SUMMER 1984 SUPPLEMENT II -' WORLD'S GREATEST SELECTION OF THINGS TO SHOW DON'T LOSE YOUR CATALOG SUBSCRIPTION Because of increased printing costs we will no longer be able to mail catalogs to anyone who has not ordered from us in the last 15 months. SO, order from this catalog today and you will stay on our list. MIDSUMMER'S NIGHT CLOSING OUT! A JAZZY SUMMER SALE! SPECIAL! T. Marvin Hatley (videocassette) (videocassette) Music For laurel & Hardy BLACK AND TAN (1930) FLIGHTS AND FLYERS : (and Friends) 8 8 AMELIA EARHART' /ST. LOUIS BLUES (1929) A Blockhawk/Movietone compilation of Miss You can now own original studio recordings of BLACK AND TAN (1930) Earhart's exploits from about 1932 to that garbled background music created for the films of Laurel & message received at Howland Island. S~e her pilot an DUKE ELLINGTON autogiro, a tickertape parade in New York following her Hardy by the inimitable T. Marvin Hatley! This fine trans-Atlantic trip, receiving the National Geographic album contains memorable scores from WAY OUT D~ke Ellington's first screen appearance Award from President Hoover. Also arriving at Newark WEST, THEM THAR HILLS, SAPS AT SEA, SONS wos th is extraordinary and deeply moving after completing a cross country flig.ht in 17 hours and OF THE DESERT, A CHUMP AT OXFORD, film pr<,duced in the second year of sound some moments, and that ofter spending about 2½ hours BLOCKHEADS and BONNIE SCOTLAND. These on the ground for canopy repairs. Then on to Honolulu are not re-creations! They ore the original 1930s by Dudley Murphy. 20 min . BW by ship. N ext, a new Lockheed comes to her by way of recordings- without the dialogue thot was placed Purdue University where she is now on the faculty. In this ST. LOUIS BLUES (1929) new plane, she does tests at Burbank and finally leaves over the scores in the films . in 1937 ready to circle the earth at the equator. She takes Also included ore six new recordings of BESSIE SMITH off from San Francisco toward Hawaii. In Honolulu on Marvin' s songs for Chorley Chase and other Hal Bessie Smith sing-s the blues, set in a take-off the plane ground leaps and crashes. Amelia goes Roach Studio stars. Marvin sings and accompanies smoke-filled speakeasy of the late Twenties. home 'by ship vowing she'll do it yet. Finally, we see her himself on piano, drums, tuba, trumpet, accordion toking off from Miami toward Puerto Rico. 11 min. BW and celeste- mony at the same time! This is a limited Her only film . 16 min . BW SS06-66-2929 - Beta edition; only 1,000 have been pressed. Each copy SS06 -88-0630 - Beta S2S-66-2929 - VHS ....................... $24.98 is numbered and autographed by the marvelous T. 525-88-0630 - VHS ........... .. ........ $19.98 July only Sale Price Marvin Hatley! July only sale price $15.88 - 061-64-0105 - LP record .......... ... $9.99 CLOSEOUT PRICE .......... $6.99 $13.88 35mm 2" x 2" COLOR SLIDE JACKPOT of 50 slides Here's a buy of buys in 2" x 2" slides - regular double frame 35mm type and all in color. The~ slides a~e tests,_ mismoun_ts, seconds and imperfec!s - miscellany- no sets comRlete. 7 1 Each Jackpot contains 50 slides. 351-99-0001, Shde Jackpot ......... ~·····~·$1.19 CED VideoDisc SUMMER STOCK REDUCTION SALE 10% OFF ANY VIDEODISC TITLE IN STOCK IN OUR WAREHOUSE Order any VideoDisc title from our Big Catalog up until July 20, 1984 and deduct 10% from the regular price. We will not ac­ cept backorders at this reduced price. We will fill only that part of the order that is in stock. You can re-order at regula~ price1 any title we cannot fill at this special savings! No COD's, layaways __ or time payments, please. ________________ _ 1984 Blackhawk Films, Inc., One Old Eagle Brewery, Davenport, Iowa 52802 Regular Prices good thru July 3 I, I 984 These Blackhawk Collection Videocassette titles come beautifully boxed in a leather-like vinyl dust proof library case. Your movies are protected to insure long enjoyment of a quality recouJing and the collection makes a rich looking library when they are on your shelves. ALLEGHENY UPRISING FLIGHTS & FLIERS: AMELIA EARHART REALITY OF SELF-DEFENSE, THE ARTURO TOSCANINI CONDUCTSNERDI GENERAL, THE SEA AROUND US, THE AS YOU LIKE IT GREEN MOUNTAIN RAILROADING SERGEANT SULLIVAN SPEAKING BACK TO BATAAN GRIT OF THE GIRL TELEGRAPHER/ SHADOWS BALLOONATIC & ONE WEEK, THE IN THE SWITCH TOWER STAGE DOOR BIRTH OF A LEGEND HERE WE GO AGAIN STEAMBOAT BILL, JR. BIRTH OF A NATION HILLS OF UTAH STEP LIVELY BLUE CANADIAN ROCKIES HIPS, HIPS, HOORAY SPEED KINGS & LOVE/SPEED & THRILLS BLACKSMITH & COPS, THE k'II)'- AUTO RACE/MABEL'S MARRIED LIFE TAMING