m m Six High Schools to Graduate 456 Pupils Seminary Host to Serrans and Servers 39 Will Be Graduated Joint Commeneement Exercises June 3 Mullen High to Present Tlie'19th annual joint commencement exercises for Denver’s five paro­ Diplomas to 7 May 25 By S t Mary's Academy chial high schools and Regis high school will be held Sunday,, June 3, in the The 15th commencement exer Graduation exercises will be City auditorium at 3 p.m., according to an announcement by the Rev. Edward cises of Mullen high school, Fort held at St. Mary’s academy, Den­ Leyden, archdiocesan superintendent of schools. Logan, will take place Friday, May ver, on Thursday, May 31, at Quigg Newton and other city and state officials. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will present diplomas to 25, in the school gymnasium at 10:30 o’clock. Diplomas will be Awards, in the Archbishop’s essay competition will 8:15 p.m. The seven ^aduates are conferred on 39 graduates by the 456 seniors. Bob Axford, John Barone, George Archbishop Urban J. Vehr. The Rt. be conferred in the ceremony. Raymond Koch of St. Joseph’s high school will Bravdica, George Hernandez, Phil Rev. Mopsignor Harold V. Camp­ Twenty-six seniors are at present serving in re­ preside as student chairman of the commencement Quintana, Angus Roger, and Frank bell, pastor of Blessed Sacrament serve components of the armed forces. Robert Ca- Romero. parish, will present the .seniors to rogram. The valedictory address will be delivered varra, senior at St. Joseph’s/ high school, who has Bob Axford 'wilK deliver the the Archbishop and will (Jeliver ly John F. Kelly of Annunciation hi^h school. provided organ music for several comrhencement ex­ sali^tatory address. Presentation of the address. a ards and diplomas will precede Miss Georgiana Rieden will direct two choral ercises, will make his last appearance at the console Admission to the chapel exer­ George Hernandez’ valedictory cises is by card only but all the selections to be rendered by the St. Francis de Sales’ of the City auditorium organ. speech. The Very Rev. William J. friends of the graduates are in­ high school Girls’ chorus. The Catholic High Schools’ High schools participating, besides Regis, ate Kenneally, C.M., rector of St. vited K) the reception in the orchestra, under the direction of Dwight McCready, Cathedral, St. Francis de Sales’, Holy Family, St. Thomas’ seminary, will give the school auditorium after the gradu­ will present selected music. Joseph’s, and Annunciation. commencement address. Mullen ation exercises. St. Mary’s is con­ high is conducted by the Christian ducted by the Sisters of Loretto Guests of^ Archbishop Vehr will include Mayor (Names of Graduates on Page 2) Brothers. Bishop Newell Will Officiate Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1951— Permission to Reproduce, Except on Brighton Crucifixion Unit 4r*’'icles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. To Be Dedicated May 30 SMILES PREDOMINATED as the Serra expectations and fittingly served their purpose of club sponsored its first “get-acquainted” showing young Catholic boys what life in the seminary is like. The “ get-acquainted day’’ was a day for eighth- grade altar boys from Denver pa­ project of the Serra vocation committee and was DENVER CATHaiC rochial schools. The young altar ^ y s were guests of arranged by Paul Murray, chairman, and his co­ honor at the open house at St. Thomas’ seminary. workers. Each school was Invited to send five eighth Denver. Activities of the day included a Solemn grade altar boys after it was found that the facili­ Mass, a movie about the semiriary, luncheon, games ties could not accommodate all the eighth graders. and races, conducted tours, and Solemn Benedic­ So successful was the activity that already plans tion. are being made for its expansion. The day was enthusiastically hailed as a great Shown above (left to right) are the Very Rev. REGISTER success. As for 96 eighth grade altar boys from the William Kenneally, C.M., seminary rector; Paul many parochial schools of Denver, ask the chauf­ Murray, Serra vbcation committee chairman; Tho­ feurs who drove the excited boys home from the mas Tierney, Serra president; Gilbert Roth, A1 VOL. XLVI. No. 40. THURSDAY, M A Y 24, 1951 DENVER, COLORADO seminary open house. With one accord they will let O’Meara, Jr., Serra trustee; and Joseph Weaver, you know that the events of the day surpassed all Sacred Heart school.