I&R 21. 1944 ~ ."TION CALIN"". MMA1I S, FA",., lte4 ,lalll,_, AI lbr•• ,h .,. ••"It All .... rll .....' 05 •••• la•• llall.I,1 .aOCIIIID rooD8, Blul .I... p. AI Fair Ipons ... r •••• ZI aD' At 'Ilr••• ~ 1.6 •••• la.. 'la".171 IUOU, _PI lie, 81, U, aD' III ~. ,... Id_/I.h,I, I.r five Ire TOday •••••• oa.b; . _p Ii .... I.r lin p ..... '.r '.lDe oall - DiD, ' ....at .. 11.11. fI, ...~ ; ••otll. II,p118' "a.p. 1 I1Id f IOWA: FUr wWa UnIe I A-12, gOOd , •• a 100.IIDII.I" OAIOIJNE, I~-A c.up." •••• '.r Ibr •• THE, iwlt'e In tlmPH'ahin. 1 tbrollJb 8.pt. U. 19 .. ,\ .'''Jo" " A" "oek (ood DAILY IOWAN eac h, expire • rJ' •• Ju lIew 'or ' •• r ucb h.m S.pI. 2~ IlIr.u.b D••. 11; rUEI. OIL. I No, 13 in , ••Ied • aDd 6 ........ .a1l4 1......... 1 • • "eal bUUD, Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ok:, good for ,.rl.d. will become DI AlIOPIA'UD ..... IPt. 22. They t1VE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1944 VOLUME XIJV NUMBER 30S ih Dec. 21, oupOo s, each in S if iSSued ~4, will ex. I'd C4" COII_ Ilve gallons III I, 1944- wol'th f iv~ Ihway goso. IlnW fU I·ther ----- Greeks Clear Rimini Second Ukraine Army I CONGRESSMEN ON TOUR IN EUROPEAN THEATER ------- Yan1ks Seize. Destroy 205 BFarm Of German Forces Drives Near Pre-War nt Ducks Rhine Bridge Dash Last Nazi Border of Hungary Jap Planes lues Hop.s of D.f.nding Sky troops, British lake PouibSelon Po River Vall.y Red. in Estonia 0/ the Moose Capture Cro ••ing S.iz. Kadrinai Of 37 WaBhips; 110 birds with By Mystery Move WITH THE EIGHTH ARMY IN Approach Capital Damage Two Airfield. if the bird is RIMINJ, Italy (AP)- Gl'eek troops Ru rnKME HEADQUA R· red fifty aCres hoisted their flag on the m<lin post- LONDON (AP)-Mal'shal Ro­ I . .'. PA 1FT F JJE ET 'fRR." AEF ( AP)-Amcrican ,thel's of the ail'bomc troopl'l in II dramatic office of Rimini ye.sterday and the dion Y. Malinovsky's Second Uk- HEADQ ARTER , Pearl Har· ~ b during the last German hope oi holding the bor (AP)-Carrier plan or COIIP s(' iz d th e "ital lower EIghth army away from ' the Po raine army drove to within 17/ eh open. to.. the Hal. ey- fitllci1el· Third fl t ]~hin p bridge at Nijmcgcn intact valley lay crushed in the desolate miles of the pre-war Hungarian I' m m for the made the nit!'d tll te til"llt ycst!'I'day and British tanlls ruins of this once-beautirul resort border yesterday at a point only aerial count rllttllck of tit war ),aced over it lind deep into Hol- and port city. 138 miles southeast of BUdapest,! on Manila bay ar a ~ dne~(lfty. ide members lanel th rOll ll' h cnemy defenses Gen. Heidrich's paracbutists capital ot the last bi, axis satel­ They d('qtroyed 205 .Ta]lanMC unling, Lodge guarding Nazi industrial might were pulling out of Rimini yester- lite. in til!' Bllhr vo ll ey. day morning alte\' Canadian forces plan and Rank 11 w8l'Rhir~ purch ased the Sweeping through 100 towns and probably. enl 26 ol heN! to ('1'1 f{ I' l' ." B . had moved up west of the city Con sv ille, 24 H' (, 1' 111 I'll( 10 Ralll l'Jt· with such speed and determination and vlllages In western Romania I h!' bottam. r Iowa City f It ish l'OO pS fOll ghl on nOI'1 h to that the port, once the Adriatic on a 50-mile [rol1t the Red army A floating dryd k lind tWI) J'sh land sui'!. junction with B l'itj"h airborne anchor of the Gothic line, no had reached the Hungarian plains baI'S alJl() probably 'Wpr(' wipl'd ered 285 acre! forceR lit Arnhem, and the Ger- longer was tenable. out. Jck club only. man Transocean agency said the ·The Greeks went quickly to in a downh 1Il push to knock out Admiral h . trW. -imitz ,0 use the club city was In flames. work cleaning out the few snipers Hungary. I fee to cover reported colle t ion of I h(' fi!'!lt LOOIIe Demolitions left behind. Seize Kadrlna lnalallmenl on the huae debt to ,e club. As American parachute troops Beyond Rimini and the Malcchia e rest o( the Simultaneously other powerful be exacted from the Japane in and gliderborne infantry dashed river stretch some of Italy's finest Soviet forces in the nortb under eft idle lodge out on the bridge and jerked loose roads and the powerful, mobile the northern Philippines In a transform the the enemy's demolition charges, RESEMBi,ING a noy Scout b Eighth army was poised to exploit Marshal Leonid A. Govorov sped special communique last nl,hl. nd , and per­ them. westward in a mlle-an-hour ad­ Thl. severe damaie was inflicted I' eHort. Sev­ [he British Second army attacked this member of the White army, The battle of Italy is not yet vance on Tallinn, Estonian capi­ FOUR OF THE SEVEN members of conrre_, who. re now on varlou8 unofflelal mJ.lonJ to Britain and In a strongly defended area despite simultaneously from the south, Belgla.n army of the Interior. 