THE CITY IN ISAIAH 24-27: A THEOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION IN TERMS OF JUDGMENT AND SALVATION Jin-Hak Kim Dissertation presented for the Degree of Doctor of Theology at Stellenbosch University Promoter: Prof. H.L. Bosman December 2008 Declaration By submitting this dissertation electronically, I declare that the entirety of the work contained therein is my own, original work, that I am the owner of the copyright thereof (unless to the extent explicitly otherwise stated) and that I have not previously in its entirety or in part submitted it for obtaining any qualification. Date: 27 November 2008 Copyright © 2008 Stellenbosch University All rights reserved II ABSTRACT As the title indicates, our study is focused on a theological interpretation of the city in Isaiah 24-27 from the point of view of God’s judgment and salvation. The main reason for the study is that in Isaiah 24-27, the city plays a very significant role. The research therefore employs the socio-rhetorical approach which is a method that explores a multi-dimensional way of dealing with the text. Applying Robbins’ (1966a & b) textural analysis to the text of Isaiah 24-27, the inner and inter textures are examined in order to demonstrate the narrator’s rhetorical strategy. Through the prophetic genre of judgement and salvation, the narrator challenges the audience/reader to change their minds and attitudes, especially about the city. The challenge is that the fortified city alone would never provide safety and peace but rather bring God’s judgment. In contrast, God alone provides salvation and protection through God’s reign on Mount Zion/Jerusalem. It is shown that this rhetorical strategy is deeply embedded in the social and cultural context. The expectation was that the historical and political chaos which was triggered by international pressures and Israel’s unfaithfulness and injustice might cause Israel to reflect on what happened and what would happen to the city in God’s eschatological time. The rhetorical strategy also highlights the eschatological-apocalyptic character of the text and the author of Isaiah 24-27 uses it to focus on the ideological and theological textures by means of which he warned that “Zion theology” could become “Zion ideology” if it became located beyond prophetic voice and criticism. Furthermore, it is shown that the theological texture highlights God’s theological viewpoint that is symbolized by subjects such as universalism and the restoration of Zion/Jerusalem through judgment and salvation both of which are dialectically reflected in the destiny of the city of Zion/Jerusalem. At a deeper level, this theological engagement is based on God’s steadfast covenant love and justice, through which, God as husband and king, makes a demand on the city Jerusalem/Zion, the wife and the faith community. We have attempted to show from Isaiah 24-27 that God’s kingship is expressed in an apocalyptic manner which is beyond human power and intervention in order to emphasize God’s absolute sovereignty in controlling human destiny, especially the city. In line with the odd literary genre of the text, there still exist traditional prophetic thoughts which demand human responsibility on issues such as repentance, execution of social justice and righteousness in life. III OPSOMMING Soos hierdie tesis se titel aandui, fokus die studie op ’n teologiese interpretasie van die stad in Jesaja 24-27 vanuit die perspektief van God se oordeel en verlossing. Die belangrikste rede vir die studie is die feit dat die stad ’n baie betekenisvolle rol speel in Jesaja 24-27. Die navorsing maak daarom gebruik van die sosio-retoriese benadering, ‘n metode wat ’n multi- dimensionele metode van met die teks werk, ondersoek. Met die toepassing van Robbin’s (1966a & b) se teksturele analise van die teks van Jesaja 24- 17, word die binne- en inter-teksture ondersoek om die verteller se retoriese strategie te demonstreer. Deur die profetiese genre van oordeel en verlossing, daag die verteller die gehoor/lesers uit om hul menings en houdings te verander, veral oor die stad. Die uitdaging is dat net die vestingstad nooit veiligheid en vrede sal bied nie, maar eerder God se oordeel bring. Daarteenoor bied God alleen beskerming en verlossing deur God se heerskappy op Berg Sion/Jerusalem. Daar word uitgewys hoe hierdie retoriese strategie diep gewortel is in sosiale en kulturele konteks. Die verwagting was dat die historiese en politieke wanorde wat veroorsaak is deur internasionele druk en Israel se ontrouheid en onreg sou veroorsaak dat Israel nadink oor wat gebeur het en wat in God se eskatologiese tyd met die stad sou gebeur. Die retoriese strategie beklemtoon ook die eskatologies-apokaliptiese aard van die teks en die skrywer van Jesaja 24-27 gebruik dit om te fokus op die ideologiese en teologiese teksture waardeur hy waarsku dat “Sion-teologie” “Sion-ideologie” kan word wanneer dit bo profetiese stem en kritiek verhef word. Daarbenewens word aangedui dat die teologiese tekstuur God se teologiese standpunt beklemtoon, wat gesimboliseer word deur onderwerpe soos universalisme en die herstel van Sion/Jerusalem deur oordeel en verlossing, wat albei dialekties gereflekteer word in the lot van die stad Sion/Jerusalem. Op ’n dieper vlak word hierdie teologiese inskakeling gebaseer op God se troue verbondsliefde en –geregtigheid, waardeur God, as eggenoot en koning, ’n eis stel aan die stad Zion/Jerusalem, die eggenoot en geloofsgemeenskap. Daar is probeer om uit Jesaja 24-27 te toon dat God se koningskap uitgedruk word op apokaliptiese wyse ver bo menslike mag en intervensie – om God se absolute heerskappy in terme van beheer oor menslike lot, veral die stad, te beklemtoon. Belyn met die eienaardige literêre genre van die teks, is daar steeds tradisionele profetiese gedagtes wat menslike verantwoordelikheid vereis oor kwessies soos berou en die beoefening van sosiale reg en geregtigheid in die lewe. IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In this long journey, I was not lonely because of God’s steadfast love. Through His grace, I was able to complete the process of writing this dissertation. I also thank God for giving me the opportunity to study theology in a beautiful place such as Stellenbosch University where I have learned Christian love and humility. I specially thank my promoter, Prof. H.L Bosman, not only for his professional guidance but also for his loving kindness throughout my studies. It is not an exaggeration to say that without his patience and his way of challenging me academic, I would not have been able to complete this dissertation. Furthermore, I would like to express my appreciation to the following individuals and organizations: 1) Our Wednesday Old Testament Seminar members, especially Prof. L.C Jonker for his kindness and insight during seminars and discussions which have broadened my theological thinking and understanding. 2) Some library and faculty staff members who offered their services and advice during my research. 3) Other professors and members who gave words of encouragement and showed kindness. As an overseas student, these things meant a lot to me. As a Korean student, I also appreciate the Korean Community's fellowship at the University of Stellenbosch and the love of the members of the First Korean Church in Cape Town. Through their love and care, I learnt how to live in the faith community. Finally, I deeply appreciate my wife, Hye-Yong Lee, for her sacrifice, support and prayer. In our beloved Jenny, we shall also cherish much joyful memories of our time together South Africa. V Abbreviations AAR American Academy of Religion, Studies in Religion ABD Anchor Bible Dictionary AcOr Acta Orientalia AGNT Analytical Greek New Testament ANE Ancient Near Eastern AOAT Alter Orient und Altes Testament ASTI Annual of the Swedish Theological Institute BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research BI Biblical Interpretation Bib Biblica BN Biblische Notizen BSac Bibliotheca Sacra BT The Bible Translator BTB Biblical Theology Bulletin BWANT Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament BZAW Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly CR:BS Currents in Research Biblical Studies CTJ Calvin Theological Journal EDNT Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament EvTh Evangelische Theologie ESV English Standard Version ETL Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, Louvain ETR Etudes théologiques et religieuses Ex The Expositor ExpTim The Expository Times GNB Good News Bible HAR Hebrew Annual Review HALOT The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament HSS Harvard Semitic Studies HTR Harvard Theological Review HTS Harvard Theological Studies IDB Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible. IDBSup Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible Supplementary Volume Inter Interpretation ISBE International Standard Bible Encyclopedia JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society JB Jerusalem Bible JBL Journal of Biblical Literature JETS Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society JJS Journal of Jewish Studies JNSL Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages JSJS Journal for the Study of Judaism Supplements JSNT Journal for the Study of the New Testament JSNTSS Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series JSOT Journal of the Study of the Old Testament JSOTSup Journal of the Study of the Old Testament Supplement JSS Journal of Semitic Studies JTC Journal for Theology and Church VI JTS Journal of Theological Studies LB Lutherbibel NASB New American Standard Bible NBDB The New Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew-English
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