— {Register photo by Smyth) Theatines Plan Denver House of Studies Seven-Acre Site Purchased Less Than Year After Parish Established Mass in Colo. Springs Church May 27 Near St. Thomas’ Seminary Mass will be offered for a cost of more than $50,000. The The new parish was established rapidly developing Nob Hill sec­ Denver will be tbe site for a bouse of studies of tbe Tbeatine Fathers (Congregation the first time in the new Di­ in June, 1950, to meet the grow­ vine Redeemer church, Colo­ tion o j Colorado Springs is the ing population of Colorado of Clerics Regular), tbe first in tbe United States, according to an anouncement made this site of the parish. Springs. It was the second congre­ week by tbe Rev. John Ordinas, C.R., pastor of St. Cajetan’s parish. rado Springs, on Sunday, May Plant are almost completed gation established within two years The congregation has purchased a seven-acre plot of land at Mississippi avenue and 27, just a little less^than a for the dedication of the church in that area and is the sixth in the year after the parish was estab­ on Thursday, June 14, by Arch­ city. Father Theobald took over Birch street and will erect a building that will house approximately 50 students and lished,. the Rev. Duane Theobald, priests. The new building, now be­ bishop Urban J, Vehr. as pastor on July 6, 1950. Spain, two are in Rome, and two ica is carried on among the Span­ pastor, announces. ing planned by the architect, will Work on the building is nearly are pursuing courses at Regis ish-speaking. There is a novitiate provide quarters for members of completed. The pews have not the community studying at St. high school, Denver. When plans of the community in Antonito, yet been installed, but Mass will Thomas’ seminary, which is near­ for the house of studies mate­ and Theatine Fathers serve St. First Solemn Mass May 27 be offered in the new church Sun­ by, and will be used as a high rialize, students now studying Cajetan’s parish, Denver, which in­ school for young aspirants to the abroad will be brought to Den- cludes also Our Lady of Guada­ day regardless of whether the congregation. lupe church and Our Lady of Vic­ pews arrive. Father Theobald said. The altar in the church was de­ By Servite at Mt. Carmel Work on the house of studies tory chapel; Holy Family parish. The plans for the new Theatine signed and built by the Rev. Jo­ — John Goldsmith photo, Brighton will begin as soon as possible. Fa­ center in Denver point up the Fort Collins; and' Our Lady of seph Warnat of St. Therese’s The Rev. Raymond M. La- LaBate of 3834 Kalamath The Crucifixion group erected in the Catholic section ther Ordinas said. The building rapid gprowth of the Theatine con­ Guadalupe parish, Colorado Bate, O.S.M., a member of Our street, will return to Denver to will not be ready when the semi­ gregation in the past 25 years. At Springs, in the Denver archdiocese; shrine in Pueblo. Since the church of Elmwood cemetery, Brighton, to the memory of the pi­ is named for the Divine Redeemer, Lady of Mt. Carmel parish sing his First Solemn Mass Sun­ nary opens in September, he said, the turn of the 20th centpry and and parishes in Antonito, Capulin, day, May 27, at 10 o’clock in Mt. oneer members of S t Augiistine’s parish, will be dedicated but rooms for students of the The- until about 1915 the order had Durango, and San Luis in the he used the cross as the central and son of Mr, and Mrs. John theme of the striking and unusual Carmel church. Father LaBate was Memorial day, May 30. The' altar and the large crucifix are atine community will be available but one center, in Spainn Now there Pueblo diocese. The Very Rev. Afl- ordained -M ay 20 by^ Auxiliary made of-^old Springs RaMJtrw granite, which is highly pol- at St. Cajetan’s rectory if it is de­ are three centers in that country. Hiony Barcelo, C.R., of Colorado altar. The church is being erected at Bishop Bernard Sheil ii( St, An­ ishedj When the monument IS cided to start the program then. There is an Italian province, Lhe Springs is Provincial. drew’s church, Chic«ft»,JU. completed there will be statues of eign Wars will assist Coadju­ At present there are 10 from quasi-province in the United In Mexico City there are four The ministers fofThei^MkM-will the Blessed Virgin and St. John. tor Bishop Hubert'M. Newell of Colorado studying for tbe Thea- States, from which work in Mex­ parishes served by the Theatines: Fr. CQlIqlian to Offer be: Assistant priest,\th'd 'Very Rev,I The statues are being carved in Cheyenne when he blesses the tine community. Six are in ico is carried on; and a recently St. Cajetan’s in the Linda Vista Gaetano M. DelBrusco;iQ.S.M.;'rec- Italy of Italian Carrara marble.
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