'I.'IIe ultivated and over, but it appeared yesterday to tal, and seized Kadrina, only 45 liberated countries of Europe, ar" shown above, left to rlrht, Representatives Walter H. Judd, Mlnne· a bl, umbrella of planes the J apa­ y beans were pouring out of shell-torne Nijme- Iuniforms worn by ' the troops be entering lts final phase, al- miles east of Tallinn. sota; Brooks Hays, Arkansas; Karl Mundt, South Dakota, and James P. Richards, South Carolina, ... nne sent to Intercept American Ie hay is used gen against the German defend- were dropped to them by ' 8rlt- though there still was some peavy The Leningrad troops under Utey sta .." an Informal reunlonln a London hotel. 0 ther representaUves In the EOT are MrL Francetl aircraft from Vice Aclrniral March lead of catile ers. Ish aircraft, but decor~tJons. worn fighting in the hills to the west of Govorov overran more than 300 Bolton of Ohio, Walt Horan or Washln .. ton and Chet HolifIeld or Calilornia. A. Mlt.lcher', fleet carrier task [arm, but the How the Americans got across by this youth were collected .from 'here. towns and vil1a,es during the day. force. lId. to the north bank of the Waal allied soldiers. The Germans, with much of Govorov's northern wing, pualllOl One hundred ten enemy lIircraU ligs and 1200 Rhlne to accomplish this daring , their transport Iyin, in rusting on Tallinn from the east now has Resolution Urg.s- were shot down in aerial do,ll,hts iht. Resident teat was not immediately learned R '11 U 'TVA' Iheaps beside the highways, must linked up witb the southern willi: Henry Wallace Urges i Hull Predicts Hard and 9~ more destroyed on historic farm are Mr. at supreme headquarters, but, oosev,e rges fight for their lives to get a size- advancing from the Tartu sector, Clark and Nichols alrrlelds, Ma­ Mills who do their valor saved the allies from ' able part of Marshal Albert Kes- the communique said, and the Fourth Term Peace for Germany nlla. 'epa re for the a time-consumin, setback in the For MI'sr.ourl" Vall'ey selring's army back into Germ~y. Germans have been cleared out ot The ahlppln, was cau,ht at I. battle of Holland. ~ Autumn rains slowed the allied the 900-square-mile isthmus be­ News Cavlte nav<ll base In Man ila bay. n d uri ng the Now the battle has swung to- offensive against the Gothic line tween Lake Pelpus and the Baltic Declare. Attack For ..... Death Admiral Nimitz reported that In o( the Moose ward Arnhem, eight miles north, yesterday after American iorces coast. On Motives ' .ddltlon to heavy dama,e Jnfllcted both children where the BritIsh Second army Recommends Agency punched a deep wedge into the In southern Poland other So­ For Top Men on Japanese .hlps and plan <llly for chil­ hopes to come to the relief of To Control River heart of the enemy's defenses viet troops extended their holdings Of Nominees 'Ab.urd' Freedom In Nazi Regim. "Much damage WII' done to mlli- 'our shetland hard-pressed airborne units which north of Florence. near the Czech frontier, capturin, * * * tar)' objectives adJacert to Clark all times. are believed holding a bridge Basin Development The IQw-hanaini clouds, how- a .number of localities including NEW YORK (AP)-Vlce-Pres- WASHINGTON (AP) - Secre- field and Nichols fLeld and to the edment," 'Said acrOSS the Neder Rhine, a second ---- evet·, were not able to ptevent WASHINGTON (AP) - The field. thems lves. Dukla. I.,. Romania tHe }(QS$fahs ident Henry A. Wallace, defeated tary Hull, tersely polnUna up one N~ ShlPl Da.ma«ed 01 Ule lodge. !ormidable wat-ercourse 1n the WASHINGTON (AP) - Mixed waves of British baUle planes from were attacking on a wide front, United State coniress, by l.Inani­ lor renomination at the Demo- aspect of 0 hard peace for Nazi "Our losses In tllJs .uperJlltlvt'J.r i II succeed and Rhine delta. congressional reacllon greeted a sweeping in low and hammering and both American and British mous votes, yeaterdllY called. tor It <lddition to cratic national convention, de­ Germany, ll8id yesterday that a lot IUccess1u1 attack which apparent­ If that crossina is secured they recommendation yes t erd a y by NaZI gun emplacements and other bombers based in Italy and the international compacts guarantee- will have only the Ijssel river to fortifications in the path of Brit- clared last night that America of Germans are gOinl to be shot l,y caulht the enemy completely by President Roosevelt that an agericy 1 h dedi t tI Red airforce were attackin, stra­ Ing a free intercbange of news surprise were 15 aJrcraft from ford before they are out on Ger- S lin ana an roops execu ng tegic rail cities such as Debre<.'tIn must go forward "in the light ot when the war Is over.
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