7560 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE SEPTEMBER 29 Mr. PITTENGER. And the gentleman 1941, at 10 o'clock a. rn. on H. R. 5336, other purposes; to the Committee on Banking supported the motion to include that in Fa.rm Credit Act. and Currency. By Mr. KOCIALKOWSKI: the omnibus rivers and. harbors bill? COMMITTEE ON RIVERS AND HARBORS Mr. VOORHIS of California. Yes. H. R. 5722. A bill to amend section 19 (a) Mr. PITTENGER. And the gentleman The Committee on Rivers and Harbors of the Philippine Independence Act of March will meet on Tuesday, September 30, 1941, 24, 1934, as amended by the act of August 7, did that because of his belief that the 1939, and to amend the act approved June projects in that bill will contribute to at 10:30 o'clock a. rn., to begin hearings 19, 1934, so as to authorize certain sugar the general welfare of all the people of on the project for the improvement of the excise-tax funds and othe1 funds to be used the United States? Beaver and Mahoning Rivers, Pennsyl­ for military and naval defense purposes in Mr. VOORHIS of California. That is vania and Ohio. the Philippine Islands; to the Committee on true, and I was informed by every person Insular Affairs. who carne there from any national-de­ EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. fense agency to testify that this move Under clause 2 of rule XXIV, executive PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS was very, very important at this time. communications were taken from the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private [Here the gavel fell.] Speaker's table and referred as follows: bills and resolutions were introduced and EXTENSION OF REMARKS 948. A letter from the President, Board of severally referred as follows: Mr. CANNON of Missouri. Mr. Speak­ Commissioners, District of Columbia, trans­ By Mr. HENDRICKS: er, I ask unanimous consent to extend my mitting a draft of a proposed bill to authorize H. R. 5723. A bill for the relief of Anna remarks in the RECORD by printing there­ the Commissioners of the District of Colum­ Danielson and Betty Tiedeman; to the Com­ bia to acquire, operate, and regulate public mittee on Claims. in a statement from the Treasury De­ off-street parking facilities, and for other pur­ By Mr. SMITH of Ohio: partment on the total receipts and ex­ poses; to the Committee on the District of H. R. 5724. A bill granting a pension to penditures and the public debt, and also Columbia. Marjorie Johnson; to the Committee on I ask unanimous consent to include the 949. A letter from the Secretary of war, Pensions. same statement from month to month as transmitting a draft of a bill to amend sec­ it becomes available following the custom tion 602 (m) of the National Service Life PETITIONS, ETC. I.nsurance Act of 1940 (Public, No. 8C1, 76th heretofore followed by the chairman of Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions the Committee on Appropriations, from Cong.) to provide for a person in the military service to secure insurance, effective as of and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk the first of the year. date of application, by payment of the first and referred as follows: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there premium within 30 days thereof; to the Com­ objection to the request of the gentleman 1837. By Mr. LAMBERTSON: Petition of mittee on Ways and Means. Sabra M. Kuhn and 99 other citiZens of from Missouri? Soldier Valley community in Kansas, re­ There was no objection. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUBLIC questing a just and adequate old-age pension Mr. HOOK. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS system, urging that a uniform sy:o.tem in all imous consent to extend my remarks in the States would constitute our first line of the RECORD by including a resolution to Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of defense; to the Committee on Ways and petition the Federal Reserve Board to give committees were delivered to the Clerk Means. labor a voice in its regulation of consumer for printing and reference to the proper 1838. By Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts: credits. calendar, as follows: Petition of various citizens of Lexington, Ma:os., urging the enactment of Senate bill The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Mr. MAY: Committee of conference on the 860; to the Committee on Military Affairs. objection to the request of the gentleman disagreeing votes of the two Houses. S. 1579. 1839. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the from Michigan? An act to authorize the President of the National Association of Coroners, Milwaukee, There was no objection. United States to requisition property re­ Wis., petitioning consideration of their reso­ Mr. WHITE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ quired for the defense of the United States lution with reference to drugs to be included imous consent to extend my remarks in (Rept. No. 1214). Referred to the Committee with the Harrison Narcotic Act; to the Com­ the RECORD and to include therein a state­ of the Whole House on the state of the Union. mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 1840. Also, petition of J. C. Pennington, ment entitled "Food to Small Democra­ Lake Wales, Fla., petitioning consideration cies." PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS of their resolution with reference to Senate The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Under clause 3 of tule xxn, public bill 860, relative to liquor and commercialized objection to the request of the gentleman bills and resolutions were introduced and vice affecting the men in the Army and from Idaho? Navy; to the Committee on Military Affairs. There was no objection. severally referred as follows: By Mr. MARTIN J KENNEDY: ADJOURNMENT H. R. 5716. A bill to rept>.al the Hatch Politi­ Ml·. MAGNUSON. Mr. Speaker, I cal Activities Act, as amend~d; to the Com­ SENATE mittee on the .Judiciary. move that the House do now adjourn. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1941 The motion was agreed to; accordingly By Mr. BLAND: H. R. 5717. A bill to extend the time within The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phil­ <at 1 o'clock and 51 minutes p. m.) the which taxpayers shall be allowed a credit House adjourned to meet, in accordance against certain .taxes imt:osed by the Social lips, D. D., offered the following prayer: with its previous order, on Monday, Sep­ Security Act and the Federal Unemployment 0 Thou who art infinite in power, tember 29, 1941, at 12 o'clock noon. Tax Act for contributions paid into unem­ transcendent in holiness, whose match­ ployment funds under State laws, and for less love doth penetrate the silent depths other purposes; to the Committee on Ways COMMITI'EE HEARINGS and Means. of our own lives, where none save Thee COMMITTEE ON THE MERCHANT MARINE AND By Mr. HILL of Washington: can follow us: Help us to realize that in FISHERIES H. R. 5718. A bill conf~>rring jurisdiction this place of secret fellowship our souls upon the United States Court of Claims to cast ofi their artificiality while' its deep The Committee on the Merchant Ma­ hear, examine, adjudicatC>, and render final and tender quietude lays bare the oft rine and Fisheries will hold public hear­ judgment on any and all claims which the concealed equivocation, the latent apos­ ings on the following dates at 10 o'clock Yakima Indian Trib.es may have against the tasy of each rebellious thought. a. rn. to consider the following bills: United States, ar.d ·for other purposes; to the Into this abode of secret fellowship Tuesday, September 30, 1941: Committee on Indian Affairs. with Thee the Master oft-times went, nor H. R. 5446, to establish a system of unem­ By Mr. ROBINSON of Utah: ployment insurance for the maritime indus­ H. R. 5719. A bill to abolish the Guilford remained there overlong, choosing rather try and for other purposes. Courthouse National Military Park Commis­ to live and work among men than to Tuesday, October 14, 1941: sion, and for other purpcses; to the Commit­ abide on the heights of contemplation; H. R. 3254, to safeguard and protect further tee on the Public Lands. and if a crisis :find us unready and in­ the lives of fishermen at sea and to place fish­ H. R. 5720. A bill to add certain public land adequate to its great demands because of ing boats under the supervision of the Depart­ to the Uintah and Ouray Reservation in Utah, our neglect of Thee, restore to us, we ment of Commerce, Bureau of Marine Inspec­ to establish a grazing unit within Utah graz­ beseech Thee, in these moments of our tion and Navigation, and for other purposes. ing district No. 8, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Public Lands. prayer the consciousness of Thine in­ COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE By Mr. STEAGALL: dwelling in the heart of every one of us. The Committee on Agriculture will H. R. 5721. A bill to amend the United And do Thou send us forth armed hold hearings on Tuesday, September 30, States Housing Act, as amended, and for with the courage to declare that right- 1941 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 7561 eousness and truth must needs prevail, PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS least giving the impression that oleo has for in· the Master's eyes of flame no fervor Petitions, etc., were laid before the the same food value as butter. I do not of cloistered devotion can atone for the Senate or presented and referred as indi­ believe such propaganda is a legitimate refusal to bear the Cross in the realm of cated: function of the Department of Agricul­ public duty.
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