INDEX 1899 Spinning-Wheel Cookbook’s Chicken Jelly, 40 Black Bottom Pie, 177 1899 Spinning-Wheel Cookbook’s Fowl and Oyster Pie, 39 B L T Pita, 212 Blueberry Banana Nut Bread, 100 Aline Harelson’ s Spiced Tea, 203 Bob Butler’ s Crawfish Etouffée, 120 Angel Biscuits, 183 Bob Butler’ s English Trifle, 214 Anne Purnell Jackson’ s Curried Fruit, 153 Bobbie Calhoun’s Cornbread, 70 Anne V idal Davis Willetts’ Dad’ s Pork and Beans, 74 Boursin Cheese, 67 Another Julep Recipe, 148 Brandy Alexander Pie, 40 Archie Willetts’ BBQ Sauce with a Bite, 74 Bread Pudding, 47 Archie Willetts’ Smoked Turkey, 74 Brer Rabbit Goodies, 150 Asphodel Bread, 104 Broccoli Cornbread, 61 Asphodel Coq au V in, 104 Broccoli Salad, 142 Asphodel Corned Beef Hash, 104 Butter Pecan Turtle Bars, 54 Asphodel Dirty Rice, 104 Buttermilk Pie, 97 Audubon Pilgrimage Sweet-Potato Bread, 171 Aunt Freddie Bailey’ s Hot Pepper Fruit Salad, 63 C. L. Flowers’ Barbecue Sauce, 200 Aunt Freddie Bailey’ s Hot Pepper Jelly , 63 Cajun Cake, 190 Aunt Freddie Bailey’s Stuffed Mushrooms with Cajun Cayenne Toast, 162 Crabmeat, 63 Cajun Crabmeat Filo Pastries, 136 Caramel Custard, 214 Baked Sweet Potatoes, 170 Carlotta Lindsey’ s Basic Gumbo, 107 Barbara Major’ s Blackberry Ice Cream, 197 Carriage House Hot Crabmeat and Shrimp Dip, 44 Batter Bread, 70 Carriage House Restaurant Tomato Aspic, 44 BBQ Sauce for Ribs, 35 Catalpa Spanish Cream, 150 Bean Sprouts, 211 Catfish with Mushroom Sauce, 144 Better Than Sex Cake, 190 Catherine Brandon’s Cheese Crispies, 76 Betty Callon’ s Baked Grits Casserole, 35 Catherine Brandon’s Salted Pecans, 76 Betty Callon’ s Salmon Muffins, 34 Catherine Rheames’ Cornbread, 140 Betty Callon’ s Seven-Layer Lemon Cake, 34 Charlotte Russe, 166 Betty Dawson’s Lemon Squares, 203 Cheese Crispies, 67 Betty Rinaudo’ s Crawfish Etouffée, 120 Cheese Grits, 47 Betty Rinaudo’ s Fried Crawfish Tails, 119 Cherry Bounce, 197 Betty Rinaudo’ s Rum Cake, 176 Chocolate Cream Pie, 61 Betty Rinaudo’ s Yellow Squash with Crawfish, 119 Chocolate Ice Cream, 164 Betty Sessions’ Crème de Menthe Brownies, 54 Chocolate Obsession, 97 Beverly Stirling Robinson’ s Coconut Pound Cake, 122 Chocolate Zucchini Cake, 181 221 Cinnamon-Roll Biscuits, 183 Gertrude V eal’s Jam Cake, 197 Claudia Connell’ s Nutmeg Cookies, 109 Gertrude Veal’s Lemon Cake, 160 Cocktail Sausage with Sweet and Sour Sauce, 68 Gertrude Veal’s Tea-Party Teacakes, 149 Coco’s Constant Company Carrot Soup, 91 Glencoe Crawfish Bisque, 111 Concord Receipt for Gumbo, 23 Glencoe Plantation Lemon Sauce, 110 Concord Receipt for Making Frozen Punch, 23 Glencoe Scotch Scones, 111 Concord Receipt for Making Mint Sauce to Eat with Grasshopper Pie, 177 Roast Mutton, 24 Green Leaves Turtle Soup, 31 Concord Receipt for Pickling Pork, 24 Greenwood Fruitcake, 186 Connie Landry’ s Frozen Fruit Salad, 113 Greenwood Pecan Pralines, 186 Conville Lemoine’s Homemade Ice Cream, 214 Guacamole Sandwich, 212 Cracklin’ s, 140 Crawfish Etienne, 86 Hamburger