Weather 7 can.'temperature H. Sunny Today today, high 7S to ». dear to- Bight, low M<- Tomorrow and 25,000 Saturday, fair. High 'tomorrow, ( Red Bank Area J 80. See weather, page 2. Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1985. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS mued dill;. VLacAvt ttrouj* Frlilay. Second Clm Poiugt NO. 4 Paid at Red Bank and at Additional MUHnj Oltlcu. THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1965 7c PER COPY , PAGE ONE County Stands Firm on Library Decisions FREEHOLD — Construction of win said, "has to be accepted by called to introduce the library native of Freehold, will be the two new county libraries is an county government or else we architect. resident architect, or project essential service required now, should give up county govern- * Shay Introduced manager, for the two-year job. ment. No one else is going to Mr. Irwin said the firm will the Monmouth County Board of He is Howell Lewis Shay, head do it. The state and federal gov- of the Philadelphia firm of be retained on a fee basis of Freeholders declared yesterday. ernments talk about it, but it's Howell Lewis Shay and Associ- six per cent of total cost for Meeting the need, Freeholder up to us to do something." ates, who was chosen from among each building. Contracts will con- Director Joseph C. Irwin said The freeholders defended their six interviewed recently by the tain protective clauses in the with approval of the board, can't $1 million plan, for a library to freeholders. His selection was event that ordinances authoriz- be avoided any more than can be erected starting this fall in revealed exclusively by The Daily ing the building funds are never other capital demands • necessi- the coastal area and another Register June 23. passed. tated by a rising population. starting next year, probably in Mr. Shay said that Daniel The news conference followed "This responsibility," Mr. Ir- Freehold, at a news conference Briggs, of his firm, who is a (See COUNTY, Page 2) U.S. Planes Hit North Viet Reds Kill GI, Destroy Planes in Flash Attack SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP)—The Viet Cong killed one American, destroyed three planes and damaged three oth- ers in a hit-and-run attack on • jnMMtCHI1fCT_ — Howoll Lewis Shay, Philadelphia, seated left, was intro- Nang airbase today. But U.S. Air Force and Navy planes yestefday at architect for proposed two Monmouth County libraries. His ap- struck at North Viet Nam dur- jient was announced by Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin, seated right. Stand- ing the day without letup. ire Earlo W. Herrdrickson, chairman of the Monmouth County Library Commission, Bridges, barracks and radar and Daniel Briggs, project manager for the architect. installations were among the prime targets, and more propa- ganda leaflets were dropped over populated areas, a U.S. spokesman said. He said al planes returned "safely. ftddleto wir Selects . - Marines Land More U.S. Marines landed in South Viet Nam, at the coastal city of Qui Nhon. A U.S. spokes- man said between 400 and 500 ite for Its Library were coming ashore from 7th Fleet ships and would provide FRANK W. HARBOUR ly agreed to re-establish branch Although the township library security'for the Qui Nhon area ©LETOWN - The Library libraries. has more than 47,000 volumes, it as- well as "combat support for i, pushing ahead with its And the board, at this time, should have 120,000 to 130,000, the republic of South Viet Nam's WO construction program, has decided not to join the coun- the board has pointed out, based armed forces." elected a site, and tentative- ty library organization. on the local master plan. Qui Nhon, 270 miles northeast T If the library operation is of Saigon, is the fourth area to brought up to American Library be defended by the Leather- Association (ALA) standards, it necks. The others are the air could mean the eventual expend! bases at Da Nang, 380 miles ture of more than $1 million, northeast of Saigon, Chu Lai, 20 mghes to including building furnishings, miles south of Da Nang, • and equipment, new books and con- Phu Bai, 35 miles north of Da FLIGHT/LINE RUBBLE — An American solider runs past an FJ 02 Delta Dagger jet interceptor which was reduced tingencies. Nang. fo rubble earty this morning by explosives planted by Viet Cong guerrillas in an attack on Da N»ng Air Bat*. The etver Project The local board is thinking In In the central highlands 150 tenns.of a 27,000 to 30,000-square- miles south of Da Nang, four Viet Cong killed one American, destroyed three planet and damaged three rnore at the strategic bat*. • foot building, with construction Americans