OF THE SHREW, THE CARTOON CAVALCADE KID 'N' IN HOLLYWOOD/ TEDDY AT THE THROTTLE CHAPLIN MUTUALS POLLY TIX IN WASHINGTON THIEF OF BAGDAD CRICKET ON THE HEARTH LAST OF THE PONY RIDERS TUMBLEWEEDS COLLEGE LITTLE RASCALS BOOKS I-XVI UB IWERKS CARTOON FESTIVALS COWTOWN LOST PATROL, THE WINNING OF THE WEST DAMSEL IN DISTRESS, A MONSTER WALKS, THE WORLD WAR II : THE EUROPEAN THEATRE DENTIST, THE MURDERER'S WIFE YANKEE DOODLE IN BERLIN DIPLOMANIACS NIGHT STAGE TO GALVESTON $50,000 REWARD DON 'T SHOVE & TWO GUN GUSSIE NOSFERATU, THE VAMPIRE EARTH PECK'S BAD BOY ERUPTION, ST. HELENS EXPLODES POLLYANNA FATTY & MABEL ADRIFT & POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL, THE FATTY MABEL AND THE LAW PRIVATE LIFE/KING HENRY VIII FRANKIE & JOHNNIE RAINBOW PARADE, THE For FREE ISSUE of RASCALAND TIMES just send your * name and address to: Send for your * Jackie Lynn Taylor FRL ENTERPRISES INC. FREE ISSUE! PO BOX 5416 RENO, NV 8951_3 Please do not send requests to Blackhawk Films as we don't have this item . • Th,s I 'lit edition ot \he RASCAL.ANO T• Mf.S III but ■ aamp;;..n,g ol wl'Lat •• 11\111 W•II 1)1(;-- ■ --0'-"-1 ~ 'f(lu• ,...:,,ng enj()ymenl Futur,IHUN ... ,!lconl.. '1 .. in,i'IOeCI -ave ol ,~ RASCALS IOO ■ Y (I 1 '■ '1Ylft,J)hllOIOl)hy,l ■ mll.in,etcj Q\lffllOIISlrom'tOU ans..,._, WI IIW O&A MOIT4ftl. arn:I k>l 1- of RASCAl t orm~r I inlr R ■'(■ I PICTURES ANO REFLEC,IONS ·JACKIE' t YNN TAYLOR 2 VIDEOCASSETTE SHADOWS (1922) he decides that if the Christion religion can do LON CHANEY, HARRISON FORD, that for a man, he desires it for himself. MARQUERITE DE LA MOTTE, SHADOWS is early Chaney, a year before JOHN SAINPOLIS THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME . His Yen Sin, a Chinese laundryman, drifts into role is a small one compared to those enacted a little fishing village in the wake of a storm in the pictures in which he starred, but he is which takes the life of one of the leading remarkable to see - and remarkably sym­ fishermen of the village. Shortly afterwards, pathetic - and performs well within the limita• the new minister loves and marries the fisher• tions imposed. The story is a well-built man's widow, greatly disappointing one of his melodrama, thoroughly conventional in its elders (John Sainpolis), who desires her for outlook and values. himself Harrison Ford was one of the most popular The eider' s revenge is to blackmail the leading men of his time, and Marguerite de minister by writing him notes which purports lo Motte was ideally cast as Constance in the to come from the dead fisherman (Wolter Douglas Fairbanks productions of THE THREE Long) , but only Yen Sin knows the truth of this, MUSKETEERS and THE IRON MASK . and he does not tell his story until the end of Wolter Long was a veteran of many Griffith the picture on his deathbed. Then he loosens films . his houseboat from the wharf where it has Mov.ie palace organ score performed by been fastened and drifts out to sea. Gaylord Carter. 70 min BW (The surviving Both the minister and his wife are very pre-print materials show some scratches that friendly with Yen Sin, but do not succeed in cannot be removed, but these do not destroy making a Christion of him until the very end . the power of this cinematic jewel of Chaney.) When Yen Sin realizes that the minister can 506-30-0930 - Beta forgive the enemy who posed as his friend, 525-30-0930 - VHS ......... $24.98 CARTOON CAVALCADE VIDEOCASSETTE MOLLY MOO COW AND • THE INDIANS (1935) More lush color and a delightful story of how Molly saves the little papoose from the rapids. THE THREE BEARS (1935) UB lwerks storytelling magic comes alive in the re-telling of this most classic of children's stories. MOLLY MOO COW AND RIP VAN WINKLE (1935) Molly finds the sleepy hollow and after drinking some of the little people's brew she bowls quite a game! Oh for the days of carefree cartoons! 23 min. 506-81-0564 - Beta 525-81-0564 - VHS ..... $19.98 THE HILLS OF UTAH2 (1951) GENE AUTRY, PAT BUTTRAM, THE GERALD FORD 1111.J FOR .. DENVER PYLE PRESIDENTIAL D """1 A feud is raging between the local mine operator and the cattle­ MUSEUM for CONGRESS- men when Gene returns to the Photographed by - - frontier town where his father was James R. Glessner AJI murdered. Gene is a kind of "doc- From the outside . ~ tor on horseback" and comes to through the inside you ~ establish a hospital in the com­ ' , munity. He gets in the middle and tour the library of our y 1, .. is being shot at by the mine owner only non-elected Presi­ if f ~ who blames Gene for his son's dent.
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