Casserole, 189 Crawfish Fettuccine, 87 Harvard Bardwell’ s Smoked V enison in Bacon, 15 Cream Puffs, 84 Hattie Carmenia’ s Squash with Crawfish, 116 Creole Mustard Sauce, 135 Helen Ashley’ s Eggplant Dressing Casserole, 80 Creole Seafood au Gratin, 136 Ho Pao Eggs, 126 Curried Chicken Salad, 18 Homemade Mustard, 68 Cushaw Pie, 204 Honey Gross’ s Ambrosia Bavarian, 80 Humane Society Pork ’n’ Beans for 400, 71 Dewberry Jam, 196 Dot Stirling Y erby’ s Chocolate Delights, 123 Icebox V anilla Ice Cream, 163 Dot Stirling Y erby’ s Coconut Melt A ways, 123 Indian Beef Barbecue, 189 Dot Stirling Y erby’ s Delicious Bread Pudding, 123 Irv Daniel’ s Favorite Sweet-Potato Pie, 170 Dr. Hathaway’ s Chick-n-Cue Sauce, 200 Dr. Scott Galbreath’ s Baked Muscadine Catfish, 65 James Soileau’ s Cajun Jubilee, 113 Dr . Scott Galbreath’ s Muscadine Cake, 65 Janet Rinaudo’ s Chicken-Almond Casserole, 116 Duck Breast Pâté, 39 Jefferson Davis Pie, 78 Dunleith Pumpkin Bread, 42 Jezebel Sauce, 47 Joan C. Newton’ s W alnut-Sweet Potato Torte, 116 Eggnog, 167 Juliana Delee’ s Peaches-n-Cream Pie, 113 Ellen Bennett’ s Hummingbird Cake, 117 Emily Honeycutt’ s Chocolate-Peppermint Squares, 202 Katharine Butler’ s Corn Pudding, 180 Eola Apple Dumpling Cobbler, 56 Katharine Butler’s Homemade Chocolate Sauce, 164 Eola Shrimp Remoulade, 56 Estelle’ s Biscuits, 144 Lady Baltimore Cake, 20 Evelyn Smith’s Jacko Applesauce Spice Gems, 202 Lebkuchen, 84 Lehmann Landing Leg of Lamb, 39 Famous Catalpa Mint Juleps, 148 Leola Metz’ s Biscuits, 183 Famous Turkey Special, 211 Leola Metz’ s Sweet-Potato Pie, 171 Floating Island, 166 Linda Pruitt’ s Zucchini Bread, 194 Fried Rice, 125 Loelia’ s V anilla Ice Cream, 164 Frozen Mint Tea, 1 4 9 Loelia’ s Vanilla Ice Cream with Egg Yolks, 164 Loisie’ s Cookies, 173 General Grant’ s Pudding, 20 Loisie’ s Honey Pecan Balls, 174 Gertrude Veal’s Baked Cushaw, 205 Long Island Soft Ginger Cake, 18 Gertrude Veal’s Cornbread Oyster Stuffing, 70 Longwood Sponge Cake, 50 222 AUDUBON PLANTATION COUNTRY COOKBOOK Lucie Butler’ s Cushaw Bread, 205 Old Cake Recipe from the Misses Bowman of Lucie Butler’ s Venison Shish-Kabobs, 15 Rosedown, 156 Lucille Giroir’ s Peanut Butter Fudge, 108 Old English Plum Pudding, 167 Old South Antiques’ Champagne Punch, 131 Mable Clark’s Mamma’s Homemade Rolls, 81 Old-Fashioned Teacakes from Linwood, 102 Madeline Nevill’ s Spinach Madeleine, 153 Oriental Flank Steak, 188 Magearl House Antiques & Interiors’ Gingerbread Men, Ormond Butler’ s Barbecue Sauce for Beef, 188 131 Ormond Butler’s Wild Turkey, 15 Magearl House Wassail, 132 Oyster Pie, 38 Magnolia Hall Orange Blush, 47 Magnolia Special, 211 Paella Salad, 18 Mamie Thompson’s Famous Catalpa Eggnog, 167 Paradise Pudding, 177 Margaret Lemoine’ s Individual Crawfish Pies, 86 Parlange Seafood Casserole, 91 Margaret Lemoine’ s Seafood Casserole, 86 Patrick Calhoun’ s Favorite Apple Corn Muffins, 70 Marian Spann’s Goo Cake, 123 Patsy Hardouin’ s Cheese and Strawberries, 202 Marinated Crawfish, 86 Patsy’ s Crawfish Crepes, 174 Marinated Mushrooms, 68 Patsy’ s Crawfish-Broccoli Casserole, 174 Marinated Vegetable Salad for 150, 72 Paule Brierre Parlange’ s Cornbread, 91 Marsha Lindsey’ s Cranberry Wine Sauce, 116 Peggy Peabody’ s Party Chicken, 68 Martha Jones’ Spinach Crabmeat Dip, 115 Peking Meat Dumplings (Chiao Tzu), 126 Mary Butler’ s Eggplant Casserole, 180 Persimmon Pudding, 53 Mary Butler’ s Teacakes, 149 Pickled Beef Tongue, 40 Mary Butler’ s Wild Plum Jelly , 196 Pickled Cucumbers, 126 Mary Minor Butler Hébert’ s Little Fellow Lemon Pies, Pilgrimage Chess Pie, 129 149 Pilgrimage Coconut Pie, 129 Mary Powell’ s Strawberry Pie, 196 Pilgrimage Pecan Pie, 128 Mile-High Meringue, 61 Pilgrimage Pound Cake, 129 Milky W onder Cake, 191 Pots de Crème, 31 Miss Bea Johnston’ s Lemon Bread, 99 Miss Betsy’s Famous Cinnamon Rolls, 199 Quick Spanish Gazpacho, 180 Miss Julia’ s Potato Nests with Green Peas, 50 Miss Mott Plettinger’ s Green Pea Salad, 153 Rabbit Gumbo, 209 Miss Routh’ s Dewberry V inegar, 42 Rabbit Salad, 209 Misses Rumble’ s Christmas Charlotte Russe, 21 Rabbit Sausage, 209 Moo-She Pork, 125 Rabbit Spaghetti, 209 M r. Claude’ s Sock It to ’em Punch or D&D Delight, 91 Robert E. Lee Cake, 80 Mr. Joe Daniel’ s Barbecued Goat, 59 Roseneath Cheese Wafers, 99 Mrs. A. W. Treppendahl’ s Wild Duck, 81 Russian Tea Cakes, 84 Mulla’ s 1-2-3-4 Cake, 173 Muscadine Wine, 197 Sausage Biscuits, 183 Scott’ s Fried Pig T ails, 207 Natchez Pecan Pie, 56 Seafood Fettuccine, 87 Nelwynne Tynes’ Peach Ice Cream, 113 Shadetree’ s Almond Punch, 131 Nix Kucha, 26 Shadetree’ s Mulled Cider, 131 Shanty Too’s Boston Punch, The, 132 Oakland Open-Fire Hoecakes, 94 Sherry Sauce, 135 Oakland Toffee Cookies, 95 Shrimp Etouffée, 145 Index 223 Shrimp Salad with Two Sauces, 135 Under-the-Hill Saloon Bloody Mary, 29 Sock It to Me Cake, 191 Spinach Salad, 17 , 142 V eggie Pita, 211 Spinach Sandwiches, 150 Velma Connell’ s Chili, 108 Spoon Bread for Breakfast at Greenwood, 186 Venison Marinade, 14 Squaw Corn, 35 V iola Roberts’ Fig Cake, 108 Steamed Sweet Potatoes, 170 V iolet Pate’ s Bread and Butter Pickles, 159 Stephen Minor Receipt for Dressing Salads, 24 Violet Pate’s Chocolate Glazed Pound Cake, 160 Stir -Fry Pita, 212 Violet Pate’s Lemon Meringue Pie, 159 Strawberries Romanoff, 54 V iolet Pate’ s Pattypan Squash Pie, 181 Strawberry Crepes Flambé, 137 Violet Pate’s Pecan Candy, 160 Sue Powell’ s Banana Nut Bread, 203 V iolet Pate’ s Pecan Pie, 159 Super-Seasoned Pecan-Flavored Chicken, 95 V irginia Smith’ s Zucchini Bread, 194 Swedish Cream, 145 Sweet-Potato Crudités, 170 W . C. Percy’ s T urtle Stew , 216 Sweet-Potato Muffins, 171 W . C. Percy’ s V enison Sauce Piquante, 217 Syllabub, 20 W alter Parlange Sr .’s Soup, 92 W eidmann’ s Bourbon Pie, 176 Trout Meunière with Roasted Pecans, 162 Whiskey Sauce, 47 Turtle Soup, 38 224 AUDUBON PLANTATION COUNTRY COOKBOOK.
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