and about 50 Viet- costs estimated at $20 to $25 per namese were killed in a * Com- oan Fund Bill square foot. munist ambush near Cheo Reo. Untermeyer Hoping for Political Miracle ALA standards would put But the Red guerrillas were 3NT0N (AP) - Gov. Ri* ernor caUed the fund a major the estimate for furnishing and driven off w(th heavy losses af- i. Hughes scheduled signing step to curb a major public equipment costs at 10 to 15 per ter a day of close-in fighting. health problem. cent of construction costs; con- / of a bill getting up a loan tingency, 10 per cent; books, at The unofficial total of Ameri- to aid planning of joint mu- He'said the problem stems pri- can combat dead in Viet Nam Long Branch Day of Decision marily from the population ex- $4 to $5 per volume, average, ll sewerage projects, and annual library operational totaled 445 since December, wever, the fund would start plosion in the suburbs, inabil- 1961. LONG BRANCH — Mayor Mil- pointment of Michael G, Celli for whom he would vote, if the and Mr. Ciofti Is a close ally of costs at one-fourth to one-half to Third Ward seat made, and Mr. Mazza. only 1 million instead ot ity of local governments to keep of construction costs. The hit-and-run attack on Da ton F. Unterineyer fought into situation came down to this. It is .million asked by the gov- pace with the requirements of a Nang was carried out while a he late morning hours today, the entire matter tossed in his known, however, that during the At Tuesday night's- caucus fast growing population and In this case, operational costs 1 loping to pull a political miraoli lap. ' . runoff election campaign he and session, Mr. Untermeyer, besides . Hughes complained the re- would be estimated at $lbO,000 majority of the Americans on in by the Legislature "failure to provide regional en- (See REDS, Page 3) and emerge at noon as mayor. Contacted at his home last his forces worked hard for Coun- his own vote, received the votes gineering in the past." to $300,000 per year, based on Sources indicated this morn- night, Mr. Cell! refused to say oilmen Henry R. Cioffi's election, (See LONG BRANCH, Page 3) * cause many municipalities ALA standards. (er vital planning. But he He said some disposal systems ng that Mr. Untermeyer, aided le purpose of the bill Is so are literally cross-connected to Costa Listed by his close adviser, Benson tent that even il million water Supplies. In addition to the estimated Morse Asks Gold, had pulled out the stops "its'a'good start "Many package type and other $600,000 construction cost, new n his wooing of Donald L. Phil- ' Major Step small sewerage plants are inade- books, if ALA standards are met, lips, who will take office today statement prepared for a quate. Proliferotion of these types would cost $300,000 or more; UN Aid To and whose vote is needed by Mr. Signing ceremony, the gov- (See HUGHES, Page 3) (See M1DDLETOWN, Page 3) Untermeyer to deadlock the End Viet War mayoralty balloting. Reached at his homelasfhight, WASHINGTON (AP) -Capitol Mr. Phillips said iy'was' "not Hill prepared today for another true" that his vote was round of debate on the John- courted by Mr. PoliticalJargon^-^How son administration's policies in Asked if he would Viet Nam. vote from Councilman Vincent Sen. Wayne Morse, D-Ore., a J. Mazza, — who has been selec- } consistent critic of President ted for the mayor post, he Johnson's Southeast Asia polices, plied: "That's the way I lany Have You Heard? served notice he intends to break That's the way I'm going." his recent silence. He was ex- Mr. Gold denied dealing with pected to call for United Na- Mr. Phillips, but Mr. Untermeyei By JOHN KOLESAR seduce new companies, all of whom will'" tions action to end the war. construct plants that employ hundreds of. would neither confirm nor deny RENTON (AP) — Candidates campaign- A morning news conference the report. for office speak a.mystifying jargon in people in 'high-paying jobs that require no ', training or experience. The plants are all ^ seemed likely to give House Rfr :h words take on special new meanings. pimiwiT--xjcaaerT5efalO7~K. P ofd vote and a deadlock is created, the opportunity to defend him- — TCW—srencyTJ—SBooimrerrei—coniJWIglir" In architectual design contests and give off number of possible avenues ol 1 its early stages, is no exception. Gov. against criticism of House action are born. smoke or odors, use no water, require no GOP chieftains yesterday y ltd J. Hughes and his Republican op- police protection and employ childless couples Because some of the commit- Senate Democratic Leader Mike ments fn the mayoralty race are •irt, state Sen.
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