![Arxiv:2012.08750V3 [Cond-Mat.Mes-Hall] 3 Jan 2021 Evaluated in the Bloch Representation](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Adiabatically Induced Orbital Magnetization Cong Xiao, Yafei Ren, and Bangguo Xiong Department of Physics, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, USA A semiclassical theory for the orbital magnetization due to adiabatic evolutions of Bloch electronic states is proposed. It renders a unified theory for the periodic-evolution pumped orbital magnetiza- tion and the orbital magnetoelectric response in insulators by revealing that these two phenomena are the only instances where the induced magnetization is gauge invariant. This theory also accounts for the electric-field induced intrinsic orbital magnetization in two-dimensional metals and Chern insulators. We illustrate the orbital magnetization pumped by microscopic local rotations of atoms, which correspond to phonon modes with angular momentum, in toy models based on honeycomb lattice, and the results are comparable to the pumped spin magnetization via strong Rashba spin orbit coupling. We also show the vital role of the orbital magnetoelectricity in validating the Mott relation between the intrinsic nonlinear anomalous Hall and Ettingshausen effects. I. INTRODUCTION current in the second Chern form of Berry curvatures. Noticeably, the orbital magnetoelectric effect and the periodic-evolution pumped orbital magnetization emerge Understanding the orbital magnetization in crystalline as the only instances where the induced magnetization is solids is among the most important objectives of orbi- gauge invariant due to the elimination of its explicit time tronics [1{3]. Unlike its spin companion, the orbital mag- dependence. Our work thus renders a unified theory of netization of Bloch electrons in the absence of external both phenomena in insulators with vanishing Chern num- perturbations is already hard to access quantum mechan- bers. Besides, unlike the Chern-Simons contribution de- ically, as it does not correspond to a bounded operator. duced from the second Chern form current, the induced This nonlocality is finally accounted for by a Berry phase magnetization due to the perturbed Berry connection is formula [4{6] that gives significantly distinct orbital mag- well defined irrespective of Chern invariants and of insu- netization from the atom-centered approximation when lators or metals. As a result, the orbital magnetoelectric- combined with ab-initio calculations in various magnetic ity in two-dimensional (2D) metals and Chern insulators, materials [7{9]. In the presence of external driving elec- which had long been hard to approach, is also attained tric fields, the extrinsic responses of spin and orbital mag- in our theory. netization, namely the spin and orbital Edelstein effects, are given similarly by the magnetic moments averaged over current-carrying states [10{15]. In contrast, the in- We apply our theory to illustrate the orbital magne- trinsic responses of them, i.e., the spin and orbital mag- tization pumped by microscopic atomic rotations, which netoelectric effects, are completely different due to the correspond to phonon modes with angular momentum nonlocal nature of the magnetic dipole operator. Specifi- [25, 26], in toy models based on the honeycomb lattice. cally, the spin magnetoelectricity [16, 17] is dictated by a The results are comparable to the pumped spin mag- Berry curvature following the ubiquitous character of in- netization via a strong Rashba spin orbit coupling [24]. trinsic linear responses of a local operator [18], while the We also show the vital role played by the electric-field orbital one consists of a Chern-Simons three form and induced orbital magnetization in the nonlinear intrinsic a perturbative term of the reciprocal-space Berry con- anomalous Ettingshausen effect in 2D metallic systems. nection [19{22]. Besides, the magnetization pumped by In particular, the Mott relation is validated in intrin- periodic adiabatic processes in band insulators has been sic nonlinear transport by subtracting the magnetization studied recently by a density matrix approach evaluat- component of the thermal current in the second order of ing the time-averaged expectation value of the spin and the electric field. magnetic dipole operators [23, 24]. In this approach, the orbital magnetization can only be obtained in the Wan- nier basis [23], in contrast to the spin one that can be This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we lay arXiv:2012.08750v3 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 3 Jan 2021 evaluated in the Bloch representation. out the semiclassical theory of Bloch electrons, which is Up to date, the orbital magnetization induced by elec- employed to study the adiabatically induced orbital mag- tric fields and by periodic adiabatic processes are treated netization in metals and insulators, respectively, in Sec. by different theories. Whether both phenomena have a III and Sec. IV. A case study of the orbital magnetization deep connection and if they can emerge in a unified the- pumped by local rotations of atoms and the application oretical framework are still unknown. In this work, we of the orbital magnetoelectricity to the intrinsic nonlin- develop a semiclassical theory for the magnetization in- ear anomalous Ettingshausen effect are shown in Sec. V, duced by adiabatic evolutions of Bloch electronic states. followed by a summary in Sec. VI. Some technical details In general, the adiabatically induced orbital magnetiza- of the theory are presented in Appendices A and B for tion is gauge dependent due to the presence of the electric the convenience of interested readers. 2 0 II. SEMICLASSICAL THEORY of local Hamiltonian H^c but is modified by H^ up to the linear order of spatial gradients [22]. In the well es- In the semiclassical description, the Hamiltonian felt tablished second-order theory [29] the inhomogeneity ap- pears only in electromagnetic gauge potentials, whereas by a narrow wave packet centered around position rc is 0 the following results account for weak inhomogeneities H^ = H^c +H^ in the first order gradient expansion, where ^ ^ P ^(α) (α) of mechanical fields conjugate to general bounded opera- Hc = H0 r^; p^; w (rc) ;R (t) + α θ · h (rc; t) is 0 1 @H^c tors. This generalization is necessary to obtain the adia- the local Hamiltonian and H^ = f(^r − rc) ; g is 2 i @rci batically induced orbital magnetization carried by Bloch the gradient correction [27]. The Einstein summation electrons by calculating the magnetization current, which convention is implied for repeated Cartesian indices i, j is manifested only in nonuniform systems [30, 31]. For ^ and s henceforth. H0 is the local approximation of the this purpose, it is sufficient to retain results up to the ^ genuine Hamiltonian. The most general H0 considered order of the product spatial and time derivatives. here includes w (rc) that represents possible nonuniform In the second-order theory the wave packet takes the static mechanical fields varying slowly on the scale of form of [29] the wave packet as well as R (t) serving as a parameter X X whose time evolution is adiabatic. Besides, in order to jW (k; r ; t)i = eip·r^[C ju i + C ju i]; implement the variational approach to obtain the local n c np np n1p n1p p n16=n density of a bounded observable, we add the auxiliary (2) P ^(α) (α) term α θ · h (r; t) into the Hamiltonian and ex- where (derivations presented in Appendix A) (α) pand it around rc. Here θ^ (α = 1; 2; ::) is a set of bounded observable operators, each of which is assumed ∆n1nCn rc p Cn = − iA · (i@p + A − rc)Cn (3) to be a vector for simple notations, without losing gen- 1 n1n n "np − "n1p erality. h(α) (r; t) denotes the conjugate slowly varying (α) external fields, and h (rc; t) changes adiabatically in incorporates spatial-gradient induced corrections. Here the parameter space (t; rc). At the end of the calculation (α) i X p the auxiliary term is set to zero, i.e., h = 0. ∆n n ≡ (@p^ · @r H^c)n n + (@r H^c)n n · A 1 2 c 1 c 1 2 n2n In the semiclassical theory that is accurate to the n26=n first order of spatial gradients and of time derivative r − A c · v (4) P n1n n [27, 28], the wave packet jWn (k; rc; t)i = p Cnpj npi is constructed by superposing the local Bloch states rc has the dimension of energy, with A = hunji@r jun i. ip·r^ ^ nn1 c 1 j np (rc; t)i = e junp (rc; t)i of Hc. Here n and ~p are The wave-packet center appearing in Eq. (3) is deter- the band index and crystal momentum, respectively, and k k mined by rc = hW jr^jW i = @kγ(k) + A + a , where the coefficient Cnp is sharply distributed around the wave −γ(p) is the phase of C . While the first two terms P 2 np vector k of the wave packet, obeying p Cnp = 1. To appear already in the first order theory [27], the third simplify notations, all the band quantities without ex- term ak ≡ 2 Re P P C∗ C Ap is the inhomo- n p n16=n np n1p nn1 plicit band index are considered for band n, unless oth- geneity induced positional shift of the wave-packet cen- erwise noted. Throughout this study we consider nonde- ter. Gathering the above results we get a gauge invariant generate bands to simplify the analysis and assume they expression are so separated that adiabatic evolutions are feasible. The wave packet Lagrangian reads (set = 1) Ak ∆ ~ k X nn1 n1n rck an = 2 Re − @k ·Gn ; (5) d "n − "n1 L = hW ji −H^ jW i = r_ ·k+k_ ·Ak+r_ ·Arc +At−";~ (1) n16=n dt c c rck P rc k k=r with G = Re A A being the quantum c t n n16=n nn1 n1n where A = hunji@k=rc juni and A = hunji@tjuni are the Berry connections derived from the periodic part metric tensor in (rc; k) space.
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