq+ (15≤q≤23) ions (material of the EBIT drift tubes) and traces of sulfur and fluorine HCIs are visible in the vicinity of the Arq+ peaks. Note that the Baq+ series has a different spacing on the mass-over-charge axis between its individual peaks than the Xeq+ series. Due to this fact it is possible to distinguish even between two species, which have similar mass and charge, which would be impossible using a 1D electron number spectrum